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Well, not necessarily. Most meta picks are considered "strong" picks where they have very little to no disadvantages on most matchups. Meta picks do not win most games, but they sure as hell are played so much that it sickens me. That's why I've spamming rengar in all lanes lol.

I see. So least weaknesses? Understood. Don't the meta change though as heroes are released and re-balanced? So it'd be the "strongest" team at the moment in a way right? Not too familiar with Rengar =/. Ranged remember!!
Don't the meta change though as heroes are released and re-balanced? So it'd be the "strongest" team at the moment in a way right?

Yes, per patch (as far as I'm concerned) the meta changes in various scales. Some champions get stronger, others get gutted and are never played again. 

Not too familiar with Rengar =/. Ranged remember!!

Rengar's the cat that deletes people within seconds. Or within 0.5-0.1 seconds if you're super good.
Yes, per patch (as far as I'm concerned) the meta changes in various scales. Some champions get stronger, others get gutted and are never played again. 

Rengar's the cat that deletes people within seconds. Or within 0.5-0.1 seconds if you're super good.

O.o  Big guy with scar and claws? I've played against him a few times. Caitlyn did very well to take him out the few times we crossed. I see your point though. Having the same teams over and over can get stale. I had t switch up who I picked every 2 matches.
Big guy with scar and claws?

Yeah, this guy.

I see your point though. Having the same teams over and over can get stale. I had t switch up who I picked every 2 matches.

Yup. Especially in ranked games, specifically high elo (every tier above diamond 5). Most of the players there just pick the same champs over and over again. Some champs are just stronger because of the items and keystones, and apparently, the balance team does not seem to take this into account (usually). They say "diversity is good bla bla bla" but they would rather have popular champs (such as Zed, Yasuo, Azir) to dominate and outshine other viable ones.
Yeah, this guy.

Yup. Especially in ranked games, specifically high elo (every tier above diamond 5). Most of the players there just pick the same champs over and over again. Some champs are just stronger because of the items and keystones, and apparently, the balance team does not seem to take this into account (usually). They say "diversity is good bla bla bla" but they would rather have popular champs (such as Zed, Yasuo, Azir) to dominate and outshine other viable ones.

Oh boy don't get me started on high ELO. Those players...toxic.
Oh boy don't get me started on high ELO. Those players...toxic.

Toxic, yes. Necessarily, no. 

Not trying to say anything but, I belong to that player bracket. Yes, I admit I may be toxic at some times, but it is the result of frustration on wrong calls and mistakes. 

Most high elo players don't type much other than timers, and calls. In some cases, they just use pings to communicate.

Maybe those high elo players you know are just being toxic for the sake of being toxic, or simply for fun. I don't know.

Holy moly, this league discussion is getting making me want to suggest a league-related proposal (if that is even allowed, oe would push through, lol).
I have slow reflexes!! There is no way I can focus on watching the cool-downs, my character, and the map. Ranged is the only safe way to play, haha. When I get tunnel vision, it's extreme.

What the role-play about? And definitely you may want to take some caution. I'll be honest with you. The two best RP types I've seen here as a whole are Fandom & Realistic. When it comes to Fantasy and Futuristic, please be careful  :x . The # of Fantasy RPs I see in the forum makes me happy, but also sad when I open the links to them. How did you run your fantasy RP on your other site?

Well see, the rp on the other site, is Urban fantasy, and the entire idea behind the setting and everything is that magic exists and nearly every myth or legend has some grain of truth. 

Of Artefacts and Antiquities Premise


Two years ago an event happened that shook the long stagnant and dying magical world. Something woke up, and with it magic came back to the world in full force. See, while magic and the races that were made by it and of it, once existed But after humanity came and usurped them throughout a series of bloody wars, Magic and the races that used it all but disappeared. The Last truly powerful magical being was one known in human history as Vlad Tepes Dracula, or Vlad the Impaler. He was actually a vampire, one of the last powerful ones, like any of the magical beings there were still a handful left, though they were weak and secluded. 

As the few magical races died out or left the view of the few human groups that tracked them, magic started to die as well. Humanity gained the power to use magic from the other beings, and through interbreeding with the other races. Eventually instead of being Halfbreeds or hybrids, the humans gained usage of magic, though the magical bloodlines are rare enough especially nowadays. With the event Magic was not the only thing that is back in this world of ours. With magic Far older things than the infant that is humanity have been brought back into this world. Vampires as well as other notable supernatural races have started to appear back into the world more noticeably. 

