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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

I’d definitely be a Bug-type trainer. I think they have some of the greatest designs, and I keep bugs as pets. And I’d have a Totodile because I also keep reptiles and I live in Florida XD

Hnggggg I’m split on if I’d be a fairy or water type trainer, I love both types way too much to just pick one!
As much as I adore Snorlax, I would think owning one would be very expensive what with its huge appetite, and you'd need a big space for it if you want to keep it out of its pokeball.

He stayed like that while sliding over to the food crate XD

I'm gonna aim to get a Pyra post out some time in the next few days hopefully, probably Monday or Tuesday! Then I'll plot/write for Joker after that
Hiya everyone! Happy early Valentine's Day and whatnot! Sorry I've been gone (again) I hope to get back to writing sometime soon, just waiting on Darklord95 Darklord95 and Forevermore Forevermore I think ( ̄  ̄|||)
Forevermore Forevermore A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity

Feel free to have your PCs attempt to stop Pittoo leaving if it is in their character to do so, such as Samus catching up to him. I don't have a plot set aside for him that he absolutely must leave the group for; Dark Pit's just not the type to hang in a group for too long.
Understandable. Ever told me she'll be writing for Samus soon, sooooo yeah. She's going through some personal biz of her own, so she apologizes for that.

Also, top tier DP post. Tet got called out for being the goblin she is XD
Since it’s officially the month of February I figured I could pose a cute valentines themed character prompt for yall! 😘

The prompt: Your character is asked to describe the traits they’d want in their ideal romantic (or platonic if you prefer that) partner. What sort of person do you think they’d describe? Do they have pretty high expectations or are they not too picky about it? Lmao and as a fun bonus, based solely on the characteristics your character identified, which fighters(s) in the roster would be on paper the most ideal partner for them? Whether or not they’d actually work together is beside the point 🤭
Aww, cute! Looks like Corrin and Marth were the most lucky-in-love childrens of mine lol

--Min Min: She'd definitely have a soft spot for people from bad-ass, mystical pasts! I imagine her really liking the idea of a strong man/woman sweeping her off her feet, considering how rather ordinary she is compared to some of the other fighters. I can imagine her fantasizing about people such as Cloud or Mythra.
But then again, I also headcanon her having a sort of relationship that stands between boyfriend/girlfriend and best friends with Little Mac, so yeah (*^.^*)

--Agent 8: It's hard to say, I mean, he's young, and he's probably not the best with love. He'd probably just say Inkling is his valentine because he cares for and respects her a lot, and yeah. After all, platonic IS an option here.

--Tetra: She'd definitely think that Valentine's Day is a load of hooey, but here's her choices anyway. She's definitely going to say T'ink, because they're friends, and she totally won't be a tsundere about it. Buuuut then again, she also will have a secret crush on Marth, so um- yeah XD

--Marth: Marth would get awfully shy about valentines and stuff, but if he were open enough to express his heart's true desires, he'd say that the type of person he'd like is someone who is just, courageous, strong, and witty. Marth is the type of person who wants a TRUE second-half, not just someone who's pretty to look at. He would like someone who picks up the ball when he drops it, someone to lean on when he's weak, and vice versa. Thus, he would probably like girls like Rosalina, Zelda, Corrin, Pyra, and Sheik. He'd also find men such as Link, Roy, and Byleth appealing.

--Corrin: For Corrin, I'd definitely think that she'd want a deep connection with someone. Relationships mean a lot to her, whether romantic or platonic, so she would want someone she could love and trust fully. Corrin admires both vulnerability and strength in a person, someone who is willing to accept her for who she is and is willing to open up to allow her to love them as well, flaws and all. She would definitely want someone who is perseverant, brave, well-versed in battle, kind, and humble. Someone who is willing to give her 100% and wants her to reciprocate. I think Zelda, Marth, Link, Sheik, the Pits, Lucina, and Sora would be the best matches for her (o^ ^o)
Sorry for posting again but I just saw this prompt as I was skimming through the conversations here and I couldn't resist:
A Valentines Day-inspired prompt:

Imagine your characters are in a game with a Friendship/Romance mechanic similar to Harvest Moon or Stardew Valley where you as the player can give gifts such as flowers, seashells, or a specific food item, to raise their disposition toward you. What kind of gifts do you think your characters would Hate, Like, or Love?
--Min Min:
She'd love any type of foodstuffs or cooking equipment, as well as cookbooks, training gear, and athletic wear. She also likes hats!
She dislikes any type of "generic" gift, like, ones that you would be able to get for anyone at a dollar store.

