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Realistic or Modern Streets ~ RP

Gigi just curled up into a tighter ball, pulling the small blanket over her. "I don't wanna," She muttered, still half asleep. Her face still hurt, and she knew the bruising was spreading. Plus, she'd much rather not go that have to explain for the hundredth time to the teacher that her and her sisters couldn't do their projects because of being homeless.

@Jasil @Smoaki @Rhea
AJ Kadence


AJ groaned as she sat up from her bed, her long hair an absolute mess. Too tired to think about the small cuts and bruises she had gotten the past night, she grabbed her beat up brush with a missing handle and began tearing through her hair, grimacing slightly. She loved her long hair, but sometimes it sure was a pain.

"Come on Gigi," she said groggily to the still sleeping girl next to her," up an' at 'em."

@Jasil @Rhea @FireMaiden
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Luna threw on some men's boxer shorts and began trying to make everyone's school lunch out of the food stored and left over from last night. Luna sang and danced as she walked around the 'house'. Her hips moved to their own beat.

AJ Kadence

(had to switch my image, it stopped working)


AJ sighed tiredly and yanked the covers off of Gigi.

"Alright lazy-bones, you forced me," she teased, shivering slightly at the face that all she wore for pajamas was an over-sized wool sweater. She grumpily grabbed her 1/3 full toothpaste container and toothbrush and walked over to the cracked mirror and grayed sink that they used in the mornings. AJ dreaded school, mostly for the teasing she got for not having graduated yet. She'd been held back in her senior year because of her not knowing many of the basics in school.

@FireMaiden @Jasil @Rhea
"Alright alright, I'm up," Gigi groaned sitting up. She rubbed her eyes, and quickly put the same clothes from yesterday on. She brushed her hair with the broken brush. Gigi wasn't looking forward to having to explain to the teacher again, and tell the councilor about her anger issues. Infact, she dreaded it. Her, Chloe, and AJ were all picked on for different reasons, but there was one common one. The fact they didn't have a home.

@Jasil @Rhea @Smoaki
(Hey sorry guys!)

Chloe jumped up from her tent, "Wait for me!" She shouted, while faling over with one of her legs in her skinny jeans. She yanks the other leg in, fliped on a shirt and a hat. "Okay I'm ready!" She runs over to Luna to get her lunch "Thanks Luna." Chloe gave her a quick hug before joining Gigi and Aj.
AJ Kadence


"Alright let's get going then," AJ said, chuckling at Chloe's sudden rushing out of bed. She started down the just waking up street, Gigi on one side and Chloe on the other.

@Rhea @FireMaiden @Jasil
Chloe skipped beside Aj the entire walk. "Hey Aj what are you gonna do after highschool?" She asked. The bus stop was right across the street. "Come on guys! We can't be late!" Chloe yelled ass she ran across the street. She made it by only a second, "Hey bus driver, wait for my friends!" Chloe climbed the steps and sat all the way in the back. She sat in the corner of the back seat.
AJ Kadence


She mirrored Gigi's tired sigh and shook her head.

"Well, I guess we better just get it over with," she muttered, walking slowly forward until they were at the bus stop. She kept her head down and sat in the seat next to Chloe and motioned for Gigi to join them. She could already hear the whispering and laughing around them and she shot a death glare at a nearby group of boys who immediately shut up.

@Rhea @FireMaiden
Chloe's stomach growled painfully. She was half tempted to her lunch now, but she didn't allow herself. Chloe starred out the window ignoring the snickering boys in her front of her. Chloe was wearing a white shirt over a black tank top, the white shirt had some holes in it, and some ratted and tatted skinny jeans. Chloe always liked to sit in the back because, she was short enough that the bus driver couldn't she her smoke if she open'd a window. She glanced over to Gigi while handing her a Cigarette, "Same." she said with a cigarette already hanging from her own mouth, she tries to light it but the fluid in her lighter was low, so she had to shake it up a bit. Finally getting it lit she handed the lighter to Gigi.

@FireMaiden @Smoaki
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Luna sighed as she watched the girls leave.

"Have a good day."

She whispered.

Luna turned and began dressing herself for the day.

Knowing she had no clients, Luna walked down to a bakery and sat by the window.

Holding a warm coffee in her hands, Luna sat silently.

Gigi gladly took it and lit it quickly. She was wearing what she normally wore. She sighed, letting smoke out of her mouth. The smoke some how managed be let out directly I to the face of one of the "popular girls"

@Rhea @Smoaki

Look at her appearance
Chloe took a long draw, letting it out slowly. Chloe giggled when Gigi blew the smoke into the popular girls face. Chloe wasn't looking forward to this day, she was tired and achy. She had uneasy feeling like something bad was gonna happen today. She mentally prayed that those guys didn't show up again. Something nudge Chloe's foot, she looked down and there was a rose gold Iphone laying between her feet. Chloe's eyes widened, she carefully picked up and shoved it in her pocket, making sure nobody saw her. When the bused stopped at the school, Chloe got off and walked into the horrid brick building. Once inside she imediatly pulled aside by a counselor. "Ugh not again!" The counselor pulls her into his office. "Good morning Chloe," He starts out "Lets check how much you weigh today." He pulls out a little electronic scale, Chloe groans but steps on the scale anyways. The school never really asked her about her living situations, they were always worried about how much she weighed. This school is a reform school for kids who don't act right, Chloe would bet anything that three girls were the only normal ones there. The scale numbers pop up as '93 lbs' the counselor looks at her with disapproving eyes. The Ocunselor sat her down and talked his speil once about how she had to gain weight or the school itself will emit me to the hospital, blah blah blah. Finally when Chloe was released she realized she had already missed her first her class. "Oh well." She said happily as she walked through the school doors. What was the point of going if she had already missed her first class, she thought, and out she went.
AJ Kadence


She stared out the window and sighed boredly. It was only the second class of the day for her and she already didn't care. The droning voice of her math professor said something about x blah blah adding blah blah. She couldn't care less as long as she aced the test and got out of this shit hole once and for all. She wondered what Gigi and Chloe were up to, hoping that no one was getting too on Gigi's nerves yet.

@FireMaiden @Rhea
Gigi stumbled back, using a sink for support. The girl she had blown smoke at earlier had told her friends and was currently punching Gigi. She couldn't get a good shot in because her eyes were tapered up from being punched in the nose. The other girls laughed, "Why do you even bother coming when you know that we always do this?" She asked. Gigi smirked, "You have a nice ass."

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