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Fantasy Summoners Journey (Accepting Champions)

Crescendo would join her, running towards the line, "Ahh, what to get!?" He would grin widely, showing his animal-like teeth, "Kinda hungry for fries with a hamburger."
Aries quickly looks up at the menu, most of the food seemed to be plain and typical of most cafeterias until her eyes meet a certain food. "I would like the chicken cajun pasta please!" Aries says towards the cashier. She hummed happily at her choice.
Sheik took her tray and then handed Aries hers. She waited for Crescendo to get his so that she could pay.
Crescendo would take his tray and smile at how good the food smelled, "Now to take our seats! But where should we sit?" He would look to Aries and Sheik, allowing the ladies to choose where the wished to sit.
Sheik paid for the good and looked at all the other students as they sat in tables. She wanted to be away from the people she ddidn't know, but Sheik decided she would let Aries decide, "Aries can decide."
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Aries looked around, she grumbling under her breath about it being on her, "That one!" She hummed as she ran over to a table a decent distance away.
Sheik nodded and followed, a little relieved. She sat down next to Aries, putting her tray down, quietly.
Aries sat by the window seal, quickly taking a bite before looking out the window. The view here wasn't as good as the one from there room, she became quickly asorbed in her own thoughts.
Sheik took a bite before looking back up. The food was decent and she was glad to have eaten something. She looked at Aries and as that she was lost in thought. "You alright, Aries?"
Sheik smiled to herself a little before she pushed it away, taking another but of her burger. She chewed and swallowed before asking, "Hey, Aries...? Have you been on any missions yet?"
Sagitarius said:

Man this school was just dumb!

First they take his weapon away, then some weird people stopped him in the hallway to preach to him about some science club, then he got assigned to the wrong dorm and had to go back to get a new one—Pain in the ass! If only it wasn’t for his wanting to get an actual education about his powers, Chester would just completely fuck this place.

To put it simply…he was irritated out of his mind.

There was absolutely no point in Chester sticking around this place—Except for this really nice coupon that the receptionist lady gave him as an apology for mixing up his dorm number. He could get one free meal in the cafeteria, how about that!? It was the only good thing that happened since he stepped foot inside of here…

"What do you think your doing here you big dumb fuck?"

Was the first thing Chester heard as SOON as he entered the cafeteria, his pink, uninterested eyes glancing towards a group of people glaring at one dude who was just casually eating his food. Honestly, it wasn’t his business, so Chester just continued making his way to the food line. “…Chicken sandwich and a soda please…” It was only when he turned that Chester realized he had to make it his business. The table where that guy was sitting was the only one available and the brunet didn’t feel like carrying out his food.

“Alright, yall noisy bastards. Stop bullying the kid here” His tone was careless, rather annoyed at these people who were getting in his way. And Chester hated when people got in his way…ESPECIALLY, when he had something to do. Which was eat.

Alex couldn't believe these guys. Did they not understand that if he wanted to he could throw them through the good damn wall. There where five boys one was a little bigger than the others but they all seemed unarmed. He was going to ignore them, Whats the worst they could do?, but another boy got involved. A brunette. He watched as the other kid sort of stuck up for him. Which gave him a little smile.

'Well this is new' Thought asger 'Agreed' Replied Alex

The leader turned around to look at the new comer and replied with "Watch you fucking mouth pretty boy. This has got nothing to do with you so why don't you run off and put some fucking makeup on?!"

Alex was getting annoyed.
@Leo Radomir[/URL] @OceanBunny
Illyana smiles, amused at the boys friendly bickering. She turns towards the coach driver as she starts talking to Roy in a familiar manner. Blushing lightly at the stunner compliment, she quietly thanks the girl. She watches as Osamu puts out his cigarette and climbs into the coach. Then turns to smile at Roy, waiting to see if she should get in before him or not.

Chester raised an eyebrow; Was that seriously the insult they were going to throw so he would leave? That was just dumb. Like this school. But, at the same time, it made the incubus smile, tilting down his dark shades so his bright, pink eyes could stare at the crowd of boys, “But if I put makeup on, I’m afraid none of you would be able to resist me~ ♥” And this is where he winked, giving them a little charm so they could get the hell away from this place and let him eat his food in peace. “Or maybe one of you would like to come to my dorm after lunch~?” Oh how fun! He missed making dirty jokes and sexual hints to people. Maybe he should do it more ofter—To cuter boys of course.

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Alex watched as the boys slowly began to move away. Except for the one that did most of the talking. He was standing there dumb founded as his little posse started smiling and giving girlish looks at the brown haired boy as the walked past.

"Wah-! Where are you idiots going?!" The leader appeared to be panicking slightly as his crew left him for dead while they where tripping over themselves. One of them even said which dorm room hes in.

'Oh' Was both Asger's and Alex's response to this new development but the leader was still hanging around making noise.

