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Realistic or Modern Stepping Stones

Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental disorder?

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I hate this. Rosalie knew that her fear was completely irrational but it never made it easier to get through. Some of her episodes would leave her shaken for hours or a few minutes. They were incredibly unpredictable and a bother to those that had to deal with the somewhat clingy side effects. Rosalie heard a voice but she couldn't place it. A sliver of fear cut through the darkness when she thought the voice belonged to her father that use to yell at her when she got like this. That managed to bring her out of the worst of it and she took in a shaky breath. Rosalie's face was still covered by her hair when she placed her hand on the wall to steady herself. "I-I'm fine, let's go Kea," she flatly spoke as she made her way down the hall. Just need to get away and not think about it. Her eyes contnued to water while she blindly followed the smell of food.

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I bite my bottom lip, "We can continue whenever. I should eat anyway." I smile softly and take Vincents hand. I walk to the kitchen and smile at the people working. I glance over at Vincent. He's so cute. How could he still be here? Why is he still holding my hand? Why hasnt he he left me alone?

My mind aches, I wish so bad to know whats going on in his head. I can't help but want to know what he thinks of me. I must be a fool. A man such as himself couldnt want Schizophrenic girl like myself.

"Thats right"

I bat her away, this woman is nuts. She has never wanted me happy.

I pull myself closer to Vincent, hoping that her intoxicating voice muffles by his presence. And suddenly I wish I could read his mind, feel his aura, see it, know him. Really know him. I want to KNOW him.

@TuffBbg )
"O-Okay." Kea said quickly as she tried to catch up with Rosalie. She was worried about her but knew anything she might do could worsen the situation. Normally loud and inviting, Kea was quiet after Rosalie's break down as she tried to process what had just happened. The smell of food caused her to feel nauseous. All she wanted to do was run, feeling as though she was getting fatter just by smelling the food. She knew she had to go, if she didn't go they would come looking for her and she didn't feel like going through explaining why she wasn't there.

@Shadow Alpha



Vincent's blush brightened as Skylar grabbed his hand again, walking to the kitchen after the call for lunch. He glanced down at their hands, his heart fluttering once again.
God, what the hell? This is so weird for me. Vincent swallowed and felt himself being pulled closer as they stopped by the kitchen. He looked over the various foods and smiled when he saw his favorite, sushi. How did they know how to make that without fucking it up like most people? He watched as the mum was putting up dishes from the dishwasher, her daughter placing down plates and tableware for the residents. Vincent glanced back down at their hands, letting go a bit and looking at Skylar. "I'm gonna go wash my hands, be right back." He told the girl, making his way towards the guest bathroom and shutting the door. He turned the knob for the hot water and leaned against the sink, sighing softly and looking up at the mirror. You're not use to having a girl cling in a way, are ya? She doesn't know you though. Doesn't know what you've been through, done to yourself and other people. As soon as she starts getting more and more interested and finds out about your past, she'll leave. Vincent sighed, "Shut the hell up. I don't care." Yes, you do. You care about what everyone thinks of you. She won't want you after a couple of days. I guarantee it. "Shut the hell up!" He yelled, banging his fist on the sink.

(Mentions: @RandomFoodGirl )




(Changing to third person)

Skylar watched as he left, slowly the woman in white peers over the corner and cackles at Sky, she shakes her head.

"You honestly didn't think you could get rid of me, did you?"

"Yes, in fact, I did. I hoped you weren't here." Skylar shakes her head and grabs some food, she doesn't want to eat, but when Jonathan comes over and takes her blood sugars, he smiles to see that they are perfect for eating. Skylar shakes her head, "I'm not hungry, Jonny."

Jon shakes his head, "Skylar you have to eat, you can't not eat. It's important that a girl like you eats three meals a day. Besides, the kitchen has made you and your friend some special artificially sugared cupcakes."

With the mention of cupcakes, Skylar looked up at Jon, "Why do you like giving me cupcakes?"

