Summer School for the Teenage Soul [Inactive]

Damien followed Gene up the stairs, chewing on his lip. What the hell had gotten into him? Was he really about to do this? At the same time, why not? Once wouldn't hurt, surely. Besides, if it let him escape from his pain, then why not? Had he been told that this is where he'd end up later today, he'd never had believed it. Suddenly he was interrupted from this thought by the little brat kid who had entered in not long ago.

"Good idea. It would be very bad to bring attention to you, would it not? Because you did not already do this to yourself by being so late. Now go and put that big nose of yours right up your *sshole," he replied crisply, staring hard at the youth with dark eyes. "And if you tuck your tail and run to Fitzpatrick, I promise to make your summer hell."

"Morceau de merde,"* he muttered to himself quietly.

*Piece of sh*t
When they left Jason signed the new kid to come over.

"Don't worry about them, they are stuck in their little 'bad boy' world because they think running away from reality is a solution to problems. Trying to reason with them will fall flat on the ground. I suggest you stick to the study and hope they ignore you, I can only protect so many people [he looks at Ariana briefly, having heard of the gum incident]."

He brings a hand out to shake.

"I'm Jason, nice to meet'cha. Normal person labelled perfect boy. And you?"
"Y'all better stop yapping and do something instead of causing more trouble for us all."

Gene stopped in his tracks one foot raised as if he were about to take step, "What da' f*ck did dat' punk ass say? I know yo' self knows to keep his nose outta' others business." With that said he finally set his foot slowly to the ground giving the younger teen a side long glare. Shaking off the sudden fit of anger, he continued on his way up the stairs, his heart still heavy like lead, weighing down each step with the current memories of happier times still swirling around in his aching head.

"Droit vous êtes mon ami, vous avez raison.*" Gene laughed, throwing up his arms in careless agreement.

Right you are my friend, right you are.*
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Tanner looked at the guy who was too young to understand. He felt for the kid, but fact was: This was none of his business. And he knew that being nosy could get someone hurt, or worse. "Relax, we ain't gonna get caught. We're professionals." he chuckled before running to catch up with his folk.
Evan quirked an eyebrow at the strange accent. Bloody foreigner, why was he even here? He stopped wondering as soon as the uppity, pretty-faced city boy with a palpable ego told him off. He jumped up from his seat, ready to meet vile words with violence, but restrained himself half-way through and sat down again, a cloud settling over his eyes. "I don't have to run to Fitzpatrick to find out," he retorted. "Being around you is hell enough for me."

The boy with the overbite and unkept hair didn't take kindly to his words of warning either. He only managed to catch half of the gibberish the boy spat at him, but the stare that accompanied it didn't leave much room for interpretation. A few more murmurs of what sounded like French hit his ears before he noticed the muscled, smooth looking boy at the other end of the library, waving him over.

Reluctant to tread within range he slowly walked over. Anger simmered in the pit of his stomach, the beginnings of a fire that even the joke the third wheel of the gang couldn't extinguish. Making sure to keep the desk between him and 'The Perfect Boy', Evan shook hands briefly before sending a questioning gaze at him.

"I don't need protecting, but thanks I guess. I am Evan, just Evan." He shot a glance up at the second level of the library and lowered his voice, "any idea what has gotten into them? Too much of that illegal stuff?"
"Let's hurry up and do this before I have time to think about it more, no?" Damien suggested, only half joking. He opened the door to the study room and walked inside. That stupid little kid thought he knew it all. Thought for some reason that he had the right to tell the three of them what to do. Like hell he did.

"So... how exactly does this work? Like a cigarette?" he asked, genuinely clueless. He tossed his backpack to the ground and lifted himself so that he was sitting on the table, staring at the two other guys.
"It isn't illegal stuff that makes them stupid. It's just that they're stupid. I wish they could talk without insulting or cursing like a sailor, but I guess its too much to ask."

He flexed backwards, his back sore from leaning forward.

"Much as they wear their ego like an armour, I'm actually curious how well they put up in a fight. Looking cool and breaking bones are different things. I've broken bones. Self defence of course though."

