• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Graded [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) All's Fair in this Fair Fair.

Leo licked his lips and smiled to himself, feeling full and satisfied. He then turned to the lizard person as she introduced herself. He blinked quickly in reaction to the words being thrown in his direction, he wasn’t expecting her to speak like that. With no warning, he burst into a giggle that he simply could not contain. “I will be your friend, Gunhild!” He said after calming down and regaining his composure.

He continued to smile to himself, he finally felt that his journey was getting somewhere and perhaps he made the first of many friends. He turned his gaze across the Keg and looked on in interest at Ariko and Aedrianna. Despite wanting to find his siblings he decided he might explore this town and see what and who he could find. “Thank you for the for the chicken, miss. It was very yummy!” He said to Hestia with a polite bow.

Interactions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elias Wren Elias Wren Moonberry Moonberry

Goal: To enjoy the fair and do some business
Active Titles: Native, Intermediate Variant, Expert Businesswoman, Expert Artist, Youngest Daughter of Duchess Brysta, Wanted by the Anti-Royal Faction of Ryke

Eliza observed the baroness closely, noting the genuine effort behind her words and actions. The baroness’s candid explanation seemed sincere, and Eliza appreciated the transparency. She inclined her head slightly, acknowledging the baroness's efforts and the challenges she had faced.

"You need not worry, Baroness," Eliza began, her tone softer, a hint of warmth in her eyes. "First impressions are seldom perfect in the royal court. What matters is the intent and the effort behind them. It is evident that you are dedicated to the welfare of your barony, and that is commendable. I'm sure the other nobles will come to recognise such in time and accept the delay in your debut."

She paused, allowing a graceful smile to spread across her face. "Your reasoning for prioritizing the barony's revival before making your courtly debut is both pragmatic and noble. Count Sadek made a wise choice entrusting you with this task. Your dedication to your people and their prosperity is admirable."

Eliza’s gaze softened as she continued, "Regarding the church, it is reassuring to hear of your discussions with Archbishop Bidag. Your handling of these issues reflects a responsible and thoughtful approach to governance."

When the baroness mentioned the fair as a celebration of the barony's achievements, Eliza nodded approvingly. "This fair indeed stands as a testament to the hard work and collaboration of your people. It is a vibrant display of the progress you have made, and it is a joy to witness."

At the baroness's invitation to try tea samples, Eliza's smile brightened. "That sounds delightful, Baroness. I would be honored to join you in sampling Gwenith's teas. It would provide an excellent opportunity to further discuss the many talents within your barony. And I cannot deny her tea is very much too my liking"

Eliza turned to her guards with a brief nod, indicating that she would be in the baroness's company. She then extended her arm gracefully to the baroness, signaling her readiness to accompany her. "Shall we, then?" she asked, her tone friendly and inviting, ready to enjoy the fair's offerings and continue their conversation in a more relaxed setting.

Regula's Insight would reveal that Eliza had most likely been caught off guard by the Baroness' offer to shake hands as such an act would typically only be done between nobles of the same rank. To Eliza, Regula as a Baroness deserved a curtsy as Eliza held no real position. Eliza otherwise seemed unfazed. Clearly, the woman was likely speaking about such sensitive topics openly to test the Baroness' composure. It was also clear that Eliza was genuinely interested in the Barony.

Elvario Elvario
Kiyo FantasyCat FantasyCat – No specific goal given. / Get food?
Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf – No specific goals given. \ Earn food. \ Get a dress.
Gunhild Femboy FemboyGuard Rosalia \ Satisfy Regula?

Food and Drinks at the The Keg
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg

Soreiel, after refusing the offer from both kids, would be able to buy her outfit and arrived in the Keg without issue, where she'd find Aedrianna seated to write her letter. She'd be at the same table as Ethel and Ariko, with Rosalia, Teuihua, Gunhild and Kiyo/Leo only a single table away.




“Good luck dear.” She'd reply to Leo after he confirmed he'd seek out the Adventurer's Guild.

“Thank you for sharing dear.” She'd state to Gunhild, after having tried a spoonful of honey. “It is surprisingly nice.” She didn't recall such quality honey being around, making her wonder what vendor Gunhild had got it from. She'd smile at Gunhild asking for food again. “Yes, these ones are all yours.” She'd state, as she gestured in the direction of a burger, portion of fries and portion of chicken.


