Summer School for the Teenage Soul [Inactive]

"Fair enough," Damien said, looking back at Gene with a half-grin. And that was about as far as a grin he got for the next several minutes, because the stoner was threatening him. How adorable. One call to his father and Damien was sure he could get the kid sent to jail. His family knew people. But he wouldn't stoop that low; he could fight his own battles. But if this little swine thought that he had the right to threaten Damien? Oh, there'd be another thing coming.

"I do not think you understand. I was kidding. About his mother, about you. And you dare to tell me that I have issues?" he snarled, narrowing his eyes and curling back his lip in distaste. "I will make this clear. You do not threaten me. I have nothing against you. I am only joking with this boy here. So shut up until you know of what you speak."

Licking his lips slightly, he glanced slightly at Gene before he uttered his last comment. "Bouffe ma queue calisse de f*g."* Making a not-so-nice gesture towards his crotch, he wickedly smiled at Tanner and popped another sushi roll into his mouth.

*Eat my c*** you f***ing f*g.
'And i thought french was supposed to be a pretty language.'

Tanner heard the last comment, and from the way it was said, it didn't sound pretty at all. Especially the f*g part.

"There's no need to insult me outside of my language, Frenchie. Yes, I may be a f*g. But obviously, this f*g got more of a heartbeat than you do." He took the bag of chips and opened them, sitting down with his legs propped up on the empty chair nearest them.

"And as for threats, I have don't have anything or anyone to live for. No one would miss me." Tanner continued, grabbing chip and eating it whole.

"And money sure doesn't scare me." he finished, handing the bag to Pretty-boy. "Not one bit."
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"Oh boy. Tu embrasses ta mère avec cette bouche*? Very naughty indeed." Gene drawled, lips pursed as he massaged his head with one hand and taking ridiculous long drags with his other, his eyes alight with a childish joy as he reached for a chip bringing it up to his mouth with reverence. He sighed in pleasure as the flavor burst across his tongue. 'This is worth living for' he thought to himself.

In an effort to release the tightening anticipation in his joints of having a possible full stomach, Shelton stretched his hands high above his head, bones protruding from his arms as a sliver of skin was bared to the the cool air as his worn white shirt followed the rolling current of his body. Ashes flew in every which direction from the tip of his cig.

(Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?*)
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"No, I have no problem with gays. France is very... ah, lax with the laws. Very liberal. I just have a problem with you," Damien explained to the boy, somewhat exasperated. This guy wasn't going to give him a break, was he? And he acted as if Damien had no heart. The boy knew nothing about him. Nothing. And yet he makes such assumptions. What a hypocrite. Accuse Damien of being judgemental and then labelling him as a little rich boy? Pitiful. He rolled his eyes and was turning to Gene when something was carelessly tossed out of the Cajun's mouth.

'Tu embrasses ta mère avec cette bouche?'

Damien, paled, swallowing hard. Looking down at his sushi, he was quiet for a time before glancing back up at Gene with serious, somber eyes. He was so relaxed, splayed across the chair, oblivious to what he had said. And honestly, it probably wouldn't have meant as much if it hadn't been said in Damien's native language. It added more meaning to it, somehow.

"No, no I do not," he said quietly, standing up and shoving what remained of his meal into his backpack before walking just outside the cafeteria and leaning with his back against the door.
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Smiling as the warm sun hits her face, she climbed up on a low tree branch outside offering an invitation to Jason. "Your the one actual person that really studied when you arrived." She laughed shaking her head, red hair flying everywhere in the wind. "I'll admit that some of the people here are asking for it. But just stick by me and I can help keep us out of trouble." She said softly remembering how the vice principal was related to her.

She pulled out a joint from her purse compartment and lot it up "wanna hit?"
"Well, i find physics interesting. Ya know, time travel and blowing shit up. The rest isn't anywhere near as fun."

He climbed onto the branch, taking in the sun and wind. Short hair did mean wind was nowhere near as bad. "Dont worry. I've broken enough bones of others to keep myself good. They piss me off enough or hurt my friends, I will end them. And that's a black belts guarantee." He flexed his bicep as a demonstration to prove his point.

"Sure thing." He took a drag, breathing in, held it in his lungs for 5 seconds, then slowly breathed out. "Pretty nice. What strain?" He handed back the joint.

