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Graded [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) All's Fair in this Fair Fair.

Mentions & Goals:
Noelle Tellussoil Tellussoil – No specific goals given.

Food and Drinks at the The Keg
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg


“Orange lemonade...” The woman repeated, in a manner that suggested that this wasn't a common order. “We should have oranges, I'll go check.” She stated, before heading off to the kitchen.

Around the same time, a beast man walked into the inn.


He'd nod at the Noelle and the others. “Good morning.” He'd stated, although he didn't take a seat.

Hestia was soon to return. “I'm sorry, we don't have oranges at the moment. Can I get you something else instead?” She'd ask Noelle, before spotting Lowrence. “Ah, advisor, how can I help you?” She'd ask.

The beastman smiled. “It's the opposite. The baroness asked us to walk around and see if anyone else needed aid. Is there anything you need help with? From what I just heard, you're running out of stock?”

Hestia perked up. “Oh, yes! It's going a lot quicker than we expected. We're even running out of potato's. Yet we can't bring over the rest of our stock from the central storage, with how busy and crowded the streets are right now...”

“I see, I believe that shouldn't be too difficult. I shall inform the baroness.”

“W-what..? Surely you don't need to bother the baroness with such trivial things?”

“It's by milady's own orders.” The man said, smiling at Hestia. Then taking a short bow at the Noelle and friends, after which he left.

Hestia turned to them as well. “Sorry, I didn't expect that... ehm. Can I get you something else in the meantime?” She'd ask.


Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf – No specific goals given.

Bloody Delicious
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall - Butchery.
From: Medieval meat shop, illustration Stock Illustration

Erkan Flann

Meanwhile, Soreiel would've found the place that was serving the most free samples by far. The Butchery. “This here, lass, are some of Ryke's finest smoked meats and jerky. Just try them and I'll assure you, you'll be convinced from the first bite.” The butcher would state, upon seeing her pass by whilst eyeing the samples.
Mentions & Goals:
Noelle Tellussoil Tellussoil – No specific goals given.

Food and Drinks at the The Keg
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg


“Orange lemonade...” The woman repeated, in a manner that suggested that this wasn't a common order. “We should have oranges, I'll go check.” She stated, before heading off to the kitchen.

Around the same time, a beast man walked into the inn.


He'd nod at the Noelle and the others. “Good morning.” He'd stated, although he didn't take a seat.

Hestia was soon to return. “I'm sorry, we don't have oranges at the moment. Can I get you something else instead?” She'd ask Noelle, before spotting Lowrence. “Ah, advisor, how can I help you?” She'd ask.

The beastman smiled. “It's the opposite. The baroness asked us to walk around and see if anyone else needed aid. Is there anything you need help with? From what I just heard, you're running out of stock?”

Hestia perked up. “Oh, yes! It's going a lot quicker than we expected. We're even running out of potato's. Yet we can't bring over the rest of our stock from the central storage, with how busy and crowded the streets are right now...”

“I see, I believe that shouldn't be too difficult. I shall inform the baroness.”

“W-what..? Surely you don't need to bother the baroness with such trivial things?”

“It's by milady's own orders.”
The man said, smiling at Hestia. Then taking a short bow at the Noelle and friends, after which he left.

Hestia turned to them as well. “Sorry, I didn't expect that... ehm. Can I get you something else in the meantime?” She'd ask.


Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf – No specific goals given.

Bloody Delicious
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall - Butchery.
From: Medieval meat shop, illustration Stock Illustration

Erkan Flann

Meanwhile, Soreiel would've found the place that was serving the most free samples by far. The Butchery. “This here, lass, are some of Ryke's finest smoked meats and jerky. Just try them and I'll assure you, you'll be convinced from the first bite.” The butcher would state, upon seeing her pass by whilst eyeing the samples.

Soreiel looked at the butcher, she did eye the meats he was carving as she groaned from her stomach rumbling. A small stream of drool leaving the corner of her mouth before she wiped it away. “Please sir, do not tempt me to indulge my hunger, I have just been freed from being a slave and do not wish to return to such a state as I have no money to pay for anything” She replied trying to turn away from the meat, but her hunger slowly overpowering her.
Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf – No specific goals given. \ Earn food.

Bloody Delicious
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall - Butchery.
From: Medieval meat shop, illustration Stock Illustration

Erkan Flann

“A former slave?” He replied, a tad surprised to hear that, more so with how direct and outright it was stated. “Well, we don't do slavery here, but I can make you a great deal.” He pointed at the fair. “See all these folk? Barely any of them are giving any attention to my fine wares here. However, I bet if I had someone lure them in, telling them about how great the meats are, I'd double the amount of people in no-time. Care to take on the job? Of course, you can help yourself to some of free samples beforehand. Wouldn't want to have someone with a growling stomach promote food to others she can't eat herself.” He offered. Although she did look a bit odd, underdressed and overtailed, he did think she might be able to bring in some more customers.


Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Saviour of Golden Wheat, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>

Gunhild didn't understand Zeouli's questioning of her weird habits as she simply lazed on Teuihua's shoulder seeming that she wasn't going to be going anywhere anytime soon. At least Metalmans was warm and could do all the walking around for the moments, it made a perfect resting place that she could continue assisting to protect Rosalia. Although, there wasn't any danger around to be seen that mattered. Rosalia spoke of food, but since she wasn't allowed to run off on her own to essentially start picking at whatever stands she could find offering things that interested her attention span, she would just have to continue sitting around until something came up.

Grumbling and stretching on Teuihua's shoulder, she laid the lengthwise and rested her head against his as she sleepily looked to Rosalia thinking about Regula instead before getting a curious idea. Since Prettyrose was Prettybirdie's mother, Prettyrose knew all the smarts about Prettybirdie, maybe she could tell stuff that Prettybirdie likes. Then, Gunhild will truly be the bestestest Gunhild, and would know all the knows for invading Prettybirdie's castle to save her from unhappiness.

"Prettyrose, what do's a Prettybirdie ReguLady likes? How Gunhild do's the bestest happies for Prettybirdie ReguLady?? How do Prettybirdie be when smol Prettybirdie baby?" Gunhild blatantly asked.

