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Fantasy Strangers character sheet

The Outcast

Return of the King
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How the got power:


Theme song
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Name: Lucas .M. Walker


Gender: Male

Power: Enhanced Strength, Speed, and Agility

How the got power: Lucas made a deal with a demon named Aion. The deal was the Aion can live in Lucas in return he would make Lucas stronger



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Name: Robin Bell

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Power: Aeromancer (air mage)

How the got power:  Robin always wanted to fly and was always very superstitious, looking for four-leaf covers and wishing on stars. A lucky star left her the next morning with the ability to control air currents as she found out by accident, having fallen down the stairs and stopped herself mid-air.


Name: Mikahil

Age: 17 

Gender: Male

Power: The power of all forms of energy. (Go on google to find them all out.)

How the got power: At a young age, I was kidnapped and tortured by scientists claiming that I needed a near death experience to fully awaken all of my powers. I then one day awakened them just as they suspected. I don't know where they got this knowledge from, but I used my powers on them and escaped the dreaded facility.

Name: Evan Tahoma

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Power: The Power to turn invisible when no one is looking at you.

How the got power: Now this one can be considered a trippy start. You know how your asked; 'What superpower would you want?'. And so, Evan answered with a nice beautiful sentence. 'The power to turn invisible when no one is looking at you.'. He answered in a way not known to others'. Literally, there is no fucking backstory to this guy. He popped up and got the most useless fucking power!



Name: Mermuem

Age: 15

Gender: Male 

Power: Complete control over wood and all wooden things.

How the got the power: Mermuen use to be in a gang of anarchist's that wanted blow up the whole world,there leader called herself red and she had the power to control fire. When most of the gang members got caught or where killed Mermuen survived,a while after the gang was gone he found out he had the power to control wood and he thinks his old gang leader has something to do with it.


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Name: Katerina Peterova 

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Power: Shape-shift

How they got that power: Kat's family had a curse placed on them back in ancient times, the curse of shape shifting, if you didn't know how to control it, you wouldn't last long...Not much of her family did. 

Name: Asher Black

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Power: Control over all water and earthquakes

How the got power: Stumbled upon a cave with strange glowing writing, and he touched it. HE woke up in the cave with two tattoos. One green, and one blue. They are what channel his powers


(This is not mine its @glossophobia

Name: Yellow Blythe

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Power: Pocket Dimensions (A dimension about the size of a bedroom that can store anything a normal room can, including people)

How they got power: When she was 5, she was at a crowded park, when someone used their pocket dimension hidden by a tree. She wandered into it and found the user. The user tried to get Yellow out of the pocket dimension, so they pushed her back into reality, hoping to close the dimension with her out of it. Unfortunately, they closed it too early, and Yellow got her hand trapped in the dimension. This caused her hand to absorb the dimension, completely wiping it's physical form (and anything physical inside it) into nonexistence. The condensed power of the pocket dimension gave Yellow the power to create her own dimensions.


(I couldn't find a picture that best showed how the character looks, so I'm describing her.)

5'1 in height, average weight. Thin rectangular glasses, Short sienna hair in a bob cut, a blue hoodie with large cat ears sewn to the top, black fingerless gloves, a small key made into a necklace, blue jeans, and red converse. 
Name: Auria 
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Power: Necromancer (Death Mage)
How she got the power: Auria and her younger sister Ayla would be always playing at the forest, since they were a bit young then they didn't know any better. One day while the two were playing, they suddenly got attacked by a pack of wild wolves. Auria kills them but realized one of them killed her sister, she ran to her dead body and cried realizing she failed as a big sister. But right when she places her hands on her shoulder, she suddenly got healed and been brought back to life. Even though Auria was shocked all she cared about was for her little sister


Name: Ayla
Age: 13

Gender: Female

Power: Telekinisis, telepathy, and turn anything into a single thought but that comes with two downsides that will be shown in the roleplay
How she got the power: I would go into detail but.........its best everyone find out just to make things more.....intriuging hehe

Name: Dirk

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Power: Is made of a brown substance that can liquefy or solidify at will, which means that he can change his physical shape to make any form he wants.

How the got power: As a young man with nothing to tie him down, he grew tired of going to his boring 9 to 5 after about a year, and wanted a little more from life. Around that time, he volunteered himself as an experimental subject for his friend, who was an aspiring scientist. The original goal was to figure out a way to manipulate skin and stop wrinkles, but things went differently as the cells of his body changed state. At first, he was unable to control his new power, and it took him a while to learn how to solidiefy, but now he uses it to his advantage.


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Name: Abe strahan
Age: 19
Gender: male
Power: can lift 1,141 times his own weight(he ways 160), can fly, night visiom(can see clearly even when it's pitch black)
How the got power: a red dung beetle crawed under his skin when he was out hiking alone and called it it's home, Abe didn't know until his powers came to light and started feeling the beetle. He decided that having a beetle live within him was worth it because of the powers and they have a healthy relationship now


Name: Ruslan Rachaninov

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Power: Nucleokinesis (In all it's many variations); Nuclear immunity; Heat immunity; Mutation.