“You're welcome, although you may wish to thank the woman whom offered to pay for it.” She'd reply to Leo, nodding in the direction of Roslia.


Eliza Uasal Uasal – Enjoy the fair. \ Make some deals.

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki

“I do hope so.” She'd reply, honestly a bit worried about her debut. She was still highly inexperienced in noble dealings and apparently she'd already started off a bit less than ideal by being late.

She'd smile at the compliments. “Thank you, that is kind of you to say.” Her wings fluttered a bit when two more compliments followed, regarding the church and the Fair. Part of her sort-off wondered if she was buttered-up too, but she decided not to be optimistic and assume it was genuine for now.

“Oh, did you have her tea already? In that case, we could try something else, if you'd prefer. I know Gobán and Aileen are showing of their smithing, Janja is showing off her sheep and I think Hallr is challenging people to contests of strength.” She'd name a few of the events she'd heard about and approved prior to the Fair happening.

To that extend, when Eliza extended her arm, she was a tad confused. Was that just a gesture of 'lead the way' or was that some noble thing she needed to respond to? Then again, she'd just offered alternatives to avoid Eliza needing to do the same sing twice, so perhaps that also bought her an excuse not to have to immediately react? Hopefully.[/S]
“I apologize, but no, I do not know you and therefore I do not trust you, and as such I wouldn’t waste your time” she replied bluntly, she could tell they wanted something, she spent enough time with Nero to pick up on the nuances of trying to swindle somebody.

“Besides, I’ve actually found something I like anyways” she replied with a smile before grabbing it off the rack and a pair of shoes to go with it before paying the seller and then taking her outfit and heading back to keg to find Aedrianna.
Brandy growled under her breath at the appearance of a new cat. How dare she overstep this kitty's territory! "Listen here you stray! Im not that old, and certainly not as saggy as you! I dont need no bird brain to walk around me and make me feel better 'bout being a cat hmpf." She huffed loudly, intaking some air and pushing her chest upwards in a defiant look as she watched Soreiel walk away and back towards the Keg. Her tail slapped around agressively as she bared her teeth slightly.


Mentions: Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Elvario Elvario

(Im so so sorry for the delay, couldnt get in the mood to rp, sosososo sorry! <3 )
Brandy Kikimura Kikimura – No specific goals given.

Eva & Crowly


(Ignore the weapon.)

Closest source I could find:

Although Soreiel ignored their attempts, it seemed the other cat was biting. “Nyaaa! I'm a stray no more! We found a home here! I'm also at least like... 10 years younger! Nyaha!” “Younger!” The bird kid confirmed.

“Nyaa, being a cat?!? This place doesn't even have fish! Can you imagine?” She suddenly shifted topic. The younger feline's tail straightened, but she was otherwise remaining calmer than Brandy. “Nya... she's off.” She mentioned about Soreiel leaving. What a waste of an opportunity. “Soooo what are nyaa doing here? Were are nyaa from?” She figured she might as well see if there was still anything left to gain from the older cat.
Leo turned to Rosalia and did another bow. “Thank you, Miss!” His ears perked as an idea came to him. “Oh! If you ever need any healing I would be happy to help!” He said with a big smile as his tail gently swayed behind him. Leo then looked up and scratched his chin in deep thought. “I probably should get some of those shiny things to get more food and water” He thought out loud to himself, referring to gold coins.

He frowned to himself not having any idea how to make money or get a job of any kind. “...but I’m only good at healing and fixing people's bodies…do you know anyone who needs help?” He asked Rosalia after lowering his head with a tired look on his face. His journey had taken its toll on him physically and mentally, what he needed was to rest, but the excitement of being in a new place with new people was keeping him going.

Interactions: Elvario Elvario

Noelle Nichi
With: Moonberry Moonberry | Rcticwolf Rcticwolf | Elvario Elvario | Kikimura Kikimura
abilities: -
Language: "Common" ~ <"Beastial">

Noelle wandered around the fair looking for where the performers were. But also her friends. She hasn't had any luck so far. The fair was just so crowded. And the worst part of it. Noelle was now also completely lost. She had no idea where in the city she was. Nor the way to that restaurant she was before nor any of the major locations in the city. All the little fish girl saw were people!