--Agent 8:
He's obviously going to be interested in memcakes and other small collectibles. Maybe action figures. He'd also like music and merchandise for the Squid Sisters and Off the Hook. New weapons to be used on the battlefield won't be frowned upon either.
It's hard to say what he'd dislike, you'll have to come back to me on that one cuz I'm blanking rn (#><) all I can think right now is blenders and telephones!!!!

I think Tetra would really enjoy (to nobody's surprise), treasure! Anything valuable would tickle her fancy. I think she'd also like seashells.
She would abhor flowers, perfume, anything girly.

He wouldn't be too picky about his gifts, but I'm sure good literature, some sweets, or even a few flowers would make him smile.
I don't think Marth would enjoy anything typical when it comes to gifts for a king. Fancy clothes, expensive wine, more riches, it wouldn't be as nice to him.

We already discussed that Corrin adores trinket-type things, but to be honest, almost any gift would be enough for her. Even a simple card would make her day. But I think jewelry, books on prose and poetry, perhaps even a song written just for her would make her absolutely joyful.
The only thing I can say for sure she would hate is bugs. Corrin, more specifically, Fem!Corrin, is terrified of insects (actually canon, according to the FE Fates Drama CD)
Corrin can join Shulk and Lucina in their fear of bugs 🐛

New crack ship: Corrin and Pittoo. Even funnier considering Pittoo’s VA!
Just saw this and now I am need to find ways to make them silly like this
The best kind of pairing!

A new silly prompt if anyone is up for one, keeping with the Valentine's Day theme:

Your characters are exploring Lumoise/Console City when they spot a new bestseller in the display window of a bookstore. It is a steamy romance novel titled, Divine Temptations, and depicts a suspiciously familiar but copyright-safe handsome angel hunk with a just as eerily familiar but copyright-safe blonde beauty in his arms. What is their reaction?
The best kind of pairing!

A new silly prompt if anyone is up for one, keeping with the Valentine's Day theme:

Your characters are exploring Lumoise/Console City when they spot a new bestseller in the display window of a bookstore. It is a steamy romance novel titled, Divine Temptations, and depicts a suspiciously familiar but copyright-safe handsome angel hunk with a just as eerily familiar but copyright-safe blonde beauty in his arms. What is their reaction?
Seph likely won’t care about it I don’t see him a romantic so he’d just move on and carry on with his day. He’d likely forget the novel exists.

On the other hand Paula would devour it and giggle possibly blushing since it’s one of those steamy novels.
The best kind of pairing!

A new silly prompt if anyone is up for one, keeping with the Valentine's Day theme:

Your characters are exploring Lumoise/Console City when they spot a new bestseller in the display window of a bookstore. It is a steamy romance novel titled, Divine Temptations, and depicts a suspiciously familiar but copyright-safe handsome angel hunk with a just as eerily familiar but copyright-safe blonde beauty in his arms. What is their reaction?
I can only imagine my characters like Byleth, Joker, Yoshi and Shulk don’t really care too much or pay too much attention to it. They probably look at it and go “huh that’s weird” but nothing else really. Byleth and Yoshi are definitely more of the “I don’t care” attitude towards it. Joker might be devious with it if he really wants but probably not

Sora sees it and doesn’t really understand what it is but since it looks like Pit and Mythra he buys it to show them and ask them about it. He is genuinely interested and excited for them, but he’s too innocent to know what the book actually is

Pyra definitely has a good giggle over it and probably buys a copy just to tease Mythra with, while Mythra is having a huge fit and buying the entire stock to dispose of them and burn them. She will find the author at all costs for doing this!
RIP Sora when he shows Mythra and Pit lol

I can see Pit looking at the cover and being like, "That's a handsome fellow right there-- WAITAMINUTE!!" He's red-faced and furious, and runs into the store only to bump into Mythra who has the same book-burning scheme! Meanwhile, during the chaos Palutena craftily snatches a copy of the book. Pit never finds out. Some of the Centurions somehow managed to get copies of the book too!

