• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Finished [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) All's Fair in this Fair Fair.


Kiyo gently brushed his palm against one of her tails before gently caressing it with the tip of his fingers. He smiled softly and let out a quiet purr of satisfaction, the feeling of the soft fur against his skin felt really good. He quickly pulled his hand away before he got carried away and then looked away in embarrassment while taking a seat at the table.

His ears twitched quickly as he listened to Ariko’s and Aedrianna’s conversation. He wasn’t exactly sure what they were talking about, but he understood they were planning a journey of some sort. “Ex-excuse me…” Leo said to both Ariko and Edrianna, being more scared of the former. “...I’m looking for people to travel with…I’m not good at fighting, but I know how to heal” Kiyo swallowed nervously after speaking as he awkwardly glanced between the two.

Interactions: Moonberry Moonberry Elias Wren Elias Wren Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
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🐿️𝙴𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚍𝚎𝚝𝚑 𝙿𝚒𝚙 🐿️𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚝, 𝙴𝚗𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚛, 𝙴𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚢 𝙴𝚗𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚛, [𝚁𝚢𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝙰𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚛 𝙶𝚞𝚒𝚕𝚍 𝙸𝚗𝚟𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚛 𝙵]
𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜: Elvario Elvario (also open for interaction)

𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚝
Burgers. Since when did Ryke have burgers? Eriedeth didn’t hate burgers, but while she did miss them, she wasn’t human anymore. And was unsure of how she could actually handle cow meat. She had been raised on fruits and veggies, which made sense considering she was a literal humanoid squirrel. Eriedeth replied to Amika.

“Apologizes, I am unable to consume meat..do you have salad here? And water to drink.”

She was sure Amika probably knew that, but Eriedeth was pretty exhausted socially, she could probably handle social situations well enough, albeit that wouldn’t stop the Widersian presentation being as exhausting as it was. But hey, at least she was communicating with a potential investor. Better than where she was before. That was nervewracking. Then sat at one of the tables.
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Aedrianna Belmonte

Aedrianna's excitement was palpable. She beamed when Sorieiel acquiesced to her proposal of finishing her tails and became even more animated when Leo expressed interest in having his tail dyed. "Oh, wonderful! I can mix dyes and make the tip of your tail green to match your pretty eyes!" She hummed happily, putting away the half-written letter and pulling out the bowl and vials of powder. She started to mix the gold again for Sorieiel, her hands moving with practiced ease.

As she worked, she watched the exchange between Sorieiel and Leo. Her cheeks grew hot, and she realized she was glaring jealously at Leo. She had been very careful not to touch Sorieiel's tails after the incident in the bathhouse, respecting her friend's boundaries. Hearing Sorieiel tease that she'd been tricked into her tail being dyed made Aedrianna's cheeks puff up with indignation. She almost snapped and said something when Leo's palms touched the pristine white fur.

Aedrianna clapped a hand over her mouth, her emotions in turmoil. She forced herself to focus on Ariko, who had just agreed to join them. Her cheeks still aflame with jealousy and indignation, she managed to direct a bright smile towards Ariko and Ethel. "Yes, like Sori says, my family has a fair number of alchemic concoctions that can be used for health and fun. I'm just trying to make a few connections here at the fair before we head back to the Republic." She chuckled absently, glancing back at Sorieiel and Leo's petting session.

Upon hearing Leo's words, she flinched inwardly. How strange, how childish, she thought. Was it because Sorieiel was one of her first friends, and she didn't know how to share? She looked between the two, feeling a pang of jealousy twist in her chest. She then turned her attention back to Ariko, trying to compose herself.

After a moment, she cleared her throat and looked down at the bowl of gold dye she was mixing. She mumbled without looking up, "I guess it's okay... if Sori is okay with it..." Her voice was soft, betraying her inner conflict.
Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native] - Color #876fd6

@Naythophyl Elvario Elvario @Garbage.

Everything had been fine and dandy for Koralia so far, however, time marched on, and it was time to move on. And, with the conversation taking a turn which wasn't particularly interesting to the shark, she thought it would be best to leave the barony. "Hope I meetcha again to buy sum more honey." She told Aiden, having liked the product which he offered. Next, her attention was focused on the gnoll. "If our paths cross again, bet there'll be sum fun." Her voice carried a knowing tone, as she leaned over towards Mad Maw and grinned, showing her serrated teeth for a moment, before straightening her back once more. With that, she left the fair with confident steps, having met quite a few interesting people. And, hopefully, she would meet them again in the future.
Aedrianna Belmonte

Aedrianna's excitement was palpable. She beamed when Sorieiel acquiesced to her proposal of finishing her tails and became even more animated when Leo expressed interest in having his tail dyed. "Oh, wonderful! I can mix dyes and make the tip of your tail green to match your pretty eyes!" She hummed happily, putting away the half-written letter and pulling out the bowl and vials of powder. She started to mix the gold again for Sorieiel, her hands moving with practiced ease.

As she worked, she watched the exchange between Sorieiel and Leo. Her cheeks grew hot, and she realized she was glaring jealously at Leo. She had been very careful not to touch Sorieiel's tails after the incident in the bathhouse, respecting her friend's boundaries. Hearing Sorieiel tease that she'd been tricked into her tail being dyed made Aedrianna's cheeks puff up with indignation. She almost snapped and said something when Leo's palms touched the pristine white fur.

Aedrianna clapped a hand over her mouth, her emotions in turmoil. She forced herself to focus on Ariko, who had just agreed to join them. Her cheeks still aflame with jealousy and indignation, she managed to direct a bright smile towards Ariko and Ethel. "Yes, like Sori says, my family has a fair number of alchemic concoctions that can be used for health and fun. I'm just trying to make a few connections here at the fair before we head back to the Republic." She chuckled absently, glancing back at Sorieiel and Leo's petting session.

