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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

That’s really great, especially if you’re inexperienced in digital art! I totally get the nervousness though. I often have to remind myself that I’m far more critical than those who view my art.
It’s perfectly okay. Pit fights well on his own, and he and Mythra are more than a match for most enemies! Pneuma is a bonus, not a necessity.

Can’t blame Link. He may remember what Dark Pit was like during the tournaments too!

Harkinian is like, “Kaida, I don’t think your father likes me very much. It’s like he’s waiting for me to mess up!”

Maybe he finally gets tired of having to look over his shoulder, so he gathers his nerve and approaches Corrin and Link, and asks for their blessing to court Kaida! He requests a chance to prove his worth by fighting Link, thinking the best way to win him over is to speak Link’s language. He’ll inevitably lose, because it’s Link, but he’s an incredibly skilled fighter, and he puts his whole body and soul into the fight! His thought process is that even if he and Kaida are just friends, maybe Link will finally back off.
Kaida would roll her eyes and say, "That's just dad. The last time I was alone with a boy, he gathered my uncles and chased him out of Valla. Don't worry though, he PROBABLY won't do that to you."

Awww! Although Link is a warrior, he can still respect people's feelings. I'm sure he'd eventually give in to Hark's tactics. And Corrin would probably force him to leave Hawk alone anyway XD
Ever: "Yo Kaida in Link's knight outfit would look really cute!"
View attachment 1115264

Warning: This is rushed, sloppy, and probably really bad as I have never drawn something like this digitally, let alone at all.
Me to Kaida rn:


She looks so freaking adorable!!! I'm genuinely amazed by how much effort you put into this! I'm falling in love with both your art style and Kaida's design! And her knight outfit is SPOT ON!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
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She doesn't bother with the act when Percy's not there!

I love his hair so much! >w< I'm a sucker for floofy bois!
Percy will never know it’s an act. He will never know unless he watches her from a distance but he probably isn’t that kind of person

Boys with floofy hair are very good!!
That’s really great, especially if you’re inexperienced in digital art! I totally get the nervousness though. I often have to remind myself that I’m far more critical than those who view my art.
I think it’s pretty rad
Thank you so much! It took me far too long to draw, and I felt like giving up at times but I stuck with it until the end! I'm actually very proud of many parts of the piece lol
Kaida would roll her eyes and say, "That's just dad. The last time I was alone with a boy, he gathered my uncles and chased him out of Valla. Don't worry though, he PROBABLY won't do that to you."

Awww! Although Link is a warrior, he can still respect people's feelings. I'm sure he'd eventually give in to Hark's tactics. And Corrin would probably force him to leave Hawk alone anyway XD

Me to Kaida rn:

View attachment 1115271

She looks so freaking adorable!!! I'm genuinely amazed by how much effort you put into this! I'm falling in love with both your art style and Kaida's design! And her knight outfit is SPOT ON!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
Aghgh thank you Ever <3
I really wanted to make this for you so yea. I really loved Kaida's appearance and I also loved the Royal Guard outfit from the BoTW DLC so :3
I hope you're okay with the decisions I made for the drawing, mainly Kaida having shorter hair and wielding a common knight's broadsword instead of the Yato.

So I remembered how we were comparing Kaida's Knight Arc to Disney's Mulan so I wanted to reflect that in Kaida's appearance. To mask her femininity, she just chopped her hair and pulled it up into a man-bun, and hid her womanly features beneath wraps and her father's soldier attire (just like Mulan!)

And as for the Yato's disappearance, there isn't too much of a deeper meaning behind it other than I got frustrated by trying to draw it (as you can see on one of the doodles accompanying Kaida's design). Although, I think Corrin would hold off on bestowing the Yato to Kaida until her coronation ceremony, where Corrin presenting the Yato to her daughter would symbolize her passing the torch of Valla's ruler.
Of course, the second that Kaida took her father's position as Wild-Era Zelda's personal knight, Link decided to gift Kaida the Hylian Shield!
Kaida would roll her eyes and say, "That's just dad. The last time I was alone with a boy, he gathered my uncles and chased him out of Valla. Don't worry though, he PROBABLY won't do that to you."

Awww! Although Link is a warrior, he can still respect people's feelings. I'm sure he'd eventually give in to Hark's tactics. And Corrin would probably force him to leave Hawk alone anyway XD
Zelda: You're courting Kaida? Oh, I'm so happy for you, sweethear-- Wait, how old is Kaida again?

