Stranded {RP}

"Purple Valcano? Thats rediculous", He pulls an apple out of his bag and begins taking small bites out of it, "Anyways what will we be looking for?"
Amber gives Paul a thumbs up. "Sounds good..." then she looked at him more seriously. "What, just because I'm a girl doesn't mean i cant be leader. Let me ask you something. Did one of your loved ones get eaten by mutant dogs? Didn't think so. I don't need your help...thank you though. Amber zipped up the girl's bag and shouted, "Come on girls! Lets get going!"
Naomi was already awake before anyone else, her hair brushed somehow and wearing a green crop top that matched her eyes with blue denim shorts and sandles. Glad she had packed for a hot place since this island was burning hot. She looked at the new arrival with her astounding green eyes, the kind you had to look at twice to check they were actually real. Was he joining their group? She smiled lightly, great, another one to observe. She was having a lot of fun observing the others, seeing why they did things, how they did them and just smiling at their amusing reactions to everything. As Amber and Paul spoke of the boys and girls splitting up, she looked to them curiously. Sexist much? Without saying anything she walked over to the 'boy side' and gave Amber a glance then looked to Paul, "I can keep up with you guys. And it makes the numbers a bit more even." She glanced at the other two guys then looked to the girls as Ali spoke spitefully, "Just because you want to impress the boys." Lia rolled her eyes at her twin, and Naomi commented back, with a small smile and a look of intrigue, "You're so amusing Ali. Giving out your own ideas and thoughts so easily." Ali glared at her, was she implying that Ali wanted to impress the boys? Of course she did, why else was she wearing her bikini top and short shorts, besides that it was hot of course. She 'pffted' her hair out of her face and gave Naomi her back, following Amber. Lia, dressed in her light pink tank top and high waisted white skirt, gave the new boy a smile, "Oh welcome to the group. And sorry about her, she's uh.." She shrugged, "Not used to this island yet." She tried to pretend it was because of the island, not that her sister was a natural bi**h.
"I don't really care who goes with who," amber said, kind of annoyed. "Lets just stop fighting and get this over with." She sounded much more calm than past days. "Lia and Ali, your with me. Cora and Naomi, with Paul and new guy." She smiled, happy with her dicision. "My team will go down this side of the beach and yours, the other. Well meet on the other side. And absolutely NO going into the jungle unless it is absolutely necisarry."
Cora was dressed in a few seconds. She stepped out of the tent and gasped as she saw the new boy. She watched him warily, her pale blue eyes cautious as she goes around camp.
"I don't think you can't be leader, i was just saying, that it will make it easier for all of us if we all have two leaders Me, and you..." paul explained. "Ok, Sevil, Skunk, Naomi, and Thunder, lets go!" he said collecting his stuff. "Chitter chet chat chet chyut" which probabably meant "Ok just as long as we dont go inland" thunder chattered.

"Skunk, we are looking for a way off the island." he clapped and headed off with people.
Skunk stood about waiting for everyone to get ready, he kept all his belongings in his messenger bag. He saw Naomi looking at him and smiled wide. She's dressed right. God, i picked the wrong day to wear black, as he looked down at his long sleve shirt and black pants, the leather boots would help, but the metal accesories were a litte unnessesary. So he took off the chains exept his bracers and necklace and ripped the sleeves off his shirt to make a Tee. Not wanting to show the group how he'd survived all this time on his own he waited for the rest of the group to roll out, falling back a little bit obseving how the chain of command worked.
Lia nodded and caught up to her sister nudging her, "Look, it's just me, you, Amber and Flower? now. Okay. So calm down and try to be nice." Ali sighed and rolled her eyes, "Whatever." Lia sighed and dropped back to walk beside Amber, "So, we we planning on finding?" She asks Amber casually, looking to her. She must be in such turmoil at the moment, after having her boyfriend those Galipolas things.

Naomi noticed Skunk altering his outfit and watched, curious. He wore so much black. Why was that? Black usually symbolized unhappiness, depression, but so far he didn't seem to be the depressed type. She waited for them to be ready and found herself standing beside Skunk as they all arranged themselves and their plans. Naomi simply held a water bottle in one hand and had slipped a pen knife into her short's pocket.
Skunk looked to his side and noticed Naomi, "H-Hi", he stammered, "Nice outfit." He smiled and turned a little red and began looking about. Geezuz, why is this ALWAYS so freaking difficult!
Naomi smiled at him, thinking how interesting it was that he turned red. Was it really that hard to talk to her? She did find herself looking at him for a bit too long though, the way his coal black hair flopped over those gorgeous eyes. She mentally shook herself a little bit, was she becoming attracted to him? Maybe she was, there was nothing wrong with that though, right? Everyone was attracted to someone at some point in their life, just a lot of them did nothing about it, "Hey" She looked down at her clothes then back up with a smile, "Thank you." She decided that it was best to ask for his name, it would be easier to work in a team if she knew all their names, "So, what's your name? I'm Naomi." She held out her hand politely.
Amber turned to Lia with a pleasantry surprised smile. "Well, pretty much just what ever we can find about this island, the creatures, the volcanoes, and especially that strange guy on the Dvds." She looked out past the ocean again. Nothing. She saw a pod of dolphins. So free, she thought.
Harumi had been wandering through the jungle for a few days wondering where she was.One minute she was falling asleep in the plane,the next,she woke up in a pretty jungle.Pretty as the plants were though,the wildlife was scary!She'd just ditched a crossbred spider..beatle thing a while ago and had just calmed her heartrate.She grabbed a splintery broken off branch she spotted in case something else wanted her.She felt something crawl on her shoulder and noticed the spider beatle's family.Panicing,she dropped the branch and ran aimlessly screaming.She noticed a group of people and begged at the top of her lungs for help as she ran towards them.
Amber tilted her head at the sound of screaming. "Huh?" She then realized what it was. Then she saw the strange bugs on her back. "Jump into the water!" She yelled, hoping that the girl could hear her over the screaming. She grabbed a leaf and began swatting at the bugs.
Harumi faintly heard the suggestion to jump in the water.Hell,anything to get these off! She jumped in the ocean and felt them unlatch,making her mentally sigh in relief.She took care to swim away from the area the bugs left her before surfacing.

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