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Finished [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) (N)ice to meet you again.

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. It is currently not open to be joined, but do let me know if you'd be down to join future RP's of mine.

What to expect out of character:
The RP is planned to be a slice of life 1x1 focussing on Glacier meeting back up with some NPC's in Caelia barony. Pacing will be daily to weekly (depending on our availabilities) and total duration up to two months (depending on how fast it goes).

What to expect in character:
Just a simple meeting with some old friends to chat up and full-fill a once-made promise to give Inola a lot of ice to work with for her cooking and debating the challenges both he and Ethel shared.

Tag and character goal:
Voider Voider Glacier – Help Inola make shaved ice, train/talk again with Ethel.

Training Grounds in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Training Grounds.
From: Medieval Training Yard

As Glacier arrived back in the barony, he would be able to ask around for where Ethel or Inola were, which would have him arrive at a most peculiar conclusion. They were both at the Training Grounds behind the keep. What in the world the sous-chef was doing there remained unknown.




Although as he approached, he could see Ethel training in her usual heavy armour, running laps around the courtyard.


Inola, for whatever reason, was just standing and staring at her. Though she did seem to have brought some mugs of oddly sweet smelling stuff.

Neither of them noticed him approach, so it'd be up to him to start the conversation.



Glacier trotted along the road into Stonewall, his tail swishing from side to side. After finally achieving his long sought "breakthrough", he knew it was time to fulfill a promise he'd made a while back. Stepping into the settlement proper, Glacier would question whoever he ran into. "Would you happen to know... where Knight Ethel and Chef Inola are?" Once he'd asked around a few times, he would have his answer, and begin to make his way over.

Entering the training grounds, Glacier quickly spotted the two people he was looking to meet with, but was a bit perplexed. Instead of immediately interrupting, he tilted his head as he watched Ethel train and Inola stand there; after a moment, his nose picked up a sweet smell, his vision drawn to the mugs being held by Inola. Most curious, perhaps he would inquire about that later.

Deciding it was about time he announced his presence, Glacier walked closer to them. "Excuse me..." He began in a gentle tone, hoping to garner their attention without startling them. Once they'd spot him, Glacier would raise a forepaw in a wave. "Hello!" He exclaimed quite happily. "It is a pleasure to see you both again... Inola, Ethel." He nodded to each of them in turn. "How are you both faring?" Though it could be impossible to tell given how long ago it was, Glacier would sound a little livelier than he had on his first visit to Stonewall.
Tag and character goal:
Voider Voider Glacier – Help Inola make shaved ice, train/talk again with Ethel.

Training Grounds in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Training Grounds.
From: Medieval Training Yard


Inola was the first to notice Glacier. “Oh, it's you again! Ehm... Glacier!” She stated, needing a second to recall the name. “Looking as frosty as ever. What's brought you back?” That's when she recalled the other bit. “Oh! Don't tell me, you're here to deliver on your promise of making ice?”




As she was waiting on her answer, Ethel came running over. She looked pretty worn-out and possibly overheated from running laps in full armour. “Thou! Mine friendeth of iceth! I desireth thy cold!” She'd state, as she came over. “I areth naught doing welleth, for I hath fallen upon mine traingeth in the troublesth of timest!” She'd state, between some pants from being out of breath. “Mine running hath neigh been so excruciating and heatheth!”

Inola chuckled a bit. “Don't let the guard captain hear you, or you might need to run another hundred laps.”

“Me and mine shalt vanish into a puddleth of tiredness and heath!” She exclaimed upon such a terrifying prospect.

Inola would face Glacier again. “Either way, I'm doing well. What about you?”



Glacier nodded at Inola's correct conclusion. "Yes, I am here to fulfill the promise I made before... now that I am capable." Turning to the quickly approaching Ethel, he smiled at her request; assuming it was one, anyway. "Well, it would be rude of me to refuse a friend... especially considering the heat's toll on you." The idea of running with such heavy armor did not sound pleasant. Though Glacier did notice something. "This feels... oddly familiar to how we first met, no?"