Though Kaida is fully aware Hawk did what he did just to get Link off his back, I'm imagining her sitting at attention, looking Hawk straight in the eyes, and with complete seriousness on her face, being like, "Alright, you've got my parents' blessing, now start courting, big guy." XD

Hawk thought he was being wise, but he really didn't think his whole plan through!
Off topic, but I'm hopefully gonna have a Mythra post up tomorrow (unless I suddenly get motivated to write tonight). I decided I'd get her out before working on Roxas. I have part of her post written but man my motivation took a dip on me I promise it has nothing to do with here. My attention span has been quite literally 0 lately so my focus on stuff dips real quick and it sucks
Sharing because of today's date and because I refer to Pyra/Mythra, Pit, and Toon Link's group as Light, Wind & Fire.

I had a thought while I was playing OW and immediately had to stop to sketch it, so forgive how sloppy this is cuz oml I did not wanna try with making it look nice, I just wanted to get the concept out of my head

Heavily inspired by Winged Victory Mercy
I had a thought while I was playing OW and immediately had to stop to sketch it, so forgive how sloppy this is cuz oml I did not wanna try with making it look nice, I just wanted to get the concept out of my head

Heavily inspired by Winged Victory Mercy
I'm not kidding, I have had thoughts about how lovely Mythra would look in Greek-themed outfits! This proves it!
I'm not kidding, I have had thoughts about how lovely Mythra would look in Greek-themed outfits! This proves it!
Well I'm glad I could make that come true lol. I thought that specific skin gave off a similar vibe to Mythra's usual outfit so my brain was like "stop playing and doodle this rn." Maybe Mythra wears something like that when she visits Pit and their kiddos
It'd be fun if, like in KH, the SSB also change appearances to better fit the setting if they visit other worlds. For example, they visit Kanto and they're dressed as Pokemon trainers!
It'd be fun if, like in KH, the SSB also change appearances to better fit the setting if they visit other worlds. For example, they visit Kanto and they're dressed as Pokemon trainers!
That's pretty actually a pretty neat idea! now just imagine Sora getting Pokemon keychains for his keyblade 😆
dhduvjflb I managed to get Inkling’s post out! I’m not too proud of it (I was gonna have a whole entire spiel of Inkling internally dialoguing about eight/Octo expansion but my brain fizzled out on me rip) but I’m moving into my dorm tomorrow so I really wanted to make sure I could get it out by tonight and not have to worry about it 😅
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dhduvjflb I managed to get Inkling’s post out! I’m not too proud of it (I was gonna have a whole entire spiel of Inkling talking internally dialoguing about eight but my brain fizzled out on me rip) but I’m moving into my dorm tomorrow so I really wanted to make sure I could get it out by tonight and not have to worry about it tomorrow 😅
Still an enjoyable post imo.
I wrote for Tet and Min, I'll write for Agent 8 and introduce Corrin and Marth very soon.
Speaking of Marth-
Character Name: Marth
Player Name: Hazy
--Marth will be pulled from his first game (and first FE game in general), Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light.
--Because of the game Marth will be pulled from, he is 16 in this RP.
--Marth is unmarried (again, due to FE: SDBoL being the game he's pulled from). Caeda remains only his childhood friend, as Caeda becomes his fiancee right before the events of Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem.
--I'll be dropping Little Mac and picking up Marth instead cuz of my FE Fever so yea :]
It'd be fun if, like in KH, the SSB also change appearances to better fit the setting if they visit other worlds. For example, they visit Kanto and they're dressed as Pokemon trainers!
I always loved the idea of this and honestly should doodle more concepts that follow this for the fun of it

That's pretty actually a pretty neat idea! now just imagine Sora getting Pokemon keychains for his keyblade 😆
I wanna draw keyblades for Sora based off different Smash series at some point. Literally after I doodled Percy with his keyblade my KH friend was like “so you finally drawing that Joker keyblade next?” And it’s been in my mind again lately lol. The worst part is I already know the keyblade would be called “True Trickster” and I have design elements planned but I just haven’t doodled it lol. One day… one day…

dhduvjflb I managed to get Inkling’s post out! I’m not too proud of it (I was gonna have a whole entire spiel of Inkling internally dialoguing about eight/Octo expansion but my brain fizzled out on me rip) but I’m moving into my dorm tomorrow so I really wanted to make sure I could get it out by tonight and not have to worry about it 😅
Inkling really gonna make Joker realize power eggs are just oversized fish eggs and his dumbass is worried for no reason. Who can blame him though? He’s stressed and tired
Aghgh thank you Ever <3
I really wanted to make this for you so yea. I really loved Kaida's appearance and I also loved the Royal Guard outfit from the BoTW DLC so :3
I hope you're okay with the decisions I made for the drawing, mainly Kaida having shorter hair and wielding a common knight's broadsword instead of the Yato.

So I remembered how we were comparing Kaida's Knight Arc to Disney's Mulan so I wanted to reflect that in Kaida's appearance. To mask her femininity, she just chopped her hair and pulled it up into a man-bun, and hid her womanly features beneath wraps and her father's soldier attire (just like Mulan!)