Size change F (4'1")
Mentions & Goals:
Gunhild Femboy Femboy – Guard Rosalia.




Rosalia smiled when Gunhild suddenly asked about what Regula liked. She did like talking about her daughter, but in this case, she felt a tad emboldened by the fact that these two seemed to be among the closest friends of Regula. “Come down for a bit and I'll whisper you some secrets~” She replied to Gunhild.

Should Gunhild do so, Rosalia would provide her with some valuable information. “For some reason, I think she really likes to touch tails. I'm not sure why, but I think it might feel comfortable to her.” Rosalia shared, having noticed the odd habit her daughter had picked up at some point.

No longer whispering, she'd state some other things. “As for what else she likes... Well, I know she hates having cold feet at night, so something that might help her keep her feet warm might be something she'd like? She also likes to work at the forge on new projects, even though she doesn't have much time for it. She enjoys walking through nature or going on trips. I also think she enjoys trying out new food? She never did care too much about shopping for clothing or accessories though.”

She smiled at Gunhild's seeming intention to make Regula happy. “I'm pretty sure that the two of you being good friends to her, like now, is already making her really happy.” Ah, that reminded her of something. She'd gesture for Gunhild to lean in so she could whisper to her again. “That reminds me, I'm sure Regula is holding back on being herself a lot when in public, as she's nervous about how she's perceived due to being a baroness. I'm sure she'd be a lot more relaxed and at ease if she's among just her friends or if you'd find her alone.”

Finally, her favourite topic arrived, Regula as a child. “Oh, she was adorable~ I still recall how hard she worked when she was still delivering bread. Running across the entire town on an empty stomach... It felt bad to have to sent her off like that, but I'm also proud out how well she did and how far she's come from there. She was also very mature for her age. She seemed to understand my job and its implications even when young. Then she got the deal with mister Rossle all by herself as well. I think her only flaw was that she never seemed to be willing or able to make friends when she was young, always working on something or for someone. It's why I'm really glad she has so many friends now.”
Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf – No specific goals given. \ Earn food.

Bloody Delicious
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall - Butchery.
From: Medieval meat shop, illustration Stock Illustration

Erkan Flann

“A former slave?” He replied, a tad surprised to hear that, more so with how direct and outright it was stated. “Well, we don't do slavery here, but I can make you a great deal.” He pointed at the fair. “See all these folk? Barely any of them are giving any attention to my fine wares here. However, I bet if I had someone lure them in, telling them about how great the meats are, I'd double the amount of people in no-time. Care to take on the job? Of course, you can help yourself to some of free samples beforehand. Wouldn't want to have someone with a growling stomach promote food to others she can't eat herself.” He offered. Although she did look a bit odd, underdressed and overtailed, he did think she might be able to bring in some more customers.

Soreiel grumbled as her stomach protested once again, loud enough that the butcher could easily hear it. “So if I want food all I have to do is help you sell your butchered meat?” She asked curiously as she considered the deal. She eyes all the meats scanning the table, she then looked at him holding her stomach. “What would you suggest I start with?” She asked

Languages: “Common” “+Mict+” “%Analog%”
Interactions: Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario

Teuihua felt like he said the correct thing, regardless. He knew that Regula likely did not need the extra distraction at the moment.

Teuihua wasn’t bothered by Gunhild tapping and contorting on him, he also wasn’t bothered by her questions, he had quite a bit of patience.

“I believe it would be more accurate to say this bread is made from a very old recipe from many years ago. I am uncertain how many, but it is many. The bread itself would have been made recently however.”

“The bread is a different kind of bread, it is not like some of the breads I’ve seen here which are very risen."

Unfortunately Teuihua wasn’t really sure what several of the things which Gunhild just name dropped even were. What was a ice cream? What was a cookie? What was cotton candy? The golem didn’t have mict equivalents. He did look back at her as she stared.

“I..am sure there are other food options available at the fair which we have not explored yet.” that was a safe reply not really knowing what she was talking about.

Teuihua nodded at Zeouli’s expression of happiness.

“+Very well then I’ll look into it.+”

“+ Yes, I imagine Ringo would like that. Thank you.+”

“+Gunhild has mannerisms which are in part inherent to her being a [Beast], she also quite enjoys the prospect of sustenance. It is nothing to worry about, she’s inquiring about the prospect of..erm. ‘Ice cream’ ‘cookie’ and ‘cotton candy’. Apparently they are..I presume treats of some kind from this time.+”
Teuihua gave very literal sounding equivalents in Mict.

Teuihua nodded Rosalia’s way after she tried it. “Indeed, perhaps it is an acquired taste to some, it is not as complicated as some of the breads which I have seen by this time, but i can attest I have seen many survive off of it with very difficult manual labor as their daily task, so it is most definitely hearty and will stave off starvation.” Unfortunately it didn’t entirely look like Rosalia knew about the food which was being name dropped either.

He continued to allow Gunhild to rest on him. “I am glad that you find me comfortable enough Gunhild.” He commented.

He would also translate, “Zeouli is happy that you appreciate her work.”

“If it would be possible we also discussed the prospect of Zeouli learning common. While I am proficient I am not perfect, I believe a native speak would be most helpful, while I do not want to impose of course, is there any one you would know of who would be open to assisting for such a task?”

Teuihua asked Rosalia at the right opportunity, while he stood on guard during the conversation she was having with Gunhild.
Aedrianna Belmonte


Aedriannna followed the group excitedly, her fingers running through Hiruqs fur as she walked alongside him. When they were seated, and the servers rushed to them Aedri was a little caught up in the moment. It had been a while since she'd gone out to eat at a place. She was looking around in awe at the crowds and the smells. The scent of the meat alone had her mouthwatering. When she heard Noelle request orange lemonade, she blinked with wide curious eyes. After only a moment's hesitation she held her hand up, speaking politely and somewhat meekly.