Upon hearing Leo's words, she flinched inwardly. How strange, how childish, she thought. Was it because Sorieiel was one of her first friends, and she didn't know how to share? She looked between the two, feeling a pang of jealousy twist in her chest. She then turned her attention back to Ariko, trying to compose herself.

After a moment, she cleared her throat and looked down at the bowl of gold dye she was mixing. She mumbled without looking up, "I guess it's okay... if Sori is okay with it..." Her voice was soft, betraying her inner conflict.
Mentions: Elias Wren Elias Wren FantasyCat FantasyCat Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Elvario Elvario

FantasyCat FantasyCat

Soreiel’s cheeks turned red slightly as Leo gently petted her tails, she closed her eyes for a few seconds enjoying the bliss before she heard Aedrianna try to hide her emotions in her gasp. She then heard Leo ask if he could join them on an adventure after he finished his petting session.

Soreiel opened her eyes and looked back at Aedrianna who had clasped her hand over her own mouth trying to keep from saying something which just confused Sori, but without saying anything she moved her tails closer to Aedrianna so she could finish applying the gold dye.

She looked back at Leo “well I don’t have a problem with you tagging along if Aedrianna is ok with it, she’s my friend and I value her opinion” she replied with a smile before she heard Aedrianna mumble under her breath about how it was essentially up to Sori. She momentarily glanced back at Aedri before looking back at Leo a bit curious if he heard her mumbling as well…

Goal: To enjoy the fair and do some business
Active Titles: Native, Intermediate Variant, Expert Businesswoman, Expert Artist, Youngest Daughter of Duchess Brysta, Wanted by the Anti-Royal Faction of Ryke

Eliza noticed the baroness's slight confusion and offered a reassuring smile, understanding that the nuances of noble etiquette could be daunting, especially for someone newly navigating these waters. She let her arm drop gracefully, turning the gesture into a simple nod of acknowledgment instead.

"Baroness, your options all sound delightful. Since I have already had the pleasure of sampling Gwenith's tea, I would be most interested in seeing the craftsmanship of Gobán and Aileen. Smithing is an art that combines both strength and precision, and witnessing such skill would be quite engaging."

She gestured gently for the baroness to lead the way, making sure to maintain a relaxed and approachable demeanor. "Please, lead on. I am eager to see more of what your barony has to offer. This fair is indeed a splendid showcase of your people's talents and dedication."

As they began to walk, Eliza continued their conversation, her tone casual yet respectful. "I understand the concerns you may have about your debut. Every noble faces such challenges when they first step into the public eye. However, your genuine care for your barony and the progress you have achieved will speak volumes to those you meet. Authenticity and dedication are qualities that resonate deeply, even in the highest circles of nobility."

She glanced around, taking in the vibrant atmosphere of the fair. "It is clear that you have fostered a community that values hard work and creativity. That is something to be proud of, Baroness. Your leadership will undoubtedly continue to guide your people towards greater achievements. Speaking of, what type of Barony do you desire? What will you focus your efforts on? Defence of the boarder region, industry, economics?"

Elvario Elvario
Aedrianna Belmonte


Aedrianna smiled weakly when Sorieiel moved her tails towards her. She sighed, hoping some of the tension she'd felt would leave. There was no reason for her to feel jealous of a new friend, even if they were a bit handsy. Okay, maybe she was a little sore. But the white, fluffy tails twitched in front of her, and Aedrianna giggled. She very carefully and gently began to brush on the paint to the tips of each tail, absently explaining the process as she did so.

"The dye is applied with a mixture of liquid and painted on. We leave it on for just a few minutes and then rinse it off. We can rinse it off outside, so we don't get the floor here all wet." She hummed with a smile, meticulously swiping the white fur tips in a way that was sure to accentuate the beauty of the nine tails.

She looked over to Ethel. "I am trying to bring awareness to this, yes. I spoke to the young daughter of a duke earlier about the possibilities. She did seem intrigued, but I'll have to do a lot more footwork if I want it to take off. These dyes can come in handy for people who are trying to hide their identities as well. We have several different shades!"

As she said that, she finished painting the last of Sorieiel's tails and quickly set to mixing up the indigo plant and turmeric to create a green paste. She smiled at Leo and held the bowl up. "If it's alright with you, I'll paint the tip of your tail to match your eyes for the fair." She did her best to give a smile of warmth and friendliness, despite her earlier jealousy. She glanced back at Ariko and smiled even more, her voice filled with some laughter as she spoke. "I could put red tips on your hair Mr. Ariko" Her lips curled in a playful smile.

"Then once we're finished here, we can go find Brandy and Noelle. If that's alright with everyone here?" She glanced around at the new members of the party she'd collected, her eyes lingering on each one with a sense of growing camaraderie.

Ariko Balba

The Keg - Kiyo/Leo, Aedrianna, Soreiel
Ariko watched with great interest as Aedrianna started to mix dye and fiddle with vials and such, remembering the one time he dyed the types of his hair red and called himself the Demon of the Fist back in the other world, chuckling to himself for a moment. His attention was split between watching her and watching Kiyo and Soreiel’s interaction, wondering if this was some sort of greeting in their culture.

He watched as the dye was mixed and applied and listened to the explanation given, never really thinking about all the work that went into such a thing. He spoke to Kiyo as he rested his head on his left arm which was propped against the table. “A healer huh, that could come in handy. It'll let me fight harder without worrying about getting injured.”

