Stranded [Inactive]

Remy got up and wiped his hands on his shorts. "I didnt check the whole plane but there was a ton of luggage on the beach, i say we bring it all in...there's bound to be useful things in some of them right?" He looked up into the sky, "and i dont think we have much daylight left either.."
Seth glanced up and saw that he was right. They really didn't have enough time to take a luxury such as washing his hands. With a sigh, he grabbed the stained towel from earlier, wiped his fingers, and then handed it to Samantha to use. "Someone needs to stay with Claire too. We can' t leave her alone in this condition in case something happens."
Claire lay blacked out, but her chest rose and fell every few heart beats indicating she was indeed alive, not dead. She shifted slightly, nightmares lighting the back of her eyelids as the plane crash was replayed in her mind over and over. Her lips moved slightly as she mumbled something in her sleep, but it wasn't loud enough for anyone to hear.
"Follow me" Vick told him with a smile. "It's about 30 yards into the jungle, pretty close"

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Samantha sighed. Great. Just great. she thought. No food, no water, and now its getting dark.

"Don't worry, you guys go get water, I'll stay here with Sleeping Beauty." she said, staring off into the distance at the sunset. Every time Claire's lips moved Samantha had a mini-heart attack, but she managed to convince herself that Claire would be okay once they found the water. "Just hurry, she's probably still dehydrated. And someone throw me something to bandage my arm with!" she called out to the boys.
Remy handed Samantha a piece of his destroyed shirt before they departed. He turned to Seth, "We should focus on clothing and emergency supplies, it might get chilly when the sun goes down....hell we'll probably want to bring up every single piece of luggage on the beach ... maybe move to the treeline for some cover?", he asked him as they walked.
Seth nodded. "The treeline seems like our best option for now. There's so much luggage I don't think we can get it all before the sun goes down. We'll have to get what we can tonight and get the rest later." he responded.
Vick looked around the crash site finding several ice buckets. "Got it"

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Claire squeezed her eyes shut tight before she slowly blinked her eyes open, peering up at ther sky, her forest green eyes trying to focus themselves. She groaned quietly, she felt sick to her stomach and dizzy from the pain. Looking over at Samantha she furrowed her eyebrows before smiling slightly,

"Sleeping beauty is my favorite princess." She mumbled wearily.

"are-are we off the plane yet?" She asked in confusion.
"She's cute when she's unconscious" Vick said jokingly as he pointed to the buckets. "Let's fill these up"

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After filling several buckets Remy immediately went to work looking at open cases and determining if they were worth it. He found a well fitting hoodie in one and put it out. He also found another medical kit and some snacks. This wont be enough for all of us for long, what we need is... something gleaming caught his eye. If thats what i think it is.. he walked over to the metal case. He recognized it as a military weapons case, his father had a few of them. "What the hell was this doing on the plane?", he thought to himself out loud. After opening it h found an assortment of knives and machetes, excellent. "he guys look what i found!", he called to the other two raising up the weapons for them to see..
"Sweet" Vick responded as he saw the weapons. "I'm gonna relax for a bit, I found some bamboo in the forest, I'm catching some fish"

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After rifling through a suitcase filled with souvenirs, Seth walked over to Remy. His search hadn't been quite as fruitful; all he found were a couple of large shirts. "...weapons. Those'll come in handy."
Samantha looked down at Claire. "Really? She was your favorite princess? I dunno, I wasn't too fond of her." she said, crossing her legs and smiling lightly. "She was too much of a ditz." Samantha playfully flicked Claire in the arm lightly. Claire asked her if they were off the plane.

"Yes actually, we are! And there's a layover flight in paradise." she said, sarcastically. Samantha heard commotion coming from the boys and walked over. "Oh my god, are those knives? How did they get on the plane?" she asked, shocked.
"Better yet" Vick said to himself as he found his things in the wreckage. "Hell yes! My rods!" he held two fishing rods in his hands.

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Claire laughed softly watched Samantha through her tired eyes, she blinked them closed briefly,

"Good, I hate flying..." She mumbled softly drifting off before she woke up a few seconds later, finding Samantha had left her side, She hummed the sleeping beauty theme song to herself, tracing her finger through the sand.
"Dont know", Remy said to Samantha as he looked at her and Seth, "They're more then just knives though .. these are tools, we can build shelters and even hunt". He looked over at Vick holding his rods ...Good, that means he can use them ... doesnt look like we'll starve at least, he thought to himself.
"Who wants to fish with me?" Vick asked. Fishing was making this stay a little better. He was used to the wild, he had grown up in the outdoors, he loved this.

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Samantha gazed down at the knives. She grabbed one of the smaller ones and felt the weight of it. "I call this one." she said, contently. "Hey, Sleeping Beauty, you want a knife?" she asked, half-jokingly.
Seth glanced over the knives and machetes but didn't take one himself. Not only did he have no experience with one, but something about the idea was the opposite of appealing. If he really needed one later he could get it then, but for now he wanted to leave them alone.
Claire didn't turn her head to look over at the group,

"Oh no thank you, I'll take a sandwich though." She mumbled in reply, clearly out of it. She tried to sit up, only resulting in pain, a small cry escaping her lips.
Samantha smirked at Claire. "Guys, drop everything! Little Ms. Privileged wants a sandwich." she said, sarcastically. Suddenly Claire let out a cry. Samantha turned to her, worry written on her face.

"Claire!" she remarked, jogging back over to her, gently pushing her back into a laying down position. "What are you trying to do?"
Claire laid back down obediently,

"I-I just wanted to go get my sandwich but..." She trailed off a tear spilling from the corner of her eye and rolled down her pale, freckled cheek.

"We are on a beach!" She finished in despair, running her hands through her auburn hair,

"There is no sandwich shop here." She explained before adding,

"And I think I might be pregnant, my stomach hurts really bad, Samantha." She informed her before closing her eyes, her lips pulled down in a frown.

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