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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Lmao looks like Sam would have her hands full- at least her cooking would be better than Palutena's-
I don't know why, but I can imagine Samus going the extra mile and cutting toast into cute shapes such as Pikachu heads for the Pits. Discipline comes in the form of not being allowed to tag along on missions! XD

I can picture a scene of Samus not doing so well in a fight. Pit, remembering that Samus now has the Metroid ability of absorbing energy, screams at her to feed from him as he has an infinite life force. She hesitates, but Pit fiercely insists, so she puts her hand onto his head and siphons energy from him. She's back in the fight! She might even get a divine-themed upgrade to her arsenal as well!
I don't know why, but I can imagine Samus going the extra mile and cutting toast into cute shapes such as Pikachu heads for the Pits. Discipline comes in the form of not being allowed to tag along on missions! XD

I can picture a scene of Samus not doing so well in a fight. Pit, remembering that Samus now has the Metroid ability of absorbing energy, screams at her to feed from him as he has an infinite life force. She hesitates, but Pit fiercely insists, so she puts her hand onto his head and siphons energy from him. She's back in the fight! She might even get a divine-themed upgrade to her arsenal as well!
XD I could also see Samus buying a "get along" shirt and forcing the Pits inside of it when they bicker too much.

That would be pretty cool! It'd be neat if/when Pit and Samus meet up they just become this unstoppable dream team :]
I don't know why, but I can imagine Samus going the extra mile and cutting toast into cute shapes such as Pikachu heads for the Pits. Discipline comes in the form of not being allowed to tag along on missions! XD

I can picture a scene of Samus not doing so well in a fight. Pit, remembering that Samus now has the Metroid ability of absorbing energy, screams at her to feed from him as he has an infinite life force. She hesitates, but Pit fiercely insists, so she puts her hand onto his head and siphons energy from him. She's back in the fight! She might even get a divine-themed upgrade to her arsenal as well!
I honestly find the idea sweet, given Samus' traume when it came to her losing her own family she was young and in such a visceral way, her pouring all her love into her new family just seems all the more endearing
I honestly find the idea sweet, given Samus' traume when it came to her losing her own family she was young and in such a visceral way, her pouring all her love into her new family just seems all the more endearing
Yeah same here I find it really sweet
If Cyan ever meets the Pits I see him acting in a fatherly way he lost his family in a horrifying way.
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I honestly find the idea sweet, given Samus' traume when it came to her losing her own family she was young and in such a visceral way, her pouring all her love into her new family just seems all the more endearing
True honestly. That's why I have her act the way she does towards the younger characters. It's just her subconscious making her see the kiddos as herself in a way, especially people such as Corrin (who's mother was killed right in front of her and died in her arms, and who's father was a deranged monster), Lucas (who's mother sacrificed herself to save him, his father who grew mad with grief over his wife's death and ended up in prison, and his brother who committed sewerslide in front of him), etc and etc. I guess solidarity, or maybe empathy, would be the best way to describe it. She gets the trauma that others feel when it comes to this topic, and she prefers to be a sort of older-sister figure that she wished she could have had when she was a little girl rather than just grow that cold, distant heart that other people with her trauma have. It's not that she's a softie, she isn't, she just shows a touch more compassion than people such as Cloud, ya know?
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True honestly. That's why I have her act the way she does towards the younger characters. It's just her subconscious making her see the kiddos as herself in a way, especially people such as Corrin (who's mother was killed right in front of her and died in her arms, and who's father was a deranged monster), Lucas (who's mother sacrificed herself to save him, his father who grew mad with grief over his wife's death and ended up in prison, and his brother who committed sewerslide in front of him), etc and etc. I guess solidarity would be the best way to describe it. She gets the trauma that others feel when it comes to this topic, and she prefers to be a sort of older-sister figure that she wished she could have has when she was a little girl rather than just grow that cold, distant heart that other people with her trauma have. It's not that she's a softie, she isn't, she just shows a touch more compassion than people such as Cloud, ya know?
I feel Cyan would relate the most to Samus he lost his family because of Gestahl’s orders of genocide. He is likely join in solidarity with her
XD I could also see Samus buying a "get along" shirt and forcing the Pits inside of it when they bicker too much.

That would be pretty cool! It'd be neat if/when Pit and Samus meet up they just become this unstoppable dream team :]
Samus: Pit! Are you alright?

Pit: (*gives Samus a thumbs-up while lying on the ground*) I'm alright, Samus! Get Ridley!

I would absolutely LOVE a Metroid/Kid Icarus crossover!

-The game takes place before Uprising and Dread.

-Samus is called to investigate the appearance of strange structures in some corner of space. There are rumors that the Space Pirates have been experimenting with dimensional travel, and this may have something to do with it.