"Anyway that aside, do try to enjoy yourself. Don't fall down to their level and you should be fine."
"A cigarette, funny." Tanner chuckled to himself, taking a joint and his Zippo out of the hidden spot of his pocket. "If only." he quipped, toking the small piece of heaven to a flame. As he inhaled this time, it reached all the way down into his toes. Tanner drew in another drag, then passed the joint to Pretty, holding in the excess smoke to find a vent to blow into. 'We are professionals.' he laughed internally, finding what he was looking for and releasing the sweet air into the vacuumed space.
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((Back FINALLY))

Looks at Evan with a smile and extends her hand "Ariana Dawn, nice to meet you youngster. You're younger than all of us and might even be the wisest one here" she smirked at the kid.
Gene slunk into the small study room, eye perusing the available spots to sit. Eyeing a desk covered in encyclopedias and knick knacks piqued his interest. With a sudden swipe of his hand, everything went flying to the floor. With his spot now cleared, he hefted himself on top of the desk, spreading his slight frame across the dark wooden surface.

"Ha, Monsieur, a cigarette. Dat' is funny." he chuckled as he threw an arm over his head. Shelton reached out and took the offered joint with a limp spidery hand, bringing it up to his lips, "Thanks boo, it's much appreciated." With a lascivious wink Tanner's way he finally took a deep drag, "Damn dat's good," he slurred, the words flowing out on the wisps of smoke. Taking one more hit, he flung his arm in the vague direction of Damien.
"Right, their level..." Evan's voice trailed off. Breaking bones? What kind of madhouse was this? He vaguely wondered if he'd find needles tucked between the books, or hidden under the desks, maybe the buff guy had brought his own weights with him to turn bloody summer school into his local gym. Turning around, he prepared to get back to math again when a red-haired girl approached him. Never before had he been so popular, but he took her hand eagerly and uttered his name in return. "Well thanks, but if I was real smart I wouldn't be here, right?" He shot a glance over his shoulder at his bag, then looked back to the girl and Jason. "Do you mind if I sit with you guys?" he asked, "I am crap at math," he explained.
"Go right ahead. Also some of us are smart...there are just special circumstances. In my case I got ambushed by a large horde of angry thugs before my exams. Hence the broken bones I mentioned earlier. Luckily I just about healed mine all well with minor fractures, but screwed me over during exam time to actually do them."

Sent from Nexus 5 because yay phones and Tapatalk
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"I don't mess around with the kidde sh*t." Tanner remarked as he picked up his bag. he then emptied the contents one by one: Visine, a toothbrush along with toothpaste and mouthwash to boot, a pack of Pure gum, a large bottle of water, Oust brand odor neutralizing spray, and a huge bag of 'Ranch Dipped Hot Wings' Doritos. "Well, I'm ready to get high," Tanner said with a smirk, "Let me know if you guys need anything, there is plenty to go around."
Damien watched them as they inhaled and passed it along, curiously observing the way that Gene's words slurred and the way the smoke curled around them. The cajun's hand was haphazardly thrust towards him, and Damien carefully plucked the joint from its fingers and twisted it gently between his index finger and his thumb. And so here he was, in the moment of truth. He gingerly brought it to his lips and drank in the sweet smoke that snaked down his insides, warming him. Taking it out of his mouth with a laugh, he looked sidelong at Tanner.

"You have quite the kit, eh?" he chuckled, handing the joint back to its original owner. "It's fuzzy." The last comment was directed towards the way he was feeling, and he looked at the Gene with a slight grin.
"Trust me, the way you're hitting the thing, we'll need this sh*t." Tanner took a long drag, then exhaled in a large ring. "I still haven't gotten a name from either of you, and as much as I like calling you guys Pretty and Rude, it's pretty rude." he laughed, passing the joint to Pretty.

