Summer School for the Teenage Soul [Inactive]

Oh boy, lunch. Damien got up and followed Gene, snorting at the snide comment towards Jason.

"I guess if everyone is introducing themselves, I will follow suit. I am Damien Babineaux. I failed all of my classes and my father thinks this will serve as ample punishment. I was supposed to be going back to France, but... baise-moi, je suppose,"* he added, tossing his hands up in the air. He turned and tightened his lips at the sight of the new guy and the red headed girl getting on. Well isn't that just dandy.

Damien walked briskly to a table and sat down, pulling out of his backpack a small bento box full of sushi. Sometimes he wished his mother would let him eat sh*t food like uncooked pizza with a side of cheetos. He had to admit, sometimes greasy american food had its plus sides. At least when he was hungry and not in the mood for raw fish.
"What da' fuck is dat'?" Gene shouted, his eyes going wide as one slim finger pointed at Damien's supposed lunch, "You can't eat dat'! It has germs, I bet!" With a full body shiver he pulled away. "And it smells like my last conquest ta' boot."

A bout of hunger pains shot through Shelton's stomach. 'Gosh damn Gene, hold yo' foo' ass together. The day is almost over.' he chastised himself. He then proceeded to curl into himself with a disdainful look towards the rest of his peers.
She giggled at what he said and nodded at Damien. She still hadn't formed an opinion of him yet. "I should probably explain why I'm here then." She cleared her throat. "I'm an honor roll student. And I smoke pot, and I skip school." She said pretty awkwardly. "I've missed more than two months of school and my grades are fantastic. I shouldn't even be here" she grumbled and pulled out an Apple Butter sandwich along with quite a few packets of string cheese.
Jason grabbed his bacon sandwich and ate. He hadn't eaten for a while, so it was not too bad.

"If only grades made the world go round."

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She took out her lunch which was a regular sandwich and said "Guess I'll introduce myself.. I'm Monique Dallas, perfect grades but had to go here to this death-trap for punching a drama-queen on the face"
She nodded her approval at Monique. "In my opinion, they needto be put in their place. Good job girl" she said bravely
"Thanks, drama-queens are the worst kind of people ever. To be honest though I recommend not being friends with them." she said then took a bite out of her sandwhich.
The last thing he expected to feel when he came here was embarrassed. And yet, here he sat, being chastised by a kid without a meal over his food. Staring icily up at Gene, he slowly popped a sushi roll into his mouth and appeared to thoughtfully chew his food. Finally, he opened his now-empty mouth and licked his lips.

"Hm. Tastes like your mother," he replied, smiling. "At least it does not have as many bugs as she does. Nor has it been touched by as many men."

Damien slowly turned to look at the red haired girl and nodded appreciatively. "Ah, so here we have me, who goes to class and fails, and you, who doesn't go and succeeds. Perhaps this says something about the education system, no?"
She smirks playfully at Damian "all school systems are sh*t these days Rich boy." She starts peeling the string cheese in thought.
"Maybe Michael Gove from the UK had a hand in it. I heard he has been ruining education there left, right and centre."

Jason sighed. He was bored and wanted to exercise. And a beer. And a fully functioning gym or punching bag to use.

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"I'm pretty sure that in the U.S. it's mainly because of that Obama lady" she said grimacing in disgust at school lunches
Jason chuckled "they probably work in lieu to ruin our lives."

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"Amen to that" she laughs in appreciation at his humor. She glances at him another time and grins. 'I think I might actually start liking this guy' she thinks
"For now though I need fresh air. See ya folks."

(Ooc: I need sleep, its 4am here ;___ ;)

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"I think ill go with. I'm not quite shy to skipping" she winks at the crew of people.

(I'm gonna follow his example here :P night everyone!)
"Jinkies, this place is worse in the summer."

Tanner strolled through the halls, not really giving any mind to the fact that he was alone. He was used to it. He stuffed his hands into the pockets of his cargo pants, making sure the joint he rolled up earlier was still in its little hiding spot. If he was gonna get through this summer, it would require a lot more of the precious green than what he had on hand at the moment.

Fitzpatrick wasn't really keen on the fact that Tanner was late. He didn't care. "Are you done with your particularly drawn out monologue, sir? I don't see myself wanting to bother you in the future." he sighed to the stern looking man. That earned him a day of weekend detention. A day he could have used to work toward getting the hell out of here.

He arrived at the door. Apparently it was lunchtime. Being a stoner, all Tanner needed was a family-sized bag of Doritos--which he had of course in his backpack.

"Hm. Tastes like your mother," he replied, smiling. "At least it does not have as many bugs as she does. Nor has it been touched by as many men."

Opening the door to find several different people, all odd in their own aspect from first glance, he never felt more at home.

"Really? A comment about someone's mother? Well, aren't you just sweet?"
"Don't min' him boo. Damien here is jus' hungry fo' seconds, ain't ya?" Gene laughed giving the french teen's lunch a second grimace, "Don' yo' cooks know dey' suppose to cook dat' shit 'fore you eat it?"

Shelton let his eyes lazily engulf the entirety that was the stoner. His dead end stare fixing off just past the teens shoulder when his eyes returned to their original position. "Do ya know if da' Captain's headin' dis way any time soon, I got a cig wit' my name on it, but he ain't to fond of ma' habits." Gene said with an accompanying smirk, his head finding it's perch back on top of a bony fist.
"Naw, he's more concerned with keeping track of my habitual tardiness." Tanner replies. He gives the stranger a quick once-over, making sure not to look him in the eye. "Can I get a a drag or two, if you mind? I'll split my bag of Doritos with you."