Glacier suppressed a few light chuckles of his own at Ethel's exclamation, before looking back to Inola. "I am glad to hear. I myself... am faring quite well, in recent times!" He stated brightly after a moment's thought. As he suddenly caught the sweet smell once again, Glacier found himself giving into curiosity. "Though if I may ask... what do those mugs hold? I could not help but take notice them."
Tag and character goal:
Voider Voider Glacier – Help Inola make shaved ice, train/talk again with Ethel.

Training Grounds in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Training Grounds.
From: Medieval Training Yard




It seemed that Ethel understood Glacier's agreement as permission to go in and hug him. Probably more so for the cold than out of any emotional motivation. She would indeed feel a bit heated, even through all her armour. “Though coldest giveth life!” She'd proclaim. As she 'melted' in the cold embrace.

As for how they first met, she seemed to blank out for a moment, until it sparked a memory. “Thou areth correcteth! Hath thou manageth to conquereth thy natureth?”


“I'm glad to hear that.” She'd reply, both to his words of fulfilling a promise and to him having done well. “Ah, those mugs? It's something chef Todo mentioned. An 'energy' drink, it's called. Apparently it contains so many sugars that it allows people to extend their stamina. We've been trying various recipes and Ethel here is seeing how well they work in practice.”

Come to think of it, as Ethel was hugging Glacier, he would feel her tremble slightly. Even her eyes seemed to twitch a bit. Just how overdosed on sugar was the knight right now?

“Come to think of it, I wonder if this would also work as a type of 'shaved ice' if we were to freeze it and then chop it up in chunks, what do you think? Oh, if you want, you can try some for yourself... assuming you can?” She'd forgotten if the ice fox could drink or not.



Glacier braced himself as the armor-clad woman hugged him; metal wasn't exactly comfortable when it was squeezed around you, but he'd already said he wouldn't refuse. "Conquer?..." Glacier thought aloud, as Ethel hugged his icy form. "I have not... for I realized that I was never meant to be a master over it." Wrapping an invisible, magical touch around his core, it would glow more for a brief moment. "No, I have become one with my nature... but that can be explained later. Have you made progress in training your..." Glacier paused for a moment to remember the exact words. "...offensive maneuvers?"

At Inola's explanation, Glacier oddly felt as though he'd heard of these "energy drinks" before. "Ah, I see now..." Noticing Ethel's slight tremble and eye twitch, his own ear flicked as he turned his head back towards the chef. "Is that much sugar... healthy?" Glacier asked, audibly concerned.

At the offer of trying it, Glacier shook his head. "I am sorry, but I must unfortunately decline... as I am unable to digest anything." It was useful, not having to eat or drink to survive, yet it was also disappointing whenever Glacier was presented with the prospect of it. "A mix of shaved ice and a sugary drink... I admit, it does sound quite interesting."
Tag and character goal:
Voider Voider Glacier – Help Inola make shaved ice, train/talk again with Ethel.

Training Grounds in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Training Grounds.
From: Medieval Training Yard




The knight, upon cooling down, tried to make sense of what Glacier was telling her. “Thou hath become oneth with thy natureth? Hath thou neigh manageth to contrelleth thy natureth? Hath thou giveth in to thy instincteth?”

As for her own training, she nodded. “I hath! Mine offenseth hath groweth!” She stated, sounding rather proud. “I areth becometh not neigh the defender of life, but alsoeth the attacker of evileth!”


Upon being asked about the sugar levels, she chuckled a bit awkwardly. “Perhaps I eh... might've asked her to try out a bit more than I should've, but it should be fine. She's been running off the excess sugars, right?”

“I hath conquereth exhaustioneth, my energieth hath neigh been strongereth! I hath been unstoppableth, were thee heateth not me and mine baneth!” She exclaimed.

“Ah, that is a waste.” She'd state upon his admission that he couldn't digest things. “It does, doesn't it? Although what if we just freeze the drink, then make shaved ice out if it? We'd have sweetly shaved ice, no? Can you do that?” She asked, offering him a mug to freeze, or try freeze.



Glacier himself chuckled somewhat awkwardly at Ethel's questions. "It is... complicated. I would be glad to speak of it... perhaps, if you wished to spar again as we had last time?" He looked forward to talking more about their similar challenges, yet neither did he want to interrupt his promise to Inola. At hearing of her new offensive skill, Glacier smiled genuinely, happy for her progress. "Splendid!... I am sure you are on the path to becoming a great knight."