All of a sudden someone approached Noelle. "EEEK!!" she exclaimed startled before regaining her composure. Before her stood a woman wearing what appeared to be Middle Eastern garbs. The woman introduced herself and asked if Noelle was here for the festival. "Nice to meet you Miss Safron my name is Noelle" Noelle said, making a polite eastern bow towards the woman. "I have arrived a bit earlier with some friends… although I have lost them for the moment… but the fair is fun so far" she said with a bright smile. " To be honest I could use some directions. I’m looking to see where the street artists are. Or more where I could perform. I’m a bit of a wandering musician you know" Noelle said when Safron offered to point her in the right direction and pulled out her lute. Things were starting to fall into place now.

Suddenly Noelle felt some soft nudging. "Oh hey Hiruq! What are you doing here?" she said, surprised to see the wolf. "If you are here then Aedri can’t be too far away. I hope she found that nice dress for Soreiel they were looking for" she said cheerfully while she scratched the wolf behind the ears. "I should go back to Aedri… But I finally found where the performers are…" She contemplated. She doesn’t know how long they will remain at the fair. And putting up a performance was one of her goals, to begin with. "nah. I’m going to perform" Noelle stashed her instrument and turned to Hiruq " You wanna tag along? I’m sure Aedri will find us eventually. Especially when I start to play. She will be there in no time" she asked the wolf. If Hiruq would go back to Aedrianna and tell her of Noelle’s plan that was fine too. But at the moment Noelle had set her priorities. And they were to play sweet music for the crowd. Once she gets to the place where she can.
Kiyo FantasyCat FantasyCat – No specific goal given. / Get food?

Food and Drinks at the The Keg
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg




“You're welcome dear.” She'd reply to Leo with a smile. As for his offer, she had to think about it. “Most of the people can get healing from the priests if it's something severe enough. Perhaps you could help out people with lesser injuries or minor illnesses that can't afford to have them healed?” She honestly didn't think there were many with serious injury right now, if any at all. That was a good thing, but it did mean she'd mostly have to disappoint Leo.

“Shiny things? I'm fairly sure Rykes are also used in the See... you must've lived really isolated.” She was surprised to learn he didn't even seem to know for sure what money was. “If you were to wander the countryside and smaller villages through-out Ryke, I'm sure you'd find many people willing to pay some coppers for healing.” That was the best she could come up with for him.


Noelle Tellussoil Tellussoil – Put up a performance.


“EEEK!” She shouted, startled from suddenly be screamed at. “Girl.. please, you nearly gave me a heart attack, screaming like that out of nowhere.” She stated, taking some deep breaths.

Upon regaining her composure, she'd bow back. “I'm glad to hear that.” She'd smile upon the girl admitting the fair was fun. “I can help you look for your friends, if you want me to?” She'd offer.

“Oh my, a wandering musician? How exciting! There's some few spots left for performers near the well, right at the centre over there!” She'd point at an empty spot central in the festival.


“Hrow.” Was Hiruqs answer. He leaned into the hand a bit, as his ears got scratched, but when it turned out the girl wasn't going to follow, he gave a confused whimper. He had a bone to get back too... but also a mission to full-fill. Now what? Upon being asked if he want to tag along, he gave another. “Hrow.” It seemed like he was settling on waiting until he could get Noelle to return to it so he could fulfil his mission. Even if that meant waiting out her performance.

“Mind if I tag along as well? I'm curious to hear you perform~” Saffron asked, after silently observing the conversation with the dog with a smile on her face.

Languages: “Common” “+Mict+” “%Analog%”
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy FantasyCat FantasyCat

Teuihua continued to idle, after Rosalia had clarified that there was a portion for Gunhild he nodded, "indeed Gunhild feel free to enjoy yourself and partake.” He'd tentatively give Gunhild a very gentle pat. He didn’t mind the biting at which was taking place, probably pretty used to all the Gunhildism type behavior which she partook in at different times when she felt like it it seemed. He was pleased to see that Gunhild seemed to be getting along well with Kiyo, who Teuihua’s construct mind focused on security pretty well determined was not really a threat with how kind and innocent he seemed, not even really knowing a ton about the area as the conversation went on.

