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Fandom Steven Universe RP

"But I think we have other things to worry right know. There's a lot of gems of here and I'm not sure they are all friendly. I know a place where it's pretty save. I can bring you there"
While Milky and crystal Quartz made their way to the kindergarte, milky Quartz profited from the occasion to learn more about her strange new road accolite. " who's is that Matt anyway? I never heard a gem called Matt."

While Milky and crystal Quartz made their way to the kindergarte, milky Quartz profited from the occasion to learn more about her strange new road accolite. " who's is that Matt anyway? I never heard a gem called Matt."

While Milky and crystal Quartz made their way to the kindergarte, milky Quartz profited from the occasion to learn more about her strange new road accolite. " who's is that Matt anyway? I never heard a gem called Matt."
While Milky and crystal Quartz made their way to the kindergarte, milky Quartz profited from the occasion to learn more about her strange new road accolite. " who's is that Matt anyway? I never heard a gem called Matt."
"Matt was human...i met him during the gem war i love him....but i must learn that humans dont live as long as us milky quartz..." She smiled softly then frowned. "He said he wished he was a gem so he could be with me forever.." 

"Matt was human...i met him during the gem war i love him....but i must learn that humans dont live as long as us milky quartz..." She smiled softly then frowned. "He said he wished he was a gem so he could be with me forever.." 
" I was more lucky than you... My friends where all gems. But they got corrupted in the war. So I traveled all this time to find someone who could heal them." Milky Quartz spotted the old crystal gem QG on a hill. " here it is. It's a bit rusty but the security must still be active. Stay behind me , I'm gonna desactivete them so we can enter"

" I was more lucky than you... My friends where all gems. But they got corrupted in the war. So I traveled all this time to find someone who could heal them." Milky Quartz spotted the old crystal gem QG on a hill. " here it is. It's a bit rusty but the security must still be active. Stay behind me , I'm gonna desactivete them so we can enter"
" I knew earth pretty well I was one of the first gem to explore it . You probably know that, milky quartz are explore who assure new planets are enough safe and rich to become colonies. And then I met artic bleu."
Milky Quartz entered the QG followed by cristal  Quartz . It was composed of a main circular room with multiple doors and a big screen with a control pad at their left. There was no one to see. But milky Quartz though she saw a purple glow from one of the door .
Amazonite pressed the badge, and a big, pink colored arrow rose from it into the air, pointing towards nearest Crystal Gems' QG.

"Here we go! Let's fly Lead!" Amazonite got up on Lead's arms, and they lifted up above the ground. With a slight, momental sonic boom they shot into direction of Crystal Gems' QG, rising huge trail of dust. When they finally arrived, their speed momentally decreased straight to zero, and they stopped. Amazonite had pretty clumsy face, with his hair everywhere.

"Never fly that fast Lead" He exclaimed, and slowly fell out of Lead's arms. Lead chuckled, as they walked towards the building. But when they got inside, there was a surprise...

"Who are you?!" They both yelled. Lead quickly moved his hands to gem on his neck, and pulled out of it transparent dual swords, while Amazonite pulled out of his triangle gem on lower belly a gripping hook (with rope still connected to the gem), and he started spinning it, with sharp blade on the end of gripping hook.

@Tmntgal2015 @TheDreamer65
 @TheDreamer65  @MagiclsScience 

crystal quartz eyes widen and she pulled out a shield and a sword from her gem and backed milky quartz up "do what you have to do milky quartz!" she glared at the two gems that threatened her and milky quartz. " put your weapons down and nobody gets shattered!!" she snapped.
Amazonite yelled in answer

"Explain who you are first! I will not let some gem from Homeworld harass memory of Rose Qua-" But his speech was stopped by Lead's peacefully raised hand. Amazonite glared, wide eyed, at Lead, but sighed, and his gripping hook sucked back in his gem. Lead Glass dropped down his swords, and they poofed.

"My name is Lead Glass - former high class citizen of White Diamond's district. My friend's name is Amazonite - he is formed Pink Diamond's, but after certain circumstances, he arrived to White Diamond. We want to join the rebellion."
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Milky quartz looked the two gems in the eyes." I was a crystal gem. But I'm afraid you're too late. The entire rebellion was... " she felt the weight of her bag more than ever. The gems bubbled inside that bag were what made her join the rebellion in the first place. They made her understand friendship, identity, compassion, hope, and know they are gone. No. Crystal Quartz needed her, she had to stay strong. " corrupted. When homeworld understood the rebellion was too strong for them, they corrupted all the remaining gems on earth. Well, most of them. I had few contact with the head of the rebellion, I have no idea if rose quartz has survived."
Crystal quartz nodded "i was a close friend of rose quartz i was lucky to survive with only a slight break...." She smiled i am glad i survived the war . 
Amazonite got much warmer to unknown gems after they said so much about the rebellionC

"That's nice to hear" He said, looking on two gems "I was friend of Rose Quartz myself, but I lost contact with her when she... when she..." Amazonite voice fell, but he continued "shattered Pink Diamond... Anyways, I'm glad to see that the rebellion is still - even in small dose - alive. Also, Rose talked about some... Crystal Temple, where is it located?"

While Amazonite was talking with them, Lead Glass looked around, noticing pretty advanced gem technology.
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"We better start walking then. The sun will set soon and Unless you all got a way to see in the dark it's gonna be complicated to travel at night." Said milky Quartz while looking at the little clock on the control pad.
"Yes " milky Quartz pressed some button and a map appeared on the screen. Milky printed the map. She was about to shut down the engine, before realizing something. She searched the data base, but no information on corruption. " of course" she thought," the base must have been abandoned when the crew has been corrupted, before the rebellion knew such thing even existed" she turned to Amazonite and lead glass "it's not so close. you said you just arrived, maybe we can use the ship you used to get to the temple. It'll spare us hours of walking"
Lead Glass chuckled, while Amazonite looked on him with a wide smile.

"Well, you could say we used a ship. You could also say that I am the ship. I can fly on supersonic and, sometimes, on hypersonic speeds. I can possible fly us to-" Amazonite hugged him tightly, making Lead Glass gasp hardly for air.

"That's why I adore this guy!" Amazonite proclaimed, before taking the map. "Hm... I think we can get there. Also, you said you keep contact with leader of left rebellion" He stopped, before continuing "how many gems there are on it?"
"thats a cool power!" Smiled milky Quartz " way better then my night vision. Anyway, from what i heard, rose had 4 close friends living in the temple. A pearl, an amethyst, a bismuth and …euh… I think it was a fusion but I can't remember the name "
"Bismuth, Pearl?" Amazonite firstly looked very curious, then smiled widely "Bismuth! Lead, do you remember Bismuth?!" Lead turned to him, thinking for a moment.

"That rainbow gem who tried to seduce you for half a century?" Lead answered, as Amazonite narrowed his eyes. "Anyways, yes, I do. I tried to contact him as we flew, but... He didn't answer. And, Pearl! Oh, I remember her. Rose always treated her greatly, she wrote to you, remember Am! I was so surprised for Pearl!"

"Yep, me too" Amazonite said annoyingly, and then continued "Okay!" Amazonite taked Lead's hand "Let's go to the crystal temple!"

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