While it still seemed like quite a lot of sugar, Glacier decided to let it go, as Ethel sounded fine; he wasn't knowledgeable in those things, and Inola was a chef, after all. "That would be more efficient... I believe I can do that, yes." Walking up to the mug Inola was offering, Glacier tapped into his core, drawing upon the raw, icy magic from the other side. Putting a paw on the mug, he transferred the coldness out of himself, attempting to freeze the liquid; though given his current unfamiliarity with using it, there was a good chance Glacier would accidentally push out too much and encase the mug itself in iciness as well [1].

Action [1]: Used Ability [Freeze F]
Glacier freezes the energy drink... and maybe the entire mug too.

F Grade Cooldown: 0/0

Freeze F
- [Ice] Affinity F, Magic F, Energized F - Glacier draws upon his ice magic to freeze liquid and/or material. - N/A Post Cooldown
Tag and character goal:
Voider Voider Glacier – Help Inola make shaved ice, train/talk again with Ethel.

Training Grounds in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Training Grounds.
From: Medieval Training Yard




“Nou that thou hath cooleth me and mine downeth, I can taketh thee up on thy offereth!” She stated, upon hearing Glacier saying he was down to spar with her. Her eyes twitched a little as she spoke. Still pretty sugared-up, it seemed. “I shalt be the greatest knighteth that hath evereth existeth!”


The ice magic worked out great, as a lot of ice formed in the liquid without even freezing over the mug itself. “Oh, that went great!” She'd check, although she did recall one downside. “Hmm. I'd have to find something to break the ice with to make it drink-able though, as no it'd just be a clump of sugary ice.”

She'd not to herself. “I'll get working on that, if you can come back by the Keg later, after your training, so we can try some more things, that'd be great.” She'd state, as she'd head off to pursue her new goals of making an icy energy drink. Or just some shaved ice. Or a mixture. Whatever might work, it seemed, at this rate.



Glacier relaxed with relief at seeing his ice magic work correctly. "I would be happy to do so... I look forward to seeing the process refined." He may not have been able to drink it himself, but he was sure it would be an enjoyable addition to those living in Stonewall, and that was all that mattered.

Turning back towards Ethel, Glacier watched hear eagerness. "To answer your earlier questions... well, I would not say I 'gave in to my instincts', more so... I would describe my nature as that of an equal, now." He tried to explain. As he did so, Glacier slowly backed away in preparation for their spar. "I realized that without it, I have no true claim to ice or magic... yet without me, it has no mind or body to manifest itself in the world. My nature and I are separate, yet exist to work as one... a part gives it's power to be used meaningfully, and the other part dutifully represents what it has been given to the world."

Standing straight, and waiting towards the other side of the training field, Glacier gave a long bow of his head. "However, I am most curious to see what offensive skills you have learned yourself... and if I am correct, I presume you would wish to start sooner rather than later?" He asked, recalling how quickly she started their first duel last time. Readying himself for the beginning of the Spar, Glacier slightly spread his paws out on the ground, lowering and steadying his center of mass. "Whenever you wish to begin, Knight Ethel... I shall be ready."
Tag and character goal:
Voider Voider Glacier – Help Inola make shaved ice, train/talk again with Ethel.

Training Grounds in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Training Grounds.
From: Medieval Training Yard




“I doest neigh understand thou!” She'd reply to Glacier's attempted explanation. “Areth thou a two-in-onneth with thine natureth?” She somehow seemed to somewhat come to a conclusion. “Doest thou natureth wished to freezeth thee and thine?” She'd also ask, either just curious or misunderstanding some things.

“Muahaha! Thou shalt witnesseth thee greatesth!” She called out out with pride, as she went to grab a training sword with [Non-Lethal-B] enchanted onto it. That should allow her to go all-out without risk of having this spar turn Lethal. “Thou shouldst brace thyself, for I shan't be easy on thee!”

