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Realistic or Modern Streets ~ RP

AJ Kadence


AJ had merely been watching the current encounter from a distance that she trusted herself at. Every time Chole stole something that officer came after her, and it took everything she had for AJ not to beat him up then and there. She sighed and walked over at the mention of the watches.

"Chloe, you should get some sleep, I'll watch for you tonight," she said kindly," just don't sneak out or I'll have to put a dent in that pretty face of yours."

Now she was teasing. She'd never lay a hand on anyone in the family, especially someone younger than her, and everyone knew it.

@Rhea @FireMaiden


Luna sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

"I'm sorry girls but I have to go, if I don't well, it's not pretty."

She rested a hand on AJ, and then Gigi's shoulder, glancing at Chloe.

"I won't get hurt, promise. And you three don't worry about shifts, I've got eyes on the place who are always checking on y'all when I'm gone."

Luna pulled all three girls in a tight embrace but then whispered into the huddled circle.

"If I ever catch you three stealing anything or sleeping for money, I will personally be dealing out your punishments."
@Rhea @Smoaki @FireMaiden

AJ Kadence


AJ smiled warmly up at Luna as she pulled away, knowing even with her rough manner and threats, she'd never seriously hurt any of them. As she left AJ pulled her duffle bag from under the table and a baseball bat from that. It wasn't anything fancy, and it was far from new. She'd found it in a dumpster in an alleyway near their "house" a couple days ago and had wondered why anyone would throw it out. It was wooden, but built sturdily and barely used. Someone had written all over it in marker, so she'd have to paint it or something, but hopefully that wouldn't cost too much.

"Hey guys, what'd think 'bout this?" she asked Chloe and Gigi. It would work quite nicely to chase off the kids and common criminals that often hung around that end of town.

@FireMaiden @Rhea
Chloe looked up at Luna, "But you can't make all the money on your own." Chloe stated after leaving from the embrace. She went to her little camp and pulled out a little note book, she scribbled in it for awhile before AJ asked her about the bat she was holding; "Woah where did you find that!" Chloe shouted, running toward Aj


Luna sighed.

"I'll be back in maybe two hours. Get some sleep and I'll be here in time to try and help you all get ready for school."

Luna tried to keep all the kids in the Highschool with all her effort. Even if it was the crappiest Highschool in town, she wasn't going to let her 'kids' go into life without an education.

Luna began leaving the garage and headed to Maroons 'Pad'.

Her heels clicked against the concrete as she walked.
@Rhea @FireMaiden @Smoaki

Gig I shuttered at the word school. She sighed, "Aj, Chloe, either one of you have a smoke?" She asked with a hopeful voice. She doubted they did, but she needed something to calm her nerves and her anger.

@Rhea @Smoaki
AJ Kadence


"Gee, you know it breaks Luna's heart that you do that," she responded to Gigi's question disapprovingly. Smoking in her opinion was just gross, but she guessed it wasn't for everyone. She chuckled at Chloe's question," I guess you could call it dumpster diving, but it was such good quality."

@FireMaiden @Rhea
"She doesn't know I smoke, I make sure of that. Besides, my face hurts and we have no painkillers," Gig said with a shrug. "Dumpster diving? Really? Ok, we gotta go break into the pool again so we can shower. I have money so we can do some laundry. Tell me when you're ready, and we can go."

@Rhea @Smoaki
AJ Kadence


She sighs and puts her bat back in her duffle, stuffing it under her "bed" in the corner.

"Alright, but no stealing from the vending machines this time."

@FireMaiden @Rhea
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Chloe stuffed her dirty clothes, including the ones she was wearing, in her back pack. She put on some gym shorts with knee high stockings and a hoodie.

"Okay! Ready! and here you go GiGi!" Chloe pulled out an half empty pack out of her bag and chucked it at Gigi. "Got it off of some drunk guy passed out in the back alley." Chloe pulled the straps of her bag on to her shoulders. She grabed a bag with some shampoo, conditioner, and a few other bathroom supplies. "Okay! Ready!"

@Jasil @FireMaiden @Smoaki
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AJ Kadence


She gave Chloe a disapproving look before going to pack up her own dirty laundry. She only owned enough outfits for a week and two pairs of shoes, but it was enough for her. Grabbing her own soap, she followed the two girls out into the darkening city, cautious to make sure her baseball bat hidden at her side wasn't too obvious.

@Rhea @FireMaiden
"Hey, I only stole cause I was hungry," Gigi muttered, ignoring a few passing guys who called her a bitch. "I uh, broke his arm and his friends face," She said with a smirk. In her hand was a pocket knife, and a brass knuckle on her other hand.

@Smoaki @Rhea


Luna had stepped away from Maroons party for a moment, feeling lightheaded she stood in the kitchen.

The house phone rang next to her and she jumped before picking it up.

"Hello... They left?... Alright Jerry calm down, just watch them and keep them out of trouble... Call me if anything happens."

Luna hung up with shaking fingers. Jerry would make sure the girls were safe, but she was still nervous for them.

"Luna! Get yo bitch ass in here! You got a

Luna's eyes squeezed shut and she let out a breath as she walked back into the hell hole of her life.