"Oh..Excuse me? I'm sorry....W..would you happen to have Pink Lemonade? If that's too much trouble I'd be happy to try the orange lemonade with Miss Noelle." She smiled and waved her hand as if to say don't worry too much about it. "Oh but, a burger and fries for me would be amazing. And whatever Brandy wants and Miss Sori-" Aedrianna glanced to her other side to see what the nine tailed fox might want to eat. It was then she finally noticed that the young woman hadn't joined them. At first she felt her heart clench with fear, and she nearly stood up and ran out the door. But with a moment of thought, she considered what might have happened. Sorieiel was a free fox now after all. She was free to wander the fair and enjoy her time. That was fine. although she worried a little. Her hand went out to stroke Hiruq out of habit. The lady had already left to try and fulfill Noelles order. "Well, Brandy, what do you want to eat? I'll take care of it this time! Same for you Miss Noelle! I don't mind at all." She smiled to them, before her attention went to the beastman that had just entered. She nodded politely back to him, unable to hide the interest he'd piqued. She was a little rude and overheard him speaking about a Baroness checking in. When she realized that perhaps she was being a little obtuse by eavesdropping, she shook her head and looked back to her party members. "I think I would like to try and find somewhere to write a letter to Griffin to. Maybe some nice stationary to use. But I would love to be able to talk to a vendor about making a deal and getting some more of these hair pigment dyes out on the market. What do you guys want to do here?"

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Kikimura Kikimura Tellussoil Tellussoil

Kitty giggled to herself with giddy as she read the menu, happily hearing that she's about to get a free meal. Her nose was working over time, sniffing around for all the scents, her tail whipping around happily as her ears tweaked a bit.

"I'll take your biggest fattest burger and some chips! Hm ... And I'll take beer! Or rum! aNya kind of alcoholic drink is perfect mhmhm!" She cuddled up to Aedri a bit, kind of jealous that Hiruq was getting all of the attention here. She pressed her head against Aedri's, her tail swaying a bit slower as she giggled. Clearly it has been pretty long since she was in her greatest friends company. Even a small curious purr escaped Brandy's lips which she did her best to hide.

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Moonberry Moonberry Tellussoil Tellussoil
Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf – No specific goals given. \ Earn food.

Bloody Delicious
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall - Butchery.
From: Medieval meat shop, illustration Stock Illustration

Erkan Flann

The man looked at Soreiel as he was starting to get a little confused. He had told her she could eat the samples, he had told her she could try things out first as a prepayment, yet she still hadn't eaten. Was that the kind of sceptic attitude one gained from having been a slave? He thought for a moment, until he suddenly had an idea that'd work greatly for the both of them. “How about this.” He handed her a large bag of cold meats. The type of spiced and herbed ones that you'd have cold as a snack that I can't find an English translation for for the life of me.

“You take these, head out onto the Fair to some busy places. Then you eat some and loudly exclaim something along the lines of 'Oh my, the Butcher was right, there are Bloody Delicious!' or perhaps something like 'This is the best thing I've ever had! I should tell all my friends to go visit the butchery here!' loudly enough for everyone around you to hear it.” He was pretty happy with how clever he thought that plan was. A pretty lady prizing his meat and exclaiming she wanted more of it was sure to bring in customers.


Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Guard Rosalia.


The names of the food that Gunhild was looking for were entirely lost in translation. “+She wishes to consume some type of ice.. cotton and... baby roosters?+” Those were the things she related to the words 'ice cream' 'cotton candy' and 'cookie'. “+I would not think such things to ever become delicacies.+”




She nodded at Teuihua's explanation. “Perhaps it would go nice with some other things. Like melted cheeses or dried tomato... I think I had a dish like that once before. A weirdly flat bread with some things on top.”

A gentle smile would find its way to Zeouli upon the confirmation that her appreciation made the construct happy. The topic of learning Common intrigued her. “I think I'd have a few free moments left to teach her myself, if you'd want me too. Otherwise, I thnk she could meet up with Saffron during her breaks, she's a native Sylvan speaker, but I think her Common is almost at a native speaking as well by now. There might be some others, but I'd have to ask them first.”

With that said, she looked around. “Anyhow, please tell Zeouli it's been lovely to see her stand and try her bread. I'd like to move on now, though, as there's a lot more to see~” She'd state, as she'd want to move around the Fair a bit more. In particular, she was interest in heading towards whomever had decided to bring a flock of sheep into town.


Aedrianna Moonberry Moonberry – No specific goals given.
Brandy Kikimura Kikimura – No specific goals given.

Food and Drinks at the The Keg
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg


Hestia wasn't having the greatest time. Being busy was one thing, but customers asking for exotic fruit juices like oranges and whatever 'pink lemonade' was, was not the greatest for the time being. “I'm sorry, I've got no clue what that is. Is that something they serve in the Duchy?” That magic nation was the most likely suspect for serving anything she'd never even heard of. “I'm sure the oranges will be here shortly.” She'd reply to the latter part.

“A burger and fries, coming right up~” She'd ask, clearly happy she got an order they could actually serve easily. That cheer continued when Brandy proved to be the ideal customer. Other than not knowing what 'chips' were... “Chips? Anyhow, I can suggest our Sootspire's Stout, it's one of the best ale's in the barony and we got a whole Keg of it especially for today.”
Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf – No specific goals given. \ Earn food.

Bloody Delicious
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall - Butchery.
From: Medieval meat shop, illustration Stock Illustration

Erkan Flann

The man looked at Soreiel as he was starting to get a little confused. He had told her she could eat the samples, he had told her she could try things out first as a prepayment, yet she still hadn't eaten. Was that the kind of sceptic attitude one gained from having been a slave? He thought for a moment, until he suddenly had an idea that'd work greatly for the both of them. “How about this.” He handed her a large bag of cold meats. The type of spiced and herbed ones that you'd have cold as a snack that I can't find an English translation for for the life of me.

“You take these, head out onto the Fair to some busy places. Then you eat some and loudly exclaim something along the lines of 'Oh my, the Butcher was right, there are Bloody Delicious!' or perhaps something like 'This is the best thing I've ever had! I should tell all my friends to go visit the butchery here!' loudly enough for everyone around you to hear it.” He was pretty happy with how clever he thought that plan was. A pretty lady prizing his meat and exclaiming she wanted more of it was sure to bring in customers.


Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Guard Rosalia.


The names of the food that Gunhild was looking for were entirely lost in translation. “+She wishes to consume some type of ice.. cotton and... baby roosters?+” Those were the things she related to the words 'ice cream' 'cotton candy' and 'cookie'. “+I would not think such things to ever become delicacies.+”




She nodded at Teuihua's explanation. “Perhaps it would go nice with some other things. Like melted cheeses or dried tomato... I think I had a dish like that once before. A weirdly flat bread with some things on top.”

A gentle smile would find its way to Zeouli upon the confirmation that her appreciation made the construct happy. The topic of learning Common intrigued her. “I think I'd have a few free moments left to teach her myself, if you'd want me too. Otherwise, I thnk she could meet up with Saffron during her breaks, she's a native Sylvan speaker, but I think her Common is almost at a native speaking as well by now. There might be some others, but I'd have to ask them first.”

With that said, she looked around. “Anyhow, please tell Zeouli it's been lovely to see her stand and try her bread. I'd like to move on now, though, as there's a lot more to see~” She'd state, as she'd want to move around the Fair a bit more. In particular, she was interest in heading towards whomever had decided to bring a flock of sheep into town.


Aedrianna Moonberry Moonberry – No specific goals given.
Brandy Kikimura Kikimura – No specific goals given.

Food and Drinks at the The Keg
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg


Hestia wasn't having the greatest time. Being busy was one thing, but customers asking for exotic fruit juices like oranges and whatever 'pink lemonade' was, was not the greatest for the time being. “I'm sorry, I've got no clue what that is. Is that something they serve in the Duchy?” That magic nation was the most likely suspect for serving anything she'd never even heard of. “I'm sure the oranges will be here shortly.” She'd reply to the latter part.

“A burger and fries, coming right up~” She'd ask, clearly happy she got an order they could actually serve easily. That cheer continued when Brandy proved to be the ideal customer. Other than not knowing what 'chips' were... “Chips? Anyhow, I can suggest our Sootspire's Stout, it's one of the best ale's in the barony and we got a whole Keg of it especially for today.”

Soreiel looked at him a bit confused but took the bag anyways, she then opened and took a few sniffs. “Hmmm… beef, pork, I think deer, and some other flavors, plenty of herbs and spices, seems most of them are on the meat links” she replied before looking at him again “very well sir, you have a deal” she replied and left to enjoy her snacks.

She found a public place with many people walking around and she started eating the Snack meats and exclaiming the deliciousness of the meats and where she got them as she rather quickly devoured them from her hunger.


Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>

Gunhild wasn't really sure how a bread recipe from a long time ago made such a different kind of bread when all kinds of bread should've just been the same anyway, but the fact that Zeouli had procured a new type of bread was still a very delicious discovery. Though, grumbling that the two didn't seem to get the treats she was talking about when it was one of the few things she called their default name, she was wondering if such things were truly a rare or unknown delicacy in this world.
"Icy Cream?? Makes milkies thick, like yummy snows?? Is simplys. Candy cotton, like pink floofa, yummy pink floofa. Is good. Metalmans and Prettyrose not a knows??" Gunhild asked in confusion, out of all the things to understand they seemed like such simple and obvious concepts. Even Gunhild could understand them... to an extent of being able to recognise them at least. Sighing and huffing as she slouched on Teuihua, she gently rubbed her cheek against his as she grovelled quietly.

"Metalmans bestest rock, Gunhild knows. Metalmans bestestest rock friend for the all times. Gunhild do a smarts know" Gunhild answered to Teuihua's point about finding him comfy, further affirming with him by snuggling on his shoulder for a brief moment before Rosalia had tempted her with Regula-related secrets in order to be the goodest friend-Gunhild to Regula. Deciding that such information was of immediate importance and that Rosalia was telling her to come down and close to hear such secret information, Gunhild once again threw herself off Teuihua face-first to the ground as the fastest way to get off the big construct. Immediately recovering and leaning in to hear, Gunhild's tail began wagging and thumping at the ground at such information only to blatantly flatline on her facial expression when the coveted info just turned out to be Regula's very obvious tail fascination. Though, at least the other things she had to say were a lot more helpful.

"Gunhild do a good do, thankies Prettyrosie" Gunhild said, supposing she'd have to figure a way to use said information when she perhaps invades her way into the Baroness' keep later. Maybe she could use big floofy tail to make her happy, or fix her cold feet problem. Big fluffy Gunhild is fluffy and warm. Rather intrigued about little baby-lady ReguLady and almost wanting to pester more about a little Regula, Gunhild considered what she could ask about to hear more stuff that might be important to being the bestestest Gunhild to Regula or making her the big happies.
"Metalmans! Gunhild backs nows. Metalmans and Gunhilds friends to-gethies one a time mores!" Gunhild hummed with a smile, scuttling back over to the construct and clambering back onto his perfect lounging-spot that was his shoulder as she thought about things to ask Rosalia that might be interesting to know. Wondering if there was anything interesting in the air, Gunhild took a whiff for anything interesting or if she somehow picked out a familiar scent amongst everything. Lazing back on the construct's shoulder, she slumped her head back against his as she stared at Rosalia. For some reason, she felt like she was already told why Regula had wings but her mother didn't, but just couldn't remember with her little brain. Little ReguBaby must've not been a bird too, wonder if there was any way to see what that looked like. Thinking for a moment and utilising as much brain power as possible, Gunhild tried to ask a question.

"Prettyrosie has ReguBaby pick-oorsies?" Gunhild blankly answered.
"What ReguBabybirdie looksies whens is smols babi?" she added.

1. Size Change F (4'11")+Energized (F)
2. Heightened Sense (F)+Energized (F)
3. Climbing (E)

Languages: “Common” “+Mict+” “%Analog%”

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

Teuihua nodded, “+They are strange words which I am unfamiliar with I am afraid, perhaps cotton describes the texture of the food, at least ice is edible, the last one is very confusing, perhaps ‘cookie’ is a type of meat.+” the golem replied finding it equally confounding.