From her shifting stance alone, some clear progress was shown. She no longer defaulted to a defending stance, actually looking ready to attack now. In fact, as she called out, her sword-swing seemed to have some actual technique to it. “Have at thee!” (Incoming E-grade abiliy, D strength, E weapon, Fighting Style E, Enervation E).

Enervation - Action: 1 - puts the abilities of target on cooldown that are the same grade or less than the technique

(Item/narrative specific, bending the system a bit to make sparring possible without bad outcomes)
Non-Lethal B- Abilities with this technique applied will never kill the target(s). Grade of technique must be equal to grade of ability to properly mitigate its lethal potential.



Glacier tilted his head in thought. "Two in one... yes, that would be a good way of looking at it. Though... I am already quite frozen."

Seeing Ethel grab a training sword, he lowered his head to present a smaller profile. "You are not the only one... who has learned new things." Glacier responded with a smile, beginning to draw mana from his core, which shone brightly because of it.

He saw that unlike the previous time, Ethel actually went on the offensive first, rapidly closing in on him. Expelling a portion of the mana he'd gathered, Glacier used magic and air moisture to conjure a small but thick wave of snowflakes directly in front of himself; as he did attempted to disorient his opponent's attack, Glacier used the rest of the power to quickly teleport his body to a different position, appearing mere feet behind her [1].

Wishing to retaliate, as one would expect in a spar, Glacier lightly swiped a paw at Ethel, hoping not to cause much damage but to instead simply score a hit [2]. As remaining close would put him at a major disadvantage, Glacier then moved to put some distance back between them [3].

Action [1]: Defense (Dodge); Ability [Icy Teleport E]; (D Speed, E Na. Li. Armor, E Ability)
Glacier summons a wave of snowflakes in front of himself as a diversion, before teleporting directly behind Ethel to avoid her attack.
Action [2]: Basic Attack [No Weapon Used] (E Strength)

From his new position, Glacier swipes a paw to gain a hit on Ethel, putting little force into it.
Action [3]: Movement

Glacier puts distance between Ethel and himself.

E Grade Cooldown: 0/0

HP: 3/3
Li. Na. Armor: 2/2
Resilient [Fatigue, Incapacitation] E

Icy Teleport E [Dodge]
- Teleport F, [Ice] Affinity E, Magic E, Energized E - Glacier dodges by combining teleportation with his ice magic, creating a thick wave of snowflakes to disorient an attacking opponent as he appears [10ft] elsewhere. - 0 Post Cooldown
Tag and character goal:
Voider Voider Glacier – Help Inola make shaved ice, train/talk again with Ethel.

Training Grounds in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Training Grounds.
From: Medieval Training Yard




Glacier's teleport was enough to have Ethel swing and miss. Her training sword hitting the ground with a slap and a short flash of power just after Glacier vanished from it. “Whah!?!” She'd call out. “Thou hath vanisheth!”

That said, she did have an emergency plan. Something she was rather proud off. As Glacier would swipe at her, he'd be forced back by a sudden ability including [Aura F] in the form a radiant shine around the knight. Thankfully any possible damage was mitigated by Glacier's own attack and the fact he put in the distance immediately after.

Aura - Action: 1 - technique/stance releasing a harmful aura from the user's body, hurting any creature that comes into direct contact with it. Common ones being flame or electric. The aura technique cannot be combined with a ranged technique. Aura acts as a hazard. Grade of aura indicates the amount of damage automatically taken by whoever comes into contact with it. | F-grade: 1 damage | E-grade: 2 damage | D-grade: 3 damage | C-grade: 4 damage | B-grade: 5 damage | A-grade: 6 damage | S-grade: ??? damage | Aura doesn't typically persist long enough with enough intensity to damage objects save for narrative impact.

“Hah!” She'd call triumphantly. “Thou hath they trickest, but I hath me and mine!” She'd proclaim. “Have at thee!” As the aura fade,d she'd move in on Glacier and swing at him from left to right and back again from right to left (Attack x2, Strength E, Weapon F).

(Item/narrative specific, bending the system a bit to make sparring possible without bad outcomes)
Non-Lethal B- Abilities with this technique applied will never kill the target(s). Grade of technique must be equal to grade of ability to properly mitigate its lethal potential.