"Because I know you like them, and I want to help you, you know that."

"He puts tranquilizers in them, you know? Yep, they are filled with sleeping pills so you don't have to take pills before bed."

Skylars head turns and she glares at the woman, "Shut up." She growls. She dips her head as Jon gives he the needle, he places it on the table.

"Take it when you are ready."

Skylar glances at the insulin and sighs, she hates being sick. She hates the entire thought of being different.

An then there is Vincent, he makes everything go away, the migraines, the woman. Everything, its almost as if he is a human shield.

"He doesn't feel the same way, I mean, look at how eager he was to get rid of you."

He's just washing his hands....

Suddenly skylar begins to doubt herself, she glances at the bathroom door, hoping that Vincent will come out soon.

@TuffBbg )




Vincent groaned and looked down at sleeve covered wrist, having the urge to have a blade dragged and pressed against his skin. He laughed quietly and pulled his sleeve up, looking at his arm and biting his lip. C'mon, Vinny. It'll feel great. You have zero reasons not to. Go upstairs, lock the door, go in the bathroom, lock that, then do it. I swear, it'll feel great. Vincent gave in, leaving his sleeve rolled up and opening the bathroom door, and finding Skylar, the mum and her daughter, and some other guy he didn't know. He turned the light off in the bathroom, his wrist reflecting, showing off all his deep scars up his arm. He carelessly looked at Skylar, knowing he'd regret it and rushed up to his room, locking the door, and pulling out his blade. Oh, joy!

(Mention: @RandomFoodGirl )




He knew she saw him. But he ran. His sleeve rolled up, reflecting the self harm. And she knew. She knew that was what it was, deep down she knew. She wanted to help, but how? She wanted to cry, but why?

"So now you know, What are you going to do? Cry?"

And the womans words push her over the edge. She leaves the table and runs to her room, she begins crying. Several people come up to her room, but the burst of emotions brings in all the hallucinations. The butterflies begin flying, the screaming begins. The white woman has the time of her life, dancing in the raining blood of the butterflies. Skylar covers her ears and closes her eyes, she doesn't want this. she doesn't know why she cares. And suddenly he seems to be her only escape, so she cries for Vincent. Normally she would cry for Jon, but this time, she wants Vincent. The orderlies wonder why. They ask Skylar why she wants Vincent, Sky looks them in the eyes.

"He's my off switch." She whimpers. Butterfly blood drips onto her nose. She feels it. Her stomach twists in a knot and she runs to the bathroom to wash off the blood. The white woman follows.

"Freak. Of course that boy left. He hates you now. He hates you!"

The woman cackles. An orderly takes her place, but Skylar attacks them, thinking that the orderly is the white woman. The orderly grabs Skylar and holds her back.

"Calm." they coo.

But Skylar lashes out.

Jon walks to Vincent's room and knocks, "Vincent?" He smiles softly at the boy, "Hello, for your safety, I would like you not to come out of the room, one of our patients is seeing things and we need to take her past here, to the padded room. Please stay in here." Jon closes the door as Skylar is dragged to the safe room, the padded room. She's given medicine to relax her. So there she sits, banging on the wall.

"If he didn't hate you before, he does now. Look at you, freaking out because a boy you like hurts himself. Poor girl, how devastating. Poor poor little Skylar. Poor mommyless girl."

Skylar stares at the wall, pain in her chest,

"Does he hate me now?"


"I couldn't hate him. He's my off switch."

"He doesn't want to be around you."

"I miss him"

"Too bad."

(Mentioned: @TuffBbg )

(Sorry, I've been busy all day!)

Rosalie had finally found the entrance to the kitchen where some of the staff milled around with various plates of food. I feel like shit but I'm hungry too. Her puffy grey eyes scanned the area and found a bowl to silently place some strawberries, cherries, and pieces of melon into. This will be good enough. She felt as if she was forgetting about something and looked around to spot it. Rosalie made eye contact with some of the other patients but finally found Kea standing around the entrance. She wanted to walk over but she was still going through her previous episode and was ashamed that Kea saw her at her worst. After sighing she brought her fruit bowl over to a nearby opened window to be able to eat peacefully.

