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Realistic or Modern Stepping Stones

Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental disorder?

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The Breakfast Club
Stepping Stones is here to help teens from the ages of 13-18, who are trying to overcome or recover from mental disorders such as depression, anorexia, and insomnia. We are here to help you get through this and hold your hand almost every step of the way. There is no need to worry any more. The struggle is almost over.

Sincerely, Headmistress Norway.




Vincent looked out the window, watching as the beautiful vegetation whirred by. It had been 7 months after his girlfriend killed herself, and he still wasn't put back together, he was still broken and weeping, all the therapy and help his parents tried to give him, never paid off. He has never been so broke and trapped in himself. His thoughts were cut off when his father began to speak to him. "It's just around the corner, son." Vincent nodded and sighed softly, pulling his sleeve down a bit. Just because he was getting help, doesn't mean they had to know that he mutilated his body.

They pulled into the grand, cottage looking home, parking in front of it. Vincent stayed, glued to his seat, dreading going outside and having to deal with his mum's emotions and his father's.. with his father's whatever. He watched as his parents opened their doors and hop out, his mum opening the door for him, her eyes already starting to tear up. As his father began unloading the trunk, Vincent's black vans making contact with the crunchy gravel. He shut the door behind him and stuffed his hands into his tan, skinny jeans, watching his mum's single tear roll down her rosy cheek. "It's almost just like an early college leaving." Vincent rolled his eyes and hugged his mum, sighing softly and letting go, picking up his bag.

After the emotional goodbye's and such, the mother of the staff came and showed him around. It was a nice looking home, didn't look close to an institute or facility of some sort. Just a regular looking home. "Welcome, Vincent, to our quaint little home. I'll have my daughter show you to your room and give you a tour, we'll get everything situated. It's almost time for lunch so I'll be down in the kitchen, whipping up a couple of things." Vincent nodded and began to follow the mum's daughter up to a hallway of rooms.

Edison watched his mother's gloved hands drive him off to a new home. Home was always with his mom so what changed that? He was getting worse, it took an hour just to negotiate him into getting in the filthy vehicle. He could tell it stressed his mother to give him up and she dreaded leaving him but she only wanted him to get better. Edison wanted to get better as well. In all honesty, he just wanted to be ridded of all of it.

"Edison, we're almost there, are you okay do you need anything?" his mother, June, pried earning just a shake of the head from her son. His head rose to glace out the windows to see a cottage. "Wow, it's bigger than I thought it would be." June tried to encourage but choked on her tears. "You're going to be okay, Eddie." she smiled, getting out the car to grab Edison's suitcase. Edison looked around from the window, he pulled at the sleeves of his white long sleeved shirt. His mom was standing in front of the door with his suitcase. Once his white vans reached the gravel he grimaced slightly.

"Take me back home." Edison pleaded. He closed and opened the door six times before leaving it closed. His khaki pants swept at his feet as he stood beside his mom. He grabbed the suitcase from her and began walking towards the cottage, becoming agitated with the crunching of gravel but soon reached the porch and knocking twice on the door but realizing to the door was open and there were already people inside.

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Elena Bishop

She watched the window eagerly, taking in her surroundings and dreaming up new ones. Her "friend", sat beside her, pointing out odd-shaped trees or animals that looked a little different than usual. Elena was very much aware that nobody else saw the world the way she did, and she was okay with that. She liked how it made her feel special. "Look at that," Elena said excitedly, quickly jutting her finger up to the window and pointing at a deer. It was like any other deer, only it's antler's were twisted up into spirally loops and had leaves growing off them. Her friend looked over her shoulder and without looking, she could already see his grin.

"Look at what?" Her mother asked, looking at Elena through the rearview mirror. Something Elena had become extremely aware of, was how frightened her mother always looked around her, almost as if she was some weird creature. It hurt, but she didn't mind too much. She turned away from the window and sighed, looking at her mother. "There was a deer...I was talking to him," She explained, referring to her friend. Elena had never really given him a name, mostly because she didn't deem any suitable. That and the fact that he didn't particularly want to be names like some sort of pet. She heard her mother inhale deeply, followed by a shaky exhale.

