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Graded [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) Land in Sight

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. It is currently not open to be joined, but do let me know if you'd be down to join future efforts like these or RP's in the Caelia Barony setting in general.

What to expect out of character:
The RP is intended to last until the 21st at the latest and will attempt to have enough content to warrant the IC goals being fulfilled within that timespan.

What to expect in character:
Cleo Rom is visiting Caelia Barony with the goal of gaining land (as an E-grade asset) within the barony to start up his business.

Tags and character goals:
Cleo Rom Shatter Shard Shatter Shard

Caelia Barony's Keep's Study
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall, Keep, Study
Mentions: Cleo Rom Shatter Shard Shatter Shard


Having been in Regula's employ for only a short while, the tailed administrator was eager to prove himself to his new employer. So far, he'd only been digging through the archives in order to get things in order, however, today would be the first time he'd see someone with a formal inquiry. From what he'd read up upon, he already knew this might not be an easy start, yet he felt like he was prepared enough for what was about to come. “Tell mister Rom to come in please.” He'd state to a guard, who'd do as told.

Cleo, meanwhile, would've been asked to wait for about half an hour after his arrival at Stonewall, having been invited to the keep itself. He'd been offered tea and some biscuits as the administrator had gathered up his notes (and courage) for this meeting to start in one of the various rooms located around the keeps study.

Cleo Rom
"Blue Quill Merchant"


{ F }
{ A }
{ A }
{ A }
{ A }


Active Titles:
Human | Trader | Merchant | Stouthearted | Closer

Sadek County, Caelia Barony, Stonewall

Code by: Shatter Shard

Cleo patiently waited outside the study, back straight and hands clasped together. He only brought one guard with him today, knowing that he at least needs an escort. He also made sure to arrive with the best looking outfit possible, if only to improve first impressions. An impressionable grey and blue coat with the Blue Quill's symbol on the chest, neatly combed hair, light facial makeup, everything was cleaned and proper for this very moment.

He never lost his characteristic smile even in the slow minutes that passed by. Thankfully, it didn't take more than an hour for him to be called into the keep. He fixed himself, giving the guard a greeting of thanks, then proceeded inside. His escort would wait outside until he comes back. Presumably the Keep Guard would lead him to the room where he needed to go, to which Cleo would obediently follow.

Once the guard guided him, he stepped foot into the study, his right hand held on his chest. "Greetings and good day to you, good sir." Starting off with a greeting, Cleo stood a mere few steps away from the desk in proper mannerism. He lightly bowed to the administrator, an acknowledgement and respect for one who represents the baroness during the deal. Straightening his posture, he gave off a friendly smile to the man before him. The beastman's race was of no judgment for him. "I am Cleo Rom, as you might have already known. I am here about my request." He offered the same smile as he introduced himself. He had no plans on sitting down on a chair until the host graciously offers him to.


Caelia Barony's Keep's Study
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall, Keep, Study
Cleo Rom Shatter Shard Shatter Shard – Obtain an E grade land asset.


“Good day to you as well, mister Rom.” He'd reply, already aware of whom he'd be meeting. “I'm Reynard, here to represent baroness Caelia on this matter.” He gestured towards a chair near the desk. “Please, have a seat.”

Thanks to his insight (C), Cleo noted the man was debating where to start for a moment. Not for long, however, as he brought out some papers. “Let us get to the most pressing matter first, shall we?” He'd show Cleo some old documents, the copy of an agreement he made in a distant past.

“This, I must admit, is by far the most dubious agreement I've found in the barony's archives. This has been sent to all baronies in former Light county by the late count. Before we agree to making new deals or selling land, I would love for an explanation of the circumstances and details of this deal.”

Cleo Rom
"Blue Quill Merchant"


{ F }
{ A }
{ A }
{ A }
{ A }


Active Titles:
Human | Trader | Merchant | Stouthearted | Closer

Sadek County, Caelia Barony, Stonewall

Code by: Shatter Shard

Cleo gently seated himself in front of the desk with a smile. "Intriguing, isn't it?" His smile deepened. "It is as you might've expected, though even I couldn't fathom how I could make such a deal with the late count." He willingly admitted how he felt during then. "However, ride the waves, they say." He lightly shrugged. "A contract detailing five months, half of Sol County's exports being funneled through me." He raised his hand, outstretching five fingers to emphasize his fact. "As you can see now, five months have passed. I still stand." He smile seemed proud now. Regardless of how the baroness sees him as, she'll be forced to at least acknowledge his skill and ability as a merchant.