Alex finally got up out of his chair, pulling himself up to his full height of 6 feet and loomed over the boy.

"Piss off" And with that the boy promptly ran out of the cafeteria.

Alex sat back down on the edge of the table and looked up at the new comer "Thanks for that"

OceanBunny said:
Illyana smiles, amused at the boys friendly bickering. She turns towards the coach driver as she starts talking to Roy in a familiar manner. Blushing lightly at the stunner compliment, she quietly thanks the girl. She watches as Osamu puts out his cigarette and climbs into the coach. Then turns to smile at Roy, waiting to see if she should get in before him or not.
Roy playfully pushes ill chan into the carriage and then gets in after and says" I don't to that ego trip nonsense some master or mistress do, creatures like that annoy the crap out of me, i'm really happy you accepted me as your summoner with out giving me to much shit there's so many i've been like ugh save me from this b grade drama before i lose my mind".

“Pffft—hehehe” After they finally left, Chester turned towards the table and took a seat besides the muscular, obviously taller male, carelessly placing his tray of food down. The brunet had pushed his glasses back on the rim of his nose. His charm usually came from his eyes—almost like a medusa! The more people stared at them, the more intoxicated they will get with his power. It was pleasant, but having people think about fucking you half of the time while you tried to talk was annoying. So for now, glasses—ON! “Yeah it’s no problem, big guy” Wasn’t really doing it for him…But Ok. If he looked like the good guy here, then so be it!

The incubus sighed and poked a straw in his soda, unwrapping his sandwich so he could take a big bite, almost rolling his eyes in pleasure at the delicious taste of food. Goooooooooood, he should really stop skipping meals. “Why didn’t ya just punch em’ in tha face? You have the muscles for it—right?” Chester finally asked after a few seconds of chewing, side glancing at his companion. “What dis school gonna do? They were messing with ya first” I mean, he would have burried his bat in their face if he had it. No pain, no game.

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Sagitarius said:

“Pffft—hehehe” After they finally left, Chester turned towards the table and took a seat besides the muscular, obviously taller male, carelessly placing his tray of food down. The brunet had pushed his glasses back on the rim of his nose. His charm usually came from his eyes—almost like a medusa! The more people stared at them, the more intoxicated they will get with his power. It was pleasant, but having people think about fucking you half of the time while you tried to talk was annoying. So for now, glasses—ON! “Yeah it’s no problem, big guy” Wasn’t really doing it for him…But Ok. If he looked like the good guy here, then so be it!

The incubus sighed and poked a straw in his soda, unwrapping his sandwich so he could take a big bite, almost rolling his eyes in pleasure at the delicious taste of food. Goooooooooood, he should really stop skipping meals. “Why didn’t ya just punch em’ in tha face? You have the muscles for it—right?” Chester finally asked after a few seconds of chewing, side glancing at his companion. “What dis school gonna do? They were messing with ya first” I mean, he would have burried his bat in their face if he had it. No pain, no game.

Alex continued to eat from his still overflowing tray of food. He watched the boy sit down and was going to make a comment about his glasses before he spoke up.

"I was going to wait until they do something first. And they wouldn't have done anything the moment i stood up. So i was just waiting" He looked sideways at the boy before asking "So how exactly did you manage to scare them off?" He had his suspicion but he couldn't confirm anything. He needed proof. The boy took his glasses of when he talked to them and put them back on the moment he sat beside him.

"The names Alex by the way"


Chester blinked, tilting his head slightly. His grin widened, showing the little missing tooth on the side, “That’s easy—“ He raised a finger, licking his lips “I gave them all erections!” Wasn’t he proud of that!? Best power ever, right? Yeah, yeah he knew. “But guess only one was gay enough to ask me for my room, which is the one you scared off! –AHAHAHA!” The brunet barked a laugh, slapping his hand on the table before grabbing his drink and sipping from it. Once his laughter seized, Chester sighed and turned to him, “Name’s Chester, big boy"

He was half way chewing on a small bit of meat when the word 'Erection' was spoken.

'Things have really changed these days...' Asger thought to him.

He wasn't surprised. But it confirmed a few things for him. One of which was that he was indeed a succubus.

Alex smiled at the boys joke and blushed slightly at big boy 'That ones new'

He let his eyes drift down to his chest before his small smile grew into a grin.

"Um..I dont see it.."

Aries got up from the cafeteria table suddenly, grabbing her tray, she walked over to the front and turned the food back in. Her appetite was quickly lost and she felt uneasy after watching the scene from a few moments ago.


Chester took another moment to continue eating his meal, wanting to feed his stomach atleast a tad before resuming the talk, “So what are ya? Cuz I guess everybody in this school is kind of a freak no?” The brunet chuckled, “I’m a Summoner, came to get really strong and shit. But honestly, this school disappoints me…” Tsk, with the no weapons rule….weren’t they supposed to beat each other up in here? That’s why he signed up for this program in the first place!

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