He nodded to Aedrianna at her offer to paint the tips of his hair, figuring it wouldn't hurt. “Sure, I don't mind.” He would once again be know as the Demon of the Fist in this world it would seem, fate is indeed cruel. He sat there quietly while everything went on around him. It was nice to be able to sit and relax for awhile, especially after the life he had lived previously.
Moonberry Moonberry FantasyCat FantasyCat
Kiyo FantasyCat FantasyCat – No specific goal given. / Get food?
Ariko Elias Wren Elias WrenGet a burger. \ Meet some folk.
Aedrianna Moonberry MoonberryFind stationary. Hair dye pigment networking. Get Soreiel new clothing.
Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf – No specific goals given. \ Earn food. \ Get a dress.
Eriedeth DarkKitsune DarkKitsune - Make connections \ Enjoy the festivities

Food and Drinks at the The Keg
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg




Seeing Ariko hold out his fist, she totally knew what to do... Well, not really, but she decided to tap his fist from above with her own fist. That seemed like a reasonable thing for sure. “I shalt wish thee luck in thee redempthion!”

Shock revealed itself when Ethel learned the bitter truth from Soreiel. “Thou hath been attacketh by thee friend?” The trick part confirmed it. “Thou art a wicked paintress foe of evil whomst wouldst even tricketh the brethren!” She declared to Aedrianna.

Seeing Aedrinna continue her evil work, Ethel couldn't help but look, pretty intrigued by this. “I doest not comprehend. Why doest thou doeth this upon theeself and thy brethren?” She asked, clearly trying to figure out what the purpose of such dyeing deeds were. “Thou hasth... fun?” It was clearly beyond her comprehension.

The next bits got even more confusing. “I see! Thou areth using these for stealteth! Thou painteth thee nobles and criminal aliketh!” She'd not to herself. “Thou areth hiding in bright painteh!” She conclude, clearly feeling very clever right now.

“Ah, of course. Chef Todo has this salad with this weird sauce he puts on top and this dried-like bread that's pretty popular among those that don't eat meat. Would you wish to try it?” She'd ask. (Think Ceasar's Salad, without meat.) Should Eriedeth agree, Amika would return with the salad and some water short after, taking a short 'break' whilst putting it down. “If I might ask, are you here for the fair as well? It's already made this our busiest day in like... ever.”


Eliza Uasal Uasal – Enjoy the fair. \ Make some deals.

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Languages: Common | +Mictlantecuhtlian+ | {Sylvan} | %Analog% | <Beastial>

Upon hearing Eliza's choice, a smile would form. It was the craft she was most passionate about, which was tough to hide on her facial features. “Indeed, it's rather wonderful. Let us go then.” She'd state, leading the way.

She was happy enough to hear the praise continue for a bit, but a bit weary when Eliza started mentioning the debut. She knew it wasn't exactly smart to entrust such weaknesses to a stranger, but there was little point in hiding them either. She'd have to figure out carefully how much to disclose regarding her lack of knowledge. In as far, at least, as she couldn't really assume the worst. “I thoroughly hope everyone else I'll meet in the noble circles is as forward-thinking and kind as you are.” She'd reply to the optimism Eliza seemed to possess.

The next question took her by surprise. That said, it's not like she hadn't though things through. “As a border region, I know my first and foremost task will be the defence of the kingdom. Especially with the war and bug threat present. That said, I do hope to stimulate the other aspects of my barony whenever possible.” She had to think things through carefully. “Although this might sound odd, I do feel like the directions I can take rely upon the opportunities I'm given. To name just one example, I was able to greatly improve the barony's economy, especially agriculture, thanks to the efforts of an advisor whom one day just showed up to show me her plans. For the moment, I hope to continue focussing my efforts by stimulating other people with such ambitions.”

She hoped that was a decent enough answer to not make a fool out of herself, but for now, they'd arrived. “Hello again~” She'd call out to Gobán and Aileen.

Forging Ahead
Forge in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Forge.
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/0nnVRy


As per usual, the old man didn't speak much. He'd greet the baroness and her guest with a “Hm” and a nod, before continuing to work his forge.


Aileen, however, was a bit more open. “Oh, baroness! What a perfect timing!” She called out, waving Regula over. “I just finished smithing this and I was putting on the runes, but somehow, it's not working as it should. It should create water, but all it does is create a bit of steam and get hot. I don't get it...” She'd show the baroness a metal rod.

Heading over without a second thought, she'd observe it. “You've shaped it pretty well with your smithing, I couldn't have done that bit better myself, so it must be the runes that are wrong. Can I see?” She'd ask, being handed over the metal rod and taking a closer look at it. “Ah, I think it might be this one... I'm pretty sure those ruins enchant it with heat, rather than water. It's just a line or two different, but I think it's messing with the whole thing.”

Aileen, smiled, then nodded. “Of course! Thanks ma'am!” She'd reply, as she started to fixing the mistake.

Knowing she'd left her guest by herself for a bit, Regula worried that might've been rude. “I'm sorry, she's an amazing smith, but she's still relatively new at enchanting, so I try to help out if I have a bit of time.”
Kiyo's face beamed with joy as he was accepted into the group, he had never been a part of something like this before so it was very exciting for him. “Thank you!” He said with a big grin to them both. He then moved a little closer to Aedrianna and positioned his long dark brown and fluffy tail so that it would be easy for her to dye it. “Mhm!” He nodded quickly in response to her question.

“Woow! Your tails look even more pretty now” His eyes followed the golden tips as he was eager to see how his tail would look. He then turned to Ariko and nodded enthusiastically. “Yes! My older sister and brother are fighters too. They were constantly getting injured which meant I had to heal their wounds…however they got so good at fighting that they rarely got hurt which was good for them, but it meant I had no one to practice on” Kiyo spoke with a big smile and eyes full of pride as he talked about his siblings.

Kiyo then looked away and his smile faded while he sighed softly. “...Then they became adults which meant they had to leave for their journey. I wish I knew where they were now” A clear wave of sadness swept across his face and his ears flattened on his head.