When Kea arrived she had lost track of where Rosalie was. She thought it was best she not go inside seeing all the food made her want to puke. How could they eat this? Don't they have any idea what they are doing to themselves? Kea felt the panic start to rise up in her chest as she tried to calm down. As long as they didn't tell her she had to eat she be fine. She absent mindedly rubbed her thumb over the palm of her hand causing it to become red. Kea watched the people heap their plates up high with food, okay maybe that's a little exaggeration on her part but that's how she felt.

@Shadow Alpha
Once the fresh had finally eased Rosalie's frayed nerves she was able to notice how weird Kea seemed to be acting. If there was one thing Rosalie knew, it was the oncoming signs of a panic attack but she wasn't quite sure what to do. Attempt to help and be reminded of before or just watch from a distance. She did try to help me when I completely lost my shit. Gotta be a good friend in return. Rosalie stood up from her previous position and headed towards Kea with a cherry stem hanging out her mouth and her fruit bowl in hand. "What's up Kea? You look a little green and I always pictured you as more of red person. I mean, not everyone can rock green it takes an amazing person such as me to successfully pull it off." When in doubt, make terrible jokes to lighten the mood.

Kea smiled slightly but just as soon as it graced her face it dropped as a woman came up to her with a plate filled with food. "Your right no one can rock green think me I mean you...I mean food...I have to go." Sure it wasn't her best come back but the food was coming right at her what was she supposed to do? Kea tried to push past Rosalie quickly but was stopped by another set of workers who ushered her over to a table and sat her down with the food. Don't freak. Don't freak. They can't force you to eat right? She looked for any escape but knew she had none they would stop her at the door. The only way out was for her to eat and she was not having anything to do with that. Kea was very quiet, her body shaking as she tried to suppress a small cry that was stuck in her throat. I'm not sick, why are they doing this? I'm not sick.

@Shadow Alpha



Vincent groaned, listening to the man tell him not to come out of his room, he wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon anyway, and as far as Vincent knew, they didn't even have a padded room, house isn't big enough for it. From the short tour of the house, it looked like a calm, pretty chill place from what he had observed, doesn't look like anything out of the ordinary would happen for them to need such a room.

Vincent didn't want to care for anyone honestly. He's seen those cheesy chick-flicks all the time and they always seem to end up happy together, and it was just wrong. They never showed what really went on behind the positive things. Like affairs, cheating, abuse, and so on. He didn't want to be a cheeky bastard and just sit here though while they kept Skylar on watch, when a patient is losing their marbles and has to be watched for a certain period, he had to go and comfort her in some way, regardless of what that Jon guy said.

Vincent sat there, looking down at his arrow blade before pushing down his sleeve and sliding his blade back under the blue rug and sitting there once again.

(Mentions: @RandomFoodGirl )

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Sky curls into a ball, rocking back and forth. The room is small, not enough for one patient, let alone two. But Skylar is small. It's almost as if the room was made for her.

"Duh, they didn't have one before you were committed."

But thats the truth, Skylar is the only patient that has ever seen the inside of the padded room. She thinks it was, at one point, a closet of some sort. But that doesn't matter now, Skylar sits on the padded bottom and rests her chin on her knee.

"I wish Vincent was here."

"I don't"

"He's kind and gentle...."

"I'm not."

"You seem to like to state the obvious, woman."

"I have a name."

"Oh? Do share?"

"Old, White Women, such as myself, do not give little, underprivileged girls their names."

"Thats a shame. I suppose we couldn't be friends."

"Of course not! What fool do you take of me?!"

Skylar turns away from the woman and stands up, she glances out the small window to see Jonathan, he smiles at Sky then leaves. Nobody is on watch, Skylar is alone... Or almost. The white woman still sits at her perch, waiting for a chance to put Skylar down, to make her cry. And the white woman knows she is on the edge of crying.

