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Fandom Summer Camp [Digimon] [OOC]

Summer Camp [Digimon]

Welcome to the OOC-Thread, everyone.

One of the main things we have to take care of before we start is to distribute the parents/children. Therefore, I made a list with what is canon according to the anime and the wikia. Please take just one child slot for now, but you may note your intrest in shipping parents. Should 2 players agree, I'm okay with the children being siblings (likewise if we're past the 24th or if everyone who's expressed intrest picked someone ( Blitzkrieg Bob Blitzkrieg Bob Pumpkid Pumpkid Acethekidd Acethekidd Nico Nico ), then you're free to take a second character. You can also choose an OC, of cource). After that's done, I'll post the character thread and then we can start the RPG :)

Ken & Yolei (1 girl (Poromon), 2 boys (Minomon, Leafmon)):
Matt & Sora (1 boy (Tsunomon), 1 girl (Yokomon)):
Tai (1 boy (Koromon)):
Joe (1 boy (Bukamon)):
Mimi (1 boy (Tanemon)):
Izzy (1 girl (Motimon)):
Kari (1 boy (Salamon)):
T.K. (1 boy (Tokomon)):
Cody (1 girl (Upamon)):
Davis (1 boy (DemiVeemon)):
just curious. are we allowed to choose a line for the digimon?

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