Interactions: Elias Wren Elias Wren Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Moonberry Moonberry

🐿️𝙴𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚍𝚎𝚝𝚑 𝙿𝚒𝚙 🐿️𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚝, 𝙴𝚗𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚛, 𝙴𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚢 𝙴𝚗𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚛, [𝚁𝚢𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝙰𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚛 𝙶𝚞𝚒𝚕𝚍 𝙸𝚗𝚟𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚛 𝙵]
𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜: Elvario Elvario (also open for interaction)

𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚝
“Yes, that sounds good.”

Eriedeth replied, it reminded of something from on earth. Sounded like it could’ve been too. She was beginning to wonder if this chef Todo, was an Isekai or if someone had just discovered burgers and named it the same thing. After all, there were many things of the same name between here and there And it wasn't like this place wasn't like the medieval time period back on earth or fully anyhow.

“Yes…sorta. I’ve lived in Ryk for the past 7 years. And I am planning on moving back to Widersia. When I came back, I saw a festival was going on and decided to enjoy the festivities, maybe try to form some connections for a company I am trying to start up.”



Elvario Elvario
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>

Gunhild remained quietly busy with her food for a while as she cheerfully ate everything on the plate leaving nothing to spare. It was food, and her food, so she wasn't going to let any of that goodness go to waste. Grumbling as she licked at the plate to make sure there wasn't even any slightest morsels or leftover juices that carried the amazing taste, she finally turned her attention to Rosalia who asked about how it went with the lizard and her daughter. Snuffing and thinking about it for a moment, she gazed back to Rosalia.

"Is goodest do. Prettybirdie happi, Prettybirdie petteds and tummy-rubbied a Gunhild. Is good do. Prettybirdie goeses do a elsies do-do... " Gunhild said, not sure where Regula had otherwise gone to afterwards after being done. If only things could've simply stayed like that for a long while longer.
"Gunhild frenses with Feen-Shinymans. Shinymans petted and huggies a Gunhild, veri happi, veri frens" Gunhild also pointed out, having met Finn too who gave her a lot of appreciation. Seeing as she was finished and that Regula did already relinquish her of guard duty for the day having carried her off and all, the lizard wondered if she should go elsewhere since she was free to do whatsoever yet not really having any plans or ideas about what to do in the fair whatsoever.

1. Size change F + Energized F (4'1")
Eriedeth DarkKitsune DarkKitsune - Make connections \ Enjoy the festivities

Food and Drinks at the The Keg
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg

“Ah, Widersia. I'd hope to go there one day, that place always sounds so exotic.” She'd reply. “Connections? What type? I think there's a few important enough people at the fair right now. I'm pretty sure the baroness Caelia herself is still walking around, but I've heard we've also got a noblewoman's daughter visiting. Mayor Aldwin and Mayor Benjamin should also be around... ah, and you could try find Saffron. She's a Fae that's been running the general store for a long time. I'm pretty sure she knows some things.” She'd suggest, trying to be helpful. “Ah, but what kind of company are you starting up? If it's in Widersia is it going to be something cool, like making constructs, or weapons, or machines? I've always wanted to try driving one of those steampunk cars of theirs that I've head about, they look awesome. Or having a worker bot of theirs to do some work... oh, that'd be so neat.” She started fantasizing about leaving all the annoying tasks and work to constructs.
Julius Atreus Astolgia

Titles: Mundan Human, Novice Tinkerer
Character Sheet
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elvario Elvario

With the excitement from the contest over, Eriedeth seemed to have left rather quickly to fetch the rest of her stuff from Ryke. It has been quite a while since he had left Widersia, perhaps now would be a good time to get some fresh air and tag along. But not without packing some business cards for the newly found group. The crimson haired man smiled with glee at the thought of all the potential jobs and even better, the investors!

The barony had seemed to be a big up and coming thing within recent years. A place that’s attracted commerce as well as artisans from what he had heard. Julius was pretty happy to stop there for a quick rest. While Eriedeth had gone to the inn, the Astolgia man would hit a few shops to gauge the wares that were available and disappointed he was not. After having his fill he would enter the Keg with a grin, excited to tell Eriedeth what he had seen. He’d manage to spot the squirrel out of the colorful assortment of people, quite literally as one person seemed to have a rainbow coming from their head

Julius would approach Erieideth and Amika who had been chatting with one another, he got there in time to hear the barmaid speaking about their company which they just started. Perhaps after a bit the bar maid would notice the shadow casted by the 6 '6 man. He’d tap the lady on the shoulder as an attempt to alert her of his presence.

“Sorry to interrupt your day dreaming ma’m, but I couldn’t help but hear you ask questions about our company.” Julius smirked as he took a seat at an empty stool beside Eriedeth.
“But if you really want to know, our plans include all that and more.” Julius would wink playfully at Amika.

“Julius Astolgia by the way, Widersian Inventor and co-founder alongside my friend here of the Tinkers Triage. I’d like to know whom I have the honors of speaking with this evening?” He’d ask, doing his best to be polite. Under his Hubris he did feel bad for butting into the conversation​
Aedrianna Belmonte


Aedrianna nodded as she finished mixing the blue and yellow dyes to make the green dye. Watching Leo move his tail so that she could apply the dye, she had to admit the Beastkin's tail was incredibly silky. She hummed a little tune, her spirits lifting as Ariko agreed to have his hair tips dyed.

Turning her attention to Ethel, she giggled and tried to explain. "These are entirely natural. Crafted from dried and cured flower petals, leaves, and roots. Perfectly safe to put on fur and hair alike, and most certainly not permanent—easily removed if that's what you wish." Although Ethel's comment about her being an evil paintress made her pout a bit, Aedrianna quickly brightened again. "There! All done! Now we just have to rinse it off in a moment, and your tail will have a green tip for the festival!"