-Samus shows up to the floating ruins. They appear ancient, and are Greco-Roman in design. She gets her upgrades stolen by Plutons!

-After some exploration, she finds a ruined and abandoned laboratory, and Pit trapped within as a test specimen. She frees him and they join forces.

-When the Space Pirates opened a portal between dimensions, Pit and his Centurions, who were on patrol, were caught in the distortion. The Space Pirates took them captive. Pit lost the Three Sacred Treasures, and his Centurions are trapped in prisons around the ruins.

-Samus has to regain her upgrades by tracking down Plutons and finding Chozo statues. Pit has to get his upgrades by finding altars, or finding Training Rooms and beating them. He also needs his laurel crown as he cannot communicate effectively with Palutena without them. They rescue Centurions on the way, and they help with boss fights.

-The Space Pirates have been doing genetic experimentations and altering themselves with angel DNA taken from Pit. Their mutations show it. It's eventually revealed that they've gone crazy with visions of a divine green-haired woman (Guess who?), and have formed a cult.

-Gameplay is similar to classic Metroid and Kid Icarus, but with a co-op feature similar to Kirby Super Star. In single player mode, the player can switch between Samus and Pit freely. Samus can go into Morph Ball form to enter tight places, can survive underwater upon getting an upgrade, and has bombs to destroy obstacles. Pit can enter areas with extreme temperatures earlier than Samus as she'd need to get suit upgrades, and maybe there are rooms that lock upon detecting Metroid DNA, which prevents Samus from entering. Having two free arms, Pit is also capable of grappling when grabbed by an enemy as there could be a mechanic similar to the EMMI from Dread. He has an easier time escaping those enemies than Samus. Pit has to rely on mallets to remove obstacles, but they aren't as destructive in a wide range as Samus's arsenal is. Pit also gets access to Fire and Light Arrow upgrades which may help him handle some enemies better than Samus can (And there are other enemies that Samus is better suited for dealing with). Besides that, they play about the same.

-While one character is active, the other may occasionally appear in the background, fighting enemies, exploring the environment, and so on. Imagine playing as Samus, finding a hot spring room, and Pit is just chilling in it while she runs by!

-Shops can be used to buy supplies. When playing as Samus, there is a small chance of Pit showing up in the background and haggling with the shop keeper. When this happens, items are discounted. If hit by the Eggplant Curse, Pit and Samus will have to find a Hospital.

-As typical with Metroid games, there is a self-destruct timed sequence at the end. Just as everything is about to blow up, Pit finds his laurel crown and Palutena retrieves both Pit and Samus in a literal deus ex machina!
True honestly. That's why I have her act the way she does towards the younger characters. It's just her subconscious making her see the kiddos as herself in a way, especially people such as Corrin (who's mother was killed right in front of her and died in her arms, and who's father was a deranged monster), Lucas (who's mother sacrificed herself to save him, his father who grew mad with grief over his wife's death and ended up in prison, and his brother who committed sewerslide in front of him), etc and etc. I guess solidarity, or maybe empathy, would be the best way to describe it. She gets the trauma that others feel when it comes to this topic, and she prefers to be a sort of older-sister figure that she wished she could have had when she was a little girl rather than just grow that cold, distant heart that other people with her trauma have. It's not that she's a softie, she isn't, she just shows a touch more compassion than people such as Cloud, ya know?
Samus has also been portrayed in games and manga as being very kind-hearted and protective toward children and animals.

Let's not forget the Baby Metroid as well!
Samus: Pit! Are you alright?

Pit: (*gives Samus a thumbs-up while lying on the ground*) I'm alright, Samus! Get Ridley!

I would absolutely LOVE a Metroid/Kid Icarus crossover!

-The game takes place before Uprising and Dread.

-Samus is called to investigate the appearance of strange structures in some corner of space. There are rumors that the Space Pirates have been experimenting with dimensional travel, and this may have something to do with it.

-Samus shows up to the floating ruins. They appear ancient, and are Greco-Roman in design. She gets her upgrades stolen by Plutons!

-After some exploration, she finds a ruined and abandoned laboratory, and Pit trapped within as a test specimen. She frees him and they join forces.

-When the Space Pirates opened a portal between dimensions, Pit and his Centurions, who were on patrol, were caught in the distortion. The Space Pirates took them captive. Pit lost the Three Sacred Treasures, and his Centurions are trapped in prisons around the ruins.

-Samus has to regain her upgrades by tracking down Plutons and finding Chozo statues. Pit has to get his upgrades by finding altars, or finding Training Rooms and beating them. He also needs his laurel crown as he cannot communicate effectively with Palutena without them. They rescue Centurions on the way, and they help with boss fights.