"You see, I wanted names and statuses." He clasped his hands together and put it on the desk. "Not for myself, but to associate myself with. Regardless of the outcome, my name would've been made known." The bold, reckless move Cleo pulled on that day was nothing more than a stunt to gain publicity, bad or good. "Thankfully, the late count Linneus provided me with the best outcome." There was sincerity in his voice, but the implication of using the late count for mere publicity was daring to say the least.


Caelia Barony's Keep's Study
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall, Keep, Study
Cleo Rom Shatter Shard Shatter Shard – Obtain an E grade land asset.


“It is.” He replied, eyes squinting. Clearly on guard. “No signs of foul play were found, yet, as you say, it is difficult to imagine for such a deal to have been made by the late count.” Upon the man saying he was still standing, the fox couldn't help himself from smirking. “Whilst the late count does not.”

It seemed like the fox was indeed given a tough customer. “You certainly succeeded in getting your name out; yet your name is now also attached to a deal that will make anyone doubt whether or not there has been foul play, with the other party no longer able to provide evidence of the contrary.” His eyes sharpened. “To give it to you straight, what would ensure us you're not just looking for more publicity?”

Cleo Rom
"Blue Quill Merchant"


{ F }
{ A }
{ A }
{ A }
{ A }


Active Titles:
Human | Trader | Merchant | Stouthearted | Closer

Sadek County, Caelia Barony, Stonewall

Code by: Shatter Shard

Cleo looked at Reynard for a beat longer than anticipated, before speaking. "What is it that you seek the answer of?" He asked with a level tone (Compelling Discourse). Cleo couldn't tell if the beastman is wary that he had done something under table, worried if he was going to pull another stunt, or apprehensive about his merits. Regardless if the other baronies were suspicious or not, there was no mention of him shirking on his responsibilities. "It was a contract which I fulfilled. The county's exports were properly dealt with. The Merchant's Guild can attest to that." He straightened his back even more. "Me being alive is also evidence of that." Since Cleo had no capacity to store keep that much export flowing, he utilized the other merchants and used deals to do his work for him. After all, merchants were merchants. He had the money and connections, so he made sure to use it to the fullest. Though unfortunately, that also meant he wasn't able to keep any of the goods for himself. "Whether or not my name is attributed to such a deal matters not. The records show that I upheld my end." He understood the view of the baronies, which made him sigh a bit. "I am well aware about your doubts, but going light the deal with the count would've costed me my head. Doing the same to the baroness would give me the same fate." He looked at Reynard once again. "Or do you prefer a tangible assurance? For example, an oath?" There was no fear in his eyes. If he needed to, he'll bind his words to whatever magic comes in play.

Abilities Used​

Grade D​

[CD | 2 Post] Compelling Discourse | Etiquette D, Persuasion D, Leadership D, Insight D, Empathy F | Cleo has an excellent communicative ability, allowing him to have an advantage in social situations as he knows what words to use when speaking.


Caelia Barony's Keep's Study
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall, Keep, Study
Cleo Rom Shatter Shard Shatter Shard – Obtain an E grade land asset.


Although Cleo asked him a question, he didn't answer, as he waited for the man to continue on his own accord. Cleo would sense the man's doubts were regarding a combination of all of his assumptions, but perhaps mostly worry that he'd try to one-up them with another 'stunt' that'd leave thing in chaos.

Otherwise, it did look like Cleo's words were rather compelling to him. It was only the last part that he actually wanted to get too. “The baroness carries deeply about the barony and its people. What she wishes for, is to see deals made that are beneficial to her people, or at the very least mutually beneficial. What's needed is an assurance that your presence can be such a thing. Which is what I wish to ascertain.”

He was in thought for a moment. “If you you are willing to take an official oath that you are willing to strive towards long-term, mutually beneficial relations, that would certainly please milady. It would certainly make it easier to broaden our scope of options as well.”

