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Stranger in an Odd world


Werewolf or Werefox? who knows its a WereFolf
Its the modern world of Japan, everyone lives their daily lives, Magic has become a rarity in its civilization as the amount of people who has it abilities aren't that great as it usually just ranges from a small fireball, to healing of peoples smaller injuries. Though in a alternate world, where a war is going on between magicians, warriors, basically a world full of mystical beings where magic. Though they are both different worlds they are still connected in a strange way that no one fully understands.

In the Modern world it was just peace between everyone, living their daily lives with only doing what people do today. But in the other world known As Valkier, a war ranged between races, elves, humans, beastmen, etc... One day A strange thunder storm occurred over both worlds, it was no ordinary storm as the thunder were multiple colors as a person from the Fantasy world (Me) is brought into the modern world as he appeared within the center of the city, confused as he begin casting magic in every direction causing destruction and panic as he had no clue what was happening until he seemed to had eventually pass out from pushing himself past his limit. After this, the stranger was taken into a high security lab to examine this strange person as he was obviously not from their world as they wish to see exactly who he is or what he was doing there. They leave him locked up in a room in which he could not escape using his magic as they hire someone to figure out who he is.

(I'm looking for someone to take the place of the person who has to communicate with me as. Preferably want a female person as I want this to turn into a mysterious romance between two people for different worlds)
Alrighty, i will do so. This is my first time on this site, so i'm a tad bit nervous and my oc form thing will probably suck, so i apologize in advance!

First Name: Asani [uh-sah-ni]

Middle Name: N/A

Last Name: Hayashi [ha-yah-shi]

Name Meaning: Meaning "Forest."

Name Origin: Japanese Origin.

Gender: Female.

Age: Twenty-Three.

Age appeared: She often gets asked,

whether she is above the

age of eighteen.

Appearance: http://i.imgur.com/nWTQFYL.jpg/Asuca.jpg

She has blonde hair, which is pretty long as it goes

down to her bottom. She is usually seen wearing

it in a high ponytail, which helps her when she is

working. Her eyes are naturally hazel, yet she wears

lenses to enhance her eye color to a dark blue.

Her skin is pretty pale. She stands at a height of 5'3,

and the longest part of her body is her legs. Her thighs

touch, and are slightly chubby whilst her tummy is very flat,

and she has very low fat around her arms. She's very confident in her

body and isnt afraid to show it off.

Birth Date: January 19, 1993.

Birth Name: Asuca Hashimoto. She was given up

into adoption by her mother, Hayley Hashimoto,

and was adopted into the Hayashi Family. They also

legally renamed her Asani.

Birth Place: Kyoto, Japan.

Birth Weight: 6.5 Pounds.

Birth Length: 13 in.

Manner of Birth: Immediately at birth, her mother did not

want to see her or hold her, so she went straight into

the nursery, and eventually went up for adoption.

First Word(s): "Mine."

Primary Objective: To solve the world's mysteries.

Secondary Objectives: To help the homeless, animals and humans.

Priorities: Her main priority is her cat, Mouschi.

Motivation: What gets her motivated, is when she thinks about her adoptive mother's words,

"You can achieve whatever you want to, as long as you remind yourself,

that you can do it. Never say you can't."

Accomplishments: She doesnt really see anything she does,

as an accomplishment. She sets her expectations too high and

never sees anything as well done.

Greatest Achievement: She thinks her greatest achievement

is when she saved a man's life without any paramedic help.

Failures: She got held back in grades 1 and 4.

Biggest Failure: When she lost a surgical instrument inside of a patient's

stomach, and retrieved it after he came back complaining about pain.

Self-Confidence: She has a lot of confidence in her body, but when it comes

to her intelligence she tends to differ. She thinks she's not as smart as she

could be.

Traumas: The death of her adoptive father, Death of adoptive brother, Sexually abused by

classmates during grades 6-8.

Afflictions: Her mother is slowly losing her memory, and sense of hearing.