Rosalie watched on as Kea was escorted to a table with a plate of food placed in front of her. She walked over and noticed how pale Kea seemed to be. Maybe she doesn't like the food here. The spread seemed pretty good to Rosalie but then again she did love to eat. She slipped into the seat in front of Kea, still trying to figure out what was wrong with her. "Um, are you okay Kea?"



Vincent sat there for a solid 2 hours, the digital clock on his nightstand reading 7:43 PM. Nothing was running through his mind, not a single thing. He had sat there and stared at the blank wall for what felt like forever, his legs spread out and his hands in his lap, nothing but blank sheets of paper wiping over his mind. Blankness.

Finally, after another 25 minutes, Vincent stood to his feet and grabbed his phone from the nightstand, plugging in his earplugs and playing his play favorite album, Sempiternal. He opened his door and began walking down the hall to this so called, padded room. He looked at the shiny, fancy, silver sign nailed to the white door with the words "watch room" embedded in it. He looked around, knowing there were probably cameras in the hallway somewhere, before opening the surprisingly unlocked door, pushing it open to find a small, closet like room, not padded at all, finding Skylar in there, crying. Vincent looked down towards the crying girl, shutting the door and sitting down in the corner, leaning his head against the white walls and continuing to listen to his music.

(Mentions: @RandomFoodGirl )

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"I-I can't eat this." Kea stared at the food wide-eyed. How was she going to eat all this? There was too much. Her hand tapped nervously on the table as she tried to think. She could throw it away...but they would see that. How did nobody notice what these people were doing to them? This was clearly an attempt to fatten them why were they letting them do this?



Sky sits in the room for what seems like forever before someone enters. Her off switch! As soon as she sees him, she wipes her eyes and pounces into his arms, she buries herself in his embrace, whimpering softly, "I'm sorry if I made you hate me..." She whispers, "The white woman said you hate me, please don't hate me."

A rush of emotions hits Skylar and she starts crying, "I'm not mad at you. I promise, I know how you feel... Sort of." Sky tries to dry her eyes, she doesn't know why she is crying, or why she likes Vincent. Only that she knows she does. She suddenly feels happy that her night in shining armor decided to come and sit with her. That must mean something. Maybe her likes her back? Why would he risk getting in trouble for her? He must like her.

Skylar waits for the white woman to sneer and snicker, but she doesn't. That makes her smile. Yes, Vincent turned off all of her nasty thoughts, all of her evil comments. Vincent is her off switch, and she couldn't be more happy.

(Mentioned: @TuffBbg)​



Vincent was surprised at the all of a sudden gentle touch, as if he had gone to war and was missed, or something like that. He opened his eyes to find Skylar embracing him like there was no tomorrow. He was a bit confused though. She was talking but he couldn't hear her. Oh, right, his music. He took his earplugs out and looked down at the girl who was smiling and her tears had dried, but then started again.
Um, how? Vincent laid his phone down and looked down at Skylar, a small smirk playing on his lips. He sat up and removed her arms from his torso, pushing back the hair that fell over her face. "I don't hate, in general. Surely enough don't hate you. I'm sorry to cut this little cute scene short, but I don't know you, yet I'm interested. So let's not act as if we were like, bound-to-be soulmates." Vincent felt like a dick for saying that, but it had to be said. Skylar was starting to grow on him though, for sure.

(Mentions: @RandomFoodGirl )




The girl shakes her head and smiles, "Soulmates? No! You are amazing.. But.. I don't like anybody." She blushes, even as she says it, she knows that isn't true. "You make the voices stop." She smiles up at him. He must be so confused, but she just takes his arm softly, she pulls up his sleeves, "Don't do this, okay?"

