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Fantasy Summoners Journey (Accepting Champions)

Osamu chuckles as he hears Roy's statement. He stuck his hand out towards ilyanna to help her inside the coach. Let's hurry and get this job done so we can move up the ranks then. Which means Roy, no more slacking and Osamu he speaks to himself in third person no more being an arsehole during the job. Got it? Got it. @OceanBunny @Leo Radomir


“Gah!! Okay….Okay let me figure this out…” Man, this was so frustrating! He wasn’t good with this magic shit either, and nobody ever explained him anything!! How was he supposed to fit this big guy in a tiny crystal!?—Wait, did it even work that way? They weren’t pokemon.... “Hmm…”

Tlink, tlink…

The incubus tapped his finger on the small stone, “Come on now, how does this work?” He said, his tone raising in annoyance. Though an idea popped in his head, almost lighting up a light bulb above it. “Alex, what’s your full name?” If he remembered right, the summoning arts worked if the summoner knew the person’s full and real name. Perhaps if he knew big boy’s name, he could create the contract.

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Alex watched Chester fiddle around with the crystal.

"I really with these things came with an instruction manual..." He said watching him try to figure it out.

"Oh uh..Alex Raske" He said straightening up slightly.



Chester also straightened himself up, staring down at the crystal. Let’s do this…Time to get serious now.

He closed his eyes for a moment and repeated Alex’s name in his mind, grabbing the crystal by it’s end and held it infront of the man, “Alex Raske—I hereby claim you as one of my Champions. Let this crystal become our pact.” Honestly, the brunet didn’t think it was going to work. He was kind of repeating the words he heard in a movie a long time ago, pretty much changing the movie character’s name with Alex’s…But it did, and right when his pink eyes opened again, the crystal started glowing, releasing pulses of energy that were strong enough to ruffle his hairs. The little stone begun to feel hot inbetween his fingers, but when he tried to pull his hand back, he couldn’t, and it made Chester release a small yelp. OUCH!?

Alex’s figure also begun glowing, and the white, misty-like aura that seemed to have formed around him started to slowly get absorbed into the crystal itself, slowly changing the white color of it into a light pink. And then…It suddenly stopped. The crystal stopped it’s little light show and became just a pink stone in-between Chester’s fingers. Though the Incubus lost balance and fell right down on his butt, because he had forgotten that he had been trying to pull his arm out of the light. “W-what the hell?” His sunglasses had even fallen down on his nose, clumsily laying there as the brunet sat in shock.

That…was cool!!

“You okay, big boy?” He asked after some seconds, fixing his shades as he stood up, dusting his pants, “I think I figured it out!”

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Alex felt light headed but apart from that he was fine.

"Yeah im good" He said finally adjusting his shoulders.

"The only thing now is to get matching tattoos" He said scratching the back of his head.

"uhhh...i mean it is kind of a tradition with vikings and stuff..." That was rather forward of him to say such a thing but Asger had been very prudent with the fact that warriors and there kings should be tattooed.




“Matching tattoos?” There was a pause, “That sounds like a good idea! Maybe I should get all of my Champions tattooed…” ‘That way, they can be my little bitches forever ♥’ Chester grinned at the thought, biting his lip. “Alright, let’s do it. I have gotten some tattoos before anyways so no biggie~” OOOhhh-hoh! How exciting! He could feel more powerful already!....Or maybe it was just the little butterflies fluttering in his stomach because of how giddy he felt. Alex was officially his…Hehehe…his little slave that could do whatever he wanted—Okay, not…a literal slave, but you got his point.

Alex sighed. He didnt seem to fazed so he was fine with it.

"Well we will have to do it later after...a few things" Getting these tattoos done properly where going to be kinda difficult seeing as the last original Norse tattooers are long dead. So one trip to Valhalla had to be arranged. Which was a lot harder then it sounded.

"Oh you haven't met Asger yet have you? Did you wanna meet him now?"

OceanBunny said:
Ilyanna smiles at Roy's playful push and takes Osamu's hand as he helps into the carriage. "I would never cause unnecessary drama for you." She states, settling into the coach. She giggles at Osamu talking to himself.
Roy ganguly laughs and says" Well i can make an exception for fun drama and i'm happy everyone is raring to go, there's a couple of spare pillows and blankets for you both if you wish to sleep along the way, but and since there's no pillows for me if i do decide i want to sleep is it ok if use your lap ill chan"?
@Leo Radomir[/URL] @OceanBunny
Roy raised an eyebrow as caught it and says" thanks osamu it's times like this when i realize you're pretty nice and a gentleman, and what i said before i really meant it, i was wary at first when i first summoned you but i like this mix of chemistry after all". " We're an odd ball team but in our in way we'll rise to the top and then no one will ever laugh at us or call me weak like they did back home".
Osamu slouches in his seat and crosses his arms. If you ever have that problem, just tell me, and I'll beat the living mess out of them. I know how you don't like wasting your energy. Especially when we're sparring. At first I thought you were just weak, be then I later realized you were just conservative and didn't want to waste your energy. He chuckles. It's funny that I have yet to see you go all out. Hopefully I'll see it soon. @Leo Radomir @OceanBunny
@Leo Radomir[/URL] @OceanBunny
@Leo Radomir[/URL] @OceanBunny
Ilyanna smiled at Roy and went to say yes, but Osamu then offered his pillow and the conversation turned more sentimental. Ilyanna felt slightly lost, since she'd only know them for a little while. She listened to the conversation, feeling like she was gaining more insight to her new companions personalities.
OceanBunny said:
Ilyanna smiled at Roy and went to say yes, but Osamu then offered his pillow and the conversation turned more sentimental. Ilyanna felt slightly lost, since she'd only know them for a little while. She listened to the conversation, feeling like she was gaining more insight to her new companions personalities.
Roy notices ill chan change in express and says" I'm giving the extra pillow to ill chan and go back to my plan because, i feel like bring a little greedy and childish today, and yeah i don't talk about my past much because i have a lot of mixed feelings and i figured who's want to hear a story like that". " Thanks for not making fun or telling me to shut up like some have done, maybe this time round i can be more open about who i'm with you both". Roy gently places one behind ill chan's back and the other with in arms reach before slowly moving down to use ill chan's lap as a pillow".