Glacier leaped back as Ethel activated her aura, not expecting the move. "So you do... quite a useful deterrent, I must say." He commented, working out how to get around it.

Although he would not have much time to think upon that, as Ethel came in with a second attack. Deciding that repeating the same would not lead to much learning for either of them, Glacier opted to counter her strike with one of his own. Watching the training sword swing at him, Glacier stepped back and raised a naturally enchanted forepaw at speed, clashing momentum with momentum [1].

Regardless of how that exchange of attacks would fare, Glacier would not want another taste of Ethel's aura, evident by the following teleportation out of her range [2]. At this time, he felt they were equally matching each other; and while he obviously did not want to dangerously escalate the spar, Glacier knew he'd have to take a different approach to prevent a stalemate.

Calling upon his magical, icy minions to reinforce him, five Foxes of Ice rapidly formed out of thin air at specific places on the training field [3]. Suddenly, Ethel would find herself surrounded by a hexagonal formation; six glacial foxes at each point, one of which was himself. "You have shown yourself capable of attacking an opponent... but can you attack multiple opponents, Knight Ethel?" Glacier did not ask so mockingly, but genuinely, curious to see if she'd mastered any skills that could hit multiple targets at once.

Action [1]: Counterattack - Ability [Thermal Shock F] - (E Strength, F Nat. Weapons, F Ability)
Glacier responds to Ethel's attack with an attack of his own, sword vs ice-hard paw.
Action [2]: Movement - Ability [Rapid Teleport F]

Glacier puts distance between Ethel and himself by teleporting 10ft.
Action [3]: Ability - [Foxes of Ice F]

Glacier summons his foxes of ice, trapping Ethel between them all.

F Grade Cooldown: N/A

HP: 3/3
Li. Na. Armor: 2/2
Resilient [Fatigue, Incapacitation] E

Thermal Shock F
- Whirling Ice [Natural Weapons] F, Blight [Cold] F, Energized F - Glacier attempts to hit his opponent with a cold empowered strike, with the intent of rapidly decreasing the target's body temperature. - N/A Post Cooldown

Rapid Teleport F - Teleport F, Energized F - Glacier rapidly teleports a distance of [10ft]. - N/A Post Cooldown

Foxes of Ice F - [Ice] Affinity F, Componentless Magic F, Magic F, Magic Range F, Minions [Foxes of Ice] F, Energized F - Glacier creates up to a total of 5 Foxes of Ice up to [30ft] away to act as his minions, which he can give orders to. The Foxes of Ice will crumble and dissipate by the end of the round; however, they may be respawned upon reactivation of the ability. - N/A Post Cooldown
Tag and character goal:
Voider Voider Glacier – Help Inola make shaved ice, train/talk again with Ethel.

Training Grounds in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Training Grounds.
From: Medieval Training Yard




“Muahaha! Thou hath seeneth my mightiest of radianth strength!” She'd exclaim upon the praise she'd gotten. Sort-off praise, at least.

Considering Glacier managed to balance out Ethel's strikes, the ice only froze up the edges of the sword it'd ended up striking.

Ethel strength E = 2, Weapon F = 1, Combo x1 = 1. Total = 4
Glacier E strength = 2, Weapon F = 1, ability F = 1. Total =4.

“Thou iceth hath hardeneth!” She'd... compliment? Yet when she was surrounding by more ice foxes, she looked around. (I'll allow it for narrative reasons, but Magic Range F normally wouldn't work without Magic E.) This situation might be rough. However! “Muahha! I shalt show thee my strongest of radianth strength!” She proclaimed, as she'd activate... Aura E.

It'd make it considerably more difficult for the surrounding foxes of ice to come at her. Seemingly knowing that, she'd go on the offensive again. If there was one thing she'd learned, clearly, it was to not only defend all the time she she used to do. She'd rush at Glacier with her Aura active and Faster and more Accurate than before.
(Incoming E-grade Radiant Aura).
(Incoming F-grade ability, E strength, Fast F, F weapon, Fighting Style F, Enervation F Accurate F).

