• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Finished [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) All's Fair in this Fair Fair.

Ariko Elias Wren Elias Wren – Get a burger. Meet some folk.
Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Guard Rosalia.
Kiyo FantasyCat FantasyCat – No specific goal given. / Get food?
Gunhild Femboy FemboyGuard Rosalia \ Satisfy Regula? – Enjoy the Fair

Food and Drinks at the The Keg
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg


“You're welcome sir. Let me know if you want anything else. Chef Todo's fries and fried chicken are also rather famous~” She replied to Ariko with a smile. She'd head off to serve other customers shortly after.




Rosalia nodded at Ariko's reply. “Oh my, I didn't think people were still starving around these parts. Thank you for telling me.” She had no particular reason to doubt his statement.

On the topic of Kiyo himself, Hestia went on to serve people elsewhere and Ethel was already distracted by something else, so it was Rosalia whom replied. “No worries dear, although, from the See? You must've crossed through all of Highgrove Barony before finding your way here...” That was a fair bit of a journey to go through on an empty stomach. “Don't worry dear, roads and cities should be more clearly marked outside of the See. Although, if you don't mind me asking, what were you even doing there? It's not exactly a hospitable place for those without Fae-blood in their veins. Oh, and forgive my rudeness. I'm Rosalia, what's your name?”




Ethel, getting bored of the previously straving dude, went over to the bare-chested one (Ariko). “Thou hath thou bodieth painteth, what is thee meaning?” She pointed at his tattoos.

Finally, Gunhild, or rather, floofy Smallhild, would be able to find her way into the tavern. The big construct didn't have much of a scent go by, Rosalia would smell faintly like rose perfume. It was mostly the 'more food' that'd probably get her to sniff and find her way into the Keg. That said, she'd likely be able to catch at least three pretty-nobirdies in one honey jar here.


Eliza Uasal Uasal – Enjoy the fair. \ Make some deals.

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki

It didn't take much to know that handshakes weren't the common noble way. Probably should've went with a bow of her own. The thing she was mostly interested in was what was behind Eliza's surprise (Insight B) and how badly she might've already ruined a first impression.

“Of course not.” She'd smile at the question if she wasn't offended. “Had I known you'd come I'd have offered to meet you sooner or assigned you a guard, but it seems neither would've been warranted.”

She smiled at the praise given to the barony. “Thank you, although I am blessed to have been aided by a great many people's talents to get this far.”

The sudden scepticism was a bit more surprising. Not in the least due to them being in the middle of the fair, which didn't feel the most ideal place for a debate. Even so, the answer wasn't too much of a secret. “Ah, I meant to not offend the other nobility, but the first and foremost task assigned to me by Count Sadek was to get the barony back on its feet. This Fair is the accumulation of all the hard work everyone put in towards that goal. It wouldn't feel right for me to leave the barony to go join social gatherings before getting the barony in the position for such an event to take place.”

Although the matter with the church was a bit more sensitive, Regula also had a reply ready. “Assuming your worry is genuine, I can alleviate it. I've discussed matters with Archbishop Bidag himself.” She didn't exactly like such sensitive issues being brought up in the middle of a fair, so she was a bit shorter on the reply with that one.

Whether or not she knew what she was doing as another question, but least in regard of getting things in the barony in order, she felt like everyone involved had done a decent job. Herself included. “You're free to judge the results of my affairs by the Fair today. It is a celebration of everything we've build in the barony and of the efforts of everyone involved, after all.”

On the topic of that, would it be appropriate to invite the woman to do something together? Probably not? Maybe? She then remembered Silvia's advise. Be casual, right? “I've heard Gwenith is offering tea samples, would you like to come try some with me? I believe what she's experimenting with is rather promising.” She asked, figuring that was one of the more interesting options.

Gwenith's comforting words about the isekai experience gave Aiden a sense of reassurance, confirming that such phenomena were not entirely foreign or feared in this world.

As Gunhild scurried around their feet, proclaiming her mission to share honey with the 'Metalmans' and 'Prettyrosie,' Aiden felt a surge of fondness for the lively little lizard. "Your generosity is as boundless as your spirit, Gunhild," he said, watching her with a mixture of amusement and admiration.

When Gunhild thanked everyone and sprinted off with her honey jar, Aiden called after her, "Good luck on your quest, Gunhild! May you find your friends and share your honey with them!" He waved back at her, feeling the infectious positivity she left in her wake.

Turning back to Mad Maw, Koralia, and Gwenith, Aiden's smile remained. "It's moments like these that remind us of the joy in simple things and the strength in our friendships."

As Gunhild disappeared into the crowd, Aiden turned to Gwenith and handed her another jar of honey. "Here you go, Gwenith. Thank you for your understanding and support."

Ariko Balba 1000001757.jpg
The Keg- Ethel
Ariko was surprised someone would ask about his tattoos since most people up till now had avoided him for the most part, this town must be a strange place indeed."They are symbols from my world. If I had to give them meaning it would probably be a testament to being a great warrior. I got a new one after each fight won, to remember." His voice was much softer now that he had some refreshments, downing the last of his ale. He looked down at his clean plate and felt satisfied after such a great meal.

As he spoke about his tattoos he ran his hand over a few of them, remembering the fights from his other world that led to his death and transportation to this new world. He wondered if he would be able to continue his tradition and find an artist here to add more ink in the future, should he continue fighting in this new world.