-The Space Pirates have been doing genetic experimentations and altering themselves with angel DNA taken from Pit. Their mutations show it. It's eventually revealed that they've gone crazy with visions of a divine green-haired woman (Guess who?), and have formed a cult.

-Gameplay is similar to classic Metroid and Kid Icarus, but with a co-op feature similar to Kirby Super Star. In single player mode, the player can switch between Samus and Pit freely. Samus can go into Morph Ball form to enter tight places, can survive underwater upon getting an upgrade, and has bombs to destroy obstacles. Pit can enter areas with extreme temperatures earlier than Samus as she'd need to get suit upgrades, and maybe there are rooms that lock upon detecting Metroid DNA, which prevents Samus from entering. Having two free arms, Pit is also capable of grappling when grabbed by an enemy as there could be a mechanic similar to the EMMI from Dread. He has an easier time escaping those enemies than Samus. Pit has to rely on mallets to remove obstacles, but they aren't as destructive in a wide range as Samus's arsenal is. Pit also gets access to Fire and Light Arrow upgrades which may help him handle some enemies better than Samus can (And there are other enemies that Samus is better suited for dealing with). Besides that, they play about the same.

-While one character is active, the other may occasionally appear in the background, fighting enemies, exploring the environment, and so on. Imagine playing as Samus, finding a hot spring room, and Pit is just chilling in it while she runs by!

-Shops can be used to buy supplies. When playing as Samus, there is a small chance of Pit showing up in the background and haggling with the shop keeper. When this happens, items are discounted. If hit by the Eggplant Curse, Pit and Samus will have to find a Hospital.

-As typical with Metroid games, there is a self-destruct timed sequence at the end. Just as everything is about to blow up, Pit finds his laurel crown and Palutena retrieves both Pit and Samus in a literal deus ex machina!
A Kid Icarus x Metroid game sounds like a lot of fun! The ideas that you and your friends wrote sound really cool. It'd be really nice if Nintendo made more cameo/mashup games other than Smash Bros, the Mario and Sonic Olympic Games or Mario Kart. Like, my friends and I have always talked about how a Fire Emblem x Legend of Zelda game would be sick, and yet again Pit and Samus' would-be adventure is a perfect example of how a mashup of two games would be awesome. But alas, it'll probably never happen QwQ
I see mentions of crossover/mashups and I just wanna say the weirdest/funniest crossover Nintendo has done is Fire Emblem-Persona/Shin Megami Tensei. That game was something. And if you don't know what I'm referring to I offer Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
A Kid Icarus x Metroid game sounds like a lot of fun! The ideas that you and your friends wrote sound really cool. It'd be really nice if Nintendo made more cameo/mashup games other than Smash Bros, the Mario and Sonic Olympic Games or Mario Kart. Like, my friends and I have always talked about how a Fire Emblem x Legend of Zelda game would be sick, and yet again Pit and Samus' would-be adventure is a perfect example of how a mashup of two games would be awesome. But alas, it'll probably never happen QwQ
Likely not ;~;

Kid Icarus x Metroid wouldn't be very hard to make as the original Kid Icarus used Metroid's game engine, and Kid Icarus was pretty much Metroid with RPG elements. Dread shows that this style of gameplay can be modernized.

I also had a cute idea of Samus and Pit's idle animations during co-op, one being Samus petting Pit on the head while he protests, and another of Pit pointing at himself while there is a speech bubble depicting Samus's helmet, indicating that Pit is asking Samus if he could try it on.

Slightly off topic, but I've been waiting for an opportunity to make that stupid Cloud joke in the RP forever! I suddenly realized today that I can finally make that dumb joke, so went with it lol
I see mentions of crossover/mashups and I just wanna say the weirdest/funniest crossover Nintendo has done is Fire Emblem-Persona/Shin Megami Tensei. That game was something. And if you don't know what I'm referring to I offer Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
Oh yea, i remember that game. Never played it but I found it pretty unique ngl. Can't say it was bad or good, but it was interesting as hell for sure lol
Oh yea, i remember that game. Never played it but I found it pretty unique ngl. Can't say it was bad or good, but it was interesting as hell for sure lol
It is unique but very weird concept. Like it's got a whole idol thing going on and the "personas" are Fire Emblem characters. It's not particularly good, but it isn't bad. Kinda just there. DW when they ported it to Switch they made sure to bank of Joker's popularity and gave the protag a costume based on him LOL
Is that where Faia Emburem: The Musical came from? XD

It is. That game gave the world this masterpiece LOL

Funny thing is IS basically took the whole "Persona" concept and now we have Engage
I see mentions of crossover/mashups and I just wanna say the weirdest/funniest crossover Nintendo has done is Fire Emblem-Persona/Shin Megami Tensei. That game was something. And if you don't know what I'm referring to I offer Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
OMG I've heard of that game before! I've never heard of anyone that I know of play it though lol
Likely not ;~;

Kid Icarus x Metroid wouldn't be very hard to make as the original Kid Icarus used Metroid's game engine, and Kid Icarus was pretty much Metroid with RPG elements. Dread shows that this style of gameplay can be modernized.