Rosalia was certainly showing quite a bit of kindness and patience herself with those around, which Teuihua certainly appreciated. Despite feeling a bit more at ease, he was still on the alert with so many people around and the different conversations and interactions ongoing in the place. He couldn’t afford to be too relaxed when he was on a mission like this. However should there be food for him to have lunch, he would partake and likely enjoy it using his incineration ‘eating’ method as perusal, the magic working sort of like a biofuel engine might with the consumption process.

“Well, I hope that your time is well spent here, there are likely uses for healing you can find as she says. I agree that the adventurer guild could prove some real use as was said in general for you to start earning currency and helping people with righteous and just tasks. Ryke tends to be a more tolerant place for adventurers of all sorts.” He further added that it was worth mentioning.
Aedrianna Belmonte


Aedrianna leaned back as well, realizing she might have gotten a little too close. She smiled at Ariko before glancing back down at the stationery. Blinking, she realized she had nearly forgotten about the letter in her excitement over talking about her homeland. His words didn't seem all that crazy, though. She'd heard them from the children of the Republic growing up—little Beastkin children, all stronger than she was. They'd play fight each other to see who was strongest and play Shogun. Of course, she'd always been too sick to play, and she was human after all. But hearing the words from this man's mouth now seemed oddly comforting. She giggled again, a soft sound that she tried to stifle behind her hand.

"Well, only the strongest become Shoguns. Power is what is respected in the Republic. So if that's your goal, as long as you can back up your words, you have a decent chance!" Her words were encouraging and gentle, not a trace of concern or fear on her face.

Upon Ethel's exclamation in awe of her hair, Aedrianna proudly brushed her fingers through the colorful strands. "Indeed, my friend, they are colored. But this is the work of dye. You see..." She started to pull out a jar of the colored pigment, but then she glanced from the corner of her eye and spotted Sorieiel in the entryway. She smiled and lifted her hand excitedly, waving towards her friend.

"Over here, Sori! Brandy!!" she called out. She looked back to Ariko and then to Ethel. "Those are a couple of my friends, Sorieiel. And Brandy! We just came from the Republic, actually. Sori is helping me to advertise the hair dye!" She motioned towards the Kitsune with the streak of gold in her pristine white hair.

Mentions: Elias Wren Elias Wren Elvario Elvario Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Kikimura Kikimura
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When Gwenith expressed her curiosity about the nature of his teleportation, Aiden replied, “Yes, it seems I was teleported here by some means beyond a regular portal. Perhaps it is an alternate dimension, though I’m still trying to understand it myself."

As their conversation shifted to the topic of Delilah, the goddess of luck, Aiden listened intently to Gwenith’s explanation. Aiden pondered this for a moment. “I wonder if I could earn her favor and if she would help me acquire the clover charm,” he mused. “Or is she generally against letting people have lucky items?”

Koralia Maxxob | Gwenith Elvario Elvario | Mad Maw Garbage.
(I have not been feeling like posting recently)


Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece FantasyCat FantasyCat
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>

Grinning and uttering a quiet purr as Teuihua had graced her with such gentle pats, she gently reached and patted back at his hand with her own in a joyful mood as she had looked to Kiyo.
"Okies, Gunhild and Kitty frenses, is goodest frens" Gunhild agreed joyfully as she turned her attention to the food that was given to her. Making her way off of Teuihua in order to get to the portion that had been settled out for her, she squirmed to take a seat and began eating away at the food set in front of her without hesitation. It had been given and offered to her after all. She remained quiet as she peacefully ate and enjoyed her own food for the time being, keeping her honey jar close still so she could potentially have it after for dessert.

1. Size Change F + Energized F (4'1")
Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Guard Rosalia.
Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf – No specific goals given. \ Earn food. \ Get a dress.
Aedrianna Moonberry MoonberryFind stationary. Hair dye pigment networking. Get Soreiel new clothing.
Gunhild Femboy FemboyGuard Rosalia \ Satisfy Regula? – Enjoy the Fair

Food and Drinks at the The Keg
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg




As she saw Teuihua 'eat' she couldn't help herself from wonder. “So which of these things 'tastes' the best to you?” She'd ask, wondering if there was any effort taste differences to be mentioned.

She'd watch Gunhild eat with a smile, but as she did, she got curious about something. “Did you have a fun time hanging out with my daughter, after she took off with you?” She wondered what it'd even been about.