Elvario Elvario
Aiden Naythophyl Naythophyl – Sell Honey

Tea Stall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall – Tea Stall.
(Please ignore weapons.))
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/OmExky


“No problem, it's a pleasure doing business with you.” That reminded her. “That reminds me, where might you be from? I'm pretty sure you're not from Caelia Barony, possibly not even from Sadek County. Are you from Ryke, still, or are you from The See, perhaps?” The main reason she was curious was simply due to wondering if he'd know more tea options and/or where to get more honey should it be a succes and should she run out.


Ariko Elias Wren Elias Wren – Get a burger. Meet some folk.




She nodded at Ariko as if she totally knew what he was talking about. “Thou hath symbolized thine victories on thine flesh! Thou arth an inspiration!” She declared. “I shallt findeth a painter whomst canst doeth the same to me and mine!” She nodded to herself, inspired by this prospect.

“I wouldst challenge thee if mine supior hath neigh forbidden me from duelling... Alas, I shan't not breaketh thier rule.” A bit down, she did come up with another idea. “Which of thee fights hath been thee toughest? Is thee toughest fight thee biggest body-painting?”
Aedrianna Belmonte

Aedrianna sighed as she began to realize that Sorieiel wasn't really enjoying the dress shopping. Part of her was saying that if the girl didn't want it, she shouldn't force it. She had just been freed from a life of slavery and should have her right to choose. But even as she thought that, Aedrianna's blue eyes studied the article of clothing that the kitsune was currently wearing. It really wouldn't pass as appropriate. So for a good moment, she felt extremely torn.

"Okay, look!" she exclaimed, reaching up to scrub frustratedly at her hair. "Sori... you're my friend... or at least I hope we're friends. And I want to respect your decisions. But you also can't go around with that... you need something comfortable and appropriate." After a moment of looking at her, she sighed and reached into her coin purse, pulling out a few Rykes and trying to place them in Sorieiel's hand. "Please... just buy something you think you'll be comfortable in. You at least earned that letting me dye your tail and hair for a pitch. I'm going to go back to the Keg and write a letter to Griffin. I asked Hiruq to find Noelle and bring her to us if possible. Buy something you want with the money you earned today. Please... From one friend to another, okay? Maybe Brandy can help you pick something out?"

She smiled weakly glancing at her feline friend Brandy, trying to push the money into the kitsune's hands before skipping away, laughing, and heading towards the Keg. "I'll meet you there! If anyone asks about your tails, tell them about me or the shop!" she grinned over her shoulder. Sorieiel was probably a little exasperated with her, but she didn't know how else to convince her to get something new to wear without directly forcing her. And that just felt wrong to do to a newly freed slave. Maybe Brandy could convince her from a different perspective.

Aedrianna hurried off, taking out the blank stationery pages and humming, thinking about what she might write. She was so excited to tell Griffin all about their adventure and her new friends. The fact that he'd met with Kota was mind-blowing too. It was a small world, huh?

Mentions: Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Elvario Elvario Kikimura Kikimura
Aedrianna Belmonte

Aedrianna sighed as she began to realize that Sorieiel wasn't really enjoying the dress shopping. Part of her was saying that if the girl didn't want it, she shouldn't force it. She had just been freed from a life of slavery and should have her right to choose. But even as she thought that, Aedrianna's blue eyes studied the article of clothing that the kitsune was currently wearing. It really wouldn't pass as appropriate. So for a good moment, she felt extremely torn.

"Okay, look!" she exclaimed, reaching up to scrub frustratedly at her hair. "Sori... you're my friend... or at least I hope we're friends. And I want to respect your decisions. But you also can't go around with that... you need something comfortable and appropriate." After a moment of looking at her, she sighed and reached into her coin purse, pulling out a few Rykes and trying to place them in Sorieiel's hand. "Please... just buy something you think you'll be comfortable in. You at least earned that letting me dye your tail and hair for a pitch. I'm going to go back to the Keg and write a letter to Griffin. I asked Hiruq to find Noelle and bring her to us if possible. Buy something you want with the money you earned today. Please... From one friend to another, okay? Maybe Brandy can help you pick something out?"

She smiled weakly glancing at her feline friend Brandy, trying to push the money into the kitsune's hands before skipping away, laughing, and heading towards the Keg. "I'll meet you there! If anyone asks about your tails, tell them about me or the shop!" she grinned over her shoulder. Sorieiel was probably a little exasperated with her, but she didn't know how else to convince her to get something new to wear without directly forcing her. And that just felt wrong to do to a newly freed slave. Maybe Brandy could convince her from a different perspective.

Aedrianna hurried off, taking out the blank stationery pages and humming, thinking about what she might write. She was so excited to tell Griffin all about their adventure and her new friends. The fact that he'd met with Kota was mind-blowing too. It was a small world, huh?

Mentions: Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Elvario Elvario Kikimura Kikimura
Kikimura Kikimura

Soreiel tried to refuse the money, but was reminded that she did earn something for helping Aedrianna with her dye business, and before she could say anything she watched Aedrianna skip away happily.

Soreiel then looked at the Neko girl that she now knew as Brandy wondering what the girl would do next.

