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Realistic or Modern Summer High School

Gideon smiled as he watched her skip around. He chuckled a bit. "uh...w-wherever is fine with me" he said softly with a smile. He was just happy that she wanted to sit with him still. He followed her around. "A-are you always this happy?" He said with chuckle. He stopped a couple of rows up and reached for her hand "Let's um....sit here." He held her hand pulling her into the row of seats.

Gideon was freaking out on the inside he couldn't believe he just grabbed her hand. He quickly let go not wanting her to be mad. He sat down and looked down at the camera in his lap hoping his face wasn't getting too red. ((@Kuu ))

Aldon pulled himself up, and stood up. His glasses were knocked off the floor and landed next to the front door. Aldon's nose was bloodied, he covered his nose and slowly walked to his glasses. Then Aldon bent down to get them with his free hand. He sighed and looked at Liana. How could he explain himself now? He tried to run away again, Teppo surprised him. But he already intended to leave Liana and run from her. Aldon was disappointed with himself. He was running from the only person, that made him feel this way.

Aldon looked at Liana and waited for her reaction. Was she going to get mad at him? Or perhaps resigned about the friend thing. These thoughts filled Aldon's mind and made him for nervous. His glasses were bented from the impact so the left side tilted a bit. Aldon felt like he was punched in the face by this stituation.

"I can't choose everything," Emma teased, turning around to face her new friend. She watched him and listened to the sound of his voice, which made her heart beat faster, though she tried to ignore it. "H-Happy?" Emma stopped, thinking for a little bit. "Well, I try to be, since a lady isn't supposed to allow any negative emotions take control of her, right?"

Emma's face turned a shade of red, a shade that would put a tomato to shame, when Gideon held her hand. "O-Okay, this is a nice spot." She smiled, trying to hide her embarrassment, and disappointment when he let go. "Hey, your hands are soft, too," Emma commented, reaching out to hold it again. Even if she was a little embarrassed of such a thing, she didn't let it stop her. She sat down next to him, smiling, though a little blush was on her cheeks.


( @Iallcsz - What happened???? :0)
(ohhhh....okay, replying time~ :P )

Liana's eyes were wide when she saw the color red around Aldon's face. He was bleeding. "Aldon!" she called, running up to him, but stumbling a little. "Oh, everyone is getting hurt today," she said to herself, looking through her bag for something to help the bleeding. "Okay, this time, you can't say no--we're going to the nurse."

Liana pulled out a napkin and grabbed Aldon's wrist, the one that was holding his nose, or covering it. "Here, let me help you. Then we can go the nurse okay?"



Ryu was out cold for a while before he woke up again and Teppo was still there asking him questions, he did not want to go to the nurses though because he did not want them to take him from his parents....well...could be for the better but living in an orphanage would really suck. Ryu rubbed his head again noticing he felt a bit better now. "Sometimes they get into fights....and I try to help...my dad is usually drunk and I end up getting hurt in the end.." Ryu says sadly looking at her and sitting up out of her arms because it kinda was starting to get awkward her holding him like in a romance movie.

Ryu tried to get up using the railing to help and stood up and looked at her "
See...Im perfectly fine....all b-better..." Ryu assured her knowing they had to go to the auditorium, but he really felt like him going home would be best, he just could not be on a trip were he would just stand and watch everyone else have fun and do things together like Aldon and Liana he just sat and watched and he did not want to be like that so staying home would probably but a good idea.
Aldon looked at Liana and tried to move back. He didn't want to be the center of attention, his blush came back again. " Liana, I-I'm fine you don't need to pamper me. I just tripped on the ground, and... " he looked down. " I don't deserve your attention. Aldon grabbed his backpack. " I'm going to the auditorium so just leave me alone! " he raises his voice. " I-I don't want to be stressed anymore! " Aldon ran off.

Aldon raced down the stairs and ran outside. He went instead the auditorum, he was early and a few people were there. He went to the top row and hide himself. He tried to forget about Liana.

Liana stood, watching Aldon run away again. Was it something about her that was scaring him? Hmm, was her pink hair intimidating? She never thought of it--everyone usually said it went well with her eyes or something....maybe it was scary to some people...just maybe...