Yio gently laughs and says" Please continue to look after him you two and i'm surprised he is so easy going with you two there was a time where i'd be like i'm staying out of your way because i don't want to get turned into a popsicle or mince meat, truth be told even to this day i don't fully understand him just when i thought i'd figured him out another personality springs up, it's like a box with a question mark not that i mind, and so he calls you ill chan ay that's a defo positive but to what extent he likes you that's what interests me".

" Or should i say how well you two will continue to bond, if you didn't know better you could mistake roy's and osamu's real as step brothers, you've got a some what tough road ahead of you i wonder which one is more your type and you can call me yio nee, after all i hate being called grandma even though that's true age wise".
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James begins to walk towards the school his hood over his face and a large book in his arms. "I hope I make some friends here or this is going to suck."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/6e95e8fcb7ab3c9a01cdf736f6d36203.jpg.2ecfe55bb0cee50f8da78ad65fd69918.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110981" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/6e95e8fcb7ab3c9a01cdf736f6d36203.jpg.2ecfe55bb0cee50f8da78ad65fd69918.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Kelvian turned towards Aries "Well I think I'm going to look for one of those arena's" He said as he stood up. "Nice seeing you again. Maybe I'll see you around" He said as he walked out the cafeteria waving behind him in goodbye. He started walking down the hallway towards the training grounds. I'll start there and maybe I'll find an arena nearby then. It's interesting to see a champion get sealed with a summoner. He kept thinking. I wonder if Gryphon is going to end up getting anymore champions. After all, summoners can have three, And I'm currently his only one.

Gryphon sat up slowly and yawned. The nap he had taken charged him up and he felt energized. I would like to take another mission. He thought to himself But I'm not sure if there are any good ones left. He looked over at the bed on the other side of the dorm. Seeing it empty he wondered where Kelvian was. Maybe he's trying to find a good job. Thing is, There are a lot of students here and a lot of them want interesting jobs, Which means most of the good ones are always gone He opened the door to his dorm, Stepped into the hallway and closed it behind him. Gryphon decided to head to the job board and see if he could find anything good. Maybe I'll check out the huge library this place has at some point...
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Tarrin walked up to the front of the school after talking with lady at the head office he finally got his papers and continued into the area ahead " Haha finally a true champion, i was always a champion but now it's also a title" laughs walking into the school
James walks right past Tarrin. Cluching his book as he heads for his dorm. "Man I hope this works out well." he flips few some pages looking for a spell.
"Oh god this is not good I gotta go I'm so late!" The rabbit eared man yelled as he ran out of his house with a bag and some toast in his mouth. He speed towards the school at incredible speeds managing to avoid hitting anyone as he speed past them. He passed two girls and as he passed them there skirts were blown upwards and they screamed as they attempted to hold them down."Hahaha!" He laughed as he looked back at the girls. All of a sudden he crashed into someone.(anyone)
James is knocked to the ground suddenly and grunts as his hood goes back reveling his gasmask and his book almost goes flying from his hand.
"Ouch what did I hit?" The rabbit eared boy groaned as he rubbed his head. Then he noticed James.His eyes widened."Oooooh!" He said before leaping up at incredible speeds he then began poking and pulling on James mask."Whaaaaa what's with your face it looks so strange!?" He asked as he continue curiously pulling on his face.
James holds his gas mask on trying to resists the pulls. "Ummm it's my mask. It's helpful in most situations I get into"

He keeps one arm around his spell book and closes it
[QUOTE="Samurai Jay]James is knocked to the ground suddenly and grunts as his hood goes back reveling his gasmask and his book almost goes flying from his hand.

Diego dusted himself off as he rose form the the circle, he pushed pass the rabbit eared boy and kneeled so he was at eye level with the gas-mask wearing necromancer "So i guess you are my summoner?" His was deep and haunting
"Well I guess so"

James looks him over and glances down holding his hand out. "My name is James I am a necromancer summoner

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