It wasn't much longer until she felt the car pull up into a driveway and she looked out the window. The house which they had pulled up to was beautiful and not much different to her actual home, so she imagined that it wouldn't take her long to get used to it. The car stopped and Elena grabbed her suitcase from the seat beside her. Her mother turned around fully to face her this time, and now that she did, Elena could see tears pricking her eyes.
"You'll be okay, Mum," She said, offering a warm smile. She never thought she would have to be the one comforting her mother, but in all fairness, she seemed more distraught than Elena. Then, after giving her a quick peck on the cheek, along with an attempt at a hug from the backseat, Elena pulled herself out of the car and waved goodbye. She looked beside her at her friend and smiled, "I have a good feeling about this place."



"This visit was good." My doctor chirps. I stare off into the distance, emotionless. I nod and stand up, walking back to my room. I see the daughter girl. I should know her name, but I can't remember mine half the time. Oh well.

I see a boy with her, though. I start dancing around, a sudden burst of energy runs through me. I dance past the two and make my way to one of the men that supervises us.

"Hello John. How are you today?" I twirl him around and smile. I scrunch my nose up and giggle as he shakes his head. I teeter to the side, he grabs my arm.

I've been here so long, that I know the orderlies. I know the people. I know the routine.but I still break the rules.

"JonnyBoy. When do I get my cupcake?" I ask, fiddling with my fake Bob cut. In reality, the layer underneath is pinned up. But nobody needs to know that.

Jon just smiles and produces a cupcake with pink frosting. As I take a bite, I look at the new guy, I stop. Slightly sad looking. I make my way to him, cupcake in hand. I stop him from walking. I smile.

"Hi. I'm Skylar." I offer him my cupcake, "Skylar Kennedy. You look like you need this more than I do. Besides, it messes with my blood sugars." I smile softly. He's cute. Not that I would know, because I've never been attracted to someone.



Elena Bishop

Elena walked up to the front door slowly. She really wasn't sad about being here at all. Her mother, in particular, was the reason for that. For years, Elena had witnessed her mother crying over her and it pained her to know she was the cause of it all. Although Elena wanted this thing, this sickness to leave her, she wouldn't let it because that meant letting go of her friend. Once she got up to the from porch, she noticed the door was open and there was already a boy waiting. To be polite, she decided to wait outside for someone to allow her into the house, though created some amount of distance between her and the boy. Elena placed her suitcase beside her and she glanced at her friend, who she noticed looked rather nervous, or even scared, to be here. "They won't take you away," She said, hoping to offer him some sort of comfort. Despite her words, he still seemed as wary of the place. He'll grow to like it, She decided. Elena then glanced over at the boy and wondered if he heard her. She knew he would be like everyone else, blind to her world, and probably thought she was crazy. Well, she was, but that's not the point. It was different when people actually knew, and she had to learn the hard way with her mother.

@short for time

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Vincent was quickly approached by a blondish-headed girl, who offered him a cupcake. With his bag still in hand and the mum's daughter making her way up to show him his room, he stood there for a second as she introduced herself. He didn't really want the cupcake, but hadn't eaten in a couple of hours, his choice of course, so he took it from her hand gently. "Vincent Giovanni. And what would make you think that?" He asked, worried that she might call him something. But she was pretty nice. Was just the paranoia getting to his head since he hadn't taken his afternoon medicine. Vincent jumped a bit as he heard a loud, female voice at the door. He quickly went upstairs to his room, where the mum's daughter was already waiting for him. "I'll be downstairs with my mum if you need me." She walked out of the room, leaving Vincent to unpack his stuff. Instead, wanting to make some friends, he dropped his bag by the dresser and walked back downstairs, the cupcake still in his hands. "Hey, um, Skylar? There's someone at the door."

(Mentions: @RandomFoodGirl)

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_njifl0srYm1sqhjvzo1_250.jpg.a9436e041012d1ea3fa213aad2f71f0e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98240" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_njifl0srYm1sqhjvzo1_250.jpg.a9436e041012d1ea3fa213aad2f71f0e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kea stood outside of her new home with her parents. By their posture and their silent treatment they were giving her she knew this was the last place they wanted to be. It was the same for her but it wasn't that she didn't want to be her it was that she didn't need to be here. There wasn't anything wrong with her, sure she skipped a couple of meal, and sure she exercised a bit too much but, at least, she wasn't off somewhere doing drugs or selling her body. Her being here was another skeleton added to her families closet, another dirty little secret. Thinking of this brought her to the night before. Her parents were downstairs having their evening coffee, and talking in hushed tones while Kea sat up in the stairway."We can't let the neighbours find out." She heard her mother say, Kea had to clamp a hand over her mouth to stop her from laughing. After everything that just happened her mother was afraid of someone finding out her daughter was anorexic. At least she understood where she stands now.