“So what are you gonna do?” She asked “are you going to follow Aedrianna like how I saw you when we first met? Or are you willing to help me like she asked?” She added not realizing how demanding she sounded

She however didn’t wait for a response before turning around and looking at the clothing stall before glancing at the amount of money Aedrianna gave her. She then ventured into the stall to look for something, if brandy chose to stay and help, Soreiel would ask her how outfits looked on her. If not then Soreiel wouldn’t have to worry about her and she’d return to the place called the keg when she was done shopping…

Elvario Elvario

The entire time she was looking, she kept a hold of Hiruq’s bone he had entrusted to her, and being a fellow canine she would watch over it until Hiruq reclaimed his property, but since she needed both hands to browse and try on clothes, and it would look strange to be holding Soreiel put the large bone in the fluff of her middle tail and it seemingly got sucked in and could not be seen, she did this trick to hide things from Nero, which led to him ripping out a few of her tails in the past.

Aiden paused for a moment, considering her question. "I originally hail from the Honey Bee Court, a realm where fae creatures live in harmony with nature, tending to honeycombs and nurturing the flora and fauna," he began, his voice filled with a touch of nostalgia. "However, after the unusual events that brought me here, I've found a new home in Sylvarin, under the rule of Count Eldrin."

He continued, "Sylvarin is a region known for its lush, verdant forests, which are home to a variety of valuable herbs and medicinal plants. Since arriving here, I've been focusing on advancing my education in agriculture, medicine, and nature. My ultimate goal is to acquire the elusive Clover Charm, a powerful artifact that could boost my luck and perhaps help me find my way back to the Honey Bee Court."

Koralia Maxxob Maxxob | Gwenith Elvario Elvario | Mad Maw Garbage. Garbage.


Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece @ Anyone else in the Keg
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>

Having tracked down the scent of something good to the Keg, the little lizard scurried inside and peered around for something that would hold her attention. It smelled really good and of food somewhere inside, of which she wondered if there was more free food around to be had. But first, it'd probably be best if she could share some of the honey with Teuihua and Rosalia before she got to it herself just in case she went a little bit overboard and left nothing left. Tightly clasping the filled jar to her body as she looked around, she bypassed the others giving a small glance to the others around having come to find and complete her little personal goal in general. Seeing her target and preparing her claws, she gripped onto the large construct to clamber up onto his shoulders for his attention.

"Metalmans, Metalmans!" she introduced, not even giving it a second as she sat perched on his large shoulder and clasping her honey jar in both hands. Gently tapping the jar against his head in order to show him what she had with her, she gave a little joyful smile as she wagged her tail.
"Metalmans, looksies! One honees! Gunhild sharesies withs Metalmans and Prettyrosie, Gunhild is goodest Gunhild, yesses. Gunhild alsos smells a foods. Is foods heresies? Metalmans, Prettyrosies, can hases Gunhild honee, Gunhild hases eated a honee. Buh-buh-bee-beebee-boi gived Gunhild a one honee. Gunhild shareses mores honee with frens" Gunhild spoke as she gestured and offered the filled jar of honey to Teuihua so they could see and try some for herself.

"Is okii, big shorkie fren giveded Gunhild a one honee! Manys is Gunhild frens, many likeses a Gunhild. Ands Gunhild is bestestest Gunhild!" she cheerfully claimed. Giving a quick look, there sure were a lot of people around in the Keg. The lizard silently wondered if any of them would be as friendly as the other people she had met so far and would want to be her friend. Grumbling quietly as she thought about it, she just waited to share her honey first. Though something was very much also on her mind.

"Yummy foodses? Gunhild sniffies, is food? Gunhild has? Metalmans, Gunhild has? Has food?" she asked excitedly, gently leaning on his head as she tenderly clasped her hands around him. She quickly flicked her gaze around the room looking for food and back to Teuihua's face, squishing her cheek against his with no regard for personal space as she was curious if Teuihua would be so kind to enlighten her on where the good smells were coming from and if she could have that too.

1. Size change F + Energized F (4'1")
2. Climbing (E)
note: gunhil floof
Aedrianna Belmonte
Aedrianna hummed to herself as she entered the bustling tavern, her eyes trained on the pretty stationery. The Keg was alive with activity, filled with the chatter of patrons and the clatter of dishes. One, maybe two waitresses scurried back and forth, trying to keep up with the demands of the busy establishment.

She was excited to write a letter to a friend, something she hadn't done in all the eighteen years she'd lived in this world. As she walked into the Keg, she tucked her hair behind her ear, eyes still focused on the paper in her hands, her mind racing with thoughts of what to start with.

Without thinking about it or really glancing around the crowded room, she made her way to the nearest table that appeared to be empty. The aroma of roasted meats and freshly baked bread filled the air, mingling with the scents of ale and wine. She didn't notice Ethel, Kiyo, or Ariko as she sat down at the table that had already been claimed by them. Still humming idly, she set the paper down and began to dig through her bag, finally pulling out what appeared to be a quill.

"Ahah!" She grinned triumphantly, looking at the quill. It was then she seemed to realize she'd helped herself to the table.

"Oh! Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't even pay attention! That was so rude of me!" She flushed with embarrassment, her soft humming cut off abruptly. She started to stand and excuse herself embarrassedly, bowing her head.

Ariko Balba

The Keg - Ethel
Ariko’s face twisted into a scowl once more as he remembered his last fight before coming to this world, the one that ended his life. He clenched his fists against his thighs and gritted his teeth in silence before snapping out of his stupor and back to reality. He looked up at the armor-clad girl and pointed to the one in the middle of his chest, a tattoo of a large tiger with its mouth open.”This would probably be the hardest and longest fight I've had. I was taking down a rival gangs boss and the fight was brutal. Six hours of back and forth before he finally went down, his entire gang collapsed after that.”