This prompted the creation of a Task force of sorts by the Magical Council, which is made of the influential magical families in the world. They were not the only group that formed, others of more sinister natures awoke. One exception was a building called the Museum, it was an ancient Artefact that was tasked with the purpose of gathering other Artefacts that could pose a threat to the world in human hands or the hands of the other races. As magic had faded, it had grown weaker, until it was forced into a hibernation state where it slept until recently.

i am having some difficulties adapting this to an earlier setting.
Well see, the rp on the other site, is Urban fantasy, and the entire idea behind the setting and everything is that magic exists and nearly every myth or legend has some grain of truth. 

Of Artefacts and Antiquities Premise


Two years ago an event happened that shook the long stagnant and dying magical world. Something woke up, and with it magic came back to the world in full force. See, while magic and the races that were made by it and of it, once existed But after humanity came and usurped them throughout a series of bloody wars, Magic and the races that used it all but disappeared. The Last truly powerful magical being was one known in human history as Vlad Tepes Dracula, or Vlad the Impaler. He was actually a vampire, one of the last powerful ones, like any of the magical beings there were still a handful left, though they were weak and secluded. 

As the few magical races died out or left the view of the few human groups that tracked them, magic started to die as well. Humanity gained the power to use magic from the other beings, and through interbreeding with the other races. Eventually instead of being Halfbreeds or hybrids, the humans gained usage of magic, though the magical bloodlines are rare enough especially nowadays. With the event Magic was not the only thing that is back in this world of ours. With magic Far older things than the infant that is humanity have been brought back into this world. Vampires as well as other notable supernatural races have started to appear back into the world more noticeably. 

This prompted the creation of a Task force of sorts by the Magical Council, which is made of the influential magical families in the world. They were not the only group that formed, others of more sinister natures awoke. One exception was a building called the Museum, it was an ancient Artefact that was tasked with the purpose of gathering other Artefacts that could pose a threat to the world in human hands or the hands of the other races. As magic had faded, it had grown weaker, until it was forced into a hibernation state where it slept until recently.

i am having some difficulties adapting this to an earlier setting.

If the original roleplay was set during that two years after magic was reintroduced to the world, a prequel could be set in several places. The first is directly at the event that causes magics reintroduction, or directly before it, and focus on how people adapt to this event and what changes really from it over time. Another would be to go way back and set it during the conflicts which wiped magic out in the first place.
I was intending for it to be back when magic was at its height, and humans had only gained magic a few centuries prior. 

In the rp that premise goes to, discovering the reason magic came back is one of the plot points. I could make it so that the First War, that marks the beginning of the fall of magic, happens during the rp.

I have plenty of concepts that i could use certainly, but i am having trouble creating a solid premise. I might just leave this rp idea for later, when i have more experience here, and do an easier idea, possibly one of my Academy rps i wasnt able to start, or revamping a superhero rp of mine, and moving it over ehre.

Sure, you can suggest a League-RP. Proposals are completely open to anything. The trick is to convince enough people it should be done. Like your GM Guide, I see it has the needed # of votes. I'll get to that in a bit.

@Mr. Gideon

Interesting set up you've got there. I see the problem. You want to do too much at once. Pick ONE plot point/time period and stick to it. It will not be a good idea to explore why magic came back, and RPing the Fall of Magic's War in the same thread. No, no, no. If this a group RP, you want it to be simplistic. Fight the urge to get fancy and complex. When you're the only one who an follow what goes on in your RP, that is a very bad sign.

If you want action, focus the premise on the War that brought down magic. Have Vlad be the leader of the magic creatures in some way, and some special human knight be the leader of men.

If you want a more mental role-play, focus the premise on the subjugation of the magical races by humans. You can do that, or focus on the forming of the Museum and the earlier work of its agents to keep powerful artefacts out of human's hands. You can allude to other events in the world while you tell the Museum's story. Ie: Hunting Huntswain went on a mission to steal the golden elixir from King Jerald, while Jerald's army was preparing for an invasion from the Centaurs.

Sure, you can suggest a League-RP. Proposals are completely open to anything. The trick is to convince enough people it should be done. Like your GM Guide, I see it has the needed # of votes. I'll get to that in a bit.

@Mr. Gideon

Interesting set up you've got there. I see the problem. You want to do too much at once. Pick ONE plot point/time period and stick to it. It will not be a good idea to explore why magic came back, and RPing the Fall of Magic's War in the same thread. No, no, no. If this a group RP, you want it to be simplistic. Fight the urge to get fancy and complex. When you're the only one who an follow what goes on in your RP, that is a very bad sign.

If you want action, focus the premise on the War that brought down magic. Have Vlad be the leader of the magic creatures in some way, and some special human knight be the leader of men.

If you want a more mental role-play, focus the premise on the subjugation of the magical races by humans. You can do that, or focus on the forming of the Museum and the earlier work of its agents to keep powerful artefacts out of human's hands. You can allude to other events in the world while you tell the Museum's story. Ie: Hunting Huntswain went on a mission to steal the golden elixir from King Jerald, while Jerald's army was preparing for an invasion from the Centaurs.