"Besides, I think we've established a good...whatever the hell this is."
She looks at the kid "I'm actually an honors student" she forced a crooked smile and looks upstairs "I skipped way to much" she laughed. 'I wonder what exactly their doing up there. I should go check on them before long' she thought.
Evan followed her gaze upstairs. He couldn't quite kill the vibe of curiosity, nor could he ignore the sweet scent crawling down. They were most definitely smoking, but it wasn't regular cigarettes. "I skipped nothing, but I'm not an honors," Evan confessed, then shrugged. "I am sorry, I really think they should be smoking in here. Even if they get away with it, they could trigger the firealarm and we'd all be hurried out of he- hang on," a smile crept over his face. Barely able to contain his excitement he headed up the stairs and barged into the small study room. "Can I borrow a cigarette and a lighter?" he asked. "Just for a moment," he added quickly.
Catching on to his plan, she smiles a little 'the kid is a genius. They better hurry up smoking, I'm getting restless and Dad will probably have a drunken rage if we don't get out soon...' she thought placing all of her supplies that she had out back inside her purse.
"Mmm boy yo' self haven't felt anythin' yet. Jus' wait, it gets betta'" he mumbled as he found himself once again in the possession of the joint. Maybe today wouldn't be as terrible as he predicted. He scratched his nose as he released another breath of sweet smoke. "Thanks boo, I needed dis'. I might have hope of sleepin' tonight." Gene drawled as he felt his body get lighter.

"I don' usually do names boo. It's too hard ta' remember and keep track of dem'." Gene sighed, eyes hooded as he bit on his bottom lip, "But people call me Gene." With another sigh he passed the joint back to Tanner. "God, I am so f*ckin' tired of dis' sh*t. Livin' is hard. Ces gens en bas des escaliers ne savent pas comment facile qu'ils ont. Ils ont un toit. Ils ont une douche. Ils ont de la nourriture. Ils en ont tous.*" As the weed finally took effect his mouth got ahead of him, slipping seamlessly into French.

His buzz was cut short when someone busted into the room. "Watcha' doin' here boy? Dis' is a private party." Shelton sneered as he sat up, "Dis' is what I'm talking 'bout. No respect. I don' purposefully look fo' dis' sh*t. It follows me. Is it because of da' way I look, huh?"

(Those people down stairs don't know how easy they have it. They have a roof. They have a shower. They have food. They have it all.*)
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"Naw, let them stay. All for one and one for all, right?" Tanner remarked quietly. "Besides, they're bound to already have some of it already." he laughed, remembering the red head from earlier.

(sorry, i'm eating and typing.)
"Non, ils ne l'ont pas tous. Ils n'ont pas d'amis. Ou de la compagnie. Nous l'avons,"* Damien murmured towards Gene, smiling softly. He narrowed his eyes as the room was burst into by none other than the smart ass who had tried to set them straight earlier. Damien's jaw instinctively clenched as he pulled himself up to his full height.

"You are very rude. Try to tell your elders what to do and then ask things of them? In France this would never be tolerated. Ton cul fessée serait si dur qu'il saignait. Êtes-vous saignez jaune, vous lâche?**" Damien asked calmly, a small smile playing upon his lips as he slapped his leg for emphasis. Turning to Tanner, he shook his head. "Give the mongrel nothing. He does not deserve it until he kneels on the floor and licks our shoes like a good dog would."

No, they do not have it all. They do not have friends. Or companionship. We do.*

Your ass would be spanked so hard it'd bleed. Do you bleed yellow, you coward?**
Once again, Evan was at a loss in making any sense of the weird little language the boy quipped. The mere sight of the boy, with his unruly hair and his posh attitude, put every hair in his neck on end. Even though he couldn't understand a word of what he was saying, the expressions that accompanied his words spoke for themselves. He was making fun of him, mocking him. If he was rude for asking questions, then they were off the chart by smoking without a care in the world. Something stirred in his stomach at this realization, and he scowled at the boy. As if that wasn't enough, the doll face added fuel to the fire by calling him a mongrel. "You're going to be sorry for that," he warned. Like a fire being lit, he stormed forward and rammed his fist against the boy's cheek. "Lick your own blood, you shit."
Hearing the commotion upstairs, she rushes up the stairway with a panicked expression. 'I swear if they hurt that little boy while they're high...'
"Here we go..." Tanner sighed, "Don't hit him, he's just a kid."

He picked up his toothbrush, covered the bristles with toothpaste, and started meticulously scrubbing. As he did so, he picked up the can of Oust and sprayed the room, leaving no corner untouched.
She rushes into the room and sees tanner spraying while brushing his teeth. Her red hair flying everywhere and her clothes more than rumpled "what happened up here?" She asked tanner with a concerned look on her face

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