The thought of that fight brought out some excitement in Ariko and his eyes lit up with a deep burning desire to do it again and again. He chuckled at the thought of not having fought since coming to this world, a world full of opportunities and glory. He had been so focused on the negative that he hadn't thought about all the possibilities that were ahead of him, all the fights just waiting to happen. He fantasized about taking down bandits and mythical beasts, about starting his own gang and carving out his place in the world. “I've heard about a place called The Republic, what can you tell me about it?”

As he asked he watched as an absent minded female sat down at his table and pulled out a quill and paper, presumably to write a letter to someone, he rested his head on his hand and waited for her to notice, chuckling when she finally did. ”That's alright, company is always welcome. I'm Ariko, and it's my first time here. I was just talking to the armor clad girl about my tattoos and asking about The Republic.”

Elvario Elvario Moonberry Moonberry
Aedrianna Belmonte
The flush on her cheeks deepened slightly as the man motioned to his array of tattoos. She blinked, her blue eyes studying the intricate designs for perhaps a few seconds too long. She had frozen in the middle of getting up to leave when he chuckled at her. His laughter snapped her out of her reverie, and when he mentioned the Republic, she drew in an excited breath, sitting back down and beaming up at him. The flush of her cheeks faded as the excitement of talking about her homeland took over.

"Oh! Yes, the Republic of Kuridan! That's where I'm from, actually!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with enthusiasm. She smiled at Ethel and nodded respectfully, finally taking notice of her surroundings. She glanced up to see a little lizard person climbing a big blue metal man, a half-starved looking boy at the table, and a lovely silver-haired woman. After a few seconds, her attention flickered back to Ariko, her lips curling into a warm smile.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr. Ariko. My name is Aedrianna Belmonte. I'm here with my friends for the fair. We traveled here from Naan Pass, which is just at the base of the Paizu Mountains, near the Eastern Empire border." Her words flowed quickly as she began to over-explain about the place she'd grown up in. "The population there is mostly Beastkin, and there's a whole different culture from here. Where are you from Mr. Ariko? If you don't mind my asking... she asked, finally pausing in her excited babble. Her eyes darted to the tattoos on his chest, the vibrant colors and intricate patterns capturing her curiosity. She felt a mix of nervousness and excitement talking to this man, covered in tattoos, and clearly a fighter. He'd probably seen his fair share of adventures.

"Your tattoos are fascinating," she trailed off, her voice softer now. "Do they have special meanings?"

Ariko Balba

The Keg - Aedrianna

Ariko was taken by surprise at the girl's sudden excited outburst, but was glad to have someone who knew about The Republic, a place he had picked for his future base of operations based on rumors he heard in the Eastern Empire. “I've only been in this world for a short time, but I woke up not far from here after my death in another world.” He had a somber look on his face as he spoke of his own death, letting out a gentle sigh as he went over it again in his head.

He felt a sense of ease talking about his past triumphs though, and gladly explained the meaning behind his body's art. “Each one represents a fight that I won before my death. Each a strong opponent that I put down with my own two hands.” He couldn't help himself and raised his arms up next to his head, flexing his biceps and drawing a ridiculous grin. “ As I was telling this lady here, the one on my chest was one of the last. A fierce leader of a rival gang from my world that was a hard battle fought and won.”

He lowered his arms to the table slowly and leaned forward, hoping to glean some more information on The Republic, and this girl seemed like his best bet. And though he was not the type to feel bashful, the way she looked at him brought forth a feeling of shyness he has not felt before and forced his face to turn a light shade of red. Or maybe it was just the alcohol in his system starting to be absorbed.

Moonberry Moonberry

Leo found himself staring at the giant construct next to Rosalia. He had heard of things like it from outside the See, but to see such a thing in person was incredible. He cautiously took a few steps closer to Teuihua before examining his body. Compared to him Leo was a tiny curious child. “Wow, you must be really strong!” Leo said with wide eyes as he gently placed the tips of his fingers on the construct’s front.

Leo turned to Rosalia and pulled his green hood back, revealing his tall feline brown ears , dark brown scruffy ears, and large vivid green cat eyes. “I’m from the See! My tribe is called the Nyctis, we don’t usually like talking to outsiders, so you probably haven’t heard of us…”

“Everybody in the tribe leaves when they become an adult and must discover the world and learn about themself. Or something…”
He explained with an unsure look in his eyes.

The sudden appearance of the small lizard person caused Leo to jump back in surprise. “He-hello!” He said nervously. “I-I’m Leo!” He gave a small wave at Gunhild. He then tilted his head with eyes squinted as he tried to figure out exactly what she was.

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy
Aedrianna Belmonte

Aedrianna listened intently to his response, nodding as she did. When his words seemed to process with her, she blinked and glanced around the room again. He just said after his death, right? She herself had died and been reborn with memories of another world...But this man had just arrived like this. So his death must have been fresh on his mind. She started to speak up, to give her condolences for his sad story. When she watched his bulky arms go up and his flex. Her cheeks tinted three shades of red, and she had to put a hand to her lips to stifle the giggle that escaped. He just flexed right? Was that to show off? Men did things like that right? Her mind raced with what exactly was the proper response to the flagrant display of muscle. Her eyes flickered everywhere else but at him for a moment, before she finally got the courage to look him in the eyes again.

"That sounds like it was a hard battle. You said you've just come to this...erm" She paused, looking around then lowering her voice a little and leaning in. She hadn't met many others who talked so openly about being from another world. There was a small fear she might be taken for insane if she started talking about other worlds so loudly. "This world, after that fight? Are you okay? Do....Do you need any help? Are you looking or someone in the Republic? Is that why you're interested in it?"