That would be interesting, But i have changed my mind and will either do an academy rp or one of the other ideas i have. (It will be easier and have less risk of inconsistencies.)

Edit: Of Artefacts and Antiuities would focus more on hunting the aryefacts and containg other threats than actually trying to discover why magic came back or whatever that would be a secondary plot at best.
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That would be interesting, But i have changed my mind and will either do an academy rp or one of the other ideas i have. (It will be easier and have less risk of inconsistencies.)

Edit: Of Artefacts and Antiuities would focus more on hunting the aryefacts and containg other threats than actually trying to discover why magic came back or whatever that would be a secondary plot at best.

Gotcha. Academy RP huh? *Coughs and looks away*
Gotcha. Academy RP huh? *Coughs and looks away*

Though i know the feeling, as in an Academy rp o helped make has someone who brought in extradimensionalMLP aliens, they arent all bad.

I have a few ideas, i will put a thread up for, but i am working on sheets for a couple rps here.
Though i know the feeling, as in an Academy rp o helped make has someone who brought in extradimensionalMLP aliens, they arent all bad.

I have a few ideas, i will put a thread up for, but i am working on sheets for a couple rps here.

Lol. Alright. I hope you enjoy the ones you've signed up for!
I feel like a grognard in here - I picked up League after a year's absence, played a bit, and decided to dive back into DOTA2 instead. 
I feel like a grognard in here - I picked up League after a year's absence, played a bit, and decided to dive back into DOTA2 instead. 

:o  You have my respect. There was someone who used to want me to play DOTA so bad. Hearing it's more complicated than League, sunk that ship fast. I never played 1 ranked match. Didn't trust I'd know what to do in a real game. Much kudos to you Grey.
I think the added complexity helps me focus, honestly. I find in League I can get complacent and let my mind wander - Renekton is king of his lane and interlopers will be destroyed.

DOTA sometimes feels a bit high-pressure despite the slower pace, but I have to constantly make decisions so I stay in the game. That and the slower pace suits my slowing reflexes.
I think the added complexity helps me focus, honestly. I find in League I can get complacent and let my mind wander - Renekton is king of his lane and interlopers will be destroyed.

DOTA sometimes feels a bit high-pressure despite the slower pace, but I have to constantly make decisions so I stay in the game. That and the slower pace suits my slowing reflexes.

That is the other thing! DOTA matches can take a...really long time to say the least. Micro-managing your character, communicating with the team, finding strategy mechanics; the learning curve is extremely high. In League, I believe the Renekton advantage can be overcome even if you're not so good a player (by picking certain ranged characters like Ziggs, Lucius, Caitlyn, Jinx). In DOTA, if you don't know what you're doing, good luck =P.

If you ever heard of a mobile APP called Vain Glory, that's what I've most recently played. It's 3v3, matches take maybe 15-20 minutes, and the strategies aren't too complex to win.
It's always tricky for a game to pull off a degree of mindlessness while still keeping it engaging. Especially in PVP games. Everyone's threshold is different for what's the right balance, so it's lucky that there are like a billion of them  :D  or close to that many from my estimation.

I don't really play many battle games since my focus is usually on story driven games, but I do get the appeal. I've played a couple, and they were fun for awhile. Though if there was no plot to follow it would end up losing my interest  :$ . Guess I'm bookish at heart after all.

Still, sometimes the gameplay is enough to carry a game on it's own. My particular preference is for games that lean towards the more complex ends of things. If I do things that are too easy I end up logging off feeling that I've wasted time. But there are definately things which are too complicated for me to bother sitting down to figure out. I'm at a weird sort of not exactly middle ground. That's probably true for most gamers.
Pers'nally, I love ludonarrative synergy in my games. I'll settle for MOBAs working like fighting games - the mechanics express character, if not story - but in more story-driven games, I like it when the game mechanics either impact the narrative or reinforce elements of the setting.

While it's not a shining example, Knee Deep is a lot of fun - engaging story, fun characters, the conceit is you're watching a hugely well funded theatre performance. All three characters have to periodically make reports on what they've witnessed, and you can choose whether the story will be cautious, edgy, or outright inflammatory. 

It's like a classic point and click adventure, but with an emphasis on conversation rather than physical puzzles.

The Void is my gold standard, even though it's weird and impenetrable and kind of flawed. 
The only MOBA style game i have played, was Tome: Immortal Arena, I was a beta tester for it. Mostly i play RPG's (Like Skyrim or Fallout), and RTS's (Command and Conquer, Dawn of War, and others)

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