Cleo Rom
"Blue Quill Merchant"


{ F }
{ A }
{ A }
{ A }
{ A }


Active Titles:
Human | Trader | Merchant | Stouthearted | Closer

Sadek County, Caelia Barony, Stonewall

Code by: Shatter Shard

Cleo smiled radiantly as he heard Reynard's words (Affability). "Well, why didn't we just start off with that?" He laughed, dispelling the tense aura around him. "Would've saved us the time, wouldn't it?" There was pure sincerity in his voice. "I can't deny such a tempting deal." He was talking almost as if he struck gold. "You say the baroness wants the happiness of her people." He nodded as if he understood. "I can clearly see it from the state of your barony. That is why I am buying a land here in the first place." He fixed his collar as if to appear more impressionable. "I am but amongst the many merchant capitalizing upon the barony's growth." His eyes looked brightly into Reynard. "Investments upon potential profits is simply the basics of business, no?" He chuckled to himself. "From what I can see, the barony is destined for great happiness."

But of course, there was no deals without an exchange. The glee in his visage quickly turned into a subdued smile as he leaned in conspiratorially. "However, since I am going to take an oath, I hope you don't mind me making some demands?" A hint of mischief danced around his eyes. He was not shy with playing up his notoriety. If anything, the fame he had made for himself was something he liked to keep. "Ah, rest assured. They will be within reason this time." He emphasized his point by raising his hand in an honest gesture of goodwill. "To make it fair for the both parties, I shall base my demands on the terms of the oath." He kept his smile as he waited for an answer.

Abilities Used​

Grade E​

[CD | 1 Post] Affability | Business E, Persuasion E, Insight E, Etiquette E, Leadership E, Empathy F | Cleo has this atmosphere on him that can turn his words sweeter or demeanor more admirable. His tact and thoughtfulness usually earn him favorability from most people.

Grade D​



Last edited:
Caelia Barony's Keep's Study
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall, Keep, Study
Cleo Rom Shatter Shard Shatter Shard – Obtain an E grade land asset.


The tailed administrator raised an eyebrow. Whilst the tone was easing up the mood, the words were to be taken in carefully. “All in due time, we've gotten there now.” He replied carefully, as he listened to the rest of Cleo's words.

He nodded at the first bits. Regarding the potential growth of the barony. “It is the reason we're processing requests such as yours.”

“State your demands.” He replied, more on guard, as he clearly still had a few reservations about Cleo potentially trying to pull another 'move' like he'd done with count Light in the past. “I shall judge if they are indeed within reason and if they align with milady's vision.”

Cleo Rom
"Blue Quill Merchant"


{ F }
{ A }
{ A }
{ A }
{ A }


Active Titles:
Human | Trader | Merchant | Stouthearted | Closer

Sadek County, Caelia Barony, Stonewall

Code by: Shatter Shard

"Well," Cleo began. "If the oath is to bind me to the barony, at least economically speaking, I should get some benefits." He clasped his hands together (Compelling Discourse). "The first demand is simple. When Blue Quill, my company, purchases exports from the barony, we should be in the priority list." This was a necessary point for Cleo. Soon enough, the barony will prosper to the point it'll attract more and more powerhouses. He needed to secure a position of direct relations with the barony if he wanted to ride with it towards the peak. He wanted the lead.

"The second one is also simple." His smile deepened as his eyes squinted into crescents. "Please endorse Blue Quill." In a way, Cleo was trying to get his name out there once again. However, it was different this time. Unlike the late count's situation, Cleo was instead trying to establish a specific reputation. What would stir the barony's people if not the government of their beloved home? One ruled by a benevolent baroness no less. With the precedent of Cleo's previous record, he was being consistent with his modus while also subtly telling Reynard that they had the reigns this time. He ensured the barony had the advantage in this negotiation, since he believed the barony would perceive such terms as harmless when they're above and Cleo's below.

He straightened his posture again. "In return, I don't mind higher taxes or being bound by oath, as we've discussed." He lightly shrugged. "The land bought will be used for local circulation for the most part anyways."

Abilities Used​

Grade E​


Grade D​


Grade C​

[CD | 3 Post] Compelling Discourse | Etiquette D, Persuasion C, Leadership C, Insight C, Empathy F | Cleo has an excellent communicative ability, allowing him to have an advantage in social situations as he knows what words to use when speaking.