He looked to Rosalia and would have smiled if it was possible for him too. “ MeltedCheese or dried tomato? I could see that combination being pleasant, perhaps even some combination there of.”

“Thank you kindly, I will inform Zeouli of this information.I appreciate it.”
The construct replied warmly.

Teuihua would translate what Rosalia said regarding the prospect of Zeouli learning common. “+It sounds like there are options Zeouli, Rosalia herself has offered, there is also the possibility of Saffron spending some time with you to help teach you common, I imagine it will depend on your preference and schedules.+”

He gave another nod to Rosalia of confirmation before turning back to Zeouli.

“+Rosalia would like me to let you know that it has been lovely seeing your stand and trying your bread. We will be taking our leave, and I agree with her, thank you for contributing to Lady Caelia’s fair in a positive way.+”

Presumably before they headed to the next section, Teuihua would try his best to translate gunhildisms into what he understood about how she described the foods to Zeouli with the new found understanding even if it was somewhat confusing still as far as he was concerned.

"I see..those foods sound interesting, more pleasant than I would have imagined." He replied to Gunhild's explanations.

“Yes Gunhild you are very smart, I am very happy to have the best Gunhild as a best friend. I am happy to hear you still think so highly of me.” He replied warmingly at her nuzzling and affirmation of their friendship. He leaned his head toward her a bit too to reciprocate.

He was on the look out again, making sure that Gunhild was alright once again when she got off, to which she was as expected.

When Gunhild came back he continued, “Welcome back Gunhild.” this time with a bit of a chuckle. That was also a curious question, what did Regula look like when she was younger? Rosalia didn’t have wings, did Lady Caelia always have them or did they come through other means? Nevertheless the Golem was ready to move.
Aedrianna Belmonte


As Brandy snuggled up to Aedri, the young woman giggled. Her free hand that wasn't petting Hiruqs fur now moved to stroke Brandys hair, not unlike a sister might to a younger sibling. Although her fingers would of course give that extra scratch behind the velvety ears. She looked apologetically towards Hestia, realizing that she might have been a pesky customer there.

<"Don't drink too much Brandy. You'll miss the fair if you're too spun out. And I don't think Hiruq wants to carry you."> She spoke quietly to her friend, then looked over towards Noelle. "You remember Mister Kota? My friend Griffin told me that he'd met him in Okiro. Isn't that wonderful? Maybe we can all meet up again and go on an adventure together." She smiled excitedly, her fingers absently running through Brandys hair and Hiruqs fur as she talked. After a moment though, she did glance over her shoulder towards the door. As if waiting for someone to walk in. "I hope Miss Sori is okay. I don't think she's used to being on her own. But I don't want to take this away from her either." She tapped her chin then as if an idea suddenly appeared, her eyes lit up again. "Oh! She needs some new clothing! Maybe we can find her something pretty and comfortable to wear here! Would you guys like to see if we can find something for her? When we're done eating our burgers of course!" She chuckled, looking towards the kitchen with a hopeful gleam in her eyes. It really had been a long time since she'd had a burger.

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Tellussoil Tellussoil Kikimura Kikimura
Brandy felt Aedris hand connect with her head and happily closed her eyes, practically begging for attention. With each wave of her friends soft hands, and each scratch behind her ears, Brandy even let out the odd involuntary purr, blushing a bit but enjoying the attention.

"Sure! I wouldn't mind going clothes shopping ehe"

She cooed, continuing with the same thought; replying to Aedri-

"Oh don't worry! I don't plan on getting drunk hehe I'd hate to make my friends uncomfortable... At least at day time!"

She smiled brightly, looking up at Aedri with much appreciation for the invitation to this place. She missed her friend; life was getting quite lonely without Aedri.

Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Elvario Elvario Tellussoil Tellussoil
images (9).jpeg

Portal travel was awefully conveinient really. Going from the skies to here in a flash, really he'd have to take a sky dive and a hefty landing should he decide to come down the normal way. What with the Sky kingdom being in, well, the sky. But it was certainly worthwhile to actually go visit his pen pal and friend Regula. Someone whom he had multiple occasions wrote as "Regular" in their correspondence which was oft followed, when caught, by hurried erasure. Suffice to say, his approach was somewhat unannounced. But he didn't doubt he'd be able to see her.

If not, he was able to come later.

If not later, he guessed they could continue their continuous game of "Two Ships Passing in the Night" what with them missing each other at every opportunity. An annoying thing but he also wasn't exactly closed about his current location... She could have tried visiting him...

Well, she was busy being a Baronesss no doubt.

Nobility, he resisted the urge to spit upon a weed nestled on the side of the road, were busy sorts. And if he was to get anywhere with his efforts he'd have to try to understand the other side of the fence from one that wasn't horrible.

And he couldn't bother Eliza with it, so, why not use it as a flimsy excuse to visit the other white haired blue eyed noble woman he knew?


White haired women tend to be alot of his female friends now that he thought of it... And two were interested in him. Gods being good, Regula wont.

He needed no more complecations.

Spotting the... Keep? On the road, he figured he'd go introduce himself to the doorman, his name should clear up things enough to meet.

Yes, he was famous enough right?


Actually hes never been noticed on sight yet... Maybe he should do appearances or talk shows...?

Apptoaching the keep, Finn gave a small wave to the door guard. "'Lo there, is Regula in? Its Finnegan Huttman, she have time to chat or tea? Or whatever nobles do."
Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf – No specific goals given. \ Earn food.

Soreiel managed to draw enough attention to sent some folk in the direction of the butchery, full-filling her end of the bargain. However, she did also draw the attention of someone else.




The guard-woman approached Soreiel with a curious look. “You, feaster upon flesh! Who art thou? And why arth thou dresseth like thou areth primal?” She asked, pointing at Soreiel. “From whenced hast thou cometh into Stonewall?”


Mentions & Goals:
Gunhild Femboy Femboy – Guard Rosalia.
Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Guard Rosalia.




