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Fandom Steven Universe RP

Milky Quartz imitated Amazonite and took Crystal and Lead's hands. A sonic boom propagate trough the valley and the 4 gems where on there road to the crystal temple
Crystal quartz walks with the three other gems. She looked at almost everything. Everything interested her. She looked at milky quartz. "Everything is so beauitful..." 
Milky Quartz didn't saw much at the supersonic speed they were traveling, but she could understood what Crystal Quartz ment. " earth sure is a beautiful place . Sad homeworld.." She couldn't finish her sentence. They brutally stooped before the sculpture of a giant fusion with a mask and eight arm, protecting a little wooden yellow house
Crystal nods "there....it is.. She stepped forward looking at the rocky giant fusion. She put her second pair of hands on her hips and the other pair of hands in front of her.  Her white curls bounced as her blue eyes gleam in anticpation. "Lets go its been a longtime since ive seen the inside of it!" She smiled showing her pure white teeth. Her skin shimmers in the sunlight as a pure sparkly white. She slid her plain slippers off and slipped her feet into the sand making it squish around her feet and somewhat between her toes. "Sand....how i love it.." Sighs thinking of the a memory with matt. they were sitting on the beach and matt stood up and kicked off his sandels and slipped his feet in the warm sand. "You try." He smirks as the the wind blows his brown hair into his eyes "dang it thats annoying" He says jokingly. She giggled and slid off her slippers and she jumps into the sand she squeals and she slips and matt catches her. "new feeling huh?" He smiles holding her waist. "Yes..." She whispers and looks into his green eyes.  Her imaging ended as she looks seeing the 3 gems stare. "Well um..." She stuttered then spoke again. "What are we waiting for?!" She started walking towards from the beach to the little house on the hill. 
milky's light green eyes crossed crystal's deep blue. She knew how it felt to lose someone you were attached to. Milky was really bad at talking, forget express her feeling, but Crystal had been friendly to the light grey gem since she met her. And milky missed having a friend. She walked faster to catch up with Crystal. " I know what you feel." Whispered she, nervously playing with her star shaped earrings, " it's ok to think about it. In a certain way, remembering people... Keeps them alive." Milky Quartz stopped, not really knowing what to say to make Crystal Quartz feel better. " I just wanted to say that... I'm here if you need me"
Crystal smiles "thank you thats very kind milky quartz...im glad to have you as a friend..." She looks up as her blue eyes gleam. She takes milkys hand off her ear "im also glad i have someone to relate to. She then nodded "matt is always alive in my heart. 
Milky smiled. " yeah". She said, looking at the sea. The blue sea. Like the sky. Like Crystal eyes. Like Arctic blue, always here for here. The rose shells, like tourmaline, who worried more about trying to make a mess of milky long grey straight hair than the war. The green grass like jade, always smiling. The yellow sand, like topaz, smart and determined. And the black rocks like obsidian, big muscles and big heart. In a certain way, the people you love are never far away." A friend"
Lead stopped hyper speed jump right by the temple, making small sound wave slide across the beach. Amazonite let go of his arm, looking up on the giant rock statue.

"So this is how it looks... The crystal fusion..." Lead looked on Amazonite, confused, but Amazonite was silent.

"Wow... This is the base of the crystal gems?" Lead tried to lighten up the mood, and created science. "It looks... abanomed, well, except for that little wooden house" And Lead realized what house was.
"Well it is 5000 years old"