Caelia Barony's Keep's Study
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall, Keep, Study
Cleo Rom Shatter Shard Shatter Shard – Obtain an E grade land asset.


Silence. He contemplated Cleo's words carefully, before eventually shaking his head. “I do not believe that exclusively binding you to the barony is needed or warranted. If anything, the questionable nature of your previous dealings might make such a move dangerous. Even disregarding the risk of looking partial. We merely wish to ensure that your operations here won't have a negative impact.”

Pondering for a second longer, he took a deep breath. “Priority-wise, however, it would stand to reason that the barony will prioritise companies within its own border.” (Business C) “Any additional value gain in the supply chain that happens within our own borders, up and including transportation and storage, is value that will stay within our borders and trickle back towards our citizens. So long as that effect is present, priority will be given.”

At the next bit, however, he sighed. “Endorsement, however, is out of the question. We cannot currently afford favouritism, not even a possible perception of it, especially not when some might still question your earlier dealings. Simply being allowed to operate and own land within the barony should already be a sign that we are willing to disregard any odd business dealings made in the past.”

Having come to a conclusion, he stood up, picking up a map. “I do, however, think this might appeal to you.” He pointed at the city of Yemaya, or what was left of it. “Although it's currently inhabited by few enough people to barely be a village, the adventurer's guild and decided to open up a branch there to explore the dungeons beneath the city. A lot of the infrastructure from the time this was a city remains in place, be it buildings or roads. If any place is going to grow rapidly and become a new hub, it is Yemaya. You could be among the first merchants to buy a plot of land there, to help provide imports needed to rebuild and supply adventurers as well as the exports from their endeavours.”

“If the offer appeals to you, I'm willing to arrange for a meeting with the mayor to select a location from which to operate and further discuss the matter of an Oath. He would know best what the citizens there need from any new merchants arriving there and how to balance it fairly and reasonably with what a merchant's expectations could be from such a place.”

Cleo Rom
"Blue Quill Merchant"


{ F }
{ A }
{ A }
{ A }
{ A }


Active Titles:
Human | Trader | Merchant | Stouthearted | Closer

Sadek County, Caelia Barony, Stonewall

Code by: Shatter Shard

Clever. Cleo couldn't help but praise Reynard in his mind. He had eloquently pointed out how the terms would work, which made Cleo's smile become even more meaningful. "Excellent." He remarked as Reynard ended his piece. "It is as you say." He conceded with a light shrug. The first term was approved, which was the most important part for Cleo. "And the offer at Yemaya is something I cannot refuse." He was here for land, after all, and Reynard has just given him ripe land. "I am willing to accept the offer." He finally answered.

Abilities Used​

Grade C​



Caelia Barony's Keep's Study
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall, Keep, Study
Cleo Rom Shatter Shard Shatter Shard – Obtain an E grade land asset.


“Very well, I'll sent word to Yemaya and arrange for a meeting with its mayor. I'm assuming you've got your own transportation? It should only be a short ways to the north-east and I'm expecting the mayor to be available within a week. As a sign of good faith, I'll even request him to make some time as early as tomorrow.” He stated, feeling like this had gone well enough.

Central Street
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia, Yemaya, City Centre

From: Fantasy Ancient City Ruins HD wallpaper | Pxfuel

As promised, Cleo would hear back from Reynard in the evening, with a messenger telling him that he'd be able to meet with the mayor the day after, in the afternoon. By horse, it'd be a journey of around two-three hours to the north-east from Stonewall. Upon approaching the city, he would see the remnants of what was once a big and powerful city that was now mostly in ruins. Yet the occasional building seemed to be worked on and in repair. He'd also note more than a few adventurer's around. It was clearly that Reynard hadn't lied about this place recovering and becoming a hub for adventurer's.

He'd been told to meet in the centre of the city, which still was mostly in ruins. Likely due to the buildings near it having been expensive, luxurious and mostly prestigious, rather than functional. The fancy churches and town halls didn't seem to be prioritised in the restoration efforts. here weren't too many others around, other than some catkin and kenku child in the distance, rummaging through some rubble. For now, he'd be early enough to take a few moments to take in the sights, think through a plan upon meeting the mayor, or prepare in any other manner he could come up with.