After a while of standing there someone came to collect her and her things. So far Kea wasn't scared or even nervous but once she saw them panic rose in her chest, making it hard for her to breath. She knew what would happen if she stepped through those doors, everything would fall. Everything she worked so hard to achieve would be undone in a matter of months. At first when the worker came near she wouldn't budge no matter what the worker said. Soon she felt a firm hand around her wrist which only made her panic more. " M?! Cha! Please!" She tried to grab for her mother but was met with a hard slap to the jaw, causing her whole head to rattle. She had to concentrate on not crying as she saw the look of hatred in her mother's eyes. "You not my daughter. You are disappointment. Now you must go through the pain you have caused your family." Every emotion that Kea once had was gone, she was like a rag doll in the workers arms. As they led her inside she didn't even try to catch a glimpse of her father. Coward. She thought. Even if she asked him to help he would bend to her mother's will.

After they went through all her items Kea was led to her room. She sat on her bed feeling defeated before there was a knock at the door to tell her that lunch was almost ready. As if she eat the crap they gave her. They probably laced it with some type of powder that makes you gain weight. She decided to flip through the pamphlet they gave her, hopefully to get her mind off of things.




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I smile softly as he talks. He has a smooth voice, a rich musk, one that makes my knees want to buckle.

As he leaves with the girl I watch. As a reply to his question I had muttered, "You look sad, cheer up, we aren't mean."

The white woman tries to peer into my mind. I cant help but want to scream at her and push her away, but I am torn from her when Vincent returns.

"Someone at the door?" I turn my head and look, "Oh. Ok." I dismiss the person and shrug, "A lot of people come and go.." I look down, "Not me though, I haven't left for a while, don't think I ever will." I look up at Vincent, my eyes had become a light green. "But that's okay." I smile softly, "Because that means we can be friends until you leave. Which I know you will. Just because you are sad doesn't mean that you have to stay." I smile softly, "I believe in you."​



Rosalie flicked her hand at a stray hair that had managed to escape her ponytail while her parents were loading up her belongings. She was already in the backseat of the car with all of the windows down to eliminate the posibility of having a panic attack on the way to what will be her new home. After everything was packed up, the car ride there was silent as Rosalie played with one of her many custom lighters that she would be forced to give to her father before they left her alone. Exiting the car once they arrived, Rosalie instantly felt better than she was in the car. Her father, Klaus, looked down into hs daughter's identcal eyes and actually began to cry. "I'm sorry, so sorry for having to leave you like this. I understand that it's my fault that you have these issues." Rosalie glanced between her parents, "You don't know a damn thing and sent me here because you were worried about yourself!" Her accent slipped through heavily whenever she became irritated. She grabbed her luggage, slipped her lighter in her pocket secretly, and made her way ino the building.

Her eyes instinctively began to search for exits and windows to see if she'd be able to live in this place. Rosalie soon found herself walking down a hall in search of her room number that was told to her by her parents when they first told her about Stepping Stones. After giving up her search, she decided to enter the next door she saw and was surprised to see a girl laying on the bed fliping through a pamphlet. "Um...Hello. Sorry for intruding but I have no idea where my room is," Rosalie mumbled out while her right fiddled with the lighter in her pocket.


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Vincent shrugged and looked around, moving his lip ring around with his tongue. "I'm fine. Just cold." He stated, pulling his hoodie sleeves down a bit and looking at Skylar after the cheesy saying that his therapist and parents said to him. His icy, grayish-blue eyes trained on the girl. I believe in you. So cheesy, snobby in a way. Sad to say, your parents and therapist really don't believe in you, nor care. Ha. Vincent sighed softly, looking upstairs toward his room. It's not a bad idea, you know. They have a closet, so why not go in there and slash at yourself once again, cry it out, all out. He sucked in a breath and forced a sheepish smile at the girl, before biting his lip and rubbing his neck. "I'm gonna head up to my room for a bit. Come get me when lunch is done." With that, he began making his way back upstairs.

(Mentions: @RandomFoodGirl )
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My smile slowly fades as he leaves. I chew my lip, the woman begins laughing. I try to block her out.

