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Realistic or Modern Summer. (No longer accepting!)

[QUOTE="Rock And Roll Boy]"Jack..." Claira couldn't keep running, her hayfever flaring up again. She stopped and started rubbing her teary eyes. "Jack, I don't feel good". She pressed a tissue to her nose, trying not to sneeze, her whole body itchy.

"Ok... Let's get you inside."

Jack panicked. He didn't know what to do.
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"C... can you help me"? She felt sapped of strength, trudging closer to him. "Sorry..." She whispered as she leant against him, rashes appearing on her arms and legs. Pressing the tissue harder against her nose, Claira sniffled and kept fighting the sneeze off. "Feel tired... a... ahh... and... itchy..."
[QUOTE="Rock And Roll Boy]"C... can you help me"? She felt sapped of strength, trudging closer to him. "Sorry..." She whispered as she leant against him, rashes appearing on her arms and legs. Pressing the tissue harder against her nose, Claira sniffled and kept fighting the sneeze off. "Feel tired... a... ahh... and... itchy..."



Jenn freaked out as she saw Claira.

"O-Oh my god... Get the medicine, quick!"

Jack gets the medicine.

"Ok, drink this."

"Jack, carry her, She needs to get rest."
[QUOTE="Rock And Roll Boy]"I... I don't want it. Don't make me drink it". She scrubbed at her nose. "Carry. I want to be carried".

"Up, you go."
Rosalie looked at Kurt, ready to say something but then he apologized so she calmed a little. Then she heard Dylan whining in pain, she looked at him woriedly helping him to sit.

"Good that you apologized" She said to Kurt looking at him. "B-but please, don't do this again, to anyone" she added.

@Darkhan @Wild Wolf Wind
"yea.i have taken so many hits before so its not as bad as broken bones. here sit."Dylan moves his guitar so kurt can sit down, but then a note falls out of it. "Huh?" he grabs the note

Hello Dylan by the time you are reading this you are 18 and i am long gone. I have written this note in advance for you because i know you are going to have to face things in life that are hard for you. You are going to have to take on many challenges and face many different people. i told your mother to give this to you when you reach 18 and it is soon the anniversary of my death. Please don't think about the pain i went through think about the times i had with you. I will always protect you no matter where i am or what place I'm in. I love you.


"That son of a gun" a few tears fall from his face
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"Shall we admire this longer or go find your room in this giant maze?"

Back to reality, Emilia turned back to Fay. "Ye-yeah, yeah let's find my room." She says with a chuckle, closing the door to the bathroom she begins to look down the narrow hall. "Well let's begin.. shall we?" She says looking to Fay with a smile as she continues to walk down the hallway to the first door and opening it. "Mmm, nope." She says, noticing clothes and other things in room 1.

Continuing down the whole and getting a little bit more frustrated with each passing room she finally found the 4th room; sighing in relief she turned over to Fay and pointed next to her bed. "You can my bag on the bed." She says excitingly, she continues to look around her room as she sits on the edge of her bed. "Oh, 'n thanks again for helping me Fay." Emilia says smiling. As she pulls her luggage to her thighs and starts to unpack her things.


((@JaCrispy Thanks for telling me Crispy appreciate it; good thing I double checked.
Rosalie looked surprised at the note, when Dylan pick it up and read it she saw tears in his eyes.

"I-I hope it's nothing bad" she thought not sure what to do now.

She just walked to him and touched his shoulder lightly, just like when they were outside the house.

"A-are you ok?" Rosalie asked not sure if she should talk to him now.

@Wild Wolf Wind
She read it carefully, her eyes filling with tears a she saw next words.

"Oh Dylan..." Rosalie looked at him

"He really is a loving father... amazing man caring for his son" she said "You should remember he will always be with you" the girl added smiling warmly too him then she huged him tightly "And I'm sure he's proud of you as well. Y-you're a really talented and good young man" As she said that her red cheeks were wet from tears.

Because she knew how they loved each other, and how amazing was Dylan's father. And she never had someone this close to her. Never had a real father.

@Wild Wolf Wind
After opening a door to about every bedroom they finally came to Emilia's. Fay was glad cause Emilia seemed to be getting more frustrated more every door. Fay looked around at everything, something she found herself doing even more since she had gotten here. She smiled broadly at her and laid the stuff gently down on the bed. "No problem Emilia! Do you want me to help you unpack too or let you chill for a while and talk laterrr?" She ran her hand over the bed unthinkingly. @Pure
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Dylan took the note back and and flipped it.

ps please play my favorite song that you played when i was in the hospital. in my memory

"i will dad. i will." he got his guitar ready and started playing. as he played his eyes were closed slowly dripping with tears.


@Rosalie Woodland @Darkhan
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A tear came down from Kurt's eye. "My god this is beautiful." He whispered. He sat on the ground and listened to the whole song. When the song was done he looked at Dylan. "We should really do a duo me and you." He said with a smile.

@Rosalie Woodland @Wild Wolf Wind
Claira turned away a second before blasting out her loudest sneeze yet. Now her whole body hurt. Gripping the bedsheets, she whimpered a little. "J... Jack..."

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"No problem Emilia! Do you want me to help you unpack too or let you chill for a while and talk laterrr?"

"Yeah, I'll just chill for a bit." She said her eye darting to Fay's hand a bit as she quickly looked back at her luggage. 'Is she hitting me?' she thought to herself, as she tries not to make eye contact with Fay's hand "Oh and thanks again." Emilia says, brushing her long blonde behind her back.

As she begins to unpack her things Emilia began to look around the room again, theirs so much Rosalie and Emilia need to talk about; what days are best for then to clean their room? Or which day is best to do laundry? So much responsibility filled the blonde girls mind as she began to put her garments, socks, and tights into one of the free dressers. Grabbing some of her clothing she began to move over to the closet, humming to herself she began to hang her clothes, with a smile still on her face.


Mention: @Rosalie Woodland
Fay smiled and nodded her head. "Of course." She noticed and stopped what she was doing with her hand after Emilia seemed to give her a look.She was about to walk out as the girl put up her stuff annd hummed. Being herself she headed back quickly and hugged Emilia. "We're gonna have so much fun!" She squeezed her then headed out, taking the stairs quickly since she was more aware of where she was going this time. She went towards the door and grabbed her bags then headed to her room. She had better luck than earlier with Emilia finding her room on the first time but after all there wasn't as many doors. "You must be Charlie! Rosebud told me 'bout you." She winked teasingly and laughed as she sat her bags on the empty bed. "I'm Fay by the way." She pulled a dream catcher from her bag and hung it above her bed. She flopped down on her bed and crossed her legs indian style, elbows laid on her knees and she rested her chin on her hands observing the room and Charlie. She already had some ideas how they could personalize the room more. Her eyes went back to the girl and lit up. "You have tattoos!" She bounced up and went over to her. Fay sat down beside her and looked wide eyed at all the colors. "It's so pretty." Mumbling as she traced one of them, showing her fascination and also lack of knowlegde for personal space.

@Pure @Dinocorn
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