Sharing his 'munchie grub' was usually out of the question, but he felt like the guy was...approachable. Which was a weirder act of itself. And to be honest, he was jonesing hard for a cig. 'Everyone can compromise, right?' he asked himself.
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"Dat' right der' has been da' best idea I've heard all day." Gene laughed as his eyes snapped back into focus on the boy infront of him.

'Maybe there is a God. He sent me a respectable boy who knows how to make a fair trade. I might live just a few more days thanks to him.' Shelton mentally cried as his slow sugar sweet smile just remained in place as he motioned the boy to sit in the seat across from him. The weight in the cajun's stomach loosened just slightly at the though of actual honest to God food.

"What's yo' name boo?" Gene questioned, head cocked to the side, as he pulled a cigarette from his pack and offering it to teen in front of him, his grubby and dirty hands displayed in all their glory with the aide of the fluorescent lights above.
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When Jason met the fresh air, he let out a big breath and stretched his arms high.

"Well looks like this Summer will be more...interesting than most. Still, to think people would view me as a model student. I wasn't quite expecting that."

He turned to Ariana and said "I hope I can make it through here without winding up to hurting someone. Contrary to popular belief, I don't actually like hurting people and its only in self-defence."

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"It's Tanner, but you can call me Tan-Man, Tan-Tacular, as long as you don't have to make me call you a chump." Tanner replied, propping his backpack up on the desk. He unzipped the main compartment, a little dazed by this guy's dazzling smile.

That is, until his magnet pipe fell onto the table, unfurled and all. "Crap, I thought I left that home!" He hurriedly took out the bag of chips and threw the paraphernalia in his bag, along with the hoodie he was wearing to boot.

All he had left was his 'one size too small' grey tank-top, a hole in the side revealing a small piece of his beautiful yet simple tattoo. It also told everyone the brand of underwear he purchases online. He pulled down the front of his shirt, trying to hide the foreign label. The act came to no avail.

"Er, what's your name, Pretty-boy?" he asked, instantly blushing and regretting the name that his own mouth had chosen for the guy.
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Damien glanced up with mild interest at the newcomer to the table. He had a slightly rugged look and wore a grey sweatshirt. He was going to respond to the whole 'well aren't you sweet' comment, but Gene covered it for him. He remained quiet as he watched the conversation between the two males. This newcomer kid finally had the wits about him to not try and gift the Cajun food. It seemed that no one else had gotten the drift. Judging by the look on Gene's face, splitting a bag of doritos would be very welcome. Apparently the new boy was Tanner, and he was a stoner, given the pipe that fell on the table. Damien snorted.

"I think we can all assume why you are here, no?" he grinned. That grin stopped when the stoner called Gene pretty boy. Damien, shocked, half-choked on his food and spit the rest out. Wait. So new kid was gay? Alright. But Gene, pretty boy? No. Nononono. He was dirty and grimy and unkept. Pretty? Right next to Damien, no less! Not that he was jealous, after all male attention was not what he was after, but the fact that someone would point out Gene as attractive especially when sitting beside himself was ridiculous. Almost offensive.
Gene snickered to himself, "Oh Tan, flattery isn't needed no mo'. You already got yo' self cigarette, but buy da' looks of it ya seem ta' like the harder stuff." His laugh his over bite more pronounced, his lazy eyes taking in the sliver of Tanner's tattoo.

'I know I'm not pretty. This guy must be high as a kite to not notice the purple bruised eyes from lack of sleep. Or the remaining dirt not washed off from earlier, or the fact that Monsieur Damien was right next to him.' Gene's inner monologue droned.

With a slow roll of his head and a quick ruffle of spidery thin fingers sliding through greasy hair, dislodging sawdust in their wake, Gene lit his cigarette. As he lifted his cig to his lips he held out his lighter to Tanner. "It ain't gonna' bite ya boo." Gene said as he gave Damien a side long look, a low chuckle reverberated through his slight frame as he took in his shocked face. "Yo' foo' ass thought I was lyin' when I said I got some. Some people jus' find ma' southern charm irresistible."
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Tanner took the lighter with a nod of thanks. Lighting up his own cigarette, he inhaled. The sweet satisfaction of a nicotine high sent a soft buzz from his head to his fingertips. But, it wasn't enough to distract him from the foul-mouthed cretin who seemed to have nothing good to say at all.

"Let's get something straight, between you and me," he began, releasing a cloud of smoke as he spoke. "I have nothing against you at the moment. Sure, you might seem to get off speaking ill of other people's mother's. Not in front of me. You're judgmental? Not towards me you ain't. Because believe me, you have nothing on me."

Tanner then bent over, placing both hands on the desk surface, looking the rude-boy straight in the eye. "You got issues? Get a hobby. But if you cross me one more time, I won't hesitate to make every minute of every day that you are in my presence...completely...unbearable."

He stood back to assess the look on the stranger's face. "Got it?" Tanner chuckled, returning to his sweet boy face, "Besides, I do this sh*t so I don't have to notice pricks like you."
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"Look at my knight in shinnin' armor. Tan I don' need ya to come to ma' aide, I ain't no princess. Don' need no pity either. Wha' I do need is some of dos' chips 'fore I fall asleep where I stan'." Gene slurred his voice becoming strained the more the promised food seemed to fly farther from his reach as the confrontation broke out. He lifted a shaking hand and pressed hard on a temple, the other brought his cigarette up to his chapped lips for another drag.

His heavy eye lids fluttered in quick succession. "Boo, don' pay him no mind. Damien here is jus' use to bein' da' center of attention. Ain't ya Monsieur?" He heaved out another breathy chuckle, smoke following in its wake.

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