"Focus on something else." I tell myself before walking up to my room, I make my way to my bedroom. A large array of stuffed animals and books sit on the shelves that they had installed for me. A journal sits open on my desk, a blue and pink pen rests next to it. I begin writing about my mental health. How I'm feeling, what I'm doing, how I'm coping. Although I know it doesn't help, and that my doctors only want me to do this because they want to document things, I smile softly. I write about Vincent. The woman silences herself. I realize that, although I don't know him, he has become my calmer. He has silenced the woman in white. The woman with no face. The woman who screams.

And I had given him my cupcake.

A thought passes my mind, what is he in here for? My curiosity gets the best of me and I begin wandering through the halls, trying to find his room. I don't want him to hate me, but I want the woman to stop... And I want to make sure that my new cure has comforted himself.

I peer in each of the rooms until I find one that looks empty enough. One that isnt locked, I'm relived to find that the door is ajar. I push it slightly.

"Hello?" I call out, hoping for a reply. The woman sneers.

"He won't answer you." She caws. I bite back disgust and hold my breath.

"Yes he will," I mutter.




Vincent jumped at the sudden voice in his room, putting away his arrow blade quickly and putting a damp rag on his forearm. "Um, y-yeah? Who is it? What do you need?" He answered rather quickly. As soon as he had left Skylar, some voice, but not a voice, a doubtful person in his head, maybe? It was hard to explain, especially to his therapist. They had thought he supposedly had voices in his head, but it wasn't even close to a voice, negative thoughts. Let's just call it that. Vincent opened his bathroom door, peeking his head out, seeing Skylar, and shutting the door back for a quick second to put on his hoodie. He walked out, a small smile on his face, trying to come off as happy as could be, but was literally aching on the inside.
You worthless piece of shit. Look at you. Cutting yourself again. Expected, as always.

(Mentions: @RandomFoodGirl )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_niqkjo5jT91sqhjvzo1_500.jpg.08e9aeeb1f0a76820ecfd512524aa9b6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98472" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_niqkjo5jT91sqhjvzo1_500.jpg.08e9aeeb1f0a76820ecfd512524aa9b6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kea looked up wide eyes, her eyes still red and puffy from crying. Didn't I lock it? Wait no... there is no locks. She tried to hide how pathetic she was by shrugging at the girls question before she spoke. "Heck I don't know I just got here myself. Didn't someone meet you at the door?" Even though Kea was normally all smiles today she didn't have the strength. Her tone came off harsher than she would have liked. To her the girl looked normal enough, though she guessed everyone did even if they have a disorder. She brought the pamphlet back up to her nose, the girl would leave most likely, especially after the way she spoke to her.

@Shadow Alpha



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I swallow hard, "Hi.. I.. uh.." I look down, a blush rises in my cheeks, "Wanted to see how you are holding up? Yeah.. And.. was wondering if you.. uhm... wanted to see the music room? I could give you a tour of the place. I mean, I'm just down the hall, so if you need anything you can come and find me." I smile softly then bite my lip. What am I doing? I start fiddling with the hoop that pierces my nose.

"I mean, that is, if you want to." I look up at Vincent, clear blue eyes wide and happy. Well, as happy as a girl with monsters in her head could be.

"Cause I'm just down the hall so... And I mean, you seem pretty cool..."

"You like him."

I step closer to Vincent, hoping she will go away. Stupid old hag. I want to scream at her, but I know that will just scare him away... I dont even know why I like him. I mean, I dont know him all that well. Maybe its because of his eyes. Ot maybe its just the way that he makes the old woman disappear for just a little while.. It doesnt even have to be for very long, as long as I know that he is here, I know that she wont be around...


Rosalie immediately noticed the trace of tears but didn't bring it up. It's not like it's any of my business anyway. The tone in the girl's voice was not what she expected or cared to deal with. Unknowingly, Rosalie had already began to flick the lighter in her hand using the flame to calm herself. "Look. I'm sorry for interrupting your little crying session fräulein, I was just looking for some assistance and clearly you're in no state to help me." The lighter snapped closed with a loud click as Rosalie turned around to exit the room. She became lost in thought while standing in the doorway, wondering where the hell her room was. I'm better off on my own anyway.