Mentions: Elias Wren Elias Wren
Ariko Balba 1000001770.jpg
The Keg - Aedrianna
Ariko sat there for a moment processing her words, it was nice to have someone show what seemed like genuine concern. Since coming here most people avoided him because of his looks, but this girl seemed outright comfortable in his presence despite everything going on. He seemed perplexed by her suddenly leaning on and lowering her voice, Ariko leaning toward her as well to listen closer to her words.

He had thought that it was a fairly common occurrence for people to show up here from other worlds, not once did it cross his mind to keep it a secret. He looked around the room at the other patrons and gave a soft shrug before speaking. Though his death was in fact fresh on his mind, his current situation was far better than his previous one and he was grateful for that. He kept his voice low as he responded, a little unsure if he should share his plans with this stranger. "No I am alright, I just heard the people of the Republic were strong. And fighting is just something that I was born to do. I plan to go there and start a gang of my own in this world, maybe take over a town or two and become the strongest in the land."

He sat back up to a upright position, his face showing a stern and determined look as he examined her reaction to his statement. This frail looking girl would surely turn tail after hearing what he planned to do in this world, most would after all.

Moonberry Moonberry

Languages: “Common” “+Mict+” “%Analog%”
Mentions: Elias Wren Elias Wren Moonberry Moonberry

Interactions: Elvario Elvario FantasyCat FantasyCat Femboy Femboy

The tattoos weren’t terribly unusual to Teuihua, they were used by various people in the Mict empire. What intrigued him was thatt they were different than the ones he was familiar with, even if he was somewhat curious too what they were about when Ethel went to asking about them.

He listened and that sounded rather exciting and there were some similarities in the reason for why he had gotten them to why a warrior might get them from where Teuihua was from, however he continued to look around with his 360 degree vision to ensure that Rosalia was safe while that dialogue happened.

Then there was the person who was writing who was chatting him up too. Teuihua was very aware of Kiyo when he came up, and put his finger tips on him, putting the large construct into a state of higher alert should Kiyo attempt to do anything deemed aggressive. However when that didn’t appear to be the case Teuihua’s front probably felt warm as perusal in a comfortable enough way.

Teuihua was pleasantly surprised that Gunhild was back, noticing her pretty quickly as she got onto him again.Hello again Gunhild.” The construct said warmly.

“Mhm..Honey has not changed as a delicacy I see. Yes there is food here they have a kitchen where they prepare and serve it, Rosalia and myself actually came here for Lunch, I’m sure you could join us.”

“And that’s very kind of you, thank you.”
With the honey being offered Teuihua would use his more dexterous hand to take a smidgeon after carefully interacting with the jar she offered up and handing it carefully back, after he used the incineration consumption method once more as the honey on his hand turned to ash,

“Indeed..very high quality, sweet, pleasant notes..” he commented aloud. He seemed unbothered by her disregarding personal space, pretty used to her climbing on him like one might a jungle gym at that point.

“I am also happy to learn it sounds like you made some more friends, yes you certainly are the best Gunhild and my favorite Gunhild.”

“Hello Leo, I am Teuihua. And this is Gunhild.”
He responded, even if it hadn’t been directed at him. "I help to ensure the security of the Caelia Barony. I suppose you could say I am strong for that reason."
Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf – No specific goals given. \ Earn food. \ Get a dress.
Brandy Kikimura Kikimura – No specific goals given.

Eva & Crowly


(Ignore the weapon.)

Closest source I could find:

Soreiel, as she was going around, would find plenty of options to choose from. However, upon asking for advice from brandy, another pair of ears overheard. Dragging along the bird-kid, Eva approached Soreiel with a mischievous smile. “Nyahaha!” She'd call out. “I heard you are looking for a dress, aren't nya?”

She'd nod sagely. “Let it be known that me and my brother here a fasion experts!” “Experts!” The kenku kid repeated.

“I bet we could help you faaaaar better than that old cat~ Nyaha! We'll even do it for cheap!” “Cheap!” The kenku kid confirmed. They were clearly trying to get something out of this, but perhaps they did know something..? Probably not though.


Aiden Naythophyl NaythophylSell Honey

Tea Stall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall – Tea Stall.
(Please ignore weapons.))
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/OmExky


“The Honey Bee Court? Is that a barony in the See?” She asked, not sure what type of place that was. “Ah, count Eldrin... I think that county encompasses the barony more to the north-east of here as well, just past the one in Countess Nightshade's domain...” She mumbled a bit, trying to recall her geography.

“Right! The herbs and medicinal plants! I knew I remembered the county from something. I'm pretty sure I cross-bred my own herbs with some of theirs.” She was a tad surprised at his other interests. “Oh, I didn't expect I'd find someone else with an interest in agriculture. I've been trying to study cross-breeding plants for a long time. The tea is just a hobby in that same vein.”

She shook her head. “I've never heard of a Clover Charm, nor do I think Delilah would favour someone merely for having such an artefact... then again, she is said to be a fickle one, so perhaps it would work...” She honestly wasn't sure. Deities weren't her forte.