Cleo Rom
"Blue Quill Merchant"


{ F }
{ A }
{ A }
{ A }
{ A }


Active Titles:
Human | Trader | Merchant | Stouthearted | Closer

Sadek County, Caelia Barony, Stonewall

Code by: Shatter Shard

Transportation was no problem for Cleo as he arrived at Yemaya as soon as he could. When he arrived, he brought with him three of his escorts as a minimum security. The escorts were eye-catching with their pristine equipment among the backdrop of rubble and ruins, but they were nonetheless confident guards. He was quick to start roaming a bit in the town as his light steps carried him around.

Cleo took the sights with a contemplative hum as he walked around town to kill some time. The restoration efforts made him nod appreciatively, but clearly it could be faster with the right help. Gears were already turning in his head as he made his way through the town. "Excuse me." He called out to catkin and kenku by the rubble. He approached them with a smile, with two of his escorts trailing way behind and one keeping by his side in order not to startle them too much (Affability F). "May I have a moment of your time?" He talked to them as softly as possible.

Abilities Used​

Grade F​

[CD | 0 Post] Affability | Business F, Persuasion F, Insight F, Etiquette F, Leadership F, Empathy F | Cleo has this atmosphere on him that can turn his words sweeter or demeanor more admirable. His tact and thoughtfulness usually earn him favorability from most people.

Grade C​



Central Street
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia, Yemaya, City Centre

From: Fantasy Ancient City Ruins HD wallpaper | Pxfuel



(Ignore the weapon.)

Closest source I could find:

“NYAAAA STRANGER DANGER!!!” The cat called out instantly, upon Cleo suddenly talking to her. “Stranger danger!” The kenku repeated. Upon noticing she was dealing with someone seemingly well-off and realising his tone had been rather affable, however, the catgirl was quick to change her tune.

“Nyahahah. Time is money and money is time. What's it worth to you, fancy mister-sir?” She asked, tilting her head to the sides whilst observing him from a distance. “Money is time.” The kenku kid echoed.

Cleo Rom
"Blue Quill Merchant"


{ F }
{ A }
{ A }
{ A }
{ A }


Active Titles:
Human | Trader | Merchant | Stouthearted | Closer

Sadek County, Caelia Barony, Stonewall

Code by: Shatter Shard

Cleo chuckled. "You speak my language." He produced two silver rykes out of his pocket and tossed it at the two (Wealth C). "I'm here just to ask some questions, I'm new here see?" He smiled. "Can you tell me the general situation around here? From your view." (Info Absorption). He paused to look around, before facing the the two again. "From what I can see, restoration is in effect and progressing. I just want to know what the locals feel."

Abilities Used​

Grade F​

[CD | 0 Post] Info Absorption | Business F, Perception F, Insight F, Empathy F | Cleo's skill as a social person allows him to find out what a general populace wants or needs and setup a plan to supply for their demand. At the same time, he is aware of his surroundings and the people around him, and can discern intent much easier than most other people. He's sensitive to other people's emotions and moods, as well as the atmosphere, and can sometimes influence his own mood as well. However, he tries his best to keep a firm but friendly expression as best as he can.

Grade C​



Last edited:
Central Street
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia, Yemaya, City Centre

From: Fantasy Ancient City Ruins HD wallpaper | Pxfuel



(Ignore the weapon.)

Closest source I could find:

Cleo would see two pairs of eyes widen upon pulling out two silver, with both the cat and the kenku catching a coin. “Nyaa! Whatever you ask, we'll answer, most honourable sir!” “Honourable sir!”

“Nyaaa.... it's weird! There's lots of odd folk. Like a knight that was totally crazy that was looking for us not that long ago. ” Weird knight!“”

“There's also huuuuuge dungeons below the city. Attacks lots of weird folk, but also nice folk, to come check it out. It was pretty weird and dangerous last time we were there but there's even more adventurer's around right now.” “More adventurers!”

“Oh, oh, but you've got to watch out for the Marshall! She's a mean and nasty tail puller! Don't let her get close... although you don't have one... So...” “Tail puller?”

“Anyhow, it's totally neat here, especially when there's new folk that are as generous and gracious and kind and awesome as you are!” “Awesome!”