Rosalia was still confused, if anything, Gunhild's explanation made things more confusing. “I've never heard of such foods, I'm afraid.” She was a bit confused at the follow-up question. “Pick-oorsies?” That was one Gunhidism she wasn't able to translate. “Ah, what she looked like... Hmmm. She didn't have wings yet, she was a lot smaller, she had shorter hair, but it was already silver-coloured. She was almost permanently covered in sooth from the forge though, from the moment she started working at the forge. Before that, she used to be pretty pale and frail for a while.”


Zeouli nodded at Teuihua's explanation. She still didn't get it, but at least she wasn't alone. “+Thank you, I'll be looking forwards to the lessons.+” She'd reply to the offer of learning Common from Rosalia or Saffron.

Janja's Flock
Janja Berger


From: Anila

Cayde Ramminger

As they were heading for the sheep, however, one of them would instantly recognise Teuihua. He'd lower his head and stamp his hoof on the ground. It was already bad that so many people were touching his harem of ewes, but for an old challenger to arrive as well, that was truly outrageous!


Aedrianna Moonberry Moonberry – Find stationary. Hair dye pigment networking. Get Soreiel new clothing.
Brandy Kikimura Kikimura – No specific goals given.

Food and Drinks at the The Keg
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg


The girls didn't have to wait long for the food to be delivered. “Here you go, chef Todo's special burgers, fries and ale.” She'd put the food on the table for them. “Did you want something else to drink, or order?” She'd ask, unable to get them orange or pink soda. “We do have some other special drinks, like a cold tea sweetened with honey and some mead.”


Hiruq, meanwhile, had decided to plot down onto the ground and lay patiently next to the table. Eyeing the people moving around a bit lazily.


Finneagan Orikanyo Orikanyo – Meet Regula.

The guard at the keep would share some surprised looks upon hearing that name, but the Hero of Yemaya was known in this barony well enough. “Please wait, I'll go ask.” One of the guards said, heading into the castle.

Silvia Tebrick

It wasn't long after that a beast woman headed out. “Hmmm.” She stated, looking him up and down. “Yeah, you seem to fit the part. Name's Silvia. Nice to meet you mister Huttman.” She didn't seem to extend a hand to shake upon her introduction, though her tail did wag a bit faster. “The baroness is currently helping out at the Fair, but I think she was heading for the storage with Lowrence. Follow me.” She'd stated, as she'd start leading him back into the city proper. “So, if I might ask, what is your business with milady?”
Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf – No specific goals given. \ Earn food.

Soreiel managed to draw enough attention to sent some folk in the direction of the butchery, full-filling her end of the bargain. However, she did also draw the attention of someone else.




The guard-woman approached Soreiel with a curious look. “You, feaster upon flesh! Who art thou? And why arth thou dresseth like thou areth primal?” She asked, pointing at Soreiel. “From whenced hast thou cometh into Stonewall?”


Mentions & Goals:
Gunhild Femboy Femboy – Guard Rosalia.
Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Guard Rosalia.




Rosalia was still confused, if anything, Gunhild's explanation made things more confusing. “I've never heard of such foods, I'm afraid.” She was a bit confused at the follow-up question. “Pick-oorsies?” That was one Gunhidism she wasn't able to translate. “Ah, what she looked like... Hmmm. She didn't have wings yet, she was a lot smaller, she had shorter hair, but it was already silver-coloured. She was almost permanently covered in sooth from the forge though, from the moment she started working at the forge. Before that, she used to be pretty pale and frail for a while.”


Zeouli nodded at Teuihua's explanation. She still didn't get it, but at least she wasn't alone. “+Thank you, I'll be looking forwards to the lessons.+” She'd reply to the offer of learning Common from Rosalia or Saffron.

Janja's Flock
Janja Berger


From: Anila

Cayde Ramminger

As they were heading for the sheep, however, one of them would instantly recognise Teuihua. He'd lower his head and stamp his hoof on the ground. It was already bad that so many people were touching his harem of ewes, but for an old challenger to arrive as well, that was truly outrageous!


Aedrianna Moonberry Moonberry – Find stationary. Hair dye pigment networking. Get Soreiel new clothing.
Brandy Kikimura Kikimura – No specific goals given.

Food and Drinks at the The Keg
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg


The girls didn't have to wait long for the food to be delivered. “Here you go, chef Todo's special burgers, fries and ale.” She'd put the food on the table for them. “Did you want something else to drink, or order?” She'd ask, unable to get them orange or pink soda. “We do have some other special drinks, like a cold tea sweetened with honey and some mead.”


Hiruq, meanwhile, had decided to plot down onto the ground and lay patiently next to the table. Eyeing the people moving around a bit lazily.


Finneagan Orikanyo Orikanyo – Meet Regula.

The guard at the keep would share some surprised looks upon hearing that name, but the Hero of Yemaya was known in this barony well enough. “Please wait, I'll go ask.” One of the guards said, heading into the castle.

Silvia Tebrick

It wasn't long after that a beast woman headed out. “Hmmm.” She stated, looking him up and down. “Yeah, you seem to fit the part. Name's Silvia. Nice to meet you mister Huttman.” She didn't seem to extend a hand to shake upon her introduction, though her tail did wag a bit faster. “The baroness is currently helping out at the Fair, but I think she was heading for the storage with Lowrence. Follow me.” She'd stated, as she'd start leading him back into the city proper. “So, if I might ask, what is your business with milady?”

Soreiel look at the lady guard with a mouth that still had a meat link in it, she finished stuffing it in her mouth and chewing before swallowing. “First of all do you always look down upon strangers? Especially us beasts? Secondly, this outfit is literally the only thing I own as I am a former slave.” She replied before pulling out some cold cuts from the bag the butcher gave her and munched on those as well and swallowed once again. “And finally I arrived with a group of friends not too long ago and am trying to enjoy my food.” She looked the lady in her eyes as Soreiel clearly looked irritated “now is there anything else I can help you with or answer for you Miss Guard?”

"Hmm, Silvia..." he seemed to repeat the name as if locking it in his mind... But... If she had been working with Regula for long, a familiar gaze was upon her... Or... rather... Upon her tail... And ears. Hands opened, then lightly clentched as if scolded by managment for dareing to move to do something rude.

