Subarashii Boarding School (Sign up)


Aki of Hearts ♡



Welcome to Subarashii Academy, a normal boarding school filled with normal teenage students. Here at Subarashii Academy, we accept only the elite students with the best grades. Subarashii Academy was formed in 1989 in Tokyo, Japan. It is now 2024 and this school is considered the greatest of all high schools. Every student that graduates becomes famous and/or successful and rich. My name is Takeshi Subarashii, the current Headmaster of this school. My great - grandmother created this school because she believed that she would be able to help children reach their goals to the fullest. I will continue her philosophy and help my students anyway I can. Once again, and I say this with all of my heart, welcome to Subarashii Boarding School new students!

- The Subarashii Family







- French







Culinary Arts


P. E.

School Uniforms

Girls Boys



Have fun! Always!

No godmodding

No bunnying without permission

Romance is allowed and definitely encouraged. Just don't go overboard.

No user fighting.

Character Form







Classes (Max 2):

Future Career Interest:




My Character

Akihito J. DiGaetano

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Akihito is friendly and very calm. He usually speaks calmly in short sentences. He is very sensible and looks at problems logically and calmly. Akihito isn't one to panic and is very good at holding his emotions. Akihito is also a little unconfident in his abilities but he is working hard to overcome it.



Country: Italy

Classes: Culinary Arts and Music

Future Career Interest: Gourmet Chef or Music Composer

History/Bio: Akihito was born in Venice, Italy and is the eldest son in his family. As he grew up, he showed signs of great intelligence and creativity, especially excelling in music. When he became old enough, he earned a scholarship to Subarashii Boarding School and flew over to live there. Akihito vowed that he would make his whole family proud and is happy living away from home. His family owns a company although they aren't extremely wealthy, but above the average. Akihito settled in quite quickly and immediately began making friends with students and teachers alike. He is looking forward to the new year and hopes to meet more people.

Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: He's had a few short relationships but he hasn't found the right girl yet.




Current Students

Akihito J. DiGaetano and Takeshi Namikito - Akihito

Elouise DeLauer - @Rai-Chan

Mira Stark - @paipai900

Ivy Knight - @UnholyRedemption

Hasashi Hatchigatsu, Hal Bernstein, Shita Hitachi - @ShadowWang

Ashton Amore - @Angel Evans

Amion Kerectus - @Lucem Tenebris

Itami Quinn Hiratoshikukubara - @Humor

Rena Yovic - @Flip Jester Boy

Meihui Kurosu and Liuli Kurosu - @Ene Kagerou

Catherine Seijuku - @Jon_14

MarDee Lejeune - @Amaterasu Miyamoto

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Name: Elouise DeLauer

Age(15-18): 16

Gender: Female

Personality: She's sweet, friendly. A little bit of a ditz. She gets really nervous really fast, and goes into tiny panic attacks at the dumbest things.


Country: France

Classes (Max 2): Music, Art

Future Career Interest: She wants to be a composer.

History/Bio: Ever since Elouise was born, she has been told that she needed to try harder. So she did. But even when she did, it was still not good enough. Her piano skills just never matched her parents' expectations. She was easily able to join the academy, and she joined because she wanted to polish her skills so she could go to to her parents to gain their approval.

Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Akihito J. DiGaetano is her crush. Whenever he walks by or she sees him, she nearly faints. It's bad.

Other: Merp
Awesome character! Accepted and of course you can accept other users and also accept reasonable plot twist while I'm offline! :3

I imagine this happening;

Elouise: Doodoodoo...

Akihito: Hi there!

Elouise: *stands up, knocking over table* AHhahahaaa hi OOH I think someone's calling me g'bye! *rushes out leaving a cloud of dust*
I changed the title because I saw another RP called Dormer Academy and I didn't want them to feel like I was copying them.
Yeah, I see. I remember once I had a roleplay that had a title very similar to one of Live's, but the story was TOTALLY different, and she flamed the forum saying I copied her idea. She didn't even read the thread.

:') Memories...
I remember that she copied someone's forms...that didn't end well for anyone.

Except for me, cuz I'm a ninja and I fled the scene :3

I mean

If I were her, I would have said, "Oh, I'm sorry! Yeah I should have asked permission, I just thought your form was SO great..."

Mira Stark


"Just one more time, okay?" - Mira Stark

  • Name:

    Mira Stark








    Physical Education


    • Mira often wears a red tracksuit on top and is often scolded for not wearing the uniform.
    • Rather tall, Mira stands about 5'9 ft and has lost weight (currently 130 lbs) in order to become faster.
    • She's as strong as an ox. Mira's often found training early in the morning.
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paipai900 said:
Character Form
Mira Stark

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: Loud, rambunctious, and outgoing, Mira is a freaking badass independent young woman. She tends to be a little pushy and aggressive, but she only means for the best. this is a spot holder, lads and lassies.

Generally, she wears a tracksuit on top.