“Nayahhaha, hear that Crowly! We're considered locals now.” “Locals now!” “We've been here for like... half a year? Almost. It's pretty neat how quickly folk can rebuild stuff and how many are willing share us food. Though the biggest issue is that there's no big water sources nearby. All we can get here are the tiniest little fishes from ponds. Getting decent fish here is impossible!” “Impossible.”

“So what are you doing here, mister... and do you need help doing it? We can help!” “Can help! Can help!”

Cleo's ability would show that these kids were doing somewhat well, but lacked any form of proper guidance or stability. They were street-rats, even though they were fed better than average and didn't seem to be sleeping outside. There didn't seem to be anyone teaching or raising them either. That said, neither of them seemed to mind as much, as this was what they were used too. They also generally seemed to like it here, for whatever reason. Perhaps due to the fact they managed to find enough to get by, or because he wasn't the only one paying or feeding them.

Cleo Rom
"Blue Quill Merchant"


{ F }
{ A }
{ A }
{ A }
{ A }


Active Titles:
Human | Trader | Merchant | Stouthearted | Closer

Sadek County, Caelia Barony, Stonewall

Code by: Shatter Shard

Cleo cupped his chin pensively. "Actually, I'd like for you fellows to do something for me." Once again, he gave the two of them a silver each. "Roam around and just observe the town. Come to me every week and tell me what's going on. Every week I'll pay you two a silver each, and this is for this week." He smiled. "Finding me shouldn't be difficult. My clothes aren't exactly subtle." He chuckled as he propped his coat for emphasis. He could've hired professionals to do surveys around the town, but viewing the world through numbers alone is problematic. He'd rather take both the feelings of the common folk and the sterilized facts of the professionals than having only one or the other.

Concluding his business with the two, he straightened his posture. "I'll be on my way then. Take care." He waved at them as he made his way to the town center to finally meet the mayor of the town. His escorts trailed behind him, with one nodding at the two before moving on along.


Central Street
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia, Yemaya, City Centre

From: Fantasy Ancient City Ruins HD wallpaper | Pxfuel



(Ignore the weapon.)

Closest source I could find:

Upon seeing the shiny coins appear, their eyes stared shining just as brightly. “Nyahahah! Your wish is our command!” “Our command!”

A bit surprised by the request, she'd eventually nod. “Ha! Nya want the latest scoops! I'll get it to nya!” “Latest scoops!” She'd gesture him over, then she'd whisper. “Here's a scoop for free. Whilst the marshall will just pull on your tail, they say the baroness... well, they say she likes petting them. It's totally true! I think... maybe.” She whispered, before withdrawing again. “Anyhow, you'll get the juiciest scoops!” “Juiciest scoops!” They promised, as they headed off.


As Cleo was about to turn around to continue, however, he'd see a man had stepped out of worn-down building, surprising both him and his guards. It was unclear how long he'd been there. “Good afternoon. I see you're up to making deals with the local street-kids, mister..?” The man stated, after tipping his hat.

Cleo Rom
"Blue Quill Merchant"


{ F }
{ A }
{ A }
{ A }
{ A }


Active Titles:
Human | Trader | Merchant | Stouthearted | Closer

Sadek County, Caelia Barony, Stonewall

Code by: Shatter Shard

"I'll keep that in mind." Cleo replied to the two as he also departed. He didn't go far as he was caught unawares by the corner, abruptly stopping his tracks due to the man that had just came out from a nearby building. The escort beside him stepped forward to intercept the unknown man, but Cleo quickly gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. Receiving the signal, the escort stepped back as Cleo stepped forward. "My, you startled me." He chuckled with mirth. "I prefer to say 'monetary favor'. Dealings imply the other side have to uphold their end of the bargain." He fixed his suit and coat as he refreshed his expression. He didn't know who this man was, but he had a hunch as he extended his hand for a handshake. "Cleo Rom, from the Blue Quill Company."


Central Street
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia, Yemaya, City Centre

From: Fantasy Ancient City Ruins HD wallpaper | Pxfuel

Mayor Benjamin

“Apologies about that, lad.” He'd reply upon being called out for startling them. “Monetary favour? How interesting.” He stated with (based on Cleo's insight) some actual interest, rather than sarcasm.

As he'd accept the handshake, he would introduce himself. “Mayor Benjamin. A pleasure to meet you lad.” He'd chuckle. “Perhaps I should confess that I told some kids that there might be somehow of worth to be found in this area only moments ago?”