Ethel was shocked to hear that one of her theories was correct. “Thou hath duelleth painters!” She'd exclaim when Aedrianna mentioned dye. “Thy hath been defeated, died and dyed by their brushes!” She'd reached her conclusion. “And thy beasten friend hath befallen upon her the sameth faith!” This was some serious painter opponent, it seemed. “Should thee plotteth vengeance against thee paintfull foe? ”


Aiden Naythophyl NaythophylSell Honey

Tea Stall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall – Tea Stall.
(Please ignore weapons.))
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/OmExky


She'd nod to Aiden's explanation. “I don't know much about alternate dimensions, but I do know there's magecraft strong enough to create them. The baroness can create one big enough to store an entire shrine, but I heard some mages in the Magic Duchy and Fae in the See can fill entire villages, if not cities, within such dimensions.”

The goddess of luck was more unfamiliar terrain. “Truthfully, I'm not sure. I'm not that actively religious or knowledge-able about it. I just know she's the goddess of luck and that folk say she's a fickle one. Perhaps letting some people have lucky items would be fickle enough? I'm not sure. Though perhaps, if you'd ever meet a worshipper or priest of hers, they could tell you more. If anyone might know more about luck-related things, it should be them.”
Ariko Balba

The Keg - Ethel, Aedrianna, and Sorieiel

Ariko turned to Ethel for a moment and shook his head, denying her praise. “I'm not worthy of respect. It was purely for selfish reasons that were not my own. Merely following orders.” He had fought plenty of bad men and put them down, but Ariko has also tormented plenty of good people as well. He hoped that maybe he could atone in some way in this new world. “I hope to turn over a new leaf as they say. I want to fight to protect, not just to kill or intimidate.”

He turned back to Aedrianna and cast a soft smile back to her as she spoke encouraging words. He hadn't fought much besides wild animals since arriving here, but he was confident in his abilities and it showed through his body language. “Thanks for the vote of confidence. I think I can handle most anything that comes my way.” He turned to see someone new entered and bowed his head in acknowledgement of their presence. “ Good to meet another friend. I'm Ariko Balba, just a traveling fighter with grand ambitions.”

Elvario Elvario Moonberry Moonberry
Aedrianna Belmonte


Aedrianna leaned back as well, realizing she might have gotten a little too close. She smiled at Ariko before glancing back down at the stationery. Blinking, she realized she had nearly forgotten about the letter in her excitement over talking about her homeland. His words didn't seem all that crazy, though. She'd heard them from the children of the Republic growing up—little Beastkin children, all stronger than she was. They'd play fight each other to see who was strongest and play Shogun. Of course, she'd always been too sick to play, and she was human after all. But hearing the words from this man's mouth now seemed oddly comforting. She giggled again, a soft sound that she tried to stifle behind her hand.

"Well, only the strongest become Shoguns. Power is what is respected in the Republic. So if that's your goal, as long as you can back up your words, you have a decent chance!" Her words were encouraging and gentle, not a trace of concern or fear on her face.

Upon Ethel's exclamation in awe of her hair, Aedrianna proudly brushed her fingers through the colorful strands. "Indeed, my friend, they are colored. But this is the work of dye. You see..." She started to pull out a jar of the colored pigment, but then she glanced from the corner of her eye and spotted Sorieiel in the entryway. She smiled and lifted her hand excitedly, waving towards her friend.

"Over here, Sori! Brandy!!" she called out. She looked back to Ariko and then to Ethel. "Those are a couple of my friends, Sorieiel. And Brandy! We just came from the Republic, actually. Sori is helping me to advertise the hair dye!" She motioned towards the Kitsune with the streak of gold in her pristine white hair.

Mentions: Elias Wren Elias Wren Elvario Elvario Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Kikimura Kikimura

Elvario Elvario

Soreiel walked in and was imidiately flagged down by Aedrianna so she went over while still holding the bag that contained her new outfit. “Some people really aren’t subtle with trying to swindle others, but then again I have more experience than most” she sighed before sitting down and seeing someone she recognized.

“Oh… hello again Miss Ethel, a pleasure to see you again” she replied

She then looked at Aedrianna “now what’s this I hear about a duel?” She asked curiously

She the. Fished out Hiruqs bone from her tail fluff and handed it to Aedrianna “hiruq asked me to hold onto it for him” she stated

Leo sighed quietly as he spent a couple of minutes trying to figure out what to do next. He could head straight for the Adventures Guild, but he felt like making more friends here. “I don’t know what to do~!” He threw his head back with his eyes closed in frustration. At that moment he overheard the conversation happening between Ariko, Aedrianna and Ethel.