Sora asks Dark Pit about it and he's like, "Trust me on this one: you don't want to know! Joker, don't tell him! You shouldn't have told me, but you did, and now I'm telling you: you don't wanna know!" It's probably the greatest act of kindness Pittoo ever does for Sora!
But to keep with the prompt, if Dark Pit saw that book displayed, I can see him curling his lip in disgust, but then moving on. Best to just not acknowledge it!

Toon Link does a double-take upon seeing the book. He considers showing it to Pit and Mythra, stops himself before he does as he's reminded of how they can be, Mythra especially, when angered, and decides to just completely forget he saw anything.

Yes that is an Atlantis reference.
The best kind of pairing!

A new silly prompt if anyone is up for one, keeping with the Valentine's Day theme:

Your characters are exploring Lumoise/Console City when they spot a new bestseller in the display window of a bookstore. It is a steamy romance novel titled, Divine Temptations, and depicts a suspiciously familiar but copyright-safe handsome angel hunk with a just as eerily familiar but copyright-safe blonde beauty in his arms. What is their reaction?

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Ah! And for the actual prompt:

Isabelle: At first she doesn’t actually connect two-and-two together, mostly just thinking the people on the cover are vaguely familiar. Despite this, she goes to put it on her Nookazon cart since the premise seemed neat. However, she never does buy it and eventually forgets about the book entirely.

Zelda: She quickly picks up on who the figures on the book are supposed to be and finds it rather humorous, buying a copy for the sake of curiosity. She finds the writing boring, the dialogue far too uninspired, and the “steamy” scenes to be about as engaging as watching paint dry. Really the only entertainment to be had was just imagining Pit and Mythra in such a ridiculous situation. Speaking of, The next time she sees either one she’d probably mention the book to them and ask if they gave permission for the author to use their likenesses.

Inkling: She sees it, busts out laughing, and snaps a picture of the cover 📸

Pichu: Unfortunately Pichu was too short so he couldn’t actually see the display window 😢
Zelda describes the book being as though it was written by a teenager and it turns out that’s the case: it’s a Pithra fanfiction altered to be an original novel similar to how 50 Shades of Grey was originally a Twilight fanfic. XD

Meanwhile, Mythra and Pit are fleeing from Copper and Booker for causing disorder in the bookstore!
Mythra and Pit are both in jail together.

Mythra: How did YOU get in here? I know you were there too, but you didn't actually set anything on fire or attack anyone!

Pit: Turns out I had an arrest warrant for credit card fraud. The God of Poverty set me up! >:C

I imagined Dark Pit commenting that he can write a better novel. Zelda, finding the idea very amusing, dares him to do it. Unable to back down, Dark Pit invents a pen name (which he made Zelda swear to never tell anyone!) and somehow manages to get one written up. It is a story of war, and of unrequited love between a soldier and the lady he serves. Oh yeah, it's got angst, but it is surprisingly poignant and down-to-earth. One may get the sense that the author was writing from personal experience. The thing is, after giving his written novel to Zelda, he considered the dare fulfilled and hardly thought about it afterward; she had to tell him that it had become a bestseller that has won awards!
Here's a little Valentine's Day prompt for y'all I don't think we've done this one unless I've completely lost my mind which is entirely possible we did ideal partners, but what would be your characters ideal kind of date? What would they want to do/where would they want to go?
Here's a little Valentine's Day prompt for y'all I don't think we've done this one unless I've completely lost my mind which is entirely possible we did ideal partners, but what would be your characters ideal kind of date? What would they want to do/where would they want to go?
(Pre Nibelheim Sephiroth) I see his ideal date sparring no matter the place or time. Hell a simple date at the gold saucer seems like fun time with hitting the arena for a challenge or watching a Chocobo race on the sidelines. Eh, i see Sephiroth participating in one of them for fun not expecting to win.