How the got power: Ruslan was one of "luckiest" people to visit haunted city of Pripyat. But eventually - as it always happens with cool guys like Ruslan - he got lost in there, and nearly died. Pretty funny story right? Hah, not so fucking funny when you live it. Anyways, Ruslan got back to his flat - his clothes burnt - and founded that he was able to manipulate nuclear energy. After searching for nuclear more, he found that nuclear energy is not only radiation. It's everywhere in modern world - radio, light bulbs, even thunderstorms. Nuclear energy is not only those big nuclear reactors. At first he literally had powerful nuclear field around himself, but now he has rather decent control, and uses it to protect his "lil' sis"

Picture: (Searching for it...)
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Name: Marina Rachaninov

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Power: Umbrakinesis (Darkness manipulation); Telepathic vision (Mind vision).

How the got power: Marina, trying to get out of her big bro's care, decided to get herself to a nightclub. Apparently, gang of men decided that their goal is to kidnap cute little girl. Apparently, Marina (due to stress) had something in her brain switch, and seconds after dark blades were shooting themselves into gang. You should've seen Ruslan's eyes when Marina showed her powers. She now tries to manipulate her ability, but is usually ends up hurting someone.

Picture: (Searching)
Name: unknown (goes by Techno)

Age: 17

Gender: male

Power: can control any from of technology and machinery making it do what he wants.

How the got power: When he was 13 he found a abandoned factory and being the stupid kid he is went in to it. After looking around he found a glass chamber witch he walked into. The chamber closed and gas flooded in knocking him out. When he awoke the glass door was lock by some sort of thumb print machine. He wished it would open and let him out then poof it did. It took him a little bit to figure out the connection but he did when it happened again when someone pointed a gun at him and the gun jammed after he wanted it to. 


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Name: Kurt Barnaby

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Power: [SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Can transform into a monstrous bear; while in this form Kurt is much stronger, tougher, and can run at a faster pace than he could in his human form. He is also resistant against cold temperatures. His claws are able to damage even tougher material like stone. In this form, however, it is difficult for Kurt to speak and he usually refrains from doing it at all.[/SIZE]

How he got his power: Kurt originally belonged to a famous circus group, however, the ringleader of the circus was constantly having to deal with protesters claiming the use of animals in the acts was unjust. In order to finally be rid of the protests and fines the ringleader decided to do away with the few animals they had to temporarily test an alternative method. Kurt was subjected to an experimental procedure that would allow him to transform into one of the iconic circus animals, a bear. Quickly, Kurt rose to be one of the most anticipated acts as he could perform tricks that almost seemed impossible for a bear to be taught.

Picture: Capture2.JPG -Normal Form          Bear.jpg-Bear Form

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Is it ok if i join in?

Name: Arthur Michael Macadam

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Power: He is said to be skilled at a power nicknamed "Quick Travel". It comes in the forms of portals and he has been able to travel into far distances and go through different places in the country and he is able to bring others with him into the designated destination on which the portal would bring them to. Though this can be used for escaping, he can also create small portals on which he can equip himself with a weapon as necessary as possible, for example he can use these small portals to snatch away a gun from a desk or even use it to deflect the bullets being aimed towards him and make them appear again, but this time aiming to damage the enemy. This can also be used as well to teleport enemies to dangerous  or unwanted locations, as well.

How He Got This Power: At the age of 15, he found a secret room located at the library of his mansion and so when he entered the room, he saw scriptures of secret languages which are said to be traced back to traveling gypsies who would disappear into thin air in the 17th Century. When he read one of the scriptures, he couldn't understand much which lead to him having a mysterious headache which lasted for a day or so. The next morning, he came back and surprisingly he was able to understand it for no particular reason and so he learned how to create portals.


Name: Jordan Park

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Power: The Gamer - Jordan's life has turned into a game, pretty much his whole daily life has turned into an RPG themed life style. Jordan can see his own stats, see people names above them, see their title, Jordan gains experience through specific tasks, stats increase from specific action, Jordan can learn moves from books, grows stronger when lvls up, can store items in inventory, defeated monsters drop items, he can create a party and invite people, sleeping and resting recovers his HP and mana, some people are treated as NPCs and he can unlock moves when a specific action is made.

How he got power: He thought it was a bluff but last night Jordan wished something after a falling star "I wish.... I was a game character...."



Theme Song:
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Name: [access flooded] I Am The Glitch

Age:[access flooded] I am stuck between worlds and I cant touch any part of them. Not the people, or enviorment. But they cant touch me either.

Gender:[access flooded] Is this needed? Im a male

Power:[access flooded]

How the got power:[access flooded]

Picture:rp error.jpg

Theme song:

(if anyone asked yes i based them off of who is my profile pic. No they dont have the same powers)
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