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Stranger in an Odd world

"Our biology are almost the same, the only difference is the magic stored within someone, our eyes are much sharper then an average humans as well as our hearing. Trust me my health is perfectly normal" He would stretch his arms a bit "and I'm assuming by powers you mean magic, and it can vary to almost anything, from casting fire, to making rivers flow, to even destruction of an entire city"
"I specialize in fire magic as well as nature, but... from what I can sense not much nature is around the area... you seem to be getting rid a lot of the nature around without giving much back.."
"Ah, that's fascinating." She told him, before writing things down on a notepad. "Ah, nature.. fire.. That's pretty rad." She nodded as she pouted slightly. "Yeah, that sucks. I dont support that, at all. But i guess that's life.. Here on earth." She sighed and continued to write things down. "Hm, Maglor.. Is it alright if we move you? I'll try my best to convince them to let me do so.. Maybe you could live at my house or something, just until we figure out how to get you back, yeah?"
He would think for a bit "Don't think that is wise... from what I can sense from this world... it definitely not the world I know... and you think it is wise to bring someone who just... demolished a majority of one of your kingdoms towns without a care and not have anyone else feel angry about it?"
She nodded, and started to chew the cap of the pen. "That is true. I'd probably get fired. Then you'd be dead, because the people here are pretty relentless.. Me, I can barely hurt a fly." She sighed out a bit. "So, you came from another dimension, we already established that part.. How old are you? Are you like, 100 years old or something? You look pretty young."
"Well... honestly... I'm not quite sure myself.... in my world I was in the middle of battle as a strange lightning storm with colors of rainbows appeared above where I got struck my one of the bolts. Next thing I know I'm here in this weird place." He sighed rubbing the back of his head "by the way... I'm not that old, I'm only 63 years old, the current rulers of my kingdom though are currently in their 5 hundreds years. The elders of our kind is in the 8 hundreds, but they are part of the ancient ancestors of our people so people like me can only live for about 2, 3 hundred years at most." He would look around the room he was in finally "So what exactly is this place? A prison of sorts?"

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