And as for the Yato's disappearance, there isn't too much of a deeper meaning behind it other than I got frustrated by trying to draw it (as you can see on one of the doodles accompanying Kaida's design). Although, I think Corrin would hold off on bestowing the Yato to Kaida until her coronation ceremony, where Corrin presenting the Yato to her daughter would symbolize her passing the torch of Valla's ruler.
Of course, the second that Kaida took her father's position as Wild-Era Zelda's personal knight, Link decided to gift Kaida the Hylian Shield!
You're too sweet! Kaida looks so adorable, and her cheeky little grin melted my heart. She's so precious! And both of those ideas are really nice!

Honestly Kaida just reminds me of all the badass Disney princesses, but mostly just Mulan and/or Merida from Brave. I love how Kaida looks with shorter hair though, she's a doll! I feel like Link would just slice off Kaida's hair with a sword if she asked for help disguising herself
XD Corrin would probably look out the window at the wrong time and see this happening, then run outside and yell at Link for taking a sword to his daughter's hair!

That's a good idea, actually, and yeah the Yato is pretty difficult to draw (It's a chainsaw+sword??? Like wtf???) but I like your explanation. Gives the Yato a deeper meaning. And Link's passing of the Hylian Shield makes sense too in a way: he's handing down the post of Zelda's bodyguard and royal knight to her.
Zelda: You're courting Kaida? Oh, I'm so happy for you, sweethear-- Wait, how old is Kaida again?

Though Kaida is fully aware Hawk did what he did just to get Link off his back, I'm imagining her sitting at attention, looking Hawk straight in the eyes, and with complete seriousness on her face, being like, "Alright, you've got my parents' blessing, now start courting, big guy." XD

Hawk thought he was being wise, but he really didn't think his whole plan through!
Lmao, "You're saying that like I'm a grandma!"
And fyi, I think Kaida is about 3-4 years older than Hawk.

Lol Kaida wouldn't really push him to do anything; she probably knows that Harkinian mostly went directly to her parents just to get Link off his case, therefore, she wouldn't force Hark to do anything if he didn't really want to. Besides, even if they got Link to back off, they still have to deal with Corrin's side of the family.
I wrote for Tet and Min, I'll write for Agent 8 and introduce Corrin and Marth very soon.
Speaking of Marth-
View attachment 1115409
Character Name: Marth
Player Name: Hazy
--Marth will be pulled from his first game (and first FE game in general), Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light.
--Because of the game Marth will be pulled from, he is 16 in this RP.
--Marth is unmarried (again, due to FE: SDBoL being the game he's pulled from). Caeda remains only his childhood friend, as Caeda becomes his fiancee right before the events of Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem.
--I'll be dropping Little Mac and picking up Marth instead cuz of my FE Fever so yea :]
<3 MARTHY WARTHY <3- okay I'm done
I'd like to introduce Marth and Link at the same time cuz it would be funni, if that's okay with you of course! Link is headed to the Bash Sisters squad so that would mean the little prince here would have to go with him as well lmfao

Also, your post was really nice! Tetra threatening and ranting to Sheik is everything XD
You're too sweet! Kaida looks so adorable, and her cheeky little grin melted my heart. She's so precious! And both of those ideas are really nice!

Honestly Kaida just reminds me of all the badass Disney princesses, but mostly just Mulan and/or Merida from Brave. I love how Kaida looks with shorter hair though, she's a doll! I feel like Link would just slice off Kaida's hair with a sword if she asked for help disguising herself
XD Corrin would probably look out the window at the wrong time and see this happening, then run outside and yell at Link for taking a sword to his daughter's hair!

That's a good idea, actually, and yeah the Yato is pretty difficult to draw (It's a chainsaw+sword??? Like wtf???) but I like your explanation. Gives the Yato a deeper meaning. And Link's passing of the Hylian Shield makes sense too in a way: he's handing down the post of Zelda's bodyguard and royal knight to her.

<3 MARTHY WARTHY <3- okay I'm done
I'd like to introduce Marth and Link at the same time cuz it would be funni, if that's okay with you of course! Link is headed to the Bash Sisters squad so that would mean the little prince here would have to go with him as well lmfao

Also, your post was really nice! Tetra threatening and ranting to Sheik is everything XD
Hbhbhbhbb tysm! I also wanted to draw a design for her as a young adult, you know, when Kaida became a queen, but as she's your creation and not mine I decided to just draw teenage-dragon-knight-princess instead :]

Ooh! I rewatched Brave a week or two ago, and this scene has been stuck in my head!