Aedrianna Moonberry MoonberryFind stationary. Hair dye pigment networking. Get Soreiel new clothing.
Ariko Elias Wren Elias WrenGet a burger. Meet some folk.
Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Guard Rosalia.
Kiyo FantasyCat FantasyCat – No specific goal given. / Get food?
Gunhild Femboy FemboyGuard Rosalia \ Satisfy Regula? – Enjoy the Fair

Food and Drinks at the The Keg
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg




She was surprised at seeing Gunhild's arrival, but she smiled regardless. “Oh? I didn't know there was a honey vendor at the fair. Good job finding one~” She'd reply. She wasn't entirely sure if Gunhild expected them to just scoop it out with their hands (probably so), but she'd wave over Hestia for a spoon and to make her order. “I'd like three burgers, three portions of fries, three portions of fried chicken and some wine please.” She'd order for the three of them. “Would the two of you like something to drink as well? It's on me.”

Looking at Leo, she shook her head. “I'm afraid I've indeed never heard of such a tribe, nor of such a custom to leave and explore the world as a rite of passage. It must be hard to suddenly travel around on your own if your tribe is normally rather isolated?” She felt a bit bad for him.




Ethel stared intently at the girl that joined them at the table. Or rather, at her hair. When she apologised herself, she pointed straight at it. “Thou hair! Thou hath thine hair coloreth! Hasth thou been possessed by evil? Hasth thou been tricketh by Fae? Hasth thou been duelled with thine painters?” She asked, clearly intrigued by the concept of hair dye, but not in the least getting it.

She'd turn back to the tattooed man. “Thou art a vanquisher of evil? I respect thee!” She proclaimed when he told her he brought down a gang boss. She wasn't sure what a gang boss was, but it sounded evil. “The republic hath beasts and Shoguns!” She stated... which was about all she knew of it.

Mad Maw
Mad Maw bid farewell to the wise and willful lizard sage, Gunhilde a friend she'd hope to meet again. Her eyes sparkling for a moment before returning to Aiden and Koralia "It's a pretty wild ride I've been on in such a short amount of time, but im still kicking right? You are giant and attractive, it's nice to meet you!" she said, introducing herself to Koralia "it's a secret i've done my best to keep, but if it comes with no immediate demise or capture. It wasn't...a healer. This is my second go around; somehow. That party is still a bit hazy for me, but I woke up as this wild creature...engrossed in a wedding I had no part in. I may have...sicked a flytrap on the chief's woodpecker, and fled" Mad Maw pantamiming the story as she explained it rather chaotically.

Aiden unintentionally allowing Mad Maw to get this off her chest, and inadvertently helping her work through it.

"I am no chief's bride; I didn't even know who or what I was at the time. That was about a week ago, and this is the first real civilization i've come across...that let me in anyways" She said with a quirk of her tongue as he slid from her maw with impish playfulness. Her attention returning to Aiden as she got a little too nosy as she got mere inches from his form, curiously sniffing "Do you produce the honey? are you made out of honey? Do you extort it from your bee underlings? Do you have a colony of underground burrowers just waiting to exhume from underneath and sign our death warrants?!" Her irreverent rant causing her to grow excited and cause her eyes to sparkle brightly; the stripes and colors of her clothes becoming to swirl and strobe.

Elvario Elvario Naythophyl Naythophyl Maxxob Maxxob
Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native] - Color #876fd6

Naythophyl Naythophyl Elvario Elvario Garbage. Garbage.

Koralia watched as Gunhild went back to her small form and scampered away like a little animal. She couldn't help but smile, waving back as she disappeared in the distance. She hoped they would meet each other again at some point. Bringing her along to some of her mercenary work seemed to be a fun idea.

The shark tilted her head slightly when Aiden talked about simple things and the strength of friendship. She believed in pushing herself to the limit, so she didn't need to rely on others. Raw, brute strength always been in the forefront of her mind. The ideals of the Republic had shaped her mind ever since she had left the Continental Lake and went to live in the neighboring realm. Yet, her personal philosophy pushed the idea far beyond what even the most radicals advocate of its ideals may have ever even dreamed of. "Havin' friends is good, Aiden, but if ya keep relying on them too much, ya'll be in a deep shit when they bail out on ya." Koralia's advice came with her usual blunt behavior, however, she tried to show no ill-will, appearing to almost be speaking from experience.

With her next attention next settled on Mad Maw herself, the corners of her jaws widened a bit, as she heard the flattery coming from the gnoll. "Attractive, huh? I can take ya for a ride one of these days." She answered, unashamed and unapologetic, her eyes narrowing with almost predatory intent, mixed with something else. And, as the gnoll continued her tale, telling what had happened and how she found herself in the situation she was in, Koralia couldn't help but burst out laughing, the rough voice rumbling from her throat. "Sicked a flytrap on his willy?! That must've been the sight!!" She kept laughing with the visual image that was painted, her hand pretending to grab something in the air and twisting it, mercilessly, while the muscles on her arm bulging as she did so.

And, as the gnoll began questioning the bee-boy, she looked at it with palpable interest, her eyes narrowing to see how he would deal with that attention. Leaning her upper body downward and towards him as well, Koralia decided to add to the questioning. "Ohhh... extorting ya fellow bees? Hahahaha, guess ya are stronger than ya look! Are ya bee guys connected or sumthing? Do ya get intel from others beehives?" She asked, grinning to show the serrated teeth in her mouth, but keeping a playful edge.

Aiden turned to Gwenith with a thoughtful expression. “The Honey Bee Court isn’t part of this world, or at least not this side of it,” he explained. “I was teleported here in some capacity. It’s been a whirlwind, but I’m trying to make the best of it.”

He smiled as he continued, “My education in agriculture is rooted in beekeeping. Back in the Honey Bee Court, my family tended to honeycombs and nurtured the flora and fauna around us. It was a beautiful and harmonious existence. Being here, in Sylvarin, offers me a new opportunity to expand my knowledge and practice.”

