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Graded [Stonewall Town] Cat Tail Lists

Amice Bellamy

Mentions: Amanda Uasal Uasal
Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

Amice was pretty excited. After they'd been in Kuridan, they were travelling back towards the See, but on their way there, they heard rumours about some master-crafter. Needlessly to say, they catalyst-lacking state meant they'd need to get hooked up sooner rather than later. In this case, Tahmuras had been the one convincing them to be bold and try to find and strike a deal with this Legendary Craftswoman of Ryke. “{I really hope she'll give us those catalysts~}” Amice mentioned.



Tahmuras smiled. “{Even if she doesn't, meeting someone like that would be fun, right?}”



It made a silent sigh escape Asuka's beak. “{For the record, I'm still against this. I highly doubt someone famous would sell to us, so please don't get your hopes up, Ami.}”

“{Oh, come on, it can't be that bad. Where's your sense of adventure? You never win if you don't even try at all~}”

As they continued, they'd eventually found the place where they thought they'd need to be at. Giving her an encouraging nod, Tahmuras allowed Amice to go first.

“Eh... Hello? Is anyone there? Is this the place where we can find miss Legendary Craftswoman of Ryke?” She called out. “We were hoping to be able to buy some cat tail lists...” It was clear she was a fair bit nervous, now that push came to shove.
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~Amanda Steelhaven~

High-Human, Legendary Craftswoman of Ryke, Business Expert, Warfare Expert, Agriculture Expert, Architecture Expert, Engineering Expert, Law Expert, Investigation Expert, Mining Expert, Expert Tinkerer, Expert Artificer, Expert Enchanter, Advisor of Caelia, Ambitious, Strategist, Girl on Fire, Flatterer, Celestine Academy Alumni, Nomad, Crafter, Singularity Known

Amanda, who had been enjoying her breakfast at the Stonewall Inn, was very surprised to see a group of strangers enter the establishment in search of her. To her knowledge, she had the morning free, with her only meetings and inspections taking place in the evening. Laying her spoon aside Amanda raised her hand somewhat bashfully, a slight blush lighting her cheeks "That... that would be me...".

Feeling somewhat embarrassed by her title and even more so by the fact strangers had called out to her using it over her name, Amanda smiled somewhat awkwardly before collecting her thoughts. "You wish to buy cat tails? Oh you must wish to deal with the Baroness. I'm afraid any official Barony business must be handled appropriately in accordance with procedure. In which case you may file an official request with my maid and she will schedule you for a meeting with me when I'm next available."
Amice Bellamy

Mentions: Amanda Uasal Uasal
Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

Amice was pretty happy to hear she'd found the right person, hopping up a bit. “That's great! It's nice to meet you miss Legendary Craftswoman of Ryke!” She called out in excitement. However, the next part confused her. She shook her head. “No, now, cat-tail-lists?” She tried clarify. “What is bear-o-ness?” She looked a bit scared at all the words thrown her way. “Pro-sea-dure..?” Her mood was rapidly declining. “I... I...” She tried to figure out what to reply. Luckily enough, Tahmuras jumped in.



“Forgive her, madam, we've failed to teach her enough common to hold more intricate conversation. What we are wishing to ask for are catalysts. Would you perhaps be able an willing to sell us them?” He asked, as his tail gently wagged behind him. “Although, I must admit, in all my travels I don't think I've met a barony dealing in cat tails...” Except perhaps the Eastern Empire, as trophies from prisoners of war, but he'd not say that near Amice. “A most particular endeavour, if I might say so.”



Asuka was quick to speak up. “Ah, please don't be offend by his words. We've simply not travelled beyond the See often.” She tried to explain.
~Amanda Steelhaven~

High-Human, Legendary Craftswoman of Ryke, Business Expert, Warfare Expert, Agriculture Expert, Architecture Expert, Engineering Expert, Law Expert, Investigation Expert, Mining Expert, Expert Tinkerer, Expert Artificer, Expert Enchanter, Advisor of Caelia, Ambitious, Strategist, Girl on Fire, Flatterer, Celestine Academy Alumni, Nomad, Crafter, Singularity Known

Amanda sighed softly at the fox-like beast's response, internally agreeing with the creature. "Our Baroness is a woman of very particular tastes. To that end, it's actually rather convenient she isn't around at the moment... that aside. Catalysts. Hmm." Amanda chuckled softly to herself noting the fox-like being's tail.

Taking her hammer from her hip Amanda placed it on the table and with her other she reached into it's pocket dimension as she mused over the subject. "Catalysts are both tools of war and utility. I can't just go around handing out weapons to folks I don't even know. So tell me. First of all, what are your names and what is it you seek to accomplish should I grant you my wares? You mentioned the See. do you intend to wage war?"

Amanda's eyes suddenly began to glow a subtle blue as she appraised the being before her. (Appraisal C)

Mentions: Amanda Uasal Uasal
Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

“A baroness of whom her own people prefer her absence?” The Fae fox questioned. “{Humans never seize to amaze me in their peculiarities.}” He added.