He examined Ariko with curiosity. He reminded Leo a lot of his older brother, who is stoic and strong, things Leo always lacked. He then turned his attention towards Aedrianna. She was a pretty woman, which made Leo blush lightly. Her colourful flowing hair was like the flowers that grew back in the See. His eyes widened as Soreiel walked into the Keg. He found her both stunning and intimidating. Her many whitetails were beautiful and captivating which caused Leo to stare for a while.

Mentions: Elias Wren Elias Wren Moonberry Moonberry Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
Last edited:

Leo sighed quietly as he spent a couple of minutes trying to figure out what to do next. He could head straight for the Adventures Guild, but he felt like making more friends here. “I don’t what know to do~!” He threw his head back with his eyes closed in frustration. At that moment he overheard the conversation happening between Ariko, Aedrianna and Ethel.

He examined Ariko with curiosity. He reminded Leo a lot of his older brother, who is stoic and strong, things Leo always lacked. He then turned his attention towards Aedrianna. She was a pretty woman, which made Leo blush lightly. Her colourful flowing hair was like the flowers that grew back in the See. His eyes widened as Soreiel walked into the Keg. He found her both stunning and intimidating. Her many whitetails were beautiful and captivating which caused Leo to stare for a while.

Mentions: Elias Wren Elias Wren Moonberry Moonberry Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

(Hehe I wonder if he’s developing a crush)

Soreiel noticed him staring at her and stared back, she was clearly trying to gage him. She’s seen others stare at her with different levels of ideas of purpose, but thankfully Nero never let anyone else have hands on her.

She continued to look at Leo and was now curious as to what the boy was thinking about her, she gave him a small smile and one of her ears flicked his direction in response.
Aedrianna Belmonte

Aedrianna giggled at both Ethel and Sorieiel when they suggested she'd been in some sort of duel. She waved her hand and pulled out the pigment powder with a bright smile. "Oh no, good knight. Nothing of the sort! In fact, you could say I am the painter!" She beamed proudly as she showed it off, the vibrant colors glinting in the tavern's warm light.

When Sorieiel mentioned Hiruq's bone, Aedrianna glanced down at it and hummed thoughtfully. "Oh... hmm, I told Hiruq to go find Noelle. But he's taking a while..." Her words trailed off, her mind clearly working through possibilities. "Sori... Can I finish putting gold tips on your tails and show off the dye here? Then maybe we can go find Hiruq and Noelle?"

She turned to look at Ariko, her smile widening as her eyes grew warm and inviting. "If Sorieiel is okay with me finishing her tails, afterwards would you care to accompany us to find my friends? It could give us a chance to become acquainted. And if you want to go to the Republic, you could travel with us, so long as you seem trustworthy."

Aedrianna then noticed Leo glancing at Sorieiel and smiled even more warmly. "Oh, did Brandy go wandering? Maybe we can find her too!" she said with a playful lilt, still looking at Leo. She lifted her hand in a friendly wave, making direct eye contact. "Would any of you like to try some of the hair dye too?" she asked, her voice carrying across the table with warm enthusiasm.


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Leo swallowed nervously and grasped tightly at his quarterstaff as the women looked back at him. Back home Leo spent most of his time studying and practising his healing magic, only interacting with people when they required medical assistance which meant he lacked social skills. He took in a deep breath and sheepishly approached Soreiel and Aedrianna with a small smile.

“He-hello…I’m Leo” He introduced himself with a slight bow. “I-I like your tails” He said to Soreiel while blushing as he realized how weird that sounded out loud. Before he could apologize Aedrianna questioned distracted him. “I…um…okay. I never dyed my hair before” He then thought for a moment before turning to his side and lifting his tail. “What about my tail?” He wasn’t sure if this was the right thing to do or not, however, he really wanted to befriend these people and perhaps travel with them. It was very lonely and dangerous to travel by himself, only his experience with avoiding predators in the the See had prevented him from being eaten by wild animals.