As she finished the final stroke of dye on Leo's fur, she overheard Eriedeth speaking to the waitress about a business venture. Aedrianna hummed thoughtfully before waving the waitress down and requesting a pitcher of water. She used her spare brush to start mixing the red dye and turned towards Ariko. "Okay! Hold still, please!"

She took out a strip of cloth from her bag and laid it on her hand, moving slowly and unassumingly towards Ariko's hair. Something told her that making quick movements around him was a bad idea. Gently, she took some locks of his raven hair and laid them on the cloth in her hand, then began to paint the black tips red. "Now, I'm afraid these won't be as vibrant since your hair is so dark to begin with. There are ways of lightening the hair so that the color is more vibrant, which we are beginning to produce at Belmonte's Benevolent Brews."

As she spoke, her voice naturally took on a stage presence. The stage was her first home, after all, and everywhere she walked could be a stage if she made it one. Her blue eyes flicked towards Julius as he stepped in to start talking to Eriedeth about the Tinkers Triage. She felt a bit giddy with the opportunity that was knocking just a table over, but she focused on her current task, spreading awareness for her own business.

She carefully laid the dyed tips away from Ariko's face so they wouldn't get everywhere and proceeded to take another lock of hair, painting those tips. She was meticulous but quick in her process, coating the strands in a thin layer of dye within moments. When she finished, she stacked the two bowls and brushes together, wrapping them with the scrap cloth. She'd have to rinse them off soon, but she was pretty sure the restaurant wouldn't appreciate her dye all over their dishes.
Aedrianna looked between Sorieiel, Leo, Ethel, and Ariko before speaking again in her stage voice. "My goal and hope for the future of my family business is to provide little comforts that are currently considered luxury as commonplace, and in fact, necessary. It's true these dyes are merely festive, but there are many other things that can be created from a mixture of herbs, minerals, and oils. For example, a cream that can protect your skin from growing red from overexposure... or rather, staying out too long. In the future, merchants will be selling products like this, and I'm offering a chance to see it firsthand before it hits the shelves."

She smiled her vendor's smile before moving towards Sorieiel. "We'll just have to rinse the bits off in a moment or two. But we'd best do that outside so we don't get their floor soaking wet. But... first... I'd like to talk to those two if I can." She turned around to glance at Eriedeth and Julius at the next table over, considering her move to not seem too forward while appearing confident and assured.

Then she saw the small blue lizard child and the woman with white-silver hair next to her. Pushing her shoulders back and keeping her chin high, she approached the seemingly young lizard girl with a smile, pulling something out of her bag. A small wrapped cloth, which she unwrapped as she neared. "Our family has a few generations of knowledge with herbs. There's a lot that can be done, even things that can bring small joys to children who need a smile."

She pulled out a small off-white square from a pile in the wrapped cloth in her bag, handing it gingerly towards Gunhild with a warm smile. "I know it's terrible practice to take candy from a stranger, but if it's alright with you, miss? This is something I call a 'Marshmallow,' made with agar agar." She caught herself from over-explaining. The child would possibly hear "algae" and be grossed out. "And peppermint."

She squished the marshmallow a little between her fingers to show that it was malleable, then popped it into her mouth and exclaimed, "Mmmh!" She quickly pulled another and presented it to Gunhild again. "Would you care to try?" She beamed at the little lizard girl, her warmth and friendliness evident.

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy SixSense SixSense DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Rcticwolf Rcticwolf FantasyCat FantasyCat Elias Wren Elias Wren

Kiyo watched Andrianna intently as she went to apply the dye to his tail. Each time the brush touched his tail he would let out small child-like giggles as it sent a tickling sensation down his entire tail. After she finished he listened to her speak about her business idea. He didn’t completely understand everything she said, but he thought about the many flowers that grew back in the See that could be used to make dyes. He kept that thought for later as he watched Andrianna get up and walk over to Gunhild and Rosalia.

He tilted his head to the side as he watched her show Gunhild the marshmallow. Curious, he stood up, followed Andrianna, and stood behind her like a child following their mother. “Um…can I try one?” He asked quietly while fiddling with his quarterstaff.

Interactions: Moonberry Moonberry

Mentions: Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario
Julius SixSense SixSense – Find investors.
Aedrianna Moonberry MoonberryFind stationary. Hair dye pigment networking. Get Soreiel new clothing.

Food and Drinks at the The Keg
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg

“Oh my, you're handsome.” She'd instinctively say after being pulled out of her daydreaming by Julius' sudden shoulder tab. She'd immediately start to turn red upon realising what she'd said. “What, I mean, no, sorry, yes, your company, questions. Yes, I have those. Yes. Questions.” She stammered. “Ah, could I get you anything to eat or drink?” Deciding to be professional, she'd manage to recover a bit. When he introduced himself, his wink didn't help her from regaining composure. “Amika. I'm Amika. Just a waitress.” She introduced herself back, although far it was less impressive. “So the group of you are like.. inventors of sorts?” She asked, still curious.




Ethel still wasn't really getting it. “The createth thy colours with nature, but thou doest not followeth thee nature in thy colouring of thy hair.” She concluded. Upon the mention of more mixing, she perked up again. “Thou areth an alchemist?” That was more interesting. “Areth thou searching for immortality? Doest thou seeketh thee philosopher's stone?” She asked.

Moonberry Moonberry Elvario Elvario FantasyCat FantasyCat
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>

Gunhild sat with Rosalia a while after finishing her own meal, turning her gaze away from her once she heard the sound of someone approaching near to her. Not paying much attention until they had drew directly near, she was distracted thinking about other things to get what she wanted or appreciated the ways that she desired to be. Giving a thoughtless blank stare to Aedrianna, Gunhild contemplated why a humanized combination of bubblegum and cotton candy was about to suddenly present a mystery offering from the depths of whatever laid within their bag. She wordlessly and motionlessly sat waiting however just to see what it was, for it would clearly be a true judge of character for whatever would be presented.