"Aldon," she called, but her voice got softer as she said his name. It seemed like he didn't want to be around her anymore. Liana sighed, looking down at her napkin before putting it back in her bag safely. But she had to go to the auditorium for the meeting, too...and if she did go, she might end up making Aldon...uncomfortable again.

She slowly started to walk towards the place she had in mind, sulking a little as she did.

Teppo looked at Ryu and sighed. She knew that it would be a waste of time trying to get him to the nurse's office. Teppo stood up and propped him up, she took out her handkerchief and placed it on his wound. The handkerchief was stained with his blood, she put pressure on it to try to stop the bleeding. Teppo sighed again, " I want you to go to the hospital when you're done. You can't just ignore a head wound like that. You can have a concussion right now. I know you don't want your parents to get in troublr but you can't be this reckless and past out on the first day of school! " She yelled.

Teppo calmed down a bit and talked to Ryu again. " Can you walk straight? If you can't, I have to take you to the office. " @Kuu​
Liana was walking down the hall when she heard a familiar voice. She looked up and saw the boy who had tried to sneak away, and in the end, succeeded.

"Hey," she yelled, but she stopped since she didn't know his name. So she walked towards him quickly. "I still didn't get your name," she said to him. "Also..." Liana pointed in a direction, where soft voices were coming from, probably quiet because of the distance. "That way is the auditorium."

He smiled at her "Y-you're allowed to be sad you know. J-just because you're a girl doesn't mean you can't be sad." Gideon beamed up at her "but I uh...I like that you're happy." Gideon felt Emma grab his hand again. It felt like his heart skipped a beat.He heard her comment about his soft hands. Gideon chuckled awkwardly "I-uh...thanks?" he said unsure if it was supposed to be a compliment.

Gideon was afraid that his palms were getting sweaty because he was getting really nervous. He had never spent this much time with a girl and he was really beginning to freak out a bit. All of a sudden he began worrying about everything. Did his hair look okay? Did his breath smell? Was he sitting too close? Was he sitting too far? He had a million thoughts running through his head. "S-so what do you like?" ((@Kuu ))
"But I can't be sad when I'm with my new friend," Emma said, her smile getting wider. "And I want to make you happy, too, so I have to be happy first if I'm going to infect you with it!"

Emma couldn't be any happier. Gideon was such a pleasure to be around...would it be okay if she kidnapped him and took him home? But ladies don't kidnap people, do they?

"It was a compliment," Emma laughed when he chuckled awkwardly. "Soft things are good, I think?" she said, now being unsure herself.

She started to draw things in his palms, and just took his his presence...him sitting next to her, his hand in hers, his calming voice----whoa, whoa, Emma, slow down.... Emma shook her head of her thoughts and looked at Gideon. "W-What I like? Well, I like being around you!" she said, not caring if she sounded cheesy.



Ryu looked at Teppo and let go of the railing and did a little jig in his place "I feel b-better now....and if I went t-to the hospital then to field trip and that would.....I don't know." Ryu says he kinda took her yelling t him with general ease, but then again it was known that he did have parents who did it all the time so he was used to it. Ryu still felt a little off but he could do this trip and they would have nurse on the trip so he would be fine, he was sure he did not have a concussion.

Ryu noticed light footsteps coming down the hallway and turned to see Liana and no Aldon which was odd seeing how well they were getting along, Ryu tried his best to fix himself up because she said he looked like a wreck but after he kinda passed out he could not fix much. Ryu looked at her "
I guess its usual people don't know my name......I-I....Am...Ryu...you are Liana and this is T-Teppo" Ryu says not very happy she did not know his name, it was not that he liked her super bad but it just showed him how low on the social ladder he was, him and Aldon had to be at rock bottom by now
"Nice to meet you, Ryu," Liana said, smiling at him. "But I wish that you'd properly introduce yourself before you try and run from me." She held out a hand, which she expected Ryu to shake as a symbol of...basic friendship. "I don't bite," she added, wondering if Ryu was also scared of her pink hair.

Sora took another look down at his phone to see the text message that caused him so much commotion and within a split second his eyes widened. He began to rush out the library doors and into the hallway. While turning around a sharp corner Sora noticed a small group of people conversing, but at the speed he was going... "WATCH OU- ~CRASH~" He yelled in a failed attempt to get the group of people to move out of the way. Sora tripped over a tall pink haired girls foot and strait into the dirty floor face first. "Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid" He continued to utter.