@Interations Moonberry Moonberry Rcticwolf Rcticwolf (Perhaps ;p)

🐿️𝙴𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚍𝚎𝚝𝚑 𝙿𝚒𝚙 🐿️𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚝, 𝙴𝚗𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚛, 𝙴𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚢 𝙴𝚗𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚛, [𝚁𝚢𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝙰𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚛 𝙶𝚞𝚒𝚕𝚍 𝙸𝚗𝚟𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚛 𝙵]
𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜: Elvario Elvario (also open for interaction)

𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚝

IMG_0379.png After the start-up event in Widersia, Eriedeth had decided to make the trip back to Ryke for a little while, if only to grab some stuff and prepare to move to Widersia. When she came back to Ryke she was surprised to discover a fair was going on, and it seemed tl be a perfect way to try and find connections. She hadn’t been to this side of Ryke, at least not often in the 7 years she lived in the country. With that being said, the first place the squirrel beast decided to visit was the Keg. After being in her feet from Widersia through the Eastern Empire to make it back to Ryke, she reasonably needed to sit down, perhaps get some food and water if she could. Take a nice little break before enjoying the festivities and attempt to make connections. After all, for a beastkin she could be considered strange if only due to her love for tinkering and mundane tech. Usually, beast kin at least mainstream wise, didn’t have a knack for technology. The only exception could be the Beasts over in the grand duchy. However, the difference was that it was magic tech. Eriedeth wondered if they simoly craved what beasts usually lack. A proper connection to magic. However, she has never been there to confirm such. With that being said, she made her way to the Keg and opened the door. It had seemed pretty lively there at least.
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Leo swallowed nervously and grasped tightly at his quarterstaff as the women looked back at him. Back home Leo spent most of his time studying and practising his healing magic, only interacting with people when they required medical assistance which meant he lacked social skills. He took in a deep breath and sheepishly approached Soreiel and Aedrianna with a small smile.

“He-hello…I’m Leo” He introduced himself with a slight bow. “I-I like your tails” He said to Soreiel while blushing as he realized how weird that sounded out loud. Before he could apologize Aedrianna questioned distracted him. “I…um…okay. I never dyed my hair before” He then thought for a moment before turning to his side and lifting his tail. “What about my tail?” He wasn’t sure if this was the right thing to do or not, however, he really wanted to befriend these people and perhaps travel with them. It was very lonely and dangerous to travel by himself, only his experience with avoiding predators in the the See had prevented him from being eaten by wild animals.

@Interations Moonberry Moonberry Rcticwolf Rcticwolf (Perhaps ;p)

Moonberry Moonberry

Soreiel looked over at Aedrianna when she asked if she could finish dying her tails. “Well I would look kind of silly if I still only had 1 tail dyed” she chuckled lightly.

Soreiel then turned and faced Leo, not noticing him get up and approach them as she was talking with Aedrianna. She looked at him and noticed his blushing before he complimented her tails after which his blush seemed to get just a bit redder. She had been complemented on her looks before when she was a slave, but his words didn’t feel like those she heard from Nero’s ‘patrons’. She looked at him a little closer trying to piece the puzzle together, but before she realized it her own face started to blush which made her realize his words were genuine.

“Oh.. I… uh… thank you, I try to keep them groomed” she replied a touch neevously
Leo decided to walk behind Soreiel, being 4’11” meant her tails were practically in his face. He tilted his head and raised his hand towards them to stoke one, which looked SO fluffy, fluffier than his tail, that he could not resist. “Um…can I?” He asked Soreiele before he touched it, realizing he didn’t like people touching his tail without permission.

Interactions: Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
Kiyo FantasyCat FantasyCat – No specific goal given. / Get food?
Ariko Elias Wren Elias WrenGet a burger. Meet some folk.
Aedrianna Moonberry MoonberryFind stationary. Hair dye pigment networking. Get Soreiel new clothing.
Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf – No specific goals given. \ Earn food. \ Get a dress.
Eriedeth DarkKitsune DarkKitsune - Make connections \ Enjoy the festivities

Food and Drinks at the The Keg
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg




“I see, thou hath neigh gaineth strength for goodeth.” She'd shake her head as she replied to Ariko. “Such ist shamethfull.” That said, she got more excited by the next bit. “Yes! I seeth! Thou seekest redemption! I shalt hopeth for thee bestesth! I too, shall fight to protecteth, for I am the guardian of the Stone Wall and Protector of Life!” She declared.