Country: Germany

Classes: Physical Education! Her second class is MORE PE! :D

Future Career Interest: You may think this young woman would like to become a professional boxer, and she does, but her real ambition is to work as a teacher, but that's a secret.

History/Bio: Born into a very athletic family, it's not a surprise that Mira became the woman she is today, what the surprise is is that she's making her way up to an international level.

Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: .....Mira's as single as that lone sock in the dryer..... *cough* forever alone *cough*

Other: She's very strong, like, very very strong.
Amazing character! Accepted!
Akihito said:
Amazing character! Accepted!
.....I wasn't even finished... ^^" What if I make her into a Mary Sue. > :D lol jk I'm glad you have that much confidence in me. ^^"


Ivy Knight






She has a very noble personality with high standards and a lot of morals. Both confident and a social girl she will often chat happily with her classmates or associates freely. She can be quite passionate despite her care free personality when it comes to topics that are of an importance to her. She snaps rarely and will often be smiling. She dislikes people without manners and will often scold the person.





Classes (Max 2):



Future Career Interest:

A professional violinist or a Psychologist.


Ivy was born into a rich and noble family in the English society she is involved in lots of social events and large scale events in the English culture and the most important events. Since a young age she has had this well mannered life style and adjusted it to her personality. Due to her status in society she was often introduced to many things, trying to find her a talent that would make her stand out from the other noble families. Music. She was taught many instruments and mastered quite a few but she took fondly to the violin. She even began to create her own pieces and learn higher grade pieces. She was also brought into archery and fencing, gaining a talent in them but she often ignored them. She is quite athletic. At 16 she was finally brought into the world of Psychology in her all girls school when she decided to take the subject on a whim. She quickly became known as a protégé in this subject and so she took it seriously. She never became over confident though. However, due to her hatred for mathematics and geography, she skipped classes once or twice, and her parents were furious decided to send her off. Finding out about Subarashii Academy she was sent there as he parents back home attempt to find her a tutor in the every dreaded subject of Maths and geography. She however ignores this request from her parents as she attends.




She hates the colour pink.

She loves strawberries.

She hates bullying.

She hates people who have no class.

She made pout and get childish if she meets anyone good at her hated subjects.


Name: Takeshi Namikito

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Takeshi is friendly and charming. He is very flirtatious and is very popular with the girls. He is actually super smart but doesn't show it because he enjoys when people underestimate him. He is also a bit of a pervert.



Country: Japan

Classes: Mathematics and Science

Future Career Interest: Astronomer

History/Bio: Takeshi was born with amazingly cute looks which his father especially noticed. His mother divorced his father after she cheated on him and Takeshi was raised by his dad. His father is extremely energetic and bubbly, which was picked up by his son. His father is sure that his son's good looks will get him a good girl someday. Takeshi has never visited or remembers his mother and nor does he plan to. He prefers to not speak of her, although he doesn't hate her either. After his father trained him everyday, he got accepted into Subarashii Boarding School. Although he didn't have to, he moved in because his father insisted because he didn't want his daddyness to ruin Takeshi's chance of nabbing a girl. Takeshi loves his father very much and is working hard to make him proud.

Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: He is somewhat in love with Ivy and Mira but only because he considers their chest size to be the biggest.


UnholyRedemption said:


Ivy Knight






She has a very noble personality with high standards and a lot of morals. Both confident and a social girl she will often chat happily with her classmates or associates freely. She can be quite passionate despite her care free personality when it comes to topics that are of an importance to her. She snaps rarely and will often be smiling. She dislikes people without manners and will often scold the person.





Classes (Max 2):



Future Career Interest:

A professional violinist or a Psychologist.


Ivy was born into a rich and noble family in the English society she is involved in lots of social events and large scale events in the English culture and the most important events. Since a young age she has had this well mannered life style and adjusted it to her personality. Due to her status in society she was often introduced to many things, trying to find her a talent that would make her stand out from the other noble families. Music. She was taught many instruments and mastered quite a few but she took fondly to the violin. She even began to create her own pieces and learn higher grade pieces. She was also brought into archery and fencing, gaining a talent in them but she often ignored them. She is quite athletic. At 16 she was finally brought into the world of Psychology in her all girls school when she decided to take the subject on a whim. She quickly became known as a protégé in this subject and so she took it seriously. She never became over confident though. However, due to her hatred for mathematics and geography, she skipped classes once or twice, and her parents were furious decided to send her off. Finding out about Subarashii Academy she was sent there as he parents back home attempt to find her a tutor in the every dreaded subject of Maths and geography. She however ignores this request from her parents as she attends.




She hates the colour pink.

She loves strawberries.

She hates bullying.

She hates people who have no class.

She made pout and get childish if she meets anyone good at her hated subjects.

Awesome character! Accepted!
LOL because of their chest sizes xD LOL Pai, we always make characters with big breasts. 
This is probably the only character I've made which has anything similar to me. O.o

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