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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Ploegy Ploegy

The entrapment bubble, if you choose to have Pyra be caught by it, fills with water. Between Aquamentus, the bubble trap, and Pit, don't feel you have to address all three events; I wanted to give you options.
Ploegy Ploegy

The entrapment bubble, if you choose to have Pyra be caught by it, fills with water. Between Aquamentus, the bubble trap, and Pit, don't feel you have to address all three events; I wanted to give you options.
Knowing me, I'll probably try and address everything lol. We will see though. I first need to get into a proper headspace to have a coherent thought yay stress and lack of sleep destroying my poor brain rn
lol this is very very off topic but I got bored and decided it’d be neat to doodle what my characters might have looked like when they were a bunch of lil dopey kiddos 👶

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lol this is very very off topic but I got bored and decided it’d be neat to doodle what my characters might have looked like when they were a bunch of lil dopey kiddos 👶

Precious babies! I want to scoop them all up and squeeze them! Except for Pichu; that might break the egg!

Lol while you were drawing babies, I was drawing Adult Dark Pit for the hypothetical AU
I wanted the design to be harmonious with ALttP Zelda's design.
Daaaawww, they're so adorable~♥️♥️♥️
Aw thank you! They’re all a bunch of silly goobers lmao

Precious babies! I want to scoop them all up and squeeze them! Except for Pichu; that might break the egg!

Lol while you were drawing babies, I was drawing Adult Dark Pit for the hypothetical AU
I wanted the design to be harmonious with ALttP Zelda's design.
View attachment 1145116View attachment 1145117
Lmao we really did draw total opposite ideas. BUT HOLY SHIT HE LOOKS SO FRIGGIN AMAZING!!! 🤩🤩🤩🤩
Aw thank you! They’re all a bunch of silly goobers lmao

Lmao we really did draw total opposite ideas. BUT HOLY SHIT HE LOOKS SO FRIGGIN AMAZING!!! 🤩🤩🤩🤩
Thanks a lot! Woefully unfinished, but it got very late and my arm started cramping. D:

Lol now I'm picturing Adult Pittoo having to take care of Baby Zelda after the latter had a confrontation with a mischievous Wizzrobe.

Meanwhile, I can see Puppy Isabelle standing by her parents' bed and making those high-pitched puppy whines.

I still can't help but wonder if baby Inklings getting stuck to things is a common problem!

Imagine a younger Pikachu snuggling with Pichu's egg, eagerly waiting for her little brother to be born! X3
Heyo everyone! Happy late Valentines day and stuff, sorry I took longer than necessary to come back, but I have a stomach bug that has literally obliterated my weekend so that's nice-
That comic is SO CUTE!!!! (´,,•ω•,,)♡
Though I feel like this Corrin is probably from Sm4sh or from the early days of Ultimate. She has long since learned to respect the personal space of others, though maybe Corrin would have a very weak spot for cuties like Isabelle!

Lol, jaded Sheik is everything. The girl's been through too much, she's seventeen and she already has gray hairs-

Aww, poor OoT Zelda. Yknow, considering everything, she is probably the most influential Zelda and honestly, arguably the most courageous and amazing Zelda to ever exist. To train for so long, to devise such a clever alter-ego, and to guide Link so thoroughly, even though in one of the timelines, Link fell and she ended up defeating Ganon herself (with the help of the Sages), she's such an icon. Sooo to have her think of herself like that is so depressing.

I like to think that whenever Sheik is feeling down, Tetra gives aggressive pep-talks.
Tetra: "Come on, Grandma!! Don't let these losers get you down!! When life gives you lemons, throw them back at life and kick it in the ass!!!!!"
Meanwhile Corrin tries to cheer Sheik up by giving her the best trinkets in her hoard, to show how much she is valued, at least to her.

Yup! That's where I got the extra-cuddly Kamui headcanon from! (๑>◡<๑)
She just tries to give Marth headpats to up their bond, and Marth is so confused, meanwhile she's just like: "Doesn't it work like this in every FE game?"

Lol, Tetra's as wriggly as an eel, she's totally not wrangling her lmfao

Lol imagine Corrin brushing Sheik's hair only to pick out a gray hair and hold it up to show her. Poor girl's already aging XD

Yeah, it's just a boatload of guilt for her which pretty much started when she met ALTTP Zelda and realized she had accidentally split Hyrule's timeline.

Oh my god, that's so hilarious lmfao

Awwww duuuuude that's so adorable!
For some reason I can imagine Link really enjoying Corrin's headpats. I guess it's just the loyal dog vibes from him X3
Forevermore Forevermore @A Hazy Sort of Clarity

Feel free to have your PCs attempt to stop Pittoo leaving if it is in their character to do so, such as Samus catching up to him. I don't have a plot set aside for him that he absolutely must leave the group for; Dark Pit's just not the type to hang in a group for too long.
I'll start working on the posts I need to catch up on. Samus will join the group per your suggestion :>
Lmao now I'm thinking about Link eating a bug in their presence. Those three would be horrified XD
Link would argue that you gotta do what you gotta do to survive in the wilderness (while also having a wing sticking out of his mouth).
I think he would try and discreetly cook insects into his meals, and when people ask him the secret ingredient, he either pretends not to hear them or admits the ugly truth- there's bugs in his cuisine!
Lol Samus about to chew Dark Pit out!

