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Realistic or Modern Streets ~ RP

Jasil said:



She growled out in a menacing whisper.

No one could deny Luna was a momma bear, and one of her cubs had been hurt.

"Gigi I swear to God of you don't tell me what your 'job' was and who hit you, I will fucking bring hell upon the entire group and then go out and find them myself."

That was how Luna handled order around here, if one person gets in trouble, the whole group is in trouble.

She found it helped give extra motivation not to mess up.

Luna saw Chloe come back but paid no mind.

@Rhea @FireMaiden @Smoaki

Gigi again, laughed nervously. "I...uh....ok look, we need the money, so who cares about how I got it. It's not a very nice way, but I didn't steal it. And, I already took care of the guys, they only got two good hits in. Like I said, I'm fine."


Luna scowled and released Gigi.

"Fine, stubborn child. I don't care how desperately we NEED money, you will NEVER do that again. If I ever catch you doing that line of work again...!"

She huffed and ran a hand through her hair. Gigi was correct that they needed money, but that 'job' wasn't okay.

Luna knew she sounded like a hypocrite but she didn't care, she wasn't going to let Gigi do that.

"You won't tell me, then I'll talk to Maroon."

Luna turned on her heel and approached the old pay phone in the corner.

Grabbing one of the fake coins from the tin by the phone, Luna paid and punched in her Pimps phone number. If anyone could tell her who Gigi had worked for, it'd be him.

Jasil said:


Luna scowled and released Gigi.

"Fine, stubborn child. I don't care how desperately we NEED money, you will NEVER do that again. If I ever catch you doing that line of work again...!"

She huffed and ran a hand through her hair. Gigi was correct that they needed money, but that 'job' wasn't okay.

Luna knew she sounded like a hypocrite but she didn't care, she wasn't going to let Gigi do that.

"You won't tell me, then I'll talk to Maroon."

Luna turned on her heel and approached the old pay phone in the corner.

Grabbing one of the fake coins from the tin by the phone, Luna paid and punched in her Pimps phone number. If anyone could tell her who Gigi had worked for, it'd be him.

Gigi stuffed a piece of pizza in her mouth, theN followed Luna. "Ok, the east side of town, there were these two gang members who I owed a favor. They knew I would charge but I took care of it I promise. I had to give some of the money to one of the pimps in the area, but I promise that was a one time thing," she explained. The last sentence was a lie, but lying, now that's something Gigi was good at.
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Luna was about to reply when Maroon answered.

"Oh, y-yes sir. No, see..... Well I had a question.... No sir.... Okay."

The short phone call was brief and unpleasant.

Luna hung up with a sigh.


Her hand went to her forehead and her eyes shut.

"Please, don't. Maroon is on the look out for fresh meat and there are too many people helping him lately. Do not betray my trust again."

At this point Luna's words lost their harsh edge, now they were tired and defeated.

"I'm going to have to leave again soon."


Jasil said:


Luna was about to reply when Maroon answered.

"Oh, y-yes sir. No, see..... Well I had a question.... No sir.... Okay."

The short phone call was brief and unpleasant.

Luna hung up with a sigh.


Her hand went to her forehead and her eyes shut.

"Please, don't. Maroon is on the look out for fresh meat and there are too many people helping him lately. Do not betray my trust again."

At this point Luna's words lost their harsh edge, now they were tired and defeated.

"I'm going to have to leave again soon."


"What do you mean?" Gigi asked, "Didn't you like just get back?" She never liked it when Luna left. "You aren't going to help that sack of shit are you?" She asked.


Luna sighed and leaned against the wall.

"I'm leaving in about two hours, and I'm not helping him. I'm taking care of all of you. I don't care if he's having me work triple, as long as he lets me have enough to take care of you."

She looked around the 'house' with eyes that didn't really see anything.

"Besides, he OWNS me, there's nothing I can do about it."


Jasil said:


Luna sighed and leaned against the wall.

"I'm leaving in about two hours, and I'm not helping him. I'm taking care of all of you. I don't care if he's having me work triple, as long as he lets me have enough to take care of you."

She looked around the 'house' with eyes that didn't really see anything.

"Besides, he OWNS me, there's nothing I can do about it."


"We'll break his legs!" Gigi said with a smile. "And he doesn't own you, you just work for him. I can't wait till I see him, imma punch him straight his face. I don't care what happens to me, he deserves it."


She shook her head firmly.

"Get those thoughts out of your head young lady. If you ever lay a finger on him, his men will kill all of us, or worse."

Luna stood from the wall and crossed to where her work bag lay.

She pulled out an old makeup kit that's seen better days, and a black dress so small you couldn't even consider it a dress.

Luna tossed the clothing over her shoulder and began redoing her make up for her next client.

Jasil said:


She shook her head firmly.

"Get those thoughts out of your head young lady. If you ever lay a finger on him, his men will kill all of us, or worse."

Luna stood from the wall and crossed to where her work bag lay.

She pulled out an old makeup kit that's seen better days, and a black dress so small you couldn't even consider it a dress.

Luna tossed the clothing over her shoulder and began redoing her make up for her next client.

Gigi sighed, "I understand why you want to do this yourself, but you don't half to. I'll go with you, I really don't mind. Luna please, you shouldn't have to this," She said with a said look.


Her eyes were steel, her face stern.

"Gigi, you will never be near the kind of life I'm walking into ever again. You are not coming with me, I will not put your saftey at risk."

The entire time, Luna didn't even pause her makeup. She'd had plenty of 'discussions' this way.
@FireMaiden (night)

Jasil said:


Her eyes were steel, her face stern.

"Gigi, you will never be near the kind of life I'm walking into ever again. You are not coming with me, I will not put your saftey at risk."