I also had a cute idea of Samus and Pit's idle animations during co-op, one being Samus petting Pit on the head while he protests, and another of Pit pointing at himself while there is a speech bubble depicting Samus's helmet, indicating that Pit is asking Samus if he could try it on.

Slightly off topic, but I've been waiting for an opportunity to make that stupid Cloud joke in the RP forever! I suddenly realized today that I can finally make that dumb joke, so went with it lol
Womp womp :']

Even reading just the plot and simple mechanics for the hypothetical game, I can tell that it would be pretty easy to make. It would be a nice fan-made game...if only we had a bunch of people with the talent to do so!

Awww, those sound really cute! Maybe the little loading screen animation, ya know, the ones in the corner that some games have, could have Pit actually testing out Samus' helmet in reference to the idle animation.
Is that where Faia Emburem: The Musical came from? XD

I mean- at least Marth has a lovely singing voice XD
I've seen this scene clowned wayyyyy too much online lmfao
Oh yea, i remember that game. Never played it but I found it pretty unique ngl. Can't say it was bad or good, but it was interesting as hell for sure lol
Speaking of which, isn't one of the characters from that came a Spirit in Ultimate? Tsubasa I think her name is.
Speaking of which, isn't one of the characters from that came a Spirit in Ultimate? Tsubasa I think her name is.
Tsubasa is correct. I believe she is a spirit, but I honestly cannot remember every spirit so I may be wrong? Itsuki might be one as well but again do not quote me on that
I seriously considered doing a NES Kid Icarus pacifist run, because I'm a mad lass, but after a few attempts I realized it is impossible unless I exploit glitches to get around some areas in the fortress levels. And I haven't been able to duplicate those glitches. :C
Tsubasa is correct. I believe she is a spirit, but I honestly cannot remember every spirit so I may be wrong? Itsuki might be one as well but again do not quote me on that
I don't think he is from what I'm reading off of the SMT wiki. BUT he does have a Joker costume (the resemblance is uncanny 😏)
To throw another crossover in the mix which was actually super enjoyable imo, Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle was actually super fun and unique. I was never a huge fan of the rabbids but they weren't horrid in that game I still need to play the sequel but I was sad cuz they cut my boy Yoshi from the roster

But also like Mirage Sessions, M+R gave some silly songs and this one threw me for a hard loop when I came to this boss fight
To throw another crossover in the mix which was actually super enjoyable imo, Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle was actually super fun and unique. I was never a huge fan of the rabbids but they weren't horrid in that game I still need to play the sequel but I was sad cuz they cut my boy Yoshi from the roster

But also like Mirage Sessions, M+R gave some silly songs and this one threw me for a hard loop when I came to this boss fight

Still has to be one of the most bizarre ideas for a crossover that somehow surprising works! Me personaly, i always did love the Rabbids, they're like the Minions but 20% more funny and 20% less annoying lol. I honestly thought about roleplay as them as sort of background gags across different areas in the Smash Realm
To throw another crossover in the mix which was actually super enjoyable imo, Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle was actually super fun and unique. I was never a huge fan of the rabbids but they weren't horrid in that game I still need to play the sequel but I was sad cuz they cut my boy Yoshi from the roster

But also like Mirage Sessions, M+R gave some silly songs and this one threw me for a hard loop when I came to this boss fight

Never played M+R, but heard good things. I'm glad Nintendo was able to make the Rabbids likeable as I've hated them before then.

Lol that Rabbid needs to have a duet with the Great Mighty Poo from Conker's Bad Fur Day!
(Language warning!)
Still has to be one of the most bizarre ideas for a crossover that somehow surprising works! Me personaly, i always did love the Rabbids, they're like the Minions but 20% more funny and 20% less annoying lol. I honestly thought about roleplay as them as sort of background gags across different areas in the Smash Realm
It is so bizarre then they added "guns" which made it even more wild. Was super fun though and I think it got hard slept on by a lot of people, which I get it, tactics games aren't everyone's cup of tea

Never played M+R, but heard good things. I'm glad Nintendo was able to make the Rabbids likeable as I've hated them before then.

Lol that Rabbid needs to have a duet with the Great Mighty Poo from Conker's Bad Fur Day!
(Language warning!)

Oh god Great Mighty Poo jumpscare LOL. Been awhile since I've been reminded of the existence of this. But honestly, true. Need a duet between them

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