(( @Kuu @Iallcsz @BlackJack ))
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Friend...Gideon was well versed with that word. He was sort of disappointed hearing the word friend, but at the same time he was really grateful that she thought of him as a friend. He felt her drawing patterns in his hand, his pulse quicken, he felt his face getting warm and he had to pull his hand away. He didn't want her seeing him blush. As he pulled his hand away he gave her small smile. Gideon hope she wouldn't be offended he just liked her a lot. However, he knew he couldn't tell her that. They were friends.

He smiled and laughed a little hearing her response "I-I meant like...hobbies. But I'm glad to hear you like me." He nervously bit his lip "I-I...uh I like you too. I-I'm glad we're friends." He said with a friendly smile. ((@Kuu ))

Teppo stopped walking and looked at Liana. She let go of her Ryu and left him on the railing, she was still concerned about Ryu but Liana had got her attention for the moment. " You were with my brother right, may I ask you some questions about it? " Teppo said. Teppo still kept an eye on Ryu she knew he would try to run for it when he got the chance. He was already hurt so Teppo was on damage control. She didn't hear any footsteps from him. Teppo sighed and looked at Liana. " Are you two.. you know? " she said. Her voice was still a bit loud after yelling at Ryu, she was just irratated about him putting himself through that. " Everyone is hurting today. " Teppo thought to herself.

@ Kuu @ BlackJack

Sammy shrugged and yawned as well, because like her laziness apparently, yawning is contagious. She rubbed her eyes, dropping her head back against the tree and looking up at Savior. "My mom would kill me if I did. Plus, she's much to loud when she cheers to let me sleep. She's just like Tyler."

As much as Sam enjoyed doing absolutely nothing, the rest of her family was almost abnormally lively. Her parents said she got it from her grandmother, who they used to visit every summer before she passed away. Sammy was alright with being the odd one out, though. It was easier than trying to be someone she wasn't.

"You would probably get along well," Sammy observed, noting how every one of his smiles and his laughter came so easily. "What about your brother. Oasis, was it?"

June took it all in stride, clumsily following Oasis' movements. He kept her steady, guiding her with his hand until she finally got a hang of it a little. She giggled, smiling up at the tall boy.

"You're a good dancer, huh?" She teased as they swayed. Juniper hasn't had this much fun in a long time. It felt good, but as the time for the assembly drew nearer and more students pushed into the limited space of the aisles while finding their seats, the two were forced to stop. June pulled away and was about to suggest they maybe go back to their seats when somebody bumped into her from behind and shoved her to the side. Her hands slipped from Oasis' grasp as the small girl was continuously jostled around. She usually had some trouble with her balance, but now she was all disoriented. Trying to steady herself she called out, "Um, Oasis?"


Tyler laughed as though Zane had just said something completely and utterly outrageous. He patted his friend on the back as the entire group began moving into the auditorium due to a couple of teachers ushering everyone inside.

"Please," he sighed, wiping his eyes of fake tears. Always a bit theatrical, this one. "I like love her to death and will always stand up for my sister being of the female species, but Sammy is certainly no lady. Like really, the farthest thing from a lady would have to be that girl. Do you have any siblings, Zane?"

"Ah!" Liana stumbled back when someone tripped on her foot. "Oh, dear, are you okay?" she asked, wondering if this person also needed to go to the nurse. Seriously, everyone was getting hurt today.

"Hey, hey, come on, let me help you up," Liana said, holding out a hand. She looked up at the girl who was next to Ryu. "Your brother?" she asked, trying to think about who might be her brother...Oh. "You mean Aldon?" She looked down at the person who tripped on her foot, hoping that he wasn't hurt too badly.

"Do you feel dizzy?" she asked, then looked back at the girl who had asked her something. "Uh, I'm not sure what you mean by...'you know'." Liana laughed a little but she tried to guess what the girl was trying to say anyway. "If you're asking if we're dating or not, no, we just met."

@Iallcsz , @TooLazyToLogIn


(you make me want to take back everything Emma said about being friends xD )

Emma was a little surprised that Gideon pulled his hand away, but sh guessed that maybe he was ticklish there. "Hey, are your palms ticklish?" she asked, giggling as she thought about other places where he might be ticklish. Maybe his neck? But she will have to wait a little so she doesn't....startle him....yet.