Embarrassments: She has a birthmark on her arm, that is slightly shaped like a..penis.

She tends to wear long-sleeve shirts a lot, in fear of being talked about.

Worries: Hygiene, she tends to over-do things to be presentable.

She worries if her mother is alright, and checks on her constantly.

Her cat is one of her biggest worries.

Soothers: Her cat, and soft music.

Instigators: Mentions of her father or brother.

Soft Spots: Animals, children, elderly, women.

Cruel Streaks: If she sees someone being harassed, she wont

hesitate to help. If she witnesses a crime being committed, she will

try her best to help.

Musical Instrument: She can play the piano, she first started

being taught at age 6.

Quirks: She can speak 4 languages. Korean, English, German, and Spanish.

Dominant Hand: She is ambidextrous.

Catchphrase: "The girl with blonde hair, will be there!"

Manias: Technomania, obsession with technology.

Memory: She doesnt have very good memory, and even if she's known

you for her whole life, she forgets your name every single day. Every day will be

the same question, "What's your name again?"

Phobias: Insects, Rats, and Birds.

Savvies: She's good at impersonating, and she can also

change her voice easily.

Flaws: She's not very good at understanding jokes.

She is very emotional and sensitive, and will cry

even if it's something small such as, "you have a stain on your

pants." Another flaw of hers, is she makes a mess often, and

is very clumsy and will tend to knock stuff over very often.

She is very blunt, and often hurts people's feelings unknowingly.

Extra things:

Her favorite color is red.

Her favorite genre of movies are horror.

She's very sarcastic. She often will zone off,

and totally forget about what she was saying. She can never stay on topic.

When she's excited she talks very fast.

