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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Heh Sephiroth having a soft spot for Pichu.. rare thing.
Aww, that's cute! Pikachu is pals with Sam while Seph is pals with Pichu. What a coincidence XD
Dhskdhdk I will always love how the two most popular dyanimics for Pichu are him with Sephiroth and Ridley, there’s just something about that funky rat that can melt the hearts of the most evil villains ♥️ ⚡
Dhskdhdk I will always love how the two most popular dyanimics for Pichu are him with Sephiroth and Ridley, there’s just something about that funky rat that can melt the hearts of the most evil villains ♥️ ⚡
Right? We should have them meet I’m down
Dhskdhdk I will always love how the two most popular dyanimics for Pichu are him with Sephiroth and Ridley, there’s just something about that funky rat that can melt the hearts of the most evil villains ♥️ ⚡
I've seen a ton of Pichu and Dark Pit, though not as much as Pichu and Sephiroth.
Pikachu and Pichu's reunion will probably be the most touching one in the RP! Pikachu immediately takes Pichu's face in her paws and starts grooming his fur with her tongue, much to Pichu's displeasure!
Oh! And off topic but you know the rp opening Ive been working on? Well, after months of hard work I’ve finally completed it!

If the vids not loading then click the little icon on the top right, it’ll create a new tab with a watchable version

And happy April Fools
Oh! And off topic but you know the rp opening Ive been working on? Well, after months of hard work I’ve finally completed it!

If the vids not loading then click the little icon on the top right, it’ll create a new tab with a watchable version

And happy April Fools

Happy April Fools lmfao! But no lie what was made was actually really good no lie
Quick update, I'm having a military company moving in on Sephiroth, but not to engage him. Do I need to wait for either of you guys to post first? SheepKing SheepKing Ploegy Ploegy
I think it should wait until at least Sheep has time to post for Isabelle since they said they were gonna aim for one this week
Oh! And off topic but you know the rp opening Ive been working on? Well, after months of hard work I’ve finally completed it!

If the vids not loading then click the little icon on the top right, it’ll create a new tab with a watchable version

And happy April Fools

LOL you got me!

Still amazing, though! I love your design for Odessa!

I really need to make art for my other villains.
So given I'm feeling pretty good today and I've managed to catch up on other rps faster than I anticipated, I'll probably have a Shulk post up today. Sometimes I surprise myself with how quickly I pull myself from the gutter but honestly being able to eat so much good food yesterday for Easter energized me LOL
Oh! And off topic but you know the rp opening Ive been working on? Well, after months of hard work I’ve finally completed it!

If the vids not loading then click the little icon on the top right, it’ll create a new tab with a watchable version

And happy April Fools

That’s amazing! Great job!
lol I’ll see if I can eventually make that happen, though for now he gets to spend his time with another small yellow creature! (I’ll try to get an Isabelle post up this week 😅)
This is where Sora's magic goes mad crazy and some how a simple aero spell blasts him, Pichu and Luke across like the entire map to end up with Pichu seeing Sephiroth and Sora and Roxas having their first real encounter /j
This is where Sora's magic goes mad crazy and some how a simple aero spell blasts him, Pichu and Luke across like the entire map to end up with Pichu seeing Sephiroth and Sora and Roxas having their first real encounter /j
👀 -takes notes-
Unrelated by the thought of a LoZ x FE crossover hadn't left my mind, so I found this:
Zelda(gard) (aka, Zelda's Wardress(aka, Zelda handling her business) 💯)
That’s amazing! Great job!
Happy April Fools lmfao! But no lie what was made was actually really good no lie
fhsjfhfjdgfj I’m glad it was an April Fools success! lol for something that’s supposed to be a simple gag I probably put in way more effort than I really should have but at least whenever I do decide to actually finish the op I’ll have a good starting off point.

LOL you got me!

Still amazing, though! I love your design for Odessa!

I really need to make art for my other villains.
Aw thank you! This time I tried to really base Odessa’s design off of that lol animal crossing drawing you made of her 🐱

Unrelated by the thought of a LoZ x FE crossover hadn't left my mind, so I found this:
Zelda(gard) (aka, Zelda's Wardress(aka, Zelda handling her business) 💯)
lmao only Zelda could make wielding a giant ass axe look so regal and badass at the same time 🪓
Unrelated by the thought of a LoZ x FE crossover hadn't left my mind, so I found this:
Zelda(gard) (aka, Zelda's Wardress(aka, Zelda handling her business) 💯)
Zelda looks so amazing!
I'm tempted to start drawing again just to draw all the LOZ PCs in the Fire Emblem style, and vice versa!
fhsjfhfjdgfj I’m glad it was an April Fools success! lol for something that’s supposed to be a simple gag I probably put in way more effort than I really should have but at least whenever I do decide to actually finish the op I’ll have a good starting off point.
Whenever that does happen, I'll still be just as hyped to see it :>

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