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Realistic or Modern Streets ~ RP


Luna dragged all three girls outside and shivering in the cool night air, her half naked body exposed.

"Listen, my friend is going to take you home, his name is Jerry."

Looking at Chloe Luna grabbed her by the shoulders.

"No one is going to hurt you I promise. Now, you three go straight home and get some sleep and we will forget this happened."

Luna pulled out the house phone she'd taken and dialed Jerrys number.

"Yea... Get the cab... Okay."

She turned back to the girls.

"Jerry is right around the corner. He'll be here in a second, get in the cab."

Luna looked up in time to see Jerrys taxi pull up.

"alright girls here's your ride."

She kissed their foreheads.

@FireMaiden @Rhea @Smoaki

"God I'm exauhsted." Chloe said scrubbing the last pair of undies. Chloe dried her last pair of dirty clothing and stuffed everything back in her bag. "I'm gonna take a shower now, but is he gonna stay in here?" She mentioned towards Jerry who was keeping close eye on them, to close.

(Imma just be him for now, he's not a real character, just a filler)

Jerry noticed the girls discomfort.

"Sorry lass, I'll step out, but ye all got twenty minutes. Luna's gonna be pissed that I didn't take ye straight home."

The Irish man commented as he walked away from the girls, still staying nearby in case of trouble.
@Rhea @FireMaiden @Smoaki
Chloe washed the remaining conditioner out of her hair and turned off the water. She stepped out with nothing but a towel covering her. After she got dressed in her fairly clean clothes she zipped up her back pack and waited out side for the others. Chloe lifted a cigarette to her lips and lit it, she didn't usually smoke but the stressful events caused her to need something to help her calm down. Her thins legs were shaking still. But she wondered if it was really as bad as Luna said, I mean sure aside from the unpleasnt sex and the beatings. But you sure do make enough money to support one person. Chloe didn't want to be homeless forever, but it seemed that it would be that way if she didn't start doing somethings for herself.
Gigi joined Chloe after doing what she needed. "You have another one?" She asked with a sigh. Her hair was wet and her clothes were somewhat clean. "Hmm, we got school in a few hours. I still don't like it there, I'd much rather be at home."

"Same but you know Luna won't let us." Chloe said handing Gigi a cig. She drew in once more before stomping it out. "Gigi do ya think we'll be homeless forever?" Chloe's eyes stayed on the ground, she knew she was being irrational but she missed the feeling of a warm bed, or living in a house in general.
Rhea said:
"Same but you know Luna won't let us." Chloe said handing Gigi a cig. She drew in once more before stomping it out. "Gigi do ya think we'll be homeless forever?" Chloe's eyes stayed on the ground, she knew she was being irrational but she missed the feeling of a warm bed, or living in a house in general.
Gigi put the cigarette between her lips, and lit it. She look a long draw, and let it put through nose before sighing. "I don't know, I fucking hope not. It's been about four years now, right? Since I came along," She chuckled. "I really hope you find a way out of this situation."
"Yea me to." Chloe pushed off the wall. "Ugh I'm ready to go! AJ!" Chloe yelled, her exaustion was taking over making her more cranky. Chloe turned to face the wall, her long blonde hair, swept over face. "Fuck it I'll sleep here." She dropped her book bag and lays her head on it. Soon she was sleeping peacefully.

@FireMaiden @Smoaki
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Jerry drummed his fingers against his leg, and called around the corner.

"Ye lasses ready yet?"

He didn't mean to be rude, but he didn't want Luna knowin that the girls weren't home yet.


Luna left Maroons house late, feeling her entire body hurt.

She began walking home, carrying her shoes and her dress was unzipped.

200$ was tucked into her bra and she smiled slightly, knowing that soon she'd have enough to afford an apartment for her family.

Jasil said:
Jerry drummed his fingers against his leg, and called around the corner.

"Ye lasses ready yet?"

He didn't mean to be rude, but he didn't want Luna knowin that the girls weren't home yet.
"Sorry Jerry, big sis ain't done, and little one sleeping," She called, blowing a puff of smoke out of her mouth.
Chloe heard the words "Go" and shot up. "Yes I'm ready!" she ran and got into the cab, hype from her nap. Her stomach growled, but she was used to ignoring hunger pains. She figured if she had to wait she might as well finish her nap in the car. It was getting pretty late, but no one knew what time it was really ever. She sighed and fell asleep once more, her dreams were filled with terrible things that might've happened if she hadn't escaped.

(Anyone know what happened to the rest of our group?)

@Jasil @FireMaiden @Smoaki
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Jerry held the cab door open for the girls.

"We will wait on Miss AJ, the lass will probably be here in a moment."

The man leaned against the cab, watching the door for AJ.
AJ Kadence


She walked out obviously late but dry and clothed,and seeming much less furious than earlier. She dragged her bat along the ground behind her and sighed tiredly before getting in the car.

"Sorry I had to um... do something," she said once the door was closed. She cringed at her own terrible lying skills and sighed, hoping neither asked but knowing at least one would.

@Rhea @FireMaiden @Jasil


Jerry sighed and got in the car.

"As ye wish Lassies. Let's just hope we beat Miss Luna home."

He drove them to the 'house with only minutes to spare. Luna was a block away. "Alright Missy's, get inside and into bed before she gets home."

AJ Kadence


As soon as they were inside, AJ dropped down onto her bed and fell asleep almost immediately. Although, because of what she "had to do" she'd gotten a couple bruises and small cuts on her knuckles, feet, and legs that she hoped would heal by the next morning. They wouldn't.

(time skip?)

@Rhea @FireMaiden @Jasil


(Time has been skipped)

Luna woke up from her hour long sleep and began waking up the kids.

"Come on everyone, time for school."

She mumbled and went around shaking everyone awake.

"Get dressed, brush your hair, all that jazz."

Luna's bare legs were cold under the baggy tshirt she wore but she didn't care.


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