She'd greet Soreiel next. “It is goodest for thee to be seen against. ” Whatever that meant, it sounded positive. “She hath duelleth upon her thee painter that hath befallen thee tail, no?” She asked next, confused that Soreiel didn't seem to know what they were dealing with.

Sadly enough, Aedrianna was soon to ruin the story. “Thou hath neigh fought a painter? Thou hath... thou hath fought thyself?” She was clearly confused. “Wouldst thou spread thy painted faith?” She seemed to start understanding... something. “Why hath thee painted thyself and thy brethren?”

Amika was the one to greet Eriedeth when she entered the Keg. “Good morning miss! Can I get you something to eat or drink? The chef's special, his burgers and fries, are totally otherworldly~ Though I can recommend the fried chicken and Sootspire Ale as well! There aren't any free tables, but I'm sure there are people willing to share theirs.” She'd state, showing there was still room around the table with Teuihua, Gunhild and Rosalia or around the one with Ariko, Ethel, Aedrianna, Leo and Soreiel.
Ariko Balba

The Keg - Ethel, Aedrianna
Ariko leaned back in his chair until the front two legs were off the ground, crossing his bully arms over his bare chest as he thought over the proposal. He had planned to go by himself so others wouldn't slow him down, but this seemed like a great opportunity since they seemed to know a lot about The Republic and this world. He tapped the heel of his boot against the ground for a moment as he rolled the idea around in his mind, deciding it might be best to travel with them for a while. “Alright, that sounds good to me. I will travel with you and protect you on our journey. I believe it'll be good for the both of us.”

He leaned back forward and his chair hit the ground with a gentle thud, turning his attention back to Ethel. “Then let us both do our best. I will find redemption in this life while you protect this place.” Ariko smiled and uncrossed his arms, holding up one of his fists toward Ethel, hoping she would understand the gesture and bump it with a fist of her own.

Elvario Elvario Moonberry Moonberry
Kiyo FantasyCat FantasyCat – No specific goal given. / Get food?
Ariko Elias Wren Elias WrenGet a burger. Meet some folk.
Aedrianna Moonberry MoonberryFind stationary. Hair dye pigment networking. Get Soreiel new clothing.
Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf – No specific goals given. \ Earn food. \ Get a dress.
Eriedeth DarkKitsune DarkKitsune - Make connections \ Enjoy the festivities

Food and Drinks at the The Keg
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg




“I see, thou hath neigh gaineth strength for goodeth.” She'd shake her head as she replied to Ariko. “Such ist shamethfull.” That said, she got more excited by the next bit. “Yes! I seeth! Thou seekest redemption! I shalt hopeth for thee bestesth! I too, shall fight to protecteth, for I am the guardian of the Stone Wall and Protector of Life!” She declared.

She'd greet Soreiel next. “It is goodest for thee to be seen against. ” Whatever that meant, it sounded positive. “She hath duelleth upon her thee painter that hath befallen thee tail, no?” She asked next, confused that Soreiel didn't seem to know what they were dealing with.

Sadly enough, Aedrianna was soon to ruin the story. “Thou hath neigh fought a painter? Thou hath... thou hath fought thyself?” She was clearly confused. “Wouldst thou spread thy painted faith?” She seemed to start understanding... something. “Why hath thee painted thyself and thy brethren?”

Amika was the one to greet Eriedeth when she entered the Keg. “Good morning miss! Can I get you something to eat or drink? The chef's special, his burgers and fries, are totally otherworldly~ Though I can recommend the fried chicken and Sootspire Ale as well! There aren't any free tables, but I'm sure there are people willing to share theirs.” She'd state, showing there was still room around the table with Teuihua, Gunhild and Rosalia or around the one with Ariko, Ethel, Aedrianna, Leo and Soreiel.

Moonberry Moonberry FantasyCat FantasyCat

(Sorry I had to retype this, my phone rotated and decided to delete my typings)

Soreiel looked at Ethel a bit confused “did I get attacked by a painter? Uh… no, Aedrianna is the painter, she makes coloring dye for her family’s business in the republic, I was tricked into being her test subject earlier” she replied while looking at Aedrianna.

Soreiel then returned her gaze to Leo as he walked behind her, rotating her body so she could keep him in view. When he asked if he could touch her tails but was already reaching out for one. “Just be gentle please…” she replied.

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