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Fantasy Summoners Journey (Accepting Champions)

Alex finished his meal and re-adjusted his giant claymore on his back "I can bring a ancient dead Norse warrior to the battle field" He said keeping eye contact.

'We have found a summoner...'

Alex looked the boy up and down before saying "im a champion" He wasn't sure where this was going but he felt someone walk past them and give them a disgusting look. He looked back to Chester before saying "Someone doesn't approve" And he nodded towards the girl by the door.


Kelvian stepped into the cafeteria. His silver eyes darting around the room. He quickly noticed many of the students in the room we're giving one table in particular some disgusted looks. After getting his food, He walked over to the table getting all the attention This could be interesting... He thought to himself as he sat down on the other side of the table from the two men. "Hey, Names Kelvian. Mind if I eat here?" He asked as he started eating. Why is everyone giving these guys such weird looks?




Chester blinked towards the girl who was standing there when Alex mentioned her, his eyebrow raising. ‘The hell is her problem?’ He thought before scoffing, turning back to stare at Alex, shrugging. “So you are a champion hm~? Who can summon dead people? The fuck, that’s awesome... Are you taken~?” He asked, chin leaning on the palm of his hand as he stared up at him in interest. Chester really needed to start looking for champions, because he was going to be left behind if he didn’t. This guy looked strong, and his power was pretty neat. Maybe he could be his offensive one? Okay so…his plan was pretty much to get a ranged champion, a melee champion and maybe one that used magic or something. It was nice to have variety! So why not? He was a warrior right? Alex fit perfectly in the ‘melee’ type.

Though before he could answer, another man strolled up and sat down across from them, introducing himself as Kelvian. Chester dismissed his question with a wave of his hand, “This world is free man, eat wherever you want” Was his response, “Chester—“ He pointed a thumb at himself, “nice to meet you”

@Blacknife @Xelvere
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Aries froze, she didn't mean to look rude, but it came off that way. She quickly glanced over at Creacendo and Sheik talking, then back at the boys. She took a breath and stepped forward, "Are you two alright?" Aries spoke tentively, but her smile never faded.

@Blacknife @Sagitarius
Kelvian smiled slowly. Chester? He seems interesting. Quite the personality from what I can tell so far. I wonder what his ability is... He continued to eat while thinking. This other guy seems big, Pretty muscular as well. He noticed the huge claymore on the mans back. Ah, That's why. He would have to be pretty big to wield that. He glanced around the room once more. Seeing Aries, He waved.



Aries spottrd Kelvian, smiling in relief, she waved as she headed towards him, "Kelvian its good to see you again!" She swayed on her heels as she spoke, eyeing her completely asorbed summoner who was talking away. She turns her eyes back towards Kelvian, "Also did you see a group a kids exit a few moments ago when you came in?"

"Good to see you as well. And come to think of it, I think I may have seen a small group exit, but I'm not sure" He moved to the side to let her sit down. He noticed Crescendo talking to a girl across the room. She looks familiar... He thought for a moment before it came to him. Oh of course, She's from my class. I'm surprised Crescendo isn't trying to talk to Aries though.

Aries hummed, "Well thats good because they were a group of asses." She looks towards Sheik, 'Be careful, you don't need to be rash anymore.' Her concious told her not to run out and chase those cowards. She looks over at Crescendo across from Sheik, but as quick as she looked, she turned her head towards Kelvian again, "Would you mind me hanging around you for awhile, im trying to get Sheik to summon Crescendo, I know it'll benefit all of us..." She trails off quietly, she knew that those two wouldn't really talk to eachother if she wasn't around, so she wanted to step back.

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"By all means. I don't have any plans" Ah, Sheik. Of course He thought to himself "So Sheik is a summoner?" He looked over at Crescendo and Sheik again. Almost finishing his food he took a drink from the glass of water he had taken. I Wonder what that group of idiots did to piss Aries off. But regardless I'm a bit disappointed I didn't get to see it, It sounds as if it was amusing.

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"Sheik is, she's my summoner... And...the reason i asked about those... fools they were cowards who grouped on a single person, even if I don't know there reasoning, it's a foolish choice choice," she shrugged and continued, "I wanted to see if they were around , so I could see they're... Capability.." Aries wanted to say their belongings, but this isn't the place for that. "Anyways, I just need those two to click? I think that's the word..."

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Kelvian nodded. "That's fine, I can help you out" She's Aries summoner? "I didn't know you had a summoner" He asked as he finished eating and pushed his tray away from him slightly. He sighed, Satisfied with his meal.

Aries nodded, "Yep! She's great, though alittle blank faced, shes truly a nice and a strong gal." She says as shes whipes her feet, "Where did you and Gryphon go after the mission from earlier? I went to turn where you turn in the rewards and you guys were gone..."