"A pleasure to meet you! I've just come from the Sky Kingdoms, just around Rotia just... Abit higher." He smiled brightly, it was abit blinding in a way just how he put on the boyish charm now and again. "Regula and I have been corresponding for awhile and since I'm free I thought I should break this little game of ours. Talking in letter but never meeting, our first meeting didn't really go so well, I figure making a second visit in plrasant times would be best." Yes his eyes were very much following that flowing lovely tail... Her rump was rather fine too... Ears tall and perked, they looked so soft...

...Focus Finneagan.

"I heard she has big ol wings now, must be troublesome to keep them clean. Probably similar to having a tail to brush." Yes, a lovely flowing swaying tail that teased to desire to touch yes.... He followed her, somewhat bewitched...
Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf – No specific goals given. \ Earn food.




The woman looked at Soreiel confused. “Thou and mine height areth equal, I shan't need to looketh upon thee from downeth or aboveth.” She proclaimed, possibly misunderstanding something. “Thou hast been beslaveth?!? I shallth slay the fiend that hath enslaveth thee!” She exclaimed upon learning that much. “If thou givest thee they name, I shalt challenge thee captor to honourable duel!”


Finneagan Orikanyo Orikanyo – Meet Regula. \ Catch up with Regula. \ Pet Tail?

Silvia Tebrick

“Hmmm. I see.” She replied to Finn. Her brows frowned a bit upon the next part. “She does have wings, but I've only met her with them, as we met only recently. You must've known her for a rather long time, if you've known her from before she became a Valkyrie.”

She was soon to lead him to a storage, where they'd find the woman in question, along with another man.


“... and finally, the inn was running out of most stock. Oranges, potatoes and onion in particular.”

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Languages: Common | +Mictlantecuhtlian+ | {Sylvan} | %Analog% | <Beastial>

“Alright, well done.” Regula replied, as she opened up a [Pocket Dimension] and had it swallow up various crates and boxed. “Right, where to first again..?” She asked, but before she could get an answer, Finn arrived. “Oh my, Finneagan. It's been a while. You... haven't changed all that much.” She stated, surprised to suddenly see him now of all times. “I'm a bit busy, but if you don't mind walking and talking for a bit, I'd love to catch up. How've you been?”


Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>

Gunhild simply couldn't help but be overjoyed and continue to revel in the affirmations of friendship that Teuihua had given her, continuing to press her cheek to his as she laid on his shoulder. Smiling and cheerfully rubbing against him as she gently squirmed laying on his shoulder, Gunhild made a very unintimidating high-pitched squeaky ' weh' like that of a baby crocodile. Looking to Rosalia as ahe spoke of a tinier Regula from the before times, Gunhild gently grumbled as she thought about a tiny little babybirdie Regula who wasn't a birdie.

"Hehehehe, babi-smol ReguLady, hehehehe-" Gunhild quietly chortled as if she was very much enjoying such thoughts of a tiny Regula, such thoughts and being with bestestest rock ever Teuihua was making this a very good day. Remaining lounged on the construct during their movement over to the sheep, the reptilian simply stared at all the floofy creatures. Moving to gently wrap her arms around Teuihua's neck as she nudged her cheek against him to get his attention, she pointed out a very obvious observation.

"Metalmans! Is poofa-lady ands poofas! Whenses poofa-lady do a ah-pair? Can touchs? Can pets poofa-lady? Peoplesies touchies poofas! Gunhild want touchs poofa-lady" Gunhild said as she gently swiped a claw in Janja's direction, before stopping and blankly staring at nothing as she mentally processed something else completely unrelated. With her arms back around the construct's neck and whether or not he would even face her, she stared directly at him.

"Metalmans, hows Metalmans do a eats? Metalmans eats breads, where go, hows? Metalmans burnsies breads do burnsies-eatsies? Metalmans eatsies all thingies? Metalmans cans do's hurty-tummys ifs do eats a do manys? Metalmans tasty's touchies? Metalmans tasties Gunhild nowses? Gunhild touch, is tasties now do Teuihua knows Gunhild tasties?" Gunhild asked the construct to know evermore from his infinite wealth of knowledge that was his big brain inside that bestestest rock-friend head.

1. Size change F (4'1")
Aedrianna Belmonte

Aedrianna smiled widely when Hestia returned with the burgers and chips. "Thank you so much miss!" She happily offered the appropriate amount of Ryken, already staring at the burger with hungry eyes. Her mind stretched, trying to remember the last time she'd had a burger. Even in her last life she'd been forced on diets and hardly ever allowed to eat so many calories. She nodded to Hestia and turned her entire focus on the burger. Her mouth was drooling. She'd devoured the thing three times over with her eyes. She glanced at the others for only a moment, before she picked the sandwich up and eagerly brought it to her parting lips. After a moment of chewing, she couldn't help the small moan of satisfaction that escaped her. It had been over twenty years since she'd had a burger. And finally, she was enjoying an authentic burger. Bless Chef Todo for bringing burgers to this world. She had a few tears coming to her eyes as she savored the flavor of the meat. It didn't take long for her to start enjoying the burger to the fullest. Bite after juicy bite, she'd fallen silent. Focused wholly on her food. It wasn't until she'd basically finished her sandwich that she finally looked up to check on how the others were enjoying theirs.

"This is very delicious! It's been a long time since I've had a burger." She sighed in content, glancing around the room curiously as she pulled a chip to her mouth. "Miss Noelle would you be up to looking at some new clothes? We might even find something that looks nice to do a performance in! If you wanted to maybe?" She gave an almost sly grin. As sly as Aedrianna could possibly look which wasn't really that much. There was really so much to do here, she was excited and perhaps overwhelming her new friends.

Goal: To enjoy the fair and do some business
Active Titles: Native, Intermediate Variant, Expert Businesswoman, Expert Artist, Youngest Daughter of Duchess Brysta

As the cart rolled to a stop at the outskirts of Stonewall, Eliza breathed a sigh of relief, feeling the tension of the journey melt away with each passing moment. The journey had been long, the road arduous, but finally, they had arrived at their destination—a destination teeming with promise and opportunity.