Though rather than anything, Gunhild visibly perked up at the sight of a marshmallow and tried to sniff it [Heightened Sense F (Smell)] before the girl had eaten it. Blankly staring back at her as she did, Gunhild inched slightly closer and tilted her head.
"Mushmellow? Squeeshmellow? Is food? Gunhild has? Gunhild hases a squishmallies? Yesses?" Gunhild asked, seeing another offered to her and gently clasping at Aedri's wrist with both clawed hands to eat the marshmallow from the girl's hand directly. She was too distracted to think about that she was being called a child at the current moment, especially since it didn't seem bad at all to have random nice people approach and handing out sweets all free for Gunhild to eat.

Continuing to gently clasp onto her wrist, Gunhild was a bit too distracted to remember Rosalia with her or notice kitty Kiyo behind the girl, continuing her soul-piercing stare straight into Aedri's eyes as she gently wagged her tail. That was the first marshmallow she had found in this world, perhaps this girl was some magical purveyor of legendary sweets. Maybe she had gummy bears.

"Shur-ger sweetsie-lady," Gunhild spoke giving a quiet soft chirping noise before a gentler purr.
"Thankies soft-sweets, who'ses Petalsweets? Petalsweet foods lady, hases sweetsies? Gunhild hases? Is fren? Yesses? Gunhild ands Candypetal frenses, yes? Giveded a Gunhilds a foods, Gunhild thankieses. Petalsweets cans pets a Gunhild, yesses. Yesses? Yesses" Gunhild suddenly spoke without much break between words, becoming much more cheerful and lively.

1. Size Change F + Energized F (4'1")
2. Heightened sense f (smell) + energized f
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🐿️𝙴𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚍𝚎𝚝𝚑 𝙿𝚒𝚙 🐿️𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚝, 𝙴𝚗𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚛, 𝙴𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚢 𝙴𝚗𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚛, [𝚁𝚢𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝙰𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚛 𝙶𝚞𝚒𝚕𝚍 𝙸𝚗𝚟𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚛 𝙵]
𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜: Elvario Elvario Moonberry Moonberry FantasyCat FantasyCat SixSense SixSense

𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚝
Eriedeth had been about to answer until Julius had shown up.

“Well, it took you long enough, Astolgia.”

Seeing the waitress's reaction to him, she just rolled her eyes. This was something she could pick on Julius for later. However, seeing the waitress was still confused, Eriedeth explained it to Amika.

“We are inventors, yes. Tinkerers Triage is meant to be an innovation company. Our goal is to advance different technologies in a way that benefits people and ways that are still safe for the environment. The first things we did were for a start-up event, and those were a water purifier to create more access to drinkable water by cleaning it. It’s wind powered. Then we have The Clockwork Raven. It is meant for safer and quicker delivery, communications via a voice recording system, and a system to send a form of message between Clockwork Raven’s should 2 people have what I call their ‘contacts’, a string of numbers that allows them to message each other through a small screen. The clockwork Raven also has keyboards in the following languages: Common, Terran, Sylvan, Beastial and Analog. The Clockwork Raven is also powered by wind to help prevent further pollution. Right now the prototypes are still at my workshop, and we are still in discussions with potential investors.”

She explained and then added.

“This is my childhood best friend, rival and business partner, Julius, and as he’s already introduced himself, I am Eriedeth Pip.”

She then heard Aedriana talking. This piqued her curiosity. Although it was nothing her company ever kicked up would ever produce, her mind instantly clicked with the thought of ‘business connection’. She waited for the young lady to finish talking. Once she saw the introduction of ‘Marshmellows’, it seemed earth like food was more common here. Then she thought perhaps she should’ve come to this side of Ryke sooner. She walked up to Aedriana and their group. Just like Kiyo Eriedeth asked.

“May I have a…’ Marshmellow’? Agar Agar…if I recall that it comes from Algae, no?”

She wondered if it was like the marshmellows of earth. She missed some of the earthly treats. Hadn’t had any in 19 years. And at least it wasn’t made with Gelatin. She examined the dye. The dye that was from Earth was toxic to normal hair, and noless Beastial fur.

“Are you sure it is not toxic? No chemicals or harmful herbs and such in the mixture, right? Was it cured in a way to remove pollen? And did the flowers you picked for colors have a history of triggering allergies? Is there a way to keep production steady with lack of causing potential harm to the environment?"


While Kiyo waited for Andrianna's response he listened to what Eriedeth was talking about. Almost everything she said was beyond his understanding, but the word ‘technologies’ stood out to him. Ever since he was a young child the elders of his tribe had repeatedly said that any form of technology is a threat to the natural balance of the world. He never knew what that meant as he had never seen any form of advanced tech until now. Teuihua seemed friendly enough, but what if he wasn’t? He could easily cause mass death and destruction with ease if he wanted to.

He sighed while rubbing his forehead. Perhaps he was overthinking it, all these new people and surroundings were overwhelming. It was at this point that Eriedeth walked over to Andrianna and him. He was surprised to see that a squirrel woman was the source of the voice. His previous thoughts were set aside as he curiously looked her up and down without being able to not admire her physical features, he had always liked squirrels. He had a family of them nearby his home. They would come to his bedroom window where he would feed them nuts from his hand.

He then shook his head a little to regain his train of thought. Perhaps he could find out more about what technology is and why the elders despised it so much. He was going to introduce himself but decided to wait until she had finished talking with Andrianna.

Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry DarkKitsune DarkKitsune TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Aedrianna Belmonte


Aedrianna blinked in surprise as the little girl’s tongue slurped the marshmallow from between her fingers. For a moment, she was thrown off, staring at the adorable four-foot-tall blue-haired Beastkin who spoke with the most endearing childlike speech. The scene was so charming it made her smile, and she couldn't help but reach over and pat the little girl ont the head gently. Her heart warming at the sight. Kiyo’s request for a marshmallow brought her back to the moment. She chuckled lightly and nodded. "Of course—" She paused, realizing she didn't know this person’s name. Griffin was right; she really did need to be more careful. "I'm so sorry, Mister Kitty. What was your name again?" She grinned sheepishly, quickly reaching back into the pile to hand one of the peppermint marshmallows to him.
She was relieved when Eriedeth approached and also asked for one of the squishy treats. Happily obliging, she was about to launch into her spiel when Eriedeth beat her to the punch. Aedrianna blinked in surprise, looking at the girl as she mentioned that agar agar came from red algae. Concerned that Gunhild might spit the treat out, she glanced over. But she was speaking before she could stop herself, too excited to discuss the process. "Yes! Actually, red algae collected from the shores of the continental lake. Dried and ground into a powder."

As she spoke, she handed a marshmallow to Eriedeth, then quickly gave Gunhild and Kiyo another marshmallow. She glanced over towards Ariko and Sorieiel, tilting her head and offering the pile towards them with a weak smile. She hoped Sorieiel wouldn’t be too upset with her distraction. "Would you like to try one as well?"

Turning back to Eriedeth, she answered her questions with informed precision. "Our dyes are completely natural and non-toxic. We ensure no harmful chemicals are used. The flowers we pick are carefully chosen and cured to remove any potential allergens. Sustainability is important to us, so we use environmentally friendly practices throughout our process." Her eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she spoke about her business, her voice filled with pride and ambition.

She turned her attention back to Eriedeth. "Your accomplishments sound impressive. The Clockwork Raven, a water purifier… such innovations could change lives! Our family business is small for now, but I intend to open multiple stores across the continent. We specialize in medicines, supplements, soaps, and perfumes—all herbal. Eventually, I hope to sell other items that make everyday life easier for the average citizen."

Aedrianna's face lit up with excitement as she spoke, her passion for her work clear. She exuded warmth and kindness, her energy infectious. She was eager to learn more about Eriedeth's work and saw great potential in forming new business connections. However she glanced back towards Sorieiel and Ariko, realizing she'd gotten caught up with her business again. "My apologies, I'll only be a minute. If you guys want to step out side and rins the dye, I'll follow behind quickly. I'd like to go find Hiruq, Noelle and Brandy

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Julius Atreus Astolgia

Titles: Mundan Human, Novice Tinkerer
Character Sheet
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry Rcticwolf Rcticwolf FantasyCat FantasyCat DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elvario Elvario

Julius would let Amikas bashfulness take its course, not opting to press the matter with a playful gaze into her eyes.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Amika, a beautiful name for a beautiful woman.” Julius smiled as he propped his head up with his cheek and tilted his head to the side. Eriedeths reply to them regrouping only earned a chuckle. “It’s been a bit since I’ve been outside of Widersia. I wanted to explore a bit of the Barony.”

He would turn back to Amika, “I would like to order a meal that is exclusive to Barony. Along with a mild Ale if you don’t mind, thank you in advance.”

Eriedeth would explain the inner details of the conversation which went pretty well for the most part. His only qualm was the lack of praise for his generational talents in the endeavor, if it was up to him he’d tell it a bit differently.

Suddenly he would hear a distinctive voice that managed to pierce through the banter of the Keg. It wasn’t loud but it sounded more so, customer service like, as though someone was trying to sell something. Julius nodded his head in acknowledgment because this young woman did a great job at leveling with potential clients. Once she was done speaking he would join Eriedeth as she went over to speak with her.

“A fellow aspiring Merchant perhaps?” Julius smiled warmly as he took note of all the people gathered around Aedrianna. He took note of Kiyo who’s tail had been colored using the products on display.

“Your aspiring dreams sound quite pleasant, my father would often say that what we innovate today will create a better tomorrow.” Julius would walk through the crowd and approach Aedrianna. “Do you really mean what you say and say what you mean? To me it seems like you’re just using that pretty little face and nice words for self benefit.” He put it bluntly purposely, calling it a test of sorts, perhaps the others around her might find it harsh and jump to her defense. Even Eriedeth might give him a stern look or two. She had potential to be a good partner to grow alongside, her products surely would be beneficial within Widersia if what she said was true.​
Aedrianna Belmonte


Aedrianna blinked in surprise as the little girl’s tongue slurped the marshmallow from between her fingers. For a moment, she was thrown off, staring at the adorable four-foot-tall blue-haired Beastkin who spoke with the most endearing childlike speech. The scene was so charming it made her smile, her heart warming at the sight. Kiyo’s request for a marshmallow brought her back to the moment. She chuckled lightly and nodded. "Of course—" She paused, realizing she didn't know this person’s name. Griffin was right; she really did need to be more careful. "I'm so sorry, Mister Kitty. What was your name again?" She grinned sheepishly, quickly reaching back into the pile to hand one of the peppermint marshmallows to him.
She was relieved when Eriedeth approached and also asked for one of the squishy treats. Happily obliging, she was about to launch into her spiel when Eriedeth beat her to the punch. Aedrianna blinked in surprise, looking at the girl as she mentioned that agar agar came from red algae. Concerned that Gunhild might spit the treat out, she glanced over. But she was speaking before she could stop herself, too excited to discuss the process. "Yes! Actually, red algae collected from the shores of the continental lake. Dried and ground into a powder."

As she spoke, she handed a marshmallow to Eriedeth, then quickly gave Gunhild and Kiyo another marshmallow. She glanced over towards Ariko and Sorieiel, tilting her head and offering the pile towards them with a weak smile. She hoped Sorieiel wouldn’t be too upset with her distraction. "Would you like to try one as well?"