Aura - Action: 1 - technique/stance releasing a harmful aura from the user's body, hurting any creature that comes into direct contact with it. Common ones being flame or electric. The aura technique cannot be combined with a ranged technique. Aura acts as a hazard. Grade of aura indicates the amount of damage automatically taken by whoever comes into contact with it. | F-grade: 1 damage | E-grade: 2 damage | D-grade: 3 damage | C-grade: 4 damage | B-grade: 5 damage | A-grade: 6 damage | S-grade: ??? damage | Aura doesn't typically persist long enough with enough intensity to damage objects save for narrative impact.
Enervation - Action: 1 - puts the abilities of target on cooldown that are the same grade or less than the technique
Accurate - the technique reduces effectiveness of dodge action by 1 per grade of Accurate.

It seemed like the knight was giving it her all, this time around.



"Common" "<Beastial>" "%Analog%"

If Glacier had eyes, they would have widened as he stepped back in surprise, letting his minions dissipate into nothing. Truthfully, he was not expecting such a simple—yet incredibly effective—response to his surrounding tactic. "Strong deterrence & good prioritization... it seems I cannot overwhelm you as I had planned." Glacier said in the brief moments he had before Ethel would reach him, his core glowing familiarly.

Using the same trick he'd used before, and hoping it would work for a second time, Glacier left a vertical blanket of snow in the wake of his teleporting dodge [1]. After escaping from her aura, whether scathed or unscathed by the attack, Glacier repeated his movement, teleporting even further [2]. "This... is a challenging spar." He commented, considering his next move.

Evidently, presenting the knight with multiple choices would do nothing to stop her offensive, as she would just choose the most direct option. Thus, Glacier formed a new plan; what if the direct approach was the path of most resistance? Re-summoning his Foxes of Ice around him, Glacier gave a set of orders in analog, the sound of sharp, wind-like whistling emanating from himself. "%Spread out into a half circle. Target is ahead; if she attempts a breakthrough, stop her.%"

"I am curious to see what you do... now that I am harder to reach."
If Ethel wanted to go all in, then Glacier would make sure to give her the toughest challenge he could.

Action [1]: Defense (Dodge) - Ability [Icy Teleport E] - (D Speed, E Na. Li. Armor, E Ability)
Glacier summons a wave of snowflakes in front of himself as a diversion, before teleporting away from Ethel in an attempt to avoid her attack.
Action [2]: Movement - Ability [Rapid Teleport F]
Glacier puts distance between Ethel and himself by teleporting another 10ft.
Action [3]: Ability - [Foxes of Ice F]
Glacier summons his foxes of ice around himself, ordering them to act as a shield.

E Grade Cooldown: 0/0
F Grade Cooldown: N/A

HP: 3/3
Li. Na. Armor: 2/2
Resilient [Fatigue, Incapacitation] E

Icy Teleport E [Dodge]
- Teleport F, [Ice] Affinity E, Componentless Magic E, Magic E, Energized E - Glacier dodges by combining teleportation with his ice magic, creating a thick wave of snowflakes to disorient an attacking opponent as he appears [10ft] elsewhere. - 0 Post Cooldown

Rapid Teleport F - Teleport F, Energized F - Glacier rapidly teleports a distance of [10ft]. - N/A Post Cooldown

Foxes of Ice F - [Ice] Affinity F, Componentless Magic F, Magic F, Minions [Foxes of Ice] F, Energized F - Glacier creates up to a total of 5 Foxes of Ice around himself to act as his minions, which he can give orders to. The Foxes of Ice will crumble and dissipate by the end of the round; however, they will respawn beside him upon reactivation of the ability. - N/A Post Cooldown

Foxes of Ice.gif
Amount: 5

Action: Movement - Skill [Fast F] - x5
Glacier's minions position themselves into a semi-circle, readying to move in and physically block any approach.

HP: 3/3 [Each]
Armor: 1/1 [Each]

F Grade Cooldown: 0/0
Tag and character goal:
Voider Voider Glacier – Help Inola make shaved ice, train/talk again with Ethel.

Training Grounds in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Training Grounds.
From: Medieval Training Yard




Whilst Ethel was coming at Glacier faster and more accurate than before, she hadn't been able to put her full force into it due to keeping up/using the Aura. It allowed Glacier to teleport away in time.