Chloe shuttered at the men passing by, "Bitch." She heard the one with a cast on his arm say. As they passed they looked Chloe up and down, before disappearing into the quickly fading orange sky. As they made their long walk to the pool, Chloe sees more people around then usual. "What do you think is going on guys?" when she looked back at her group she realized they had some how drifted apart. More and more people started to bustle in, She thought something must have been going on; a carnival, a car show something! She pushed through the thick sea of people, Chloe thought she would just meet them at the pool but while she was alone in a big crowd she figured she'd make some money. She picked some pockets, and stole some jewelry. Then Chloe head to the pool. The sky was dark now, and as she worked her way through the crowd she was finally able to breath. Chloe was only a few blocks away and she could see Gigi and AJ. "Hey Gu-" she was cut off by a hand, and pulled into a dark car. In the car was two Puerto Rican men in suits. After driving a couple miles, they pulled up to a house with a rager party going on. At this point Chloe was in tears kicking and screaming. They took her into the house, "Ye yo maroon we got your a birthday present." 'Maroon where does that name sound fami- That's Luna's Pimp!' Chloe thought she started to struggle harder. "hey! pipe down you little bitch!" One of the men said to her but she kept fighting till she broke free and ran! She ran as had as she could out of the house and down the street abandoning her back pack in the back of their car.

@Jasil @FireMaiden @Smoaki
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"Fucking hell!" Gigi shouted as Chloe was taken, "What is this a fucking movie?!" She looked in the direction they had gone. "Come on AJ, let's go be heros."

AJ Kadence


"Whoever did that is going to be a dead man," she snarled, running after Gigi, and she meant it. That was the one thing she didn't put up for, anyone even suggesting harm against someone in the family. They chased the call all the way to an expensive-looking house with a raging party inside and AJ automatically became more angry- this was the pimp that owned Luna's house. She'd been waiting for this day. He better be a fast runner. She charged right up the front steps and into the party, baseball bat with her, leaving Gigi in the dust. She searched through the crowd not even bothering to look for Chloe at that moment. She was too furious.

"Hey!" She yelled once she found the pimp, throwing him to a wall with surprising strength for someone her age," where is she?"

@Rhea @FireMaiden @Jasil


Luna heard noise from the front of the house and left the room, gaining complaints from her client in bed.

In nothing but her underwear Luna stood in the main room with shock.

"What are you girls doing here?"

She grabbed both girls by the wrist and yanked them away from the men in the room.

"Where is Chloe?"

Luna demanded firmly.

Fucking bitches, what you doing in my house?" Maroon called out


@Rhea @FireMaiden @Smoaki

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Luna's brows came together in confusion.

Maroon spat out at the girls.

"I ain't got no one here, who the hell are you talking about?"

Luna stood in utter shock until one man by the door spoke up.

Um, boss, that girl we brought for you, t-the gift... She ran out."

Maroon grinned.

"Oh, that little beauty. Well Luna baby, your kid is outside some where. Problem solved."

Luna's eyes glanced out the door and her grip on the girls tightened. @Rhea @FireMaiden @Smoaki
Chloe kept running till she had no more oxygen in her lungs. She keeled over coughing, confident she lost them two bafoons, but still panicked. The tears in her eyes prevented her from seeing to well. Once she gained her composer, she walked back to where she had last seen the girls. All she saw were there things, she thought 'oh no! what if they got caught to!" She had to go back to that house, she didn't care if she didn't make back out she just wanted to save her friends. So she made her way back. When She got there, she noticed the girls kicking asses and taking names she immediately began to calm down. "Hey guys!!" She shouted.
"You sack of bullshit," Gigi said spitefully, glaring at the pimp. She clenched her fist, and aimed straight for his facd, landing a punch directly on him.



Luna gasped and ripped Gigi away from Maroon.

One of the men in the room pulled out a gun, aiming for the girls.

You fucking little bitch."

Maroon hissed, holding his face.

"Luna you whore control your pets."

Luna noticed Chloe run in the door and let out a sobbing breath of relief.


She ran over and grasped the young girl.

"You will never, EVER, go anywhere alone again. Any of you."

Luna released Chloe and walked over to Maroon.

"I'm sorry, listen please, they're just kids babe. They don't know any better, let them off the hook. Cmon I'll do anything."

Luna's favorite catch phrase
I'll do anything.

Maroons grin turned wicked.

"They got ten minutes to get out of my neighborhood and I'll leave em alone, but you,"

He gripped her arm and pulled Luna to him.

"Get to stay and enjoy the party."

The man with the gun pointed to the door, waiting for the girls to leave.


Luna said firmly.

"Just let me take them outside."

@FireMaiden @Rhea @Smoaki

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Gigi got in Maroon's face, "You can go suck the biggest cock you can find," She growled, before walking out, glaring at the man who kept his gun aimed at her. She smirk however, cause she punched him with the hand that had the brass knuckle.

@Jasil @Smoaki @Rhea
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Chloe hugged Luna tightly, "I'm scared, what if they come back." Chloe always started to rock back and forth when she was afraid. her head swayed back and forth. Chloe's skin shivered when she saw the man still holding the gun. "He's got a gun! He's gonna kill us! I didn't even go to college, I'm to young to die! I'm only 15!"

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