Emma smiled back at Gideon. "Hobbies? I'll say hanging around you," she said, now playing with the sleeve of his shirt. "Well, it's going to become a hobby now. Also, hug-attacking you will be one of them, too..." Emma's smile only got wider after she listened to Gideon. "I'm happy that we met, Gideon," she said cheerfully, even though she really invaded his space when they just "met."

Gideon laughed a little "Uh..yeah ticklish...M-my palms are ticklish." He said lying, just so he didn't have to tell her that he really pulled his hand away because he thought she was the prettiest girl at this school and he was nervous because he was in doubt that she could actually enjoy spending time with him.

He had noticed the auditorium starting to fill, all the people usually bothered him. However, he was too busy looking at he to even care about the other people. Emma was the only person he noticed in this room. He watched her playing with his sleeve, he took her hand and flipped it over tickling her palm. "A-are your palms ticklish?" he asked with smile. ((@Kuu ))
"He's just one of my brothers at this school, but the one closest to my age. Oasis is like me, just a lot calmer, more mature in a way." He looked at her, "Not that I'm not mature! I-I just enjoy being energetic and he, well not so much.". Savior pulled his sleeve up to reveal his watch, studying the time and then showing it to her. After giving her enough time to count the dials, Savior stood up and began to fix his clothes and such so he looked his usual hot self. "I wouldn't mind walking a pretty girl to the auditorium, even if they already hate me.". Savior turned around to let her see him and his extended hand to her, complete with a breeze to make his hairs and clothes ripple across his flattering physique. Savior didnt know if Sam really wanted anything with him, besides punching him in the face, but she was kind enough to talk with him so he would be kind enough to be her friend, should she allow it. As far as getting a date with her, well this was a new challenge, one he thought one of his brothers might be able to handle well.


Oasis watched her, his eyes soft and lustful looked over her. He had a smile on, not one to flatter, but because he was actually having a good time with this silly girl. When the crowd began to thicken Oasis took note, moving her slowly and steadily away from the people into one of the rows of seats. Sadly, he watched as the people played no mind to the small girl and pushed and shoved to get around, some girls and guys doing it just to get to Oasis. The hunk wouldn't have it, reaching to her and pulling her close. His arms wrapped around her and pulled her with him, theirs bodies pressed against one another until he released her. Oasis had taken them to his row of seats, only a few feet away from where she had been jostled and jerked. "You ok?" (@Nutter )
Amu noticed everyone getting ready to settle down so she went to find a seat. But it was so crowded that she couldn't see anyone. She pushed and shoved through the crowd but it just kept getting worse. She was starting to get more and more irritated. "That's it." She said in a low whisper. She yelled in a very loud voice where everyone could here her. "WILL YOU ALL PLEASE MOVE OUT OF THE WAY AND SIT DOWN!!!!" The room went silent and all eyes were on her. She ignored their stares and ran over to June and Oasis and sat down with them.



@kira blackthorn
"You actually stuttered," Sammy laughed, but only sardonically. For a girl who spends almost all her time either sleeping, playing videogames, or ignoring people, Sam had particularly sharp ears. She looked at his outstretched hand then up at his glowing features with one eyebrow raised. She shook her head, ignoring the offered hand and instead using the tree to help herself up. Savior was good looking, and he obviously knew it, too. This was ridiculous, but Sammy still couldn't push the frivolous boy away completely. "I'm just gonna sleep during the assembly anyways, but let's go I guess."


"Er, thanks," Juniper said, nodding. She took her seat quickly, still feeling a little dizzy. Not for the first time in her life, June realized how small her body was. When pressed up against him, she just barely reached Oasis' shoulders. He had practically carried her to safety. Even her clothes hung loosely on her skinny frame, making her already flat chest look even flatter. June found she didn't mind all that much, now that she thought about it. She was sure that Oasis' hug would be much less comfortable if she weren't the way she was.

Smiling to herself at the thought, she was just about to say something to the boy when she was cut off by Amu's boisterous cry. She was the complete opposite of June in that way. The girl soon joined them at their seats, and Juniper couldn't help but laughing. "You're pretty brave, you know that?" (@Huntrey @animegirl20)
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"Haha you think so thanks my mamma always said face a challenge with a brave face." She smiled at her then relaxed in her seat. She pulled the head phones over ears. She decided to listen to some music.


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