“Either, it seems we're in business, mister Rom. Please, follow me.” He'd state, seemingly having been satisfied by what he'd just observed. He'd lead him a bit further down the main road.

Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia, Yemaya, Main Road, Warehouse

From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/qQDxbP

“Upon hearing from the advisor, I immediately had this building in mind. It's a bit run-down, as you see, but it is still mostly functional. As you can see, it's right along the main road, so transportation from and to here should be easy enough.” He'd open the door, to show the big and empty inside of the warehouse. It was the size of a simple business/shop, though it might need a few touch-ups to be fully functional.

“Considering the state it's in, I'm willing to sell it to you for its land value, rather than the value of anything on it.” He'd state, as he'd even show a contract that was already prepared. “These are the terms suggested.”

There wasn't too much that stood out in the contract, as the only non-standard phrases in it, which seemed to be added by the Mayor and/or suggested by the baroness, were a promise to try hire local people first and a passage to provide information regarding any large quantities of weapons, armour or other gear and anything special-made/high-grade that was brought in. Whilst it wasn't too uncommon for a barony to want some control of what weaponry entered its borders, this was perhaps a tad more thorough with it. Likely due to the presence of the adventurers guild and expected influx of a weapon's market.

Cleo Rom
"Blue Quill Merchant"


{ F }
{ A }
{ A }
{ A }
{ A }


Active Titles:
Human | Trader | Merchant | Stouthearted | Closer

Sadek County, Caelia Barony, Stonewall

Code by: Shatter Shard

Cleo was surprised with the mayor's admission, but laughed it off. It meant that the mayor at least didn't see him as a dangerous individual. Arriving at the land, Cleo nodded as he inspected the building. "It's still quite in good condition, all things considered." He remarked. "A little bit of repairs and touch-ups, and it'll be back in working order in no time."

As the mayor handed him the contract, Cleo scanned the terms with a critical eye. Each term were reasonable, and he found himself nodding to them as he listed them off in his head. "Understandable." Weapons were particularly a sensitive field, especially with the ongoing war with the East Empire and the See. Although it was more because of the local adventurers, the effect of the war couldn't be denied. Regardless, the concern is legitimate, though Cleo wouldn't have to worry since he doesn't dabble excessively on such trade.

The clause pertaining to local hires was an interesting one to him. Furthermore, it was prefaced as a promise rather than an obligation. The curve on his lips tilted more upwards as he shook his head. "Quite thorough. Very domestic oriented." There wasn't anything that was against his interests. If anything, the contract was especially generous about the acquisition. There were no limits imposed upon him other than those given with the ownership of the land. The land was exactly what he needed. "So, where do I sign?" He smiled.


Central Street
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia, Yemaya, City Centre

From: Fantasy Ancient City Ruins HD wallpaper | Pxfuel

Mayor Benjamin

“Or duty is first and foremost to our own people.” The mayor replied upon the remark that it was domestic oriented. As for the 'promise' bit, Cleo was indeed correct. Though it would give the barony something to hold against him should he not make a reasonable attempt at keeping such a promise.

“Here, please. In three-fold. One for Yemaya's archives, one for Stonewall's archives and one for yourself.” He'd point to a spot for his signature. The mayor would note down his own signature afterwards to finalise the sale. Holding up his hand to shake Cleo's. “It's been a pleasure doing business with you and I'm looking forwards to seeing how your presence might aid Yemaya's regrowth.” The mayor statated.

The End

Cleo Rom:
Title: [Shrewd] – Character has a sharp power of judgement.

Note: Goal of the RP was to gain the following asset:
Asset: [Warehouse E] – A warehouse located in the village (former city) of Yemaya, in Caelia Barony, Sadek County. Located along one of the main roads.
Isekai Hell Grade

Elvario Elvario Shatter Shard Shatter Shard

I like it, short and sweet. Nice.





Elvario - 8pts

Cleo Rom - 17pts
optional title acquired [Warehouse Owner] - character has acquired a warehouse. what will they store inside?
optional asset acquired [Yemaya Warehouse E] - A warehouse located in the village (former city) of Yemaya, in Caelia Barony, Sadek County. Located along one of the main roads. A bit of a fixer upper. Hopefully will keep goods dry but questionable.

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