Paula maybe a concert if the runaway 5 are in town or going out for pizza there isn’t much to do in the small town of Twoson. I see her enjoying a trip to the one mall in her town. Her date treats her to a beach date in the resort town of summers. ( Teleport PSI ahoy)
Here's a little Valentine's Day prompt for y'all I don't think we've done this one unless I've completely lost my mind which is entirely possible we did ideal partners, but what would be your characters ideal kind of date? What would they want to do/where would they want to go?
Yoshi: His ideal date would be having a nice picnic with lots of yummy fruits and cookies. It would be somewhere that is peaceful and quiet. The whole thing is likely very platonic but he still is very happy! He probably gives his date a single flower he picked during the date as a thank you

Joker: He is surprisingly a pretty simplistic guy. He's perfectly happy with staying in and having a quiet night at home so he can give all his undivided attention to his partner. As much as he loves the cheesy, overly done dates, he definitely likes the more private, quiet stuff, especially if it is a date planned for him. If he's planning a date he's making sure they're going out for a wonderful night with some cute date spot (he knows all the best places around Tokyo!) and then dinner afterwards!
This is the P5 version not the P5R one since they changed stuff. The ending line on this one gets me every time lol

Pyra: She definitely is a bit of a romantic even if she is a little shy. She probably likes a nice, candlelit, romantic dinner with nice conversation. She is a bit sappy with it all. More than people might expect from her. After dinner, she probably likes to take a nice peaceful walk afterwards to enjoy some quiet time with her date

Mythra: Much to everyone's surprise, she likes to be given attention even though she denies it. Her date shouldn't publically push it too much but taking her somewhere where she can feel special is surprisingly effective with her. One-on-one stuff might not be her forte which is why some public festival or something would be nice. Bonus if she gets to actually feel girly cuz she surprisingly likes that kind of stuff one of her skill tree abilities is "girl talk" after all lol

Sora: He likes to go to the beach or somewhere fun probably like Disneyland or something. He likes to be reminded of home so the beach is perfect. He just likes to spend time basking in the sun or sitting under a palm tree relaxing or being playful in the water. Maybe he dares to share a paopu fruit with them, but only if he truly feels strongly about them

Byleth: He doesn't really have an ideal spots for dates or preferences on what he likes. He's not really the romantic type nor really thinks much about it. Tea times probably work well with him, though it might not feel like a date for him because he does that a lot. Good luck trying to figure such things out with him

Shulk: Somewhere quiet and relaxing. Preferably somewhere away from his work so he doesn't get distracted by it like he typically would. He does like a little cliff spot in XC1 and goes up there to relax and think a lot and Fiora brings him food so they can have lunch there, so ideally a spot like that would work well for him. Nothing too public or crowded
The Pits would probably be your typical teenagers in regards to ideal dates, and I don't think they'd be picky. I can see them enjoying things such as concerts and wrestling matches, or arcades. I think they'd be just as content with a picnic in the park or eating junk food and playing video games at their place or their partner's. They'd be more focused on the happiness of their partner than themselves. If they go for the bigger, more exciting things such as a concert or an arcade, they'd eventually want alone time with their partner in a more private and peaceful setting. Open, natural environments are good, especially for Dark Pit. They may even request the Power of Flight so they can fly their date around. Overly fancy, formal, or expensive dates might make them uncomfortable.

Toon Link is easy to please: feed him and he's happy. Being a kid, he may also enjoy arcades, carnivals, exploring the marketplace, or going to the zoo. He really doesn't think too much about these things.

Pikachu is a Pokemon, so enjoying some tasty food while being in a beautiful natural setting is enough for her.

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