Aiden’s eyes lit up with excitement. “Count Eldrin’s region, with its lush forests and abundance of herbs and medicinal plants, is the perfect place for my personal studies. I’m eager to learn more about the local agriculture and natural resources. I would love to compare notes.”

When Gwenith mentioned Delilah, Aiden looked confused. “Who is Delilah?” he asked, genuinely curious. Thinking to himself, why would anyone care what artifacts I acquire?

He then focused on Mad Maw, listening to her story with a mix of fascination and empathy, his expression reflecting genuine concern as she recounted her chaotic journey. He was glad that his earlier questions had given her a chance to share her experiences, even if they were tinged with confusion and uncertainty.

When Mad Maw directed her curiosity towards him, her barrage of questions brought a smile to his face. Her playful nature and vivid imagination were infectious. “No, I don’t produce the honey myself,” he chuckled. “I gather it from hives, just like a beekeeper would. And no, I don’t have a colony of burrowing bees ready to rise up from the ground,” he added with a wink.

Aiden took a step back to give her a bit more space, feeling her excitement radiate in waves. “My connection to bees is more about harmony and understanding. They’re my friends and partners in gathering honey and helping the plants around us flourish. Think of it as a partnership rather than extortion.” He said, to answer both Mad Maw and Koralia.

Koralia Maxxob Maxxob | Gwenith Elvario Elvario | Mad Maw Garbage. Garbage.
Leo placed his hand over his stomach and frowned. The grool he was given was enough to keep starvation at bay, however, he was still very hungry. “U-um…can I get some chicken, please?” He asked softly while scratching the back of his head. “You must be important to have a strong guard like him” Kiyo told Rosalia. “Are you an elder? In my tribe elders have strong guards to protect them. My brother and sister got to guard the tribe chief before they left for their journey…”

His eyes widened as he realised he could use this opportunity to see if these people had seen his twin siblings. “Uh! Have you seen two people that look like me…Olivia and Markus. They are my siblings” He asked Rosalia as well as anyone who could hear him.

Interactions: Elvario Elvario
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Femboy Femboy Elias Wren Elias Wren Moonberry Moonberry
Naythophyl NaythophylSell Honey
Koralia Maxxob Maxxob – No specific goals given.
Mad Maw @Capitula – Avoid Wildhide Clan \ Have fun? \ survive a near-mental breakdown

Tea Stall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall – Tea Stall.
(Please ignore weapons.))
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/OmExky


It wasn't easy being a humble NPC tea merchant when the people in front of you started debating things beyond your comprehension. Whilst her knowledge about 'Isekai' being a thing was superficial, her knowledge about resurrection was non existent. “Not a healer? Did you have a run-in with Meldaron?” She did know her basic deities, at the very least.

Come to think of it, she'd been so distracted... “Did I offer you tea to sample, miss? Or did I forget?” She'd ask Mad Maw, having forgotten if she did not.

She turned to Aiden, surprised at his reply. “Teleported? I assume you don't mean by a regular portal... Is it some sort of alternate dimension? I thing I heard some folk study those in the Magic Duchy...” Truthfully, these topics were getting too complex for her to follow, but she tried.

Agriculture was more her jam. “That's great to hear. Perhaps I should look into keeping bees myself. I've got enough plants growing for my research and I now know how well their honey pairs with my teas. Although.. I do wonder, how do you obtain it without getting stung?” She didn't have to wait long for an answer, as he'd say as much to Mad Maw and Koralia. “I doubt that'd work for the regular old person.” She'd realise it'd perhaps be more trouble than it was worth to try herself.

Considering Aiden's earlier answer, the fact that he didn't know Delilah wasn't as surprising. “She's the goddess of luck. Sometimes called Jim, for some reason. All I know is that some gamblers and adventure seeking folk tend to worship her in an attempt to get her blessing of luck.”


Kiyo FantasyCat FantasyCat – No specific goal given. / Get food?

Food and Drinks at the The Keg
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg


Hestia looked at Rosalia for a moment, when she returned to find Leo asking for chicken. Unsure if he'd be able to pay for it or if he was begging someone to pay for it. When Rosalia gave her a nod, she figured it'd be paid for regardless if he'd pay himself or not. “Alright, coming right up~” She'd say, as she put the plates of food down for the other three. She'd return with some fried chicken for Leo short after.




“Me? Oh no, dear. It's my daughter that's the important one.” She scoffed at the 'elder' question. “Surely I don't look that old yet!” She felt like she was at least 20 years too young to be considered as such.

She shook her head upon his question. “No, I don't think I did. If you're looking for them, you might wish to ask about them at the Adventurer's Guild. There's a branch of it just north of here, in Yemaya. If anyone can find someone it's them.”
Leo nodded and his ears twitched while he listened intently to Rosalia. “The Adventure’s Guild…okay! I will go there!” He replied with a big grin and his eyes closed. After his food arrived he quickly began to devour it like a starving wild animal. His tail rose high into the air and started to sway back and forth as a deep satisfied purr came from deep within his throat. He hadn’t eaten something this good in weeks.

Interactions: Elvario Elvario
Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf – No specific goals given. \ Earn food. \ Get a dress.
Brandy Kikimura Kikimura – No specific goals given.

Eva & Crowly


(Ignore the weapon.)