However, Ethel would keep going, turning around to continue to head for Glacier's new position, where the Aura ended up managing to break through the first two of the shielding foxes of ice... Before she came to a halt. Panting heavily, it seemed she was out of breath. “Thou... hath... increaseth... thy... defendeth... trickerieth...” She'd speak. Honestly, she seemed.. surprisingly exhausted? Perhaps... the sugar rush she'd been on was also coming to an end?

That said, two could play this game. If Glacier was going to just catch his breath behind his foxes of ice, she figured she might as well. “I shalt catch mineth breath and have at thee with my fullest force sooneth!” She declared, pointing at her with her sword. “Unless thee wished to challengeth me and mine insteadeth!” It didn't look like she was going to be going all-out again any time soon though. Then again, she'd been running laps for fox-knows-how-long on an amount of sugar that was borderline illegal, sooooo.... Yeah.



"Common" "<Beastial>" "%Analog%"

Seeing Ethel finally slowing down, Glacier dismissed his minions and relaxed his posture. "I have, but you as well have increased your offensive skill and will... I was unable to turn the momentum of battle against you; a truly clear improvement, Knight Ethel." He would say enthusiastically, before walking over and sitting on his haunches. "Yet, it would appear your stamina is fairly depleted... perhaps it is best if we take a break from this sparring, no? Overexertion is not wise."

Quietly observing the training grounds, as Ethel caught her breath, Glacier searched for something to fill the silence. "So... how has the guard captain here seen your progress?" Glacier asked, trying to picture what the man might look like. "I have not had the chance to meet him... but he sounds like an efficient type of person."
Tag and character goal:
Voider Voider Glacier – Help Inola make shaved ice, train/talk again with Ethel.

Training Grounds in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Training Grounds.
From: Medieval Training Yard




“I thank thee for thy praiseth!” She'd reply. However, upon the idea of taking a break... “I seeth thee! We shalt calleth it a draweth!” She'd stated, as she'd unceremoniously fall down upon her back. Staring up at the sky. “A draweth!” She'd stress. She totally wasn't way more exhausted than Glacier and if she was, it was totally due to having had much more exercise beforehand. Exercise and sugar.

The next question was a tad odd. “If thee helpeth thee non-iceth foxeth ladieth, thy might see mine captaineth appeareath in thee Keg sooneth.” She'd explain, as it was a place he'd occasionally visit to hear about what was going on in town. “Mine captaineth is... He hath neigh a reason to neigh be goodeth?” It seemed she got stuck on what to say about him. “Thee shalt shee!”

It looked that, for all intends and purposes, Ethel wasn't planning to get up anytime soon. (Glacier would be able to say his goodbye and head for the Keg to go check up on Inola, should he desire.)



"Common" "<Beastial>" "%Analog%"

"A draw indeed." Glacier responded with a nod, for he personally felt it was certainly as good as a draw. As for the response to his question, he tilted his head. "Interesting... then I guess I will see what you mean, should I ever encounter him." Glacier had heard the captain mentioned multiple times, and couldn't help but feel a bit curious. Standing up, Glacier looked back at Ethel laying on the ground. "Well, I shall be taking my leave to the Keg... I hope that you have a good, er... rest, Ethel."

With a short wave, he made his way out of the training grounds, his icy paws clacking on Stonewall's streets. After asking a local about where to find the Keg, as Glacier had forgotten where it was, he turned and approached the establishment. Pushing open the door, Glacier slowly entered while scanning the room. "Chef Inola?"
Tag and character goal:
Voider Voider Glacier – Help Inola make shaved ice. | Train/talk again with Ethel.

The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg

As Glacier entered the Keg, it wasn't Inola whom he encountered first. It was the owner, Hestia, who seemed to be taking stock on the various boozes they had behind the counter.


Upon hearing Glacier call out, she'd turn around. “Ah, hello! Welcome to the Keg!” She'd reply, seeming to only faintly recognise Glacier. “Inola? She's working on something in the kitchen at the moment.” She'd step away a bit, calling out toward the kitchen. “Inola, there's someone here for you!”