(ps:shouldn't someone play Steven and the crystal gem at this point? I'm ok with doing it if no one of you want to do it)
Crystal quartz smiled and looked thru the window of the small house "this is a base?" She gripped the pannel and looked closely. "It doesnt look intirely abandoned though?"  She paused hearing a noise from the inside she used her finger she shifted it into a key to open the door whe made her finger fit perfectly and she twisted it. "come on...but lets keep a look at hmm."she walked threw she two her weapon sword from her gem and glared around keeping a close eye. Being a gem warrior she had sharp reflects she was on guard she looked behind her seeing the other three gems her guard off she was pinned down by the saphire and ruby fusion known as garnet. Crystal groaned "what is the meaning of this!" She kicked garnet off not using as much strength as she thought. She then stood up and grabbed her sword about to stab garnet but stops imediately remembering the gem war she was infront with rose being one of the stronger gems including bismuth she held her sword and crystal sheild suddenly at of no where a diamond warrior jasper  stabs her but doesnt completely shatter her pearl grabs crystals gem and runs the opposite way thats all she remembered...
"Hey!" Milky Quartz summoned her boots, giving her a speed boost, and runner after pearl. The Milky Quartz 's were quick and agile by nature she jump above garnet and tried to take crystal Quartz's gem back. Pearl summoned her spear and throw it at milky, who had just the time to dodge the attack. She kicked pearl legs, and grabbed Crystal Quartz while pearl hitter the ground. She tried to join amazonite and lead glass when she felt a gauntlet on her arm. Before she knew it she landed brutally at the other side of the room, on the temple's door. "My bag!"milky screamed. The black and red  backpack was laying near the warp pad, the bubbled gems of her friends rolling on the floor. She tried to grab it back, holding Crystal firmly, but a purple whip wrapped around her chest and sent her back in her gem
Crystal transformed she towered over amethyst being the same size as rose quartz she summoned her sword and raised her sword and striked the whip snapping it. "EXPLAIN! WHY ARE YOU IN THE CRYSTAL GEM TEMPLE!" She yelled as she grapped milkys hand pulling her up. 
Amazonite and Lead Glass yelled hardly

"PEARL!" As echo vibrated through house, silencing all battle at once. Amazonite looked at Crystal gems.

"Pe-Pearl, we don't want to fight. Explain, where is Rose Quartz" Amazonite said, holding happy tears. Lead lightly hovered over to Crystal, sending powerful sonic impulse via his hand, as shape-shift form collapsed at once.

"I wonder where is Bismuth..." Lead Glass whispered quietly, looking around. This didn't look like base, nothing like an aggressive base. Like a... house?
"Thanks for saving me" said milky Quartz to crystal Quartz.the amethyst who had attacked her didn't seem to be hostile anymore. The other crystal gems seemed to be focuses on amazonite. They probably knew each other. Then she heard a soft voice coming from a little mezzanine near the front door. " pearl? Garnet? Amethyst ? What's happening?" Said the sleepy voice. " i-it's nothing Steven, go back to sleep"
Crystal quartz stood firm she looked at the gem. "My fellow crystal gems i am... Crystal quartz former warrior in the crystal gem army..i am a alive and healed." She summoned her sword and sheild back to her gem and stood towering over the other gems being smaller but strong. She was the same height as rose quartz but maybe taller. She looked forward seeing steven and lowered her head in respect. "Hello.." She then looked at pearl. "We come as a respectable group we have no intention of harming unless with a necessary reason" she glanced at  amethyst then looked at garnet you are the only members besides up left...am i correct?" She peered at amazonite.  
"Pearl!" Lead Glass said - not yelled, but still loud - and ran to hug her. "I'm so glad to see you! White Diamond found out about the messages Rose had been sending me, and I didn't know how to contact you." He had little happiness tears, which shimmered on his grey, glass-like skin. Lead quickly wiped them off, trying not to look too silly.

Amazonite meanwhile walked to Amethyst, checking her

"A fellow Quartz I suppose?" He asked sarcastically with a smile, then adding "I'm happy to see you." As he did something like a quick, awkward hug, which usually happens between actual true friends.
Crystal quartz looked at amazonite the at milky "now what?" She said sitting down as her crystal blue eyes shimmered in affection. "This place feels better then where i was before..." She lowered her gaze seeing steven. "Hello little human..." She lowered herself kneeling down to stevens level and held out her hand. "I believe humans call this a hand shake.." She looked down at steven not really focusing on the other gems. "My name is crystal quartz...whats your name?" She said kindly. 
"But that does not cut out the question - where is Rose? We'd like to see her" Lead Glass said, looking on Amazonite, who was impatiently looking around.