“{Hush, hush. We're not here to insult other cultures.}” Asuka replied to him, a slight bit annoyed and sending Amanda an apologetic look.

Amice Bellamy


Meanwhile, Amice was trying to understand Amanda's follow-up question. “I am Amice Bellamy! I am ten and six years old. I am a gnome. I am from the See of Chareon.” She introduced herself with the standard sentences she'd learned when first studying common. “These are Asuka and Tahmuras. Tahmuras is showing us the world and Asuka is trying to find her family.” She explained. The next part confused her again. “Wage... war?”



“I can assure you, madam, we've no such intentions as to join a war.” He replied. “We merely wish to utilise our magic for the sake of our own safety against bandits and monsters.”



“Indeed.” Asuka backed him up. “We also wish to teach Amice how to use her magic for that same purpose.”

As for the appraisal;
Amice: Fae, Small, Gnome, Apprentice Survivalist
Asuka: Fae, Xiānhè
Tahmuras: Fae, Vulpix
~Amanda Steelhaven~

High-Human, Legendary Craftswoman of Ryke, Business Expert, Warfare Expert, Agriculture Expert, Architecture Expert, Engineering Expert, Law Expert, Investigation Expert, Mining Expert, Expert Tinkerer, Expert Artificer, Expert Enchanter, Advisor of Caelia, Ambitious, Strategist, Girl on Fire, Flatterer, Celestine Academy Alumni, Nomad, Crafter, Singularity Known

Amanda pulled three small catalysts from her hammer's storage space and placed them on the desk in front of her with a soft smile. Passing the catalysts forward she took a moment to correct something that had been said "The people don't prefer her absence, in fact to my knowledge she's quite well respected and liked as regards her station. It's just she's rather keen on Beastfolk and I'd rather not deal with that chaos right now."

Amanda chuckled to herself thinking of how Aria would very likely kill her were she to introduce the baroness to even more furry-tailed folk. "Anyway, you wanted three catalysts right? These are three catalysts I've been meaning to dismantle. You can take them but in return, you must aid the people of this Barony in some way before taking your leave. How matters not, but kindness should be returned with kindness don't you think?"

smiling softly Amanda returned to her bowl of oats "Now, if you'll excuse me. I have quite a packed day ahead of me. Do be safe on your travels. The Fae See and its borders are very dangerous places to wander at the moment."

Prototype 2: Amatyst Conduit (F Grade Catalyst)
A pretty average Catalyst in all regards.

Prototype 3: Clam and Wood Conduit (E Grade Catalyst)
A somewhat refined Catalyst made of odd materials.

Prototype 13: Raijin (B Grade Catalyst)
A Stunningly Beautiful Catalyst forged by the Legendary Craftswoman Amanda Steelhaven.

Mentions: Amanda Uasal Uasal
Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

“How peculiar.” The fox replied to Amanda's remark. “Although I can assure you, despite some people mistaking us by our looks, neither me nor Asuka our beastfolk. We are purely Fae.“” He corrected her, feeling a tad inclined to restate his actual lineage.



At this point, Asuka got a tad annoyed. “Please, forgive him, it seems he's keen on prying.” She glared at Tahmuras a bit, who'd just return her with a a toothy smile.

The next offer, however, took her interest. “That is a very particular deal you're offering us. I'd gladly accept, though I'm afraid we have no knowledge of what the people here might be aided with.”

Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

“I can hand out candy again!” Amice was quick to chime in. “That's what the tiger-lady and mouse-lady made me do in Kur-I-Dan!” She explained.



Upon seeing the catalysts, Tahmuras realised there was one slight issue. “Ah, madam, if it would not be too much of an issue for you, could you perhaps attach these to a collar? As you can see...” he lifted his paws. “I am rather lacking in my ability to carry catalysts, just like Asuka.”

Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

Amice was instantly highly excited about them, however, as she was looking at them wide-eyed. “Ohhh! These are so pretty! Did you really make these yourself?!? They are really nice and cool!” Then she realised something horrible. “I... I don't think we can take them... I don't think we could do enough nice things for the people here to pay for them...”
~Amanda Steelhaven~

High-Human, Legendary Craftswoman of Ryke, Business Expert, Warfare Expert, Agriculture Expert, Architecture Expert, Engineering Expert, Law Expert, Investigation Expert, Mining Expert, Expert Tinkerer, Expert Artificer, Expert Enchanter, Advisor of Caelia, Ambitious, Strategist, Girl on Fire, Flatterer, Celestine Academy Alumni, Nomad, Crafter, Singularity Known

Amanda chuckled to herself at the fox fae's correction, not believing such a thing would matter to Regula one bit. Though she offered a gentle nod in response "I see, well you have my appologies.".