“Just a bit!” Came a voice back.

She'd look back at Glacier. “She'll be there soon, I think. In the mean time...” She wanted to offer him something to eat or drink out of habit, not realised that'd not really work out well. “... I think you've been here before, a while ago, no? What brought you back?” She'd ask instead.



"Common" "<Beastial>" "%Analog%"

"Hello" Glacier responded with a wave. "I see... I shall wait for her here then." At the woman's question, Glacier nodded in confirmation. "Yes, I visited Stonewall some time before... I came back to fulfill a promise," He said with a gesture to the kitchen, explaining why he was here for Inola. "and meet with a couple of friends I had made."

Looking back to Hestia, Glacier gave a polite smile. "It is also a pleasure to meet you once again..."


...His standard pausing would trail off for far longer than usual, before his ears began to splay back. "...I must sincerely apologize, as I have forgotten your name." Glacier decided to reintroduce himself, raising a paw for a handshake; if she was fine with shaking solid ice, that is. "My name is Glacier... could you remind me of yours?"
Tag and character goal:
Voider Voider Glacier – Help Inola make shaved ice. | Train/talk again with Ethel.

The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg


Seeing the ice fox wave made her chuckle, as it looked a bit like a really big dog trying to give a paw. “Ah, I see. Was it perhaps during the Fair? That was a really busy time.” She'd ask. “I'm glad you made friends, as most people here are worth becoming one~” She'd add with a smile.

The pause made her wonder for a bit, until she realised why. She laughed a gentle laugh. “No worries, I'm Hestia. Nice to meet you again Glacier. I think if there's anyone you've spoken to, it might've been my daughter, Amika. I vaguely recall she mentioned you.”

Considering it seemed like Inola wasn't ready yet and considering she didn't seem to be able to offer him something, the least she could do was keep the conversation going. Then again, she was rather interested in general. “Who'd you manage to meet whilst here, other than Inola? Oh, and if you don't mind me asking, where might you be from?”



"Common" "<Beastial>" "%Analog%"

Glacier tilted his head, looking off at nothing in particular as he recalled the past. "The fair... if that is when the shrine was placed outside the wall, then yes... I believe so." There was a lot going on then, and a lot of people too. "Indeed... it was quite active."

Ah, it was Hestia! Having learned her name, Glacier smiled again, repeating his greeting. "It is a pleasure to meet you once again... Hestia." Upon mention of Hestia's daughter, Glacier perked up his head. "Amika!... yes, I remember her... we had talked to each other for a small time." It was unfortunate that their conversation was cut short before, but alas, it was a very busy time as Hestia had said. As for the rest he'd met, it did not feel like many; but considering he was merely a visitor both now and then, it was more than he'd expected originally. "Hmm... I had met a few individuals, but the only other names I know of... would be Ethel the Knight, and Regula the Baroness." Glacier gestured towards the door outside with his head. "The former of which... I was with at the training grounds earlier."

"I do not mind..."
He responded to her question of curiosity. "I originate from the Paizu Mountains... or more specifically, a mountain cave there." Glacier explained, knowing that his "birthplace" was unusual. "It is where I first awoke... and began my travels from."
Tag and character goal:
Voider Voider Glacier – Help Inola make shaved ice. | Train/talk again with Ethel.

The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg


She shook her head. “The Fair was held a fair while after... though I'm surprised you were here when the shrine was placed. That had certainly caused quiet a stir...” Probably best not to go into detail, right now, as it'd all be sorted out either way.

“So you two did meet! Do you want me to give her my regards later? Or will you be staying here for long? I think she'll be back form her trip to Sootspire somewhere in the afternoon, tomorrow.”

“Ah Ethel, yeah, she's a dear... wait.” Something he said clearly stood out to her. “To call baroness Caelia by her given name, you seem to be rather close to her?” She remarked, rather interested.

“The Paizu Mountains? That's a rather dangerous area to hail from.” She'd state, though it might explain why he was so 'out there' in his looks and nature. “Is it true that there are many giants there?”

Ezekiel Hayward

As she was talking, someone else came in. “Good afternoon.” He'd state, as he walked up to the bar, giving a polite nod at Glacier.

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