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Gene's abnormally large eyes widened further, his appearance turning into something akin to an owl as they tracked the retreating Frenchman. "It seems as if we ah' more similar then we thought," Gene called out to him, a smirk stretching his chapped lips, "It jus' goes ta' sho' ain't no matta' how much money yo' self has, you still can't buy happiness." With another passing chuckle Shelton pulled his legs seamlessly from the floor and pressed them close to his chest. "I had ma' fill of them chips boo, thanks." Gene stabbed out the last of his cigarette on the table. With both hands now free he pressed his palms hard into his eyes, until he saw white.

"Eugene, that better not be smoke I smell on you." Mr. Fitzpatrick called as he entered from the door on the other side of the cafeteria. "All right lunch is ove- wait. Isn't there suppose to be more of you? Ah, some people feel as if they are above the rules. I said to sit at this table until I collected you."

"Oh Captain, don' blame poo' Damien. He ate dem' bad germs on dat' fish. His stomach is all in knots, ya see?" Gene frowned, throwing his feet onto the table top and rubbing his belly to sell the point.

"Get your feet off the table Mr. Shelton!" the principal barked as he finally approached the few kids at the long lunch table.

"Captin, yo' self says da' sweetest things ta' me. Hey look, I made ah' frien'." Gene said as he waved a limp finger in Tanner's direction. His feet, however, tightened in defiance on the fake wood of to table.
"Hmm from sounds of that they want us back in."

Jason hopped down and offered a hand down.

"Come on, with our collective genius we can leave 'em in the dust to eat on the tumble-weed." Jason chuckled a bit to that.
She Smirked eyeing Jason, "Silver Haze," she shrugged and took another hit off of it, feeling the smoke pour into her lungs. She closed her eyes savoring the feeling before exhaling a few seconds later. She passed it back to Jason.

"I'm studying to be a forensic chemist" she said raising her eyebrows and looking down, feeling strange, as she had never told anyone before. She looked up at him, admiring the way the sun reflected off his skin.
She takes her last drag and puts it out, placing the roach in her wallet. "It's quite nice I've found" she smiles peacefully "I believe I've grown enough for quite a bit of the summer. You should be high for awhile." She becomes quieter the closer they are to the school.

"Sneak in through the downstairs library window?" She asked politely, smiling.
'It jus' goes ta' sho' ain't no matta' how much money yo' self has, you still can't buy happiness.'

How true. And Damien knew that better than anyone. His father had managed to buy happiness in the form of Kate, though. The new wife. She had tried so hard to be his mother, but that made everything worse. She would never be able to replace Evonna, never in a million years. She was a cheap replacement and just like everything else in America, she was at least half fake. She had entered far too soon into the Babineauxs' lives, in his opinion. It seemed like his father stopped caring the moment Evonna was dead.

His father should have been there for her. Should have known she was depressed. Should have seen the signs. There had to have been signs, right? Damien hadn't noticed, but he had just been a kid. Surely his mother's life partner could have seen something. After all, the change couldn't have been terrifically sudden; a woman doesn't go from happy to filling her bathrobe pockets with rocks and walking into a flooded river overnight. Maybe if he'd been a better son and had paid attention to her more often. She had invited him to go horse riding with her many times, but he had always turned her down, saying how it was stupid and not even a sport. Maybe if he had gone with her she would have seen how much he needed her, how much he craved for her affection. Especially now that she was gone. She had been the yin to his father's yang. When his father was busy or spoke sharply, he could turn to his mother for comfort and a soft voice. Now there was no one.

He was brought out of his thoughts by the arrival of Fitzpatrick, and he followed the principal back into the cafeteria, his eyes dark and is jaw tight. His pupils locked onto the floor as if that were the only way he could keep the world from spinning, and for once throughout this whole ordeal he did not have a trace of arrogance to his slender, slightly hunched frame.

"He is right. I do not think the food suited me well. I had to step out for a bit to get away from the smell. Surely you understand?" He asked quietly, and furrowed his brow. He couldn't get like this, not in front of all of these people. He needed to get a hold of himself.
He smiled. It looked like this summer would be a fun one. To think I would meet another fun geek. The world needs more of them.


They went inside luckily with little hitch. He straightened out his t shirt and went inside the room

"Sorry Mr Fitzpatrick I was..helping Ariana with her physics. I'm sure you can forgive us for helping a fellow student in their study."
She dropped the smirk and grabbed the nearest book to her, 'great, a math textbook!!' She thought

"Yea, I'm quite certain Jason explained it to me correctly. Something just clicked!" She sent a bright smile at Jason and then back at Mr. Fitzpatrick. Grabbing his hand, she pulled him to a table, placing the math textbook down.