With the fox-like creature once again interrupting her meal Amanda couldn't help but find herself somewhat annoyed. She was not a morning person, and coming between her and her breakfast was a dangerous game. With a soft sigh, Amanda subtly gazed toward the two catalysts in question "You haven't even tried to use the catalyst, and yet you're asking for alterations to be made? Just pass some mana through the item and it should begin to orbit you. Geez..." [Girl on Fire]

Looking at the smallest of the three, Amanda's frustration with the fox quickly disappeared as a small smile took to her lips. What a kind little fae. Looking at Raijin Amanda pondered for a moment before responding "Right now that's just a prototype. An unfinished work... But if you come back to me once you've become stronger, I'll finish it for you. But you need to promise me you'll never use it to bully the weak, got it? And you have to treat it well! You must care for it like you would a dear friend."

Amanda pointed her spoon at the gnome and smiled brightly "Use it well and help others on your journey and soon, I'm sure you'll become worthy of its finished form. As for right now, well how about you three go test those catalysts out on a nest of goblins near the border? Since you're heading that way anyway. I'll send a scout to check it's been cleared in a week. Do this and you can count your debt squared away."

Mentions: Amanda Uasal Uasal
Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

The fox was rather confused. Flying catalysts? “I don't believe I've ever heard of such magic...” He stated, as he attempt to do as she said. It resulted in him being genuinely surprised. “That is outstanding! Marvellous!” He called out, excited. Then he bowed down a little towards Amanda. “My apologies madam, it seemed I heavily underestimated the functions of these catalysts.”

Amice Bellamy


She tried her best to keep up with the conversation, but some parts were rather complex to her. “Pro...to...type?” She asked, having no clue what that word meant. However, she puffed up her chest. “I'd never bully!” She stated, as Asuka had taught her that bullying was bad and that doing bad stuff was... well, bad! The next part did somewhat confuse her as well. “How do I treat it well? Do I need to pick berries for it to eat and fetch it water to drink?” She didn't know that so much effort went into having a cat tail list.



Upon Amanda's suggestion, Asuka was quick to interrupt. “We're very grateful for your kindness, but Amice has only just started using magic and she's never had to face monsters before. We'd much rather try to keep it that way for longer, even though I know we should prepare her for the worst eventually, we'd rather not seek it out.”



“Eh, it'll be fine. I can handle them alone, once I've shaken off the rust a little.” Thamuras replied. “We can't let such a charitable woman down now, can we?”

Amice, however, was getting even more confused. “Wouldn't killing goblins at their nest be a form of bullying?” She questioned aloud.
~Amanda Steelhaven~

High-Human, Legendary Craftswoman of Ryke, Business Expert, Warfare Expert, Agriculture Expert, Architecture Expert, Engineering Expert, Law Expert, Investigation Expert, Mining Expert, Expert Tinkerer, Expert Artificer, Expert Enchanter, Advisor of Caelia, Ambitious, Strategist, Girl on Fire, Flatterer, Celestine Academy Alumni, Nomad, Crafter, Singularity Known
Amanda couldn't help but chuckle at the small Fae's response. Just what was this little creatures story? Why was it being accompanied by two guardians? And in a world such as this how could it be so Naive and innocent?

Placing a finger to her lip whimsically, as if deep in thought, Amanda responded "Well, I suppose that depends on how you handle the situation. If the Goblins are weaker than you, you should offer them a quick and painless death. To draw out the battle and kill them slowly would be bullying... and probably a war crime were they not monsters... Ahem. Anyway. The point is, Should you ever need to use violence, you should aim to finish the battle as quickly as possible, causing the least amount of collateral damage as possible. Got it?"

Looking to the girl Amanda chuckled again, having used collateral purposely to get a confused reaction "No? Well that's okay. I'm sure you'll learn the difference yourself some day. Afterall you have two great teachers to rely on no?"

Returning to her oats Amanda began to eat again "Now, I really must get back to my breakfast. I've a busy day ahead of me in preparation for a journey in the coming week. Have a safe trip!"

Amice Bellamy


Amice nodded at Amanda's words. This was the first time she'd been told about how to go about killing other things and all that, except for that fish they once caught, so she was a bit nervous about it all. Even so, they needed Cat Tail Lists and if this was the price to pay for them, she figured she'd need to be brave. It also sounded like goblins were [monsters] and both Tahmuras and Asuka had told her that those things were absolutely evil, mean and corrupted and beyond saving, so killing them should be a good thing. She nodded vigorously. “Got it!”

Considering the lady seemed to be done, Amice would give her a bow, upon which the two companions followed suit. “Thank you miss Legendary Craftswoman! You have a safe trip as well!” She replied.



“It's been a pleasure ma'am. Perhaps I should go see if the baroness would be equally good company.” He stated, tail wagging behind him, as he did wonder what that'd been about.



Asuka kept a a bit more simple. “Thank you.” Was all she added, before ushering the other two off to leave Amanda and her breakfast in peace.

The End

Associated Marketplace Deal
Isekai Hell Grade

Amice- 13 Points
Receives item Prototype 2: Amatyst Conduit (F Grade Catalyst)
Receives Prototype 3: Clam and Wood Conduit (E Grade Catalyst)
Receives Prototype 13: Raijin (B Grade Catalyst)

Amanda- 10 Points

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Uasal Uasal

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