Turning back to Eriedeth, she answered her questions with informed precision. "Our dyes are completely natural and non-toxic. We ensure no harmful chemicals are used. The flowers we pick are carefully chosen and cured to remove any potential allergens. Sustainability is important to us, so we use environmentally friendly practices throughout our process." Her eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she spoke about her business, her voice filled with pride and ambition.

She turned her attention back to Eriedeth. "Your accomplishments sound impressive. The Clockwork Raven, a water purifier… such innovations could change lives! Our family business is small for now, but I intend to open multiple stores across the continent. We specialize in medicines, supplements, soaps, and perfumes—all herbal. Eventually, I hope to sell other items that make everyday life easier for the average citizen."

Aedrianna's face lit up with excitement as she spoke, her passion for her work clear. She exuded warmth and kindness, her energy infectious. She was eager to learn more about Eriedeth's work and saw great potential in forming new business connections. However she glanced back towards Sorieiel and Ariko, realizing she'd gotten caught up with her business again. "My apologies, I'll only be a minute. If you guys want to step out side and rins the dye, I'll follow behind quickly. I'd like to go find Hiruq, Noelle and Brandy

Mentions: Elias Wren Elias Wren FantasyCat FantasyCat Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy DarkKitsune DarkKitsune SixSense SixSense

FantasyCat FantasyCat DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elias Wren Elias Wren Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy SixSense SixSense

Soreiel looked at the squishy treat before taking one and popping it into her mouth and chewing slowly. “Thank you” she replied after swallowing.

Soreiel then looked around and saw the amount of people that were starting to gather around the table as Aedrianna chatted and talked about her dyes.

She then looked at Ariko “I suppose we should go rinse this out, it’s not a good idea to leave it in for too long” she replied before looking at Kiyo “hey kitty boy, I don’t know your name either I’m sorry, but are you ready to rinse off your tail?” She asked curiously

Soreiel then heard someone speaking and turned to look directly at Julius. “How dare you? You think Lady Aedrianna would ever try to flaunt someone else work as your tone suggests, she has worked hard to excel at her craft and she is really good at it” Soreiel stated as she pointed at the gold in her tails and hair “if you have this attitude towards other merchants, then I suggest you peddle your insults and worthless words somewhere else” she replied slamming her hand down on the wooden table for emphasis, making a large enough noise to be heard almost across the room.
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🐿️𝙴𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚍𝚎𝚝𝚑 𝙿𝚒𝚙 🐿️𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚝, 𝙴𝚗𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚛, 𝙴𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚢 𝙴𝚗𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚛, [𝚁𝚢𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝙰𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚛 𝙶𝚞𝚒𝚕𝚍 𝙸𝚗𝚟𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚛 𝙵]
𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜: Elvario Elvario SixSense SixSense Moonberry Moonberry Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚝
“Julius Atreus Astolgia! Mind your manners! We are talking about this later. Mind your pride.”

Eriedeth reacted by elbowing Julius lightly in the ribcage. She didn't use her full strength (strength [C]) just a weak little nudge in the ribcage. (As weak to the point of not determable by stat)

“Now, Julius, while I talk to them, how about you go back to your new girlfriend eh? Julius and Amika sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage!”

She said she was trying to…embarrass him away. Which might be a little immature on her end. But her best friend needs to choke down his pride. She was trying to get him to move along. She them tells Aedriana and Soreiel.

“I apologize for my co-founder here. He has pride issues… He was especially bad when we were younger! It seems he hasn’t gotten much better in the 7 years i’ve been gone either. That is no excuse for how he is behaving either.”

She says eating the fluffy marshmellow. The sweet taste of nostalgia filled her mouth and affected her taste buds pleasantly. Once she was done eating it, she says.

“Mhm that was good, I think it can be made better by being roasted, don’t you?”

She was trying to make connections. Julius wasn’t helping either.

“Although I should ask if there is a way I can apologize for the behavior of my friend… I know words may not cut it. So if there’s anything, just let me know!”

She then adds.

“ If you ask me, I think the world could benefit with more medicine. With the unfortunate war going on and Rotia dealing with monsters daily, among other injuries and sickness. I am able to heal a little…but only minor scratches and the like at the moment. And as for the hair dye. I can imagine it being beneficial to those who want to be festive or creative with their appearance. Could perhaps give people a boost in confidence even. Just please, all I ask is to not fall victim to the demon that is mass production. It’s a poison that kills companies, business and the environment all at once.”

After all that was out of the way, she spoke up again.

“I am glad you think those things about The Clockwork Raven and Water Purifier. The goal of our company is to make innovative progress in ways that better the continent, all the while not harming the environment. I am also working on designs for an air purifier. I’d be willing to discuss things with you more…if you still wanted to deal with us anyway, or just me if he bothers you that much. If you don't want to at all I understand."

She looks at Soreiel and says,

“It’s always good to defend your friends. Never stop doing that, miss. It is nice meeting you all. I am Eriedeth Pip”
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Kiyo took the marshmallow and held it up to his feline eyes. He closely examined it and gave it a couple of squeezes. He had never seen such a thing before. Then, Without hesitation, he threw it into his mouth and gave it a chew. His eyes widened in pleasant surprise as the peppermint flavour filled his mouth. The soft spongey texture felt like he was chewing on a cloud. He placed his free on his cheek and let out a soft purr of enjoyment as he swallowed.

his ears suddenly pointed backwards and he furrowed his eyebrows in anger at the moment he was called ‘kitty boy’. “I AM NOT A K-” He had quickly span around to face Soreiel with his cheeks puffed out and red with rage, but he stopped mid-sentence, realising who had said it. The anger vanished from his face and was replaced with sheer embarrassment. “I-I…sorry!...” he said quickly before shooting outside becoming a blur.

Once outside he found the nearest wall and leaned against it before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He allowed himself to calm down while waiting for the others to come outside.
Interactions: Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

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