Closest source I could find:

Soreiel, as she was going around, would find plenty of options to choose from. However, upon asking for advice from brandy, another pair of ears overheard. Dragging along the bird-kid, Eva approached Soreiel with a mischievous smile. “Nyahaha!” She'd call out. “I heard you are looking for a dress, aren't nya?”

She'd nod sagely. “Let it be known that me and my brother here a fasion experts!” “Experts!” The kenku kid repeated.

“I bet we could help you faaaaar better than that old cat~ Nyaha! We'll even do it for cheap!” “Cheap!” The kenku kid confirmed. They were clearly trying to get something out of this, but perhaps they did know something..? Probably not though.


Aiden Naythophyl NaythophylSell Honey

Tea Stall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall – Tea Stall.
(Please ignore weapons.))
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/OmExky


“The Honey Bee Court? Is that a barony in the See?” She asked, not sure what type of place that was. “Ah, count Eldrin... I think that county encompasses the barony more to the north-east of here as well, just past the one in Countess Nightshade's domain...” She mumbled a bit, trying to recall her geography.

“Right! The herbs and medicinal plants! I knew I remembered the county from something. I'm pretty sure I cross-bred my own herbs with some of theirs.” She was a tad surprised at his other interests. “Oh, I didn't expect I'd find someone else with an interest in agriculture. I've been trying to study cross-breeding plants for a long time. The tea is just a hobby in that same vein.”

She shook her head. “I've never heard of a Clover Charm, nor do I think Delilah would favour someone merely for having such an artefact... then again, she is said to be a fickle one, so perhaps it would work...” She honestly wasn't sure. Deities weren't her forte.


Aedrianna Moonberry MoonberryFind stationary. Hair dye pigment networking. Get Soreiel new clothing.
Ariko Elias Wren Elias WrenGet a burger. Meet some folk.
Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Guard Rosalia.
Kiyo FantasyCat FantasyCat – No specific goal given. / Get food?
Gunhild Femboy FemboyGuard Rosalia \ Satisfy Regula? – Enjoy the Fair

Food and Drinks at the The Keg
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg




She was surprised at seeing Gunhild's arrival, but she smiled regardless. “Oh? I didn't know there was a honey vendor at the fair. Good job finding one~” She'd reply. She wasn't entirely sure if Gunhild expected them to just scoop it out with their hands (probably so), but she'd wave over Hestia for a spoon and to make her order. “I'd like three burgers, three portions of fries, three portions of fried chicken and some wine please.” She'd order for the three of them. “Would the two of you like something to drink as well? It's on me.”

Looking at Leo, she shook her head. “I'm afraid I've indeed never heard of such a tribe, nor of such a custom to leave and explore the world as a rite of passage. It must be hard to suddenly travel around on your own if your tribe is normally rather isolated?” She felt a bit bad for him.




Ethel stared intently at the girl that joined them at the table. Or rather, at her hair. When she apologised herself, she pointed straight at it. “Thou hair! Thou hath thine hair coloreth! Hasth thou been possessed by evil? Hasth thou been tricketh by Fae? Hasth thou been duelled with thine painters?” She asked, clearly intrigued by the concept of hair dye, but not in the least getting it.

She'd turn back to the tattooed man. “Thou art a vanquisher of evil? I respect thee!” She proclaimed when he told her he brought down a gang boss. She wasn't sure what a gang boss was, but it sounded evil. “The republic hath beasts and Shoguns!” She stated... which was about all she knew of it.

“I apologize, but no, I do not know you and therefore I do not trust you, and as such I wouldn’t waste your time” she replied bluntly, she could tell they wanted something, she spent enough time with Nero to pick up on the nuances of trying to swindle somebody.

“Besides, I’ve actually found something I like anyways” she replied with a smile before grabbing it off the rack and a pair of shoes to go with it before paying the seller and then taking her outfit and heading back to keg to find Aedrianna.


Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece FantasyCat FantasyCat
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>

Gunhild smiled and snuffed at getting to share the honey, nodding in greeting to both Teuihua and Rosalia. Waiting for the construct and pretty-lady to try some of the honey, she shared it with them before leaning the jar close to herself and giving the gentlest little lick with the tip of her tongue just to enjoy the sweet taste. Grumbling a cheerful grumble as she, with a little struggle, put the lid back on the jar she held the jar in her tail [Prehensile Tail Feature] and laying on Teuihua's shoulder with her head rested against his. She went back to enjoying the comfort and warmth of his metal body and looked to Rosalia as she asked for food.

"Is foods? Gunhild foods? Metalmans? Foods? Ahm ahm... " Gunhild questioned, eventually just harmlessly biting at Teuihua's face since she was just getting back from spending time with a big shorkie friend and was currently burning off the little shorkie hype. Though not before noticing someone else who introduced themselves.

Looking to Leo who had greeted her, she gave a gentle sniff and turned her head while looking him over. Noticing something very obvious about him, she went about the common choice of completely ignoring someone's name that they introduced themselves with.

"Kitty! Kitty-kitty. Gunhild is Gunhild, Gunhild bestestest goodest Gunhild, Metalmans' Gunhild bestest rock friend, Prettyrosie Gunhild goodestbestfriendfriend. Kitty friend? Goodest kitty, is kitty" Gunhild spoke as she introduced herself to the Kitty in question. The lizard continued to stare around the room as she lounged on Teuihua, finding it the most comfortable and greatest spot to stay on as she pressed her face against him and quietly grumbled low purrs against him. T'was the life. At least for Gunhild.

1. Size Change F + Energized F (4'1)
Note: gunhil floofy rn yesyes myes

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