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Honestly speaking... biggest OC i've ever seen in my life xD , but yes its good enough for the rp I suppose you can start off seeing that I'm in a cell of some sorts
Asani was just minding her business, doing some paperwork when she got an urgent call, something about a strange creature with powers. She was very curious to see what scene was about, and decided to be over to the other building quickly, instead of taking her time like she usually does. Running through the doors, her clipboard and pen in hand, she went straight to the elevator and pressed number 6. Of course the floor had to be number six, which is known as a 'demonic' or 'satanic' number. She let out a soft sigh, and when she arrived on the sixth floor, she saw men in suits by a door. She nodded and ran past them, bumping into an older man dressed in white. "Ah, sir. Pardon me. I'm here, where is the subject?" She asked, looking around. The older man, going by the name, "Mr. Nato" then pointed toward a metal door. She hurried and walked to the door, putting in a code, before it opened. She huffed softly and ran in, noticing people frantically looking through papers, and grabbing all sorts of glass bottles. She grabbed a woman's arm, "Where is the creature?" She asked, as she got a response, "He's right in there, are you the girl who's supposed-" Asani cut her off shortly, by going to the cell door, and peeking through, seeing a man strapped down to a bed. "He's asleep, seems he passed out from doing his magic." A man told her, before opening the door with a key. Asani nodded in response and walked in the cell, going over to the sleeping boy. "He doesn't look that abnormal." She whispered softly to herself, biting her lip softly. The man who opened the door walked in behind her, looking down at him.
His eyes would suddenly open as he jerked forwards a bit as he tried to get out of the bed as his hand would spew a fireball but since he was binded it would just fire up into the rienforced cieling "Let go of me human scum! I will never follow your rule!" He seemed to be a bit enraged a bit and obviously did not enjoy the fact he was restrained
Asani jumped lightly, and let out a soft sigh as she kept a good distance away from him. She leaned over and whispered into the doctor's ear, "Make sure you get something ready for me to stabilize him soon." She said before she turned back to the stranger. "Calm down, i just need to talk to you, please. I'm not going to hurt you, nor try and make you feel too uncomfortable, okay?" She told him, in a calm voice. "Now, sir, please cooperate with me. Where did you come from?"
Knowing that his binds were to strong he eventually gave up as he glared at them, it was as if he was staring deep into their soul and stabbing it without even moving as he turned his head away "I will never answer the enemies of my kingdom, I would have rather die then to reveal that information to a filthy human"
"Sir, please. That will happen, if you dont tell me where your from. I am trying to help you. Okay? I am about the nicest person here, and i am trying to save you. If you dont tell me, they will most likely beat you and torture you until you tell them. How about a different question.. What is your name?" She explained, and after she asked the question she began to chew on the bottom of the pen nervously. She desperately needed an answer. She had no idea what he meant by "enemies of my kingdom."
He would glare at her at her for a moment before he turns his head away "My name is Maglor Númenessë High Commander of the Elven Brigades. That is all you will get out of me, I will not sell out information about where I come from or who I serve as I would rather die then sell out my own kin to the likes of my enemies, so torture me, beat me, I will take it all" his body was less tense then before as he calmed himself down a bit more but was still on edge in case they tried to do something
"That's a good start. Thank you sir. I will call you Maglor." She sighed in relief, thank god he decided to at least give his name. "Maglor, one more question, please. Trust me, okay? I have no idea what you mean by humans are your enemies, because none of us here know where you're from and we have nothing to do with any kind of war or whatever you're going through wherever you came from. We're here to protect you. I'm here to protect you. Uh.. Would you like some water? Or do you drink some kind of.. mystical beverage?" She asked, writing things down on a notepad. She walked closer to him, still being careful as she does not know what could happen if she got any closer.
He would look at her like an idiot "I drink normal water thank you very much... and what do you mean by what you say... our people have been at war for several of years..." He would be confused by what she spoke of
She grabbed a cup, going over to the sink before filling the cup with cold water. She looked back at him, confused on how he will drink. She didnt want to let him loose, and have him destroy or hurt anyone. She tilted her head, "I did not know that, at all. Until now.. What for? What are they fighting for?" She asked, going over to him as she looked down at his arms, reaching to unclasp them before pulling back. She was afraid for what may come if she let his arms free.
"you humans... serve the demons... they sold their souls so that way they could become the strongest power in the world... they see anything but themselves as the prime people and plan to wipe anyone elses existence off the planet" His hand would clench a bit "So why should I trust you... you... humans... even if this is not the land I am from you think your existence is higher then any other"
She was a tad bit confused, she didnt know anything about this. "That's.. crazy. Maglor, look. You can trust me, okay? I'm not like them, i promise. Okay? You can trust me. I want to help you. I just need to find out how you got here, and where your world is. I want to send you back, so you can be with your.. people or fellow creatures. You're going to be okay, as long as you trust me." She told him, reaching down and patting his hand. She looked back at the man that was in the room, as he finished getting a stabilizer. "Get out, only i need to be in here." She told him, as he walked out and locked the door behind him. "Now, Maglor.. I want you to drink this water, but you're going to need your hand to hold the cup because i dont wanna hold it for you. Promise me you wont try and kill me."
He would look at her for a while as he sighed "You have my word as a high commander I will not harm you... you give off... a different... aura as you do the others... but mark my words... you better not do anything funny" His body would become less tense as he would look to the others in the other area seeing what they are doing
"Alright. I appreciate that." She told him as she unhooked him from the bed, his legs and arms. She then handed him the water before she grabbed a otoscope to look at his pupils. "Here's your water. After you drink it, i have to use this to look into your eyes. Now, what is your race? Like.. What are your people called?"
He would look at her strangely for a moment before taking the cup and answering "My people are know as High elves... and we specify in magical arts... and swords skills..." he would put the cup down next to him "why do you have look into my eyes?"
"That's pretty interesting. What kind of powers do you have?" She asked him, before humming softly as he asked her. "Well, i want to see what your pupils look like. To see the differences between humans, and.. elves. And to see if their healthy, i guess." She explained as she sighed softly, putting the instrument away.

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