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Fandom Steven Universe RP

The gem looked over and was a little nervous and took a deep breath"I'm kyanite, former special forces of homeworld." He noticed some other figures approaching as well and gulped not knowing if they were hostile or not.
Emera was intrigued but noticed Kyanite gulping. She turned around with her hand still on her bag.

I don't want to hurt them...but I will if it comes to it, Emera thought to herself. "Please be nice. Please," she whispered
Onyx was walking the countryside, watching the earth move, from the ants to the rustling leaves. He took notice of every detail until he heard a distant explosion. He sped towards it and ran possibilities through his head, but decided to see for sure first. The best case scenario, another homeworld gem, and another job.
Emera heard the gem and she was growing anxious. She didnt quite know how to handle both of the gems. "What do I do?!" She shouted at no one but herself. She was desperately searching for an anwser. Emera was half tempted to run.
Onyx sped through the hills until he reached the treeline by a barn. He saw a crashed homeworld ship and located the pilot, a Kyanite. He smirked and notched an arrow, aiming at the poor gem's gem. He let the arrow fly.
Emeta heard the arrow whiz and she turned to see it flying towards Kyanite. She wanted to cry but dare not jump in front simply because she knew she was unable to jump that high.

Emera waited in agony and confusion. Why did this gem's demise make her hurt and upset?
Onyx scowled and swiftly started running in the brush for a vantage point. He found one and nocked four arrows, and let them fly. they spun and shot at him from all four sides
kyanite saw the arrows and used his speedmagic to quickly avoid them by running past them before they hit him and fired a blast of magic from his sword at all four spots were the arrows were shot
Milky Quartz looked at the large rock who blocked her acces to the Prima Kindergarten. She will need her boots to do this jump. Two ropes of light came out of her gem in her lower back and flew in spirals around her legs to form her "weapon" on her foots. A quick jump and the Quartz was in the kindergarten. She could see a crashed homeworld ship at her left ( homeworld? What was he doing here?) and 3 gems just below her. On of them seemed to be a fusion. She looked in the bag she has bought at some human store for the road. She carefully counted her bubbled friends. " 4... And 5. You are all in there. Don't worry, some of those gems must know how to heel you. Okay, let's begin with the fusion and cie. I'd like to stay away from homeworld if I can avoid it"
 A gem name crystal quartz had formed back into her gem body she had survived the gem war. But how? She looked up seeing the clearest skies of earth. She was in the kindergarten. She moved her curls of white hair she appeared tall as a diamond she seemed perfect except for the fact of extra apendages and a third eye. She was a warrior from the gem war and seem to be super glued back together and looked to see a message at on the ground see knelt down and picked it up. 

Dear, crystal 

this is for you, 

I wish i wish upon a gem to fix a gem of beauty and grace. Once upon a day you shall come as i dreaming of you every single day. Once im dead and gone you will rule my heart and never be taken apart. I am never gone. 

Love, matt

tears stream down crystals face only love of her life fixed her...but now she feared he was gone. She wiped her tears and stood and walked thru the kindergarden. 
Milky quartz was about to go see the 3 gems below her when she heard a soft, brief cry. She looked behind her and saw a strange gem walking between the rocky walls of the kindergarten. " who are you ? " she asked, mistrustful.
Well, this sunny morning brought a lot of gems to the Earth, and old gem with his young friend were one of them. Amazonite and Lead Glass were flying towards Earth, and without a spaceship apparently - Lead Glass had ability to perform interstellar "jumps", without any protection needed. Amazonite, pretty short, but old and wise gem, with his greenish-blue hair moving around because of intense flying, was laying on hands of Lead Glass. Lead Glass was taller and bigger than Amazonite, but was much younger (around the age of Amethyst) , with short white hair. After going through atmosphere, Lead Glass silently went lower, and lower, until - with a terribly powerful "KABOOM" - they crushed into spot right in center of Kindergarten, making boiling crater underneath them. Lead Glass still managed not to drop his friend into that hole, and finally landed on it's edge.

"We're finally here Lead! - I see now, why Rose loves this planet. We need to find her. Hm... Damnit! I don't recognize this Kindergarden and- you can put me down Lead" Lead lightly placed his teammate, looking around.

"Don't blame me! It's pretty hard to concentrate when fleeing from diamonds! Besides, we can still locate her by that badge she gave you" Amazonite nodded lightly, remembering how he found the badge day after Rose shattered Pink Diamond... 

"Let's look around, shall we?" Lead Glass tried to lighten up the mood, and Amazonite rose his eyes to him, smiling peacefully.

@anthonyofundertale @Jay Holt @NekoNekoNyan
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Milky quartz looked at crystal Quartz. The two part of herself began to fight again. " focus on your mission . Your a milky Quartz, and explorer, a survivor. She'll just gonna bother you and make things more complicated " " Your not a heartless monster! Your a sentient being with feeling. She's a sentient being with feeling. You don't have to be so cold anymore. You're not on homeworld anymore" milky Quartz took a deep friend and smiled at crystal Quartz. " I'm a Quartz too. Milky Quartz. It's nice to meet you. How did you get here?"
I been mended...ive been here since the gem war. My dear find matt fixed me he knew everything about beauitful gems on earth..it is an honor to meet one such as you milky quartz." She smiled and out stretched her white hand to shake.

"I broke...but not all the way and him being good at fixing and repairing gems he fixed  me but i never got to see him once i came back.."
"I lost friends too... " milky's voice cracked. " well technically there still alive," she continued, trying to sound happy," I just don't know how to bring them back"

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