Mina sat across from her Father with her right leg thrown over her left elegantly, the black pleated skirt she wore rising up slightly to reveal a pale creamy thigh. the elevator music played dimly in the background of the limo as he drove smoothly to her new "Home" Despite the relaxing tone in limo, the air was alive with tension. Mr. Albraxus Alcantera , wearing a stiff black suit with silver snake cufflinks and graying blonde hair, was stone towards Mina. He didn't speak a word, nor did he even bother to look her way. his steel blue eyes stayed fixated on the tablet that he held, quietly tapping away at it. The rhythmic tapping seemed to be in sync with Mina's heartbeat the longer the silence drew out. 'Tap ..Tap...tap tap...tap tap...tap...tap..tap tap" Mina swallowed the lump down in her through, her hazel eyes drifting from her lap to that of her Mother. Kelliope caught her eye and gave Mina a small smile the brought out a dimple in her tanned aging skin as she daintily pushed a curled strand of dark brown hair behind her ear. 'fake...her hair is a lovely aburn color...just like mine.' her mind whispered. despite the fact she knew somewhere deep down, that Kelliope Alcantera was not her real mother. Just like how she knew somewhere in her, that she was not going to a special program for gifted kids.

No, somewhere just near, she knew she was finally being gotten rid of.


The never ending limo ride finally came to a halt in front of a homely looking cottage. no sooner had it stopped did the driver open Mina's door and offer her his hand out. Mina smiled politely and accepted graciously. As she looked around and took in her surroundings, the driver quickly began to unload her luggage and cart it off to lord knows where. 'you can do this Mina, its just another project father wants to put you through for publicity' she reassured herself. 'liar' her subconscious whispered. But yet again, Mina ignored it. it was when her driver got back into the car and closed his door with a sharp 'snap!' that Mina realized she had been day dreaming . Mina quickly turned around with the intent to say goodbye to her Mother and Father, but without even looking up from his tablet, Mr. Albraxus Alcantera signaled the driver to drive. with a sharp whir of tires and a purr of the engine, the Limo sped away, Mina watched numbly as Her Mother waved her, the truest smile she had ever seen , painted gleefully on her withering lips. 'they will be back soon.' She reassured herself yet again. Only this time, Mina began to let the doubt of truth in.

Skip skap!

All thoughts of her parents gone, Mina sauntered into her new 'Home' with a blissful, if not slightly mischievous, smile gracing her pale pink lips.

Oh Hello Hello! Anyone Home in here? I'm a bit lost here, dunno my room number and all that jazz..." She called, her soprano voice trailing off into a whisper as she took in her surroundings, from the way that the furniture was position to the color of the paint on the walls. Anything to keep her mind from wandering back to those treacherous thoughts of being abandoned in a place she knew next to nothing about other than it's supposed to "help" her with her problem . "not that i have a problem...this a gifted place...a place to help me blossom..." Mina whispered under her breath. Because of course she didn't have problems, Mina shook the whispers away. Because of course she was ok. She was fine, Everything was fine with Mina. Because Mina was an Alcantera, so she must be fine... but that one traitorous thought, one that sounded suspiciously like Her Brother Michael, seemed to echo the loudest inside her mind. Yet automatically, before she could process it, her mind banished it, replacing it with yet another lie as she continued her search for assistance.

Oh dear Mina, you see...the worst lies, are the ones we tell ourselves."
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The car kicked up dust as her parents drive her left her on the steps of her new home. The tall, cottage esque building was intimidating, and the surrounds already had Harlow feeling trapped. While homely, it still felt posessive. Beside her was a pile of suitcases, along with a vintage Louis Vuitton train trunk. All of her life was packed up in these leather bags. Every posestion she had, every memory she ever thought. A sigh slipped from her pink laqured lips, gripping the handles with strong intention. Placing her free hand on the large brass knob, Harlow opened the door to what seemed be the main lobby. Every direction she looked, people where saying good bye to family memebersand friends, all while getting to know the others in the house.