"We decided we were fine without it and left. We've just been training all day until Gryphon passed out" He shrugged. I really could go for another mission. Nah, Scratch that. I want to fight someone. "Would you happen to know how the arena's in the school work? I heard about them and I was curious" He asked

'There's an arena? Of course there is..' Aries conflicted with herself for a few moments, but she quickly returned to here normal self."Actually I have no idea, I forgot they would have one. I would think that it would be close to the training area though..."

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Alex watched the events unfold. He half turned towards Kelvian and said "Names Alex" he was still trying to act like a normal student but his experience with dealing with people are limited to shop attendants and smashing faces.

When the young girl approached and asked if they where okay Asger thought to him again.

'Well! Look at this one! There a pretty little women all over the place! Ha ha!'

Alex replied with " We are fine thank you very much"

He then turned back to Chester and his question "Yeah. I just got in so i don't have a summoner" he finished his tray and picked up his juice box which looked rather small in his hand.





“That’s wonderful!” Chester’s eyes glinted, clasping his hands together. “Then maybe you would like to make a pact with me~? You look strong and that sword is awesome. Whadda say? AND I’ll let you kick all the ass you want ♥” The incubus wasn’t really paying any attention to his surroundings, especially to that girl that approached. He was just looking up at Alex, eyes wide and pleading like a puppy but he couldn’t quite see it because of the shades. All of his focus was on the champion at the moment. This guy would make a perfect, and first, addition to his future team. Plus, he was cute! so that added to his qualities.

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Aries listened to Alex saying he was new and stopped listening quickly after, turning her head over to Alex, smiling wide, "Ah! Welcome to the place, you are certainly welcome to ask me any questions if you need help in guiding around the school, though I don't know exactly every place, just the basics." She explains in one breath, her bad habit of speaking all the information in one breath might be the death of her, but it would always be worth it.

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Alex nodded at the girl before turning back towards Chester.

'Well...We have an offer...'

'We do' Alex responded 'Lets see where it goes'

"Sure. Why not" He finally responded "Lets do it. But i need to see your eyes first"




The brunet blinked; Huh? His eyes? Why did he wanna see his eyes for? I mean they were nothing special or anything, Chester couldn’t help but tilt his head to the side in curiosity. “Hm…Sure?” With a little shrug, the incubus took the sunglasses off and placed them on top of his head. Bright, pink eyes now stared at the man. They weren’t particularly…weird. They just seemed to emit a little glow, and there was a black ring around the pupil. “Happy?” He raised an eyebrow, still not understanding the motive.

Alex looked his eyes over.

'Yep there pink'

He smiled slightly and then nodded at Chester "Very. But i need to know what you are first" He stood up from the table and gave those that where still there a little bow before picking up his tray.



Oh that’s right. How rude of him to not introduce himself THAT way too…Though not many creatures are able to give other people bumps, so he thought it was quite obvious.

The brunet perked up though, when Alex picked up his tray and stood up. He didn’t want to be left behind, so he also picked up his tray and strolled by his side. Alex was officially HIS champion now! O-or well, he was in the process of making him his! “Uh, well im an incubus” He tucked a hand inside his pocket, “You know…Those bastards that mess with people’s hormones and stuff” When he put it that way, it sounded rather…weird. “Im harmless though, I swear~”

Alex looked at him sideways 'Incubus?' he thought 'i thought the term was succubus?'

He just assumed he had gotten them mixed up and walked over to the door. He placed the tray by the bin and walked back out into the fresh air. He held the door open for Chester and waited for him to walk through.

"So how do we do this?"



Actually, he had no freaking idea. How DID they do this? Did…did he have to bite him? Or…put a tattoo on him? Or write a document?...Or….I mean, the only thing that Chester figured had something to do with the process was—“I got this cool rock when I signed up for the school. Honestly, I have no idea how this whole…contract thing works…” Lame, yeah he knew. But it’s not like this came with an instruction manual.

The brunet stuck two fingers in his back pocket and took out a little, clear, almost diamond like crystal. He held it up in front of him, showing it to Alex. “Have…have you heard about the process…? Personally I haven’t…” Chester couldn’t help but slightly blush in embarrassment; Jeez he hoped Alex didn’t think he was pathetic. He wasn’t! I swear!

Alex looked at the crystal and then back at Chester with a blank expression.

"Im a dude with a sword. I have no idea" He honestly didn't know how this worked and he was starting to regret not asking Jackie how the contract is made.

Yawns and walks in "hey chest master bo baster hero blaster game grasper Chester... Wellllll i just gave you a new title so" leans back in chair "alright time for fighting, i still haven't fought yet"

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