And thank you!
Lol Link did it once to Wild-Era Zelda, and now he'll do it to his daughter! Link would argue that girls with short hair are just as cute as girls with long hair, clearly not realizing that the problem is him playing barber with a WEAPON XD

Lmao "Marthy Warthy" I'm gonna keep that little nickname in my pocket XDDDDD
Oh, sure! I was thinking about where I was going to put him, but that's a neat idea! Lol I think two handsome dudes walking into the lion's den of females would be pretty funny. We could have them start on the opposite end of the lake if you'd like!
First things first, you gotta add Link's application bro

Lol thank you! I had a lot of fun writing Tetra's post, she's an emotional teen! XD I also really enjoyed Min's as well ^^
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Marth and Link join the Super Bash Sisters.

Pittoo: Finally! Some testostero—

Pittoo looks at Marth, walks around him, and goes up to Link.

Pittoo: Finally! Some testostero—

Pittoo sees that Link is wearing his Gerudo costume.

Pittoo: Nevermind. It’s obvious I’m still the only man here.

Hbhbhbhbb tysm! I also wanted to draw a design for her as a young adult, you know, when Kaida became a queen, but as she's your creation and not mine I decided to just draw teenage-dragon-knight-princess instead :]

Ooh! I rewatched Brave a week or two ago, and this scene has been stuck in my head!

And thank you!
Lol Link did it once to Wild-Era Zelda, and now he'll do it to his daughter! Link would argue that girls with short hair are just as cute as girls with long hair, clearly not realizing that the problem is him playing barber with a WEAPON XD

Lmao "Marthy Warthy" I'm gonna keep that little nickname in my pocket XDDDDD
Oh, sure! I was thinking about where I was going to put him, but that's a neat idea! Lol I think two handsome dudes walking into the lion's den of females would be pretty funny. We could have them start on the opposite end of the lake if you'd like!
First things first, you gotta add Link's application bro

Lol thank you! I had a lot of fun writing Tetra's post, she's an emotional teen! XD I also really enjoyed Min's as well ^^

It's still wonderful though! And if you wanna cook up a design for Queen Kaida then you can! :3

Ah, the nostalgia! Brave used to be one of my favorite movies as a kid! A scenario like this might happen if Kaida went too long without a suitor. Corrin would probably become exasperated and hold something like this. Either that, or Corrin's family would cajole her into doing it, as these sorts of tests are probably the way they determine who will be the most skilled and strongest contender for Valla's monarchy. Sadly, as these things typically go, Kaida's love isn't a big player in any of this. Royal marriage tends to be for the sake of making kingdoms stronger and deepening the bonds of said kingdoms. Especially the girls of these monarchies, they have even less choice than the boys.

On top of all that royal marriage crap, there's also the fact that Valla is a very peculiar kingdom. After Corrin defeated her father Anankos and freed Valla, she had the task of restoring Valla to its former glory. She succeeded, of course, but now the next person in line has to maintain the newly restored Valla and make sure it doesn't crumble to evil's feet once more. And to add to that, the next crown of Valla will also have to keep the harmony going between all three nations, Valla, Nohr, and Hoshido. Due to Corrin stemming from the Revelations path in FE Fates, she already had to work her butt off to get Hoshido and Nohr to work together. One little thing could start a riot between them, and I imagine tensions are already quite high now that Kaida is ripe to ascend to the throne.

That's a good idea! I'm down with that! I just think Link furiously trying to mutely tell Marth something while Marth privately wonders if Link is just heavily uneducated would be hilarious. I'm also excited to see how Corrin and Marth will interact with each other. FE squadddd
It would be really funny if Tetra secretly had a crush on Marth, and nursed a soft spot for him. One minute Tetra's snarking her mouth off at Dark Pit and Sheik, next minute she's a calm and respectful young lady when Marth walks in!

Marth and Link join the Super Bash Sisters.

Pittoo: Finally! Some testostero—

Pittoo looks at Marth, walks around him, and goes up to Link.

Pittoo: Finally! Some testostero—

Pittoo sees that Link is wearing his Gerudo costume.

Pittoo: Nevermind. It’s obvious I’m still the only man here.


Marth: *smiles at another woman*
Caeda: *casually stomps on his foot*
I forgot all about the FE anime lmfao

Damn, you didn't have to do Marth like that qwq he's not the biggest buffest boy around, but he's still a man!!
Link: *hands Marth his Sheikah Slate and signs at it*
The Slate [translating Link]: "You're just mad that I can pull off looking like a Gerudo, Pittoo, while YOU'D be the ugliest looking Gerudo this side of the universe."
Marth: "Good heavens...!"
Tetra: "Not bad, Link!"
I just had this random funny thought of the smash sisters rallying around to teach Sephiroth how to smile and manners. He walks around with an over exaggerated smile painted on his face and dropping comments left and right everyone is terrified of the 6ft one winged angel complimenting them they don’t know if it’s genuine or mocking. The smash sisters soon realize their plan is back firing as he’s threatening everyone to accept his compliments or else.
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