Harlow's eyes nervously shifted from side to side as she took in her new surroundings. The paintings on the walls reminded her of her grandmother's house while the wood work brought back summer break memories.
You're prettier than them. You're just so pretty, she thought to herself as she walked towards a nurse. After signing some papers, Harlow was instructed on her daily schedule and wher eshe could find her room. That's when it hit her what was going on, she was here to get help. Haistly, Harlow rummaged through her duffle bag to look for a cardign that would cover the deep cuts and burn marks that decorated her arms. While she knew she was simply beautiful, the marks where not a pretty decoration for everyone to see. The patterns she cut into her skin where a privet beauty for now,and no one else was elegant enough to see them, in her not so humble opinion.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_niqy2sstwp1sqhjvzo1_250.jpg.e6324cb31663b9515247e9f9afd87a74.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98501" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_niqy2sstwp1sqhjvzo1_250.jpg.e6324cb31663b9515247e9f9afd87a74.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kea stared at the lighter in the girls hand. How did she get that in? She though as the girl turned away. She assumed some guests are just privileged like that. As the girl left Kea quickly got up and closed the door. Not being able to lock the doors was a flaw in her plan but not much, she just couldn't let them get her out the door. There was no way she was eating their food. Just no way. Her foot tapped nervously on the bed as she check her schedule of what time they were supposed to eat.

@Shadow Alpha



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The boy lost his balance,and fell to the ground,the bundle of bread rolling to the side as he came to a stop. He groaned,holding his head,sitting up. He growled,his bare feet pressed against each other by the soles as he got his bearings. Where was he?why did he stumble?he knew full well how to run. But he hadnt been paying attention. Did he hit something?he quickly got his answer as he lifted his hood slightly,enough for him to see he had run into something.or...someone.

His eyes widened as he saw the girl,quickly pulling his hood back down as he pulled himself back. He hadnt meant to knock her over. He hadnt seen her. He wasnt paying attention. Was she going to hit him? Was he in trouble?all these thoughts were going to give him a panic attack as his breath became heavy and ragged



All of a sudden Mina felt as if a battering ram and hit her, and she, ungracefully, hit the cold tile ground landing with a soft 'umph' on her rump. her right hand immediately shot out to catch her fall wile her auburn read hair splayed across her face from the turbulence of her fall. It had been completely unexpected and Mina sat disoriented for a few moments and the world still spinning and pain shooting up her arm and backside. Shakily, Mina sat up straighter and took the pressure off her aching wrist. Mina puffed out a small gust of air and blew a curly strand of hair from her nose. Her eyes's narrowed in annoyance slightly, but otherwise the slightly mischievous smile stayed in place, albeit it was more of a grimace now...

Ouch, That hurt guy what's your deal? who goes crawling on the ground anyway? you know i could have kicked you if i wanted to, i just felt it would be rude. clearly you don't share the same sentiment." she sniffed, the lie falling easily from her lips like breathing. Her hazel eye's studied the new figure before her lazily. Hood up, no shoe's ...'yes this would be someone Mother would consider dirty or insane...whats the likes of him doing here? he should be locked up.' but instead of voicing her cruel thoughts, her mind zeroed in on her Mother. Her oh so dear mother who had left her to rot-'err by myself to blossom' she corrected. But never the less, like the 'Rebel' she was, Mina's grimace turned into a mischievous and impish smirk. thrusting her uninjured hand out Mina attempted to meet him eye to eye " Minapelli Alcantera. But you can call me Mina, after all we are going to be best friends right?"

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Aiden on jumped,keeping his head low as she thrust her hand forward,shaking in fear as he hid his face,his hands covering his head in defence"p-please i d-didnt mean it...d-dont hit me a-a-again...ill be good...ill be good..."he refused to look at her,seeming small in his position.what was he going to do?he couldnt get away. He was to scared to move!

Not good not good not good

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Rosalie growled under her breath, "It wouldn't kill you to be a little more friendly!" Knowing that her message had been delivered to the girl she continued her search for her room and gladly found it a few doors down. The room itself already contained a few of her personal belongings that her parents decided to send before she arrived. No. They. Did. Not. Rosalie stared warily at her giant stuffed black lion that was covered in black flames. A mild blush overcame her while she gingerly picked up the lion and flopped down on the bed. A strange constriction in her chest made her jump up to open the door and the window in her room to allow air to flow in. Reaching ino her pocket to remove a few slips of paper, Rosalie lit them on fire and watched the ashes drift out of the window with a small sadistic smile on her face.

It was all Kea could do to laugh at the girls comment. "Oh but it would." She whispered for no one to hear. Sitting on her bed her stomach started to growl. She needed a distraction, as long as she was distracted the thought of food would not cross her mind. She thought about going for a run but they had placed strict restrictions on her. Though they never said she couldn't walk. She opened her door slightly as she slipped out into the hall, before she began to walk quickly what one would classify as spend walking, the closest thing she could get to exercise without being scolded.

@Shadow Alpha

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