And then Sky realizes why she is always left alone, she helps her friends, but not herself, maybe it will change this time. Now that Vincent has drawn away the voices, she can think for herself. And now for some, unknown reason, Sky is self conscious. Maybe its Vincent, or maybe its her, unsure what she should think. Unsure what feeling surge through her as she touches Vincent. She lets go of him and looks down, "I'm sorry."

(Mentioned: @TuffBbg )​



Vincent was almost in complete shock as Skylar pulled up his sleeve, showing his scar-filled arm and wrist. He swallowed and bit his lip, yanking his sleeve down and standing up, grabbing his phone and shoving it into his hoodie. "I-I rarely do that anymore and it's non of your business Skylar. I'm going to go." He said quickly, opening the door and beginning to walk down the hall to his room, being stopped by the mum's daughter. "Oh, hey, Vincent! Mum wanted me to tell the rest of the people that tomorrow is a busy day. We're going to have breakfast in the morning from 10-10:40 AM, then going over the rules and such at 11:00 AM, then from 12-3:00 AM, do whatever you please until group therapy starts, and it's not really a real session but a session for us to get to know each other." Vincent nodded, giving a short sweet smile before heading on to his room, shutting the door.

(Mentions: @RandomFoodGirl )
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Now you have done it sky, you made him hate you.

Thoughts run through the girls head as she tries to figure out what had just happened. She can't decide whether she wants to run after him or not, but she knows that deep down, her pain intensifies. Because she knows that he's hurting, but he won't accept her help.

Eventually she drags herself out of that rut and let's herself out of the small room, she walks to her room, briefly stopping and contemplating whether or not she wants to see Vincent again, she decides not to and goes to her room, shortly after she lays down, she falls asleep.

Skylar is prone to night terrors, so, in the middle of the night after she has fallen asleep, she starts screaming, loud enough to wake anyone in the house. None of the workers come in to help, claiming they were asleep.

And the white woman? She has the time of her life. Dancing around in Skylars dream like the mad woman she really is.

And all Skylar can do is scream.

(Honorable mentions : @TuffBbg :P )​

ooc: I really like both ideas. Maybe we could do both, so that Amara gives Dahlia an ecstasy tablet and then feels guilty and takes the 'motherly' route?

Dahlia Rosen

Dahlia's clear silver eyes looked into hers. The redhead seemed just as precautions as her, not to Dahlia's surprise. She appreciated the fact that she wasn't the only person who was careful in this place. It could be disguised to be as beautiful as possible but the actual people could be complete psychos. "I feel the same way," she told Amara in her steadfast monotone, looking a bit thoughtful when Amara told her name. She wanted to ask how should she pronounce the name, but at the same time it felt naive. The spelling was so obvious and she could simply pronounce A-MAHR-a. Well, unless the middle a is pronounced "air."

Dahlia ignored her pronunciation concerns and looked around. She was unable to think of anything that might start a productive conversation. Great, you got yourself into one of the dumbest possible messes, the voice of her mother rang as a whisper in her head. She punched her head lightly, growling and wondering if, to Amara, she suddenly looked like a psychopath. I'm still here. Get out of there you petulant child. Another growl came from her as she suddenly yelled, "Oh shut up! You're worth less than me!" staring at the ground so Amara would notice that she wasn't being called worthless.

"I'm sorry you had to see that. I have ... mother issues. I heard her stupid voice in my head." Dahlia said a bit shamefully with a deep sigh, wondering if she was going insane. First OCD and now auditory hallucinations? How awful. Imagine how much better my life would've been with a different mother, she thought, pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration. She listened to a voice call out, saying that lunch is ready. "Hm, so... do you want to get lunch?" she asked awkwardly.

@EricSings So sorry for such a late reply btw)
ooc: No worries, Splo. I will have a reply tomorrow, glad you liked the ideas~

I also recommend Young Gods, the new thread I have joined.

EricSings said:
ooc: No worries, Splo. I will have a reply tomorrow, glad you liked the ideas~
I also recommend Young Gods, the new thread I have joined.

OOC chats and such in the OOC tab, pleaseeee

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