The entire time, Luna didn't even pause her makeup. She'd had plenty of 'discussions' this way.
@FireMaiden (night)

Gig sighed, "Alright fine, but please, you can't keep doing this." She ran a hand through her hair, "Pleas be safe." She said quietly.

Chloe turns around and see Luna putting on her make up, "Luna! You're leaving again?" She asked trying not to let the hurt come out in her voice. She walked over to Luna, "I've always loved your make up Luna." Chloe hugged her tight. Then looked up at GiGi with a sad look upon her features. Chloe wasn't sure if she should tell Luna about the money she just earned, or if she should save it for herself. She decided to keep it hush for now but if anyone really needed it for something, she was willing to help out.

After about an moping around Chloe went down to a close by mall, where she regularly shoplifts. It's so easy to steal clothes there because nobody gets paid enough to care about the clothes for one, for two there wasn't any security scanners. But this time Chloe goes into a beauty shop. Chloe stole two eye liners, three mascaras, 2 red lipsticks, and some foundation. She was quick that nobody could deny, sometimes sloppy but made up for it with her coolness about it. She walked out of the store with ease, she then went to some shoe stores. Now shoes, she admits, is much harder to steal. Chloe usually has a hard time stealing shoes but there was a pair of silver ones she just had to have. She picked up the shoes that were in her size; slowly and quietly put them in her bag. She then simply walked out. Chloe then decided she needed one more thing. A little black dress. She went two flights up and entered a store that much resembled Victoria's secret. She went in and looked around for a while, a lady came up to her and asked if she needed any help, of course she said no. Chloe looked around a little while longer till finding it, the perfect dress. She picked up the black dress, just as she was about to stuff it in her back pack, the lady saw her. "Stop! Thief!" The lady shouted alerting a fat police officer. Chloe ran as fast a she could, dress in hand, when she finally made it outside of the mall, she started running towards the garage praying that she would make it.


Luna finished her makeup with a sigh.

Listening to the girls complaints, then shaking her head as Chloe left.

Luna had just finished slipping on her 'dress' When she heard shouting and pounding feet.


She yelled at Chloe and the man chasing her.

Luna walked to them and pulled Chloe behind her, blocking her with her body.

"Excuse me officer, is there something wrong?"

She purred out, trying to get them out of whatever trouble Chloe started.

Luna's face turned seductive as she looked to the officer.
@FireMaiden @Rhea

The officer looked Luna up and down, but then shook his head "Now this is the third time! I have to take her in!" Chloe hid behind Luna grasping her hips tight. She whimpered, "Please officer I wont do ever again I promise!" She said behind Luna. "now this kid is always giving us trouble Ms. and you'd be smart just to hand her over." The officer reached behind Luna to grab Chloe, but she dodges him. He grabs for her again, but she moves again and shouts "Please we'll give you whatever you want!"

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"Chloe, what the helord did you do?" Gig said with a sigh, before recognizing the cop. "Oh shit, I know him," she muttered, turning to keep her face put of his veiw as much as possible.

@Jasil @Rhea


Luna shoved both Chloe and Gigi behind her.

Her hand waved them off, telling them to get away.

"Listen, whatever she took, I'll pay for. Please I will do anything to clear her."

Luna's face was pleading and her hands gripped the edge of her small dress.


"Fine that'll be 200 dollars cash." The officer said with a smirk, folding his arms over his chest. Believing that she couldn't pay him that he says "Or you know, you could give me something in return." Her grinned a terrifying grin, his teeth were yellow and you could almost see a green fog coming out of his mouth. Chloe grunged her nose at him. Chloe tugged on Luna to get her attention. "I have the money." Chloe said. Slowly she came out from behind Luna; she ran over to her little tent, and grabed her five hundred taking out two of the bills. She walked back to the police officer and said "Here, now leave us alone." "With pleasure he said." straggling off.


Luna's face twisted in disgust as the man walked away.

She turned in her heels to face Chloe.

"What did you take?"

Luna's voice was menacing and sad.

"Chloe I swear,"

She began again.

Her mind drifted to the money the officer had taken. Where the hell did she get that?

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"Chloe how the hell did you get cash like that?" Gig asked with a raised eyebrow. She felt like this has happened before, "And seriously what did you take? Normally you get off easily."

@Jasil @Rhea
"Luna don't be mad! I just, I just wanted some pretty things that's all." Chloe said looking down at her feet, she looked to Gigi "Money? What money? I don't have any money!" Chloe's words ran together into a mush, stealing she was swift with, lying she was not. Chloe moved on to the next question "I got a lot of stuff you guys, I just got caught with that one dress! I have make up and shoes and a beautiful black dress!" She dump the contents of the bag. "Here I got this for you, handing her the foundation, some lipstick and eyeliner. Keeping the rest for herself. "I know you hate stealing Luna but hey that's the only way we get new things!"

@Jasil @FireMaiden
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Luna shook her head.

"You children, none of you understand."

Luna walked back over to her discarded things on the floor and began shoving them into her bag. She ignored the stuff Chloe had tried to give her.

"You shouldn't steal, makes a record. Shouldn't have a job like mine, it ruins your life. Everything I do is for you all, so you have things better off than I do."

Luna hid her bag in an old crate and put on her heels.

"But yet you still go off and do the bad things."

Despite Luna's attitude and ways she treats her 'children', her youth could be seen plainly on her face. She was too young to be taking care of a bunch of teenagers, but she was still here.

@FireMaiden @Rhea

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"Luna please, you don't have to go. Please, you can literally do anything else," Gigi pleaded. She then sighed, "If you come back hurt, I'll kill that price of shit!" She said frustratedly. "Chloe, I think me and you are on watch tonight, we should probably go get ready," She said, then began to walk off.

@Jasil @Rhea

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