Stretching her arms with a satisfied sigh, Eliza cast her gaze over the verdant landscape that stretched out before her. The fertile grass swayed gently in the breeze, a testament to the prosperity that seemed to thrive within the very soil of this land. And towering above it all, the sturdy walls of Stonewall stood sentinel, their imposing presence a testament to the resilience and determination of its people.

With a determined step, Eliza made her way towards the town gate, her excitement palpable in the air around her. She was eager to immerse herself in the festivities that awaited within, to sample the delights of the fair and perhaps even strike a bargain or two of her own.

Approaching the gate, Eliza greeted the guard with a warm smile, her voice laced with polite courtesy. "Good day, sir," she began, her tone as smooth as silk. "My name is Eliza of House Brysta, and I've come to partake in the fair. I trust all my affairs are in order, but please, do let me know if there are any issues."

With a graceful motion, Eliza signalled to one of her guards, who stepped forward to present the necessary documentation. Meanwhile, Eliza herself retrieved her family seal—a magnificent emblem wrought in gleaming gold, a symbol of her noble lineage and unwavering authority. [Nobility A]

As she handed over the documents and pressed her seal into the awaiting parchment, Eliza couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation coursing through her veins. The air was thick with possibility, and she was ready to seize every opportunity that lay ahead. With a confident smile, she awaited the guard's response, eager to begin her exploration of Stonewall and all it had to offer.

Elvario Elvario
Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf – No specific goals given. \ Earn food.




The woman looked at Soreiel confused. “Thou and mine height areth equal, I shan't need to looketh upon thee from downeth or aboveth.” She proclaimed, possibly misunderstanding something. “Thou hast been beslaveth?!? I shallth slay the fiend that hath enslaveth thee!” She exclaimed upon learning that much. “If thou givest thee they name, I shalt challenge thee captor to honourable duel!”


Finneagan Orikanyo Orikanyo – Meet Regula. \ Catch up with Regula. \ Pet Tail?

Silvia Tebrick

“Hmmm. I see.” She replied to Finn. Her brows frowned a bit upon the next part. “She does have wings, but I've only met her with them, as we met only recently. You must've known her for a rather long time, if you've known her from before she became a Valkyrie.”

She was soon to lead him to a storage, where they'd find the woman in question, along with another man.


“... and finally, the inn was running out of most stock. Oranges, potatoes and onion in particular.”

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Languages: Common | +Mictlantecuhtlian+ | {Sylvan} | %Analog% | <Beastial>

“Alright, well done.” Regula replied, as she opened up a [Pocket Dimension] and had it swallow up various crates and boxed. “Right, where to first again..?” She asked, but before she could get an answer, Finn arrived. “Oh my, Finneagan. It's been a while. You... haven't changed all that much.” She stated, surprised to suddenly see him now of all times. “I'm a bit busy, but if you don't mind walking and talking for a bit, I'd love to catch up. How've you been?”

“Sorry but we are both late on the part, he’s already dead, died at the hands of the guards of Nan pass village in the beast kingdom. It’s a shame though, I was really looking forward to ripping him apart myself” she sighed

She soon finished her bag of cold cuts and stood up “well it was nice meeting you but I must return this to the butcher and find my friends” Soreiel added as she did a small spin and bowed with an arm across her chest, her nine tails standing straight up as she did, her movements reminiscent of her slave days.
Mentions & Goals:
Gunhild Femboy Femboy – Guard Rosalia.
Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Guard Rosalia.




She looked up to Gunhild, hearing the woman speak. “I do believe you'd have to ask the lady herself, rather than your friend, if you want to touch her. Although I think the intention is to pet the sheep, not her.” She stated at an almost motherly tone.

She'd give the right example by leaning down to stroke the fleece of one of the sheep. “Oh my, they really are as soft and woolly as they look.”

Janja's Flock
Janja Berger


From: Anila

“Of course, of course! My sheep have the best wool ever!” She looked at Teuihua and Gunhild. “You two can check it out for yourselves as well, if you'd want, the sheep are really tame... Wait... don't I know you from somewhere?” She'd ask Teuihua.

Cayde Ramminger

The on who recognised Teuihua even more was the ram. Whom was now jotting its head up and down, stomping its feet and snorting at the construct. He was clearly challenging the construct to an honourable duel.


Aedrianna Moonberry Moonberry – Find stationary. Hair dye pigment networking. Get Soreiel new clothing.

Food and Drinks at the The Keg
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg


As the dog was smelling the scents of food brought in and delivered, curiosity got the better of him. He'd give a soft 'grrmm' sound, pressing his nose against Aedrianna. It seemed like Aedrianna wasn't the only one interested in the taste of burgers.


Eliza – Enjoy the fair. \ Make some deals.

Upon noticing they were dealing with someone of noble lineage, the guards looked around, seemingly not entirely sure what to do for a moment. One of them ran off and eventually returned with a more senior looking guard.

Ezekiel Hayward

“Ah, good morning madam. Apologies for the hold-up.” He'd greet her, as he went through the documents himself. “All seems to be in order. If you wouldn't mind a quick scan...” He'd state, holding up one of the black orbs used to check for titles. With festivities like these, one couldn't be too careful. He hoped she'd understand as much.

“Just a warning, the streets are fairly crowded, so perhaps you'd wish to leave you cart near the outskirts of town instead of trying to get it closer to its centre, where you might be unable to turn around, which reminds me, were you hoping to set up a stand as well? There should still be some spots available, although getting everything there might be a hassle at this time of day.”


Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf – No specific goals given. \ Earn food.




“Me and mine seeeth doest thou evil hath been vanquished, my felloweth guards in lands yonder hath done a spledith worketh!” She proclaimed upon what Soreiel told her.

Bloody Delicious
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall - Butchery.
From: Medieval meat shop, illustration Stock Illustration

Erkan Flann

“Well done!” The butcher would call out upon her return. “It seems you gave people just the heads-up they needed to come figure out how high quality my meats are!”

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