They found the human, looking - Amazonite slightly confused, and Lead Glass quite happy.

"A human?" Amazonite said, looking directly at Steven - they were nearly the same height, but Amazonite was slightly higher. "A human child I suppose - small height" Lead Glass answered partially, lowering to Steven near Crystal Quartz - Lead Glass, even on his knees, was towering above him "Hello little one. May I know your name?"
Milky looked at her friends meeting the human child. But they didn't seemed to see the weird looks pearl amethyst and garnet have to each other. Or the way the little human froze when lead glass asked where rose quartz was. Milky quartz had always been very good at decrypting other people emotion and hiding her's. She turned at pearl. " I'm milky quart. Crystal gem, assigned in Europe, me and my team were watching the home world ship in direction of earth from our observatory in the mountain chain of the Alpes. Nice to meet you." " nice to meet you too. " answered pearl, a bit surprised. " now, where is rose quartz?" She looked pearl in the eyes, who lowered them." It's…*sigh* complicated " " is she…" asked milky " no ! … she on Steven's belly."
Lead Glass stunningly turned towards Amazonite, ready to hold his emotional friend, but Amazonite was just smiling. A happy smile.

"So, this is where she is..." Amazonite lightly tapped gem on Steven's belly "Hah, this is very complicated..." 

"H-how did it happen?" Lead Glass said, bravely fighting off the tears, and sometimes throwing worried glares towards both Steven and Amazonite "White Diamond assigned me to study Human Physiology, and as far as I see... I think, Steven you said, is son of Rose Quartz.." Lead Glass continued to look confused "But that's very strange. Gem's aren't organic as you see, and aspect of... Hum, how do they call it? Aha, childbirth is... Well, if simply saying - different"

"Is it your's and Rose's child, Pearl?" Amazonite quietly asked, scared if his guess is wrong. 
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" well il he is half human, than he must be the son of a human ". Milky knelt  down to get to Steven height. "It's Steven isn't it? I'm milky Quartz. How old are you?" Milky wasn't a social person, but this tiny little child was too cute for her to be cold with. " I'm fourteen." Replied Steven, a bit scared by all the attention he had.
Crystal Quartz Sighs and stood up  "ok back it up give the kid some space k?" She looks at Pearl "it appears it's a bit crouded..." She backed up and sat on the couch. 
"Oh, sorry" Amazonite said, continuing to beam happily. Lead Glass was a lot more happier now, but he continued to throw fearful stares towards Amazonite.

"But, uh, Pearl, may I talk to you? In private?" Lead Glass lightly leaded Pearl away enough for Steven not to hear "You understand that this peaceful situation you have on Earth is very vulnerable and fragile? - Diamonds want to avenge Pink Diamond, and Destroy rebellion..." Lead paused, continuing to bravely fight his tears

"As far as me and Amazonite heard, White Diamond is disagreeing about destroying Earth - she wants to colonize it again instead" Lead looked deeply into Pearl's eyes. "Okay... Is ... Quartz Child able to use Rose's gem?" 

Amazonite was looking on Steven, while standing by the sofa. Strange.

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Milky needed to lay down a bit. She sat on the warp pad and putted the bubbles back in the backpack .Lead glass was whispering somethings with pearl . The amethyst who had tried too poof her 3 minutes ago came sitting with her. "Hey , I'm amethyst , sorry for almost proofing you. "It's okay. Tell me , you are not one of the original Crystal gems?" " no, i was made on earth and joined after the war" milky looked at garnet, who had engaged the conversation with garnet, and amazonite, listening with great attention Stevens speech on the new nugget backpack. Everyone was trying to know each other

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