Steamworld OOC

Where are you guys' characters? I think it might be fun if our characters met up sometime soon.
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lol Kyns has a walkman. also @Aine a majority of the characters are at Elizabeth's workshop with the exception of my character, Drakeel's, and potatogod's
Out of curiosity, do any of you guys have Guns of Icarus Online?
Vultz said:
(you put the same thing twice in your post c:)
did I? Sorry. My wifi must have spazzed and so it made a copy. Although I refreshed and I only saw one. If not I'll delete he other thank xD
I just stumbled across this while looking for a roleplay and after reading all the lore and everything I must say that this sounds great! Exactly the type of thing I've been looking for for a while.
Hay guys I feel like we getting a little to off the rails here. I think we should all hear the screaming and just meet up by the giant titan and see where it goes from there. ( And I think we need to figure out what time of day it is)
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I mean, if anyone wants to it's fine, I can't stop anyone. I was gonna investigate it with Echo actually. It'd be a good way for people to meet.
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[QUOTE="Ghost Hunter]I mean, if anyone wants to it's fine, I can't stop anyone. I was gonna investigate it with Echo actually. It'd be a good way for people to meet.

Lol yay! My weirdness is going to attract everyone. I feel special.
Either way, I won't be able to post for a while, streaming on twitch atm
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]I just stumbled across this while looking for a roleplay and after reading all the lore and everything I must say that this sounds great! Exactly the type of thing I've been looking for for a while.

Join the dark side. Specifically this rp
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just an idea what is we all meet up by the titan and like Aurora Just pops her head out of the titan and its funny and ever thing is good and then BOOM SHOTS FIRED BANG BANG Joseph and Zoey and other members of the gang just open fire on us and that how we all meet. is that cool with everyone?
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[QUOTE="The Unamed Beast]@Ghost Hunter I can not seem to find where everyone is....

My character is open for situations, if you read my post on page 3. Location is stated as well.
[QUOTE="Absolute Bias]My character is open for situations, if you read my post on page 3. Location is stated as well.

Okay let me read...
guardianshadow said:
i was wondering is there still room for more people?
Of course c:
btw @Ghost Hunter are all of us actually gathering to where the bot is or no?

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