Link would argue that you gotta do what you gotta do to survive in the wilderness (while also having a wing sticking out of his mouth).
I think he would try and discreetly cook insects into his meals, and when people ask him the secret ingredient, he either pretends not to hear them or admits the ugly truth- there's bugs in his cuisine!
Lol Twilight Princess Link can also eat bugs. He's not happy about it, though!

Now I'm imagining TP and BotW Link trying to convince Toon Link to try bugs.

T'ink: ... Oh well, Hakuna Matata! ... Slimy, yet satisfying...!

I don't know if they'd actually be successful in that though lol
Hiya everyone! Happy early Valentine's Day and whatnot! Sorry I've been gone (again) I hope to get back to writing sometime soon, just waiting on Darklord95 Darklord95 and Forevermore Forevermore I think ( ̄  ̄|||)

Understandable. Ever told me she'll be writing for Samus soon, sooooo yeah. She's going through some personal biz of her own, so she apologizes for that.

Also, top tier DP post. Tet got called out for being the goblin she is XD

Aww, cute! Looks like Corrin and Marth were the most lucky-in-love childrens of mine lol

--Min Min: She'd definitely have a soft spot for people from bad-ass, mystical pasts! I imagine her really liking the idea of a strong man/woman sweeping her off her feet, considering how rather ordinary she is compared to some of the other fighters. I can imagine her fantasizing about people such as Cloud or Mythra.
But then again, I also headcanon her having a sort of relationship that stands between boyfriend/girlfriend and best friends with Little Mac, so yeah (*^.^*)

--Agent 8: It's hard to say, I mean, he's young, and he's probably not the best with love. He'd probably just say Inkling is his valentine because he cares for and respects her a lot, and yeah. After all, platonic IS an option here.

--Tetra: She'd definitely think that Valentine's Day is a load of hooey, but here's her choices anyway. She's definitely going to say T'ink, because they're friends, and she totally won't be a tsundere about it. Buuuut then again, she also will have a secret crush on Marth, so um- yeah XD

--Marth: Marth would get awfully shy about valentines and stuff, but if he were open enough to express his heart's true desires, he'd say that the type of person he'd like is someone who is just, courageous, strong, and witty. Marth is the type of person who wants a TRUE second-half, not just someone who's pretty to look at. He would like someone who picks up the ball when he drops it, someone to lean on when he's weak, and vice versa. Thus, he would probably like girls like Rosalina, Zelda, Corrin, Pyra, and Sheik. He'd also find men such as Link, Roy, and Byleth appealing.

--Corrin: For Corrin, I'd definitely think that she'd want a deep connection with someone. Relationships mean a lot to her, whether romantic or platonic, so she would want someone she could love and trust fully. Corrin admires both vulnerability and strength in a person, someone who is willing to accept her for who she is and is willing to open up to allow her to love them as well, flaws and all. She would definitely want someone who is perseverant, brave, well-versed in battle, kind, and humble. Someone who is willing to give her 100% and wants her to reciprocate. I think Zelda, Marth, Link, Sheik, the Pits, Lucina, and Sora would be the best matches for her (o^ ^o)
Right. Who all do I need to reply with?
I did some research on the Greek alphabet and naming conventions just so I could spell Pit's name in Greek lol

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The Greek alphabet does have a character that is just like the English letter P but it makes an "R" sound.
Oh! I almost forgot but Happy Side Order release day! 🐙 🎨

If I disappear off the face of the earth it’s because I’m playing haha funny squid game
I’m free tonight so my plan is to post for Nurse Joy and the Jungle Group.

As it is still February, how about another Valentines Day inspired prompt? We’ve already discussed flirting and ideal dates and traits, but what small things would your characters do to show affection toward someone they are very fond of? This can be romantic or platonic.
I’m free tonight so my plan is to post for Nurse Joy and the Jungle Group.

As it is still February, how about another Valentines Day inspired prompt? We’ve already discussed flirting and ideal dates and traits, but what small things would your characters do to show affection toward someone they are very fond of? This can be romantic or platonic.
Paula takes Ness out for a baseball game with his favorite team then go out for pizza.
Seph is kind of hard for me I see just a typical guy’s night out with Genesis and Angeal.
I’m free tonight so my plan is to post for Nurse Joy and the Jungle Group.

As it is still February, how about another Valentines Day inspired prompt? We’ve already discussed flirting and ideal dates and traits, but what small things would your characters do to show affection toward someone they are very fond of? This can be romantic or platonic.
Platonically: Captain Falcon is just the type to show up out of no and start expressing his respect for someone. Like your mom or dad just randomly telling you how proud they are of you despite you just chilling at the moment lol. Just one day, he just wants to do something nice for his friends out of the blue just to show his appreciation, like taking them out to eat or getting them a gift

Romantically: Captain Falcon would be the type to sing a serenade outside your door or spell out a love message on your front lawn lol
Let me know if the post for the Jungle Group isn't enough for a decent reply, and I'll add more. 👍

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