Mr. Fitzpatrick looked stunned at students actually taking their schooling seriously. With a gruff "hmph" he went back to the other students.
Jason winked and sat down, opening a random page. He looked it quickly over. Definite Integration. Quite simple stuff. Can be awkward though when they want you to substitute.

"So how much do you know of this stuff? Im pretty familiar as I need it for physics. A lot of derivation falls flat on its face to lick the ground if I don't know how to integrate."
Mr. Fitzpatrick nodded in reply to Damien's confession, using a free hand to knock Gene's legs from the table. "Dat's cold Captain, real cold," Gene sighed as his weary but sated body rose from the hard plastic chair, "See, germs Captain, all dem' sea crittas' got dem' germs. Can't be healthy."

Gene's eyes fell onto the defeated form of Damien's, his mouth turned down the corners, his nose scrunched in part concern part confusion. 'There is always something, isn't there? The world is not known for picking favorites. It just consumes.' Gene hissed into the recesses of his decaying mind. If there is one thing Gene knew as fact, it was that the world was made for chaos. What is fair is only a dream, and reality just wants to watch you burn.

"Il n'y a jamais assez d'organismes. Il n'est jamais satisfait, n'est-ce pas?*" Gene mumbled in the direction of the down trodden teen, as he shoved his hands deep into his pockets of his jeans in an attempted to create a barrier between himself and the world. He felt himself getting too close to the situation. Close to human companionship, and that just wouldn't do. Not after everything he was forced to learn so long ago. Caring is weakness.

(There is never enough bodies. It's never satisfied, is it?*)
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When she was satisfied with the distance between them and the principal, she smirked and sighed in relief. "That was a close one." She then quirks her eyebrow "in response to the question, integration is the operation of calculating the area between the curve of a function on the x-axis or y-axis" she closed her eyes focusing on her notes (photographic memory)
As soon as the two culprits walked in, Tanner could smell the cheap reggie they had partaken of on their little rendezvous. It'd be a shame to say he was a stoner if he didn't smell otherwise. He smirked, inclined to say something to the red head and the over-achiever, but deciding against it.

"If you cant share the haze, don't f*cking blaze, dudes." he mumbled while getting up at grab the beaten and abused Intermediate French text book. He passed the red-headed girl, smiling. "Hey, you ought to switch dealers, baby-doll. You are getting jacked." he said as he took his seat, hoping that the nugget of info would spare her some cash. Or maybe even her life someday.
When they were far enough from the pothead, they sat down. "I think he's those kind of stoners who smoke Intica strain religiously" he winked while saying quietly so only she could hear.

"Also Newton gets 10/10, you are correct." He brainstormed a question "How would you integrate 1/(x +3) ?" while having fun was paramount, some study did have to occur.

He will probably soon go exercising though. His body will itch otherwise in stress.
She smirks at Tanner as he passes by, "that wasn't the good stuff, that's being saved for later. Next time, ill be sure to include you as well." She winked at him jokingly
Ariella grabbed a nearby Calculus textbook, opening it to some random page. Her eyes scanned over the pages, her mind searching for some sort of recognition of the terms. After about a minute of flipping through, she loses focus and pushes the book away from her. She looks up at the redhead, before nodding her head at her. "Mind if I join?"
"Come on over," she smiled nervously, not knowing much about the girl. She writes out the answer for Jason with a small smile.
Grabbing her bag, she makes her way over to her. She pulls out a chair and sits down, offering the other girl a friendly smile.
"Ln(x+3)+c is the correct answer. Wonderwoman here is on a roll."

Jason turned to the girl who joined them and gave a light smile. He wasn't great with females as he couldn't read situations for the life of him "Hi, what's your name?"
"Thanks, little miss, but no thanks." Tanner replied to her answer. "To be quite honest, you seem a little too reckless...smoking outside?" He turned to look at her get up. She seemed to cry out for attention, the poor thing. "Did no one teach you how to blaze and be smart about it? Jinkies." He hoped this would get through to her. Yeah, it came off judgmental, but maybe she'd think about the consequences in the long run.

Plus, it would keep the heat off his own tail.

'What the hell are Pretty and Rude talking about?' he pondered while scanning over the subject/verb agreement passage of the text book.
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