Steamworld OOC

GrieveWriter said:
One single massive ship which looks like it was built out of others tightly fused together, I know about said bounty, however this Airship Arena heading directly towards Miss Blume's fleet doesn't seem to have any offensive weapon emplacements on it for some mysterious unknown reason. However as is now I'm positive collision is inevitable if something were not to change. So either move all yah ships out of the way, or blast it. Either way can be worked with.
so I have permission to blast it out of the sky and was Blume's massacre recorded?
MsPolite said:
so I have permission to blast it out of the sky and was Blume's massacre recorded?

Recorded, Possibly.

Broadcasted to anyone on Channel 76? Definitely. Caught by Cash Carnage's patented swarm of Clockwork Cameras

Ahem. Cue advertisement.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/SecurityBotFriendly.png.665c70c39a54a0a9781bb3433f5205cf.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145440" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/SecurityBotFriendly.png.665c70c39a54a0a9781bb3433f5205cf.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

With the small chair-sized Clockwork Camera, any and all talented controllers may record and broadcast clear image and sound through use of its mobile design and accurate cinematography. Able to do both of these functions in real time no less, these easy to use devices are expensive but efficient in the world of violent cinematography.​

Basically, people off-site use controllers to fly these things around catching the most cinematic scenes for the broadcast. Others sift through these scenes and decide which ones to cut to during the run time until the show's over.



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SpookySpecter said:
What? I like this picture...I can't decide which one I want....
It's okay. Go with the other one. Leave me to die. I love you all. *Le dies*
Awe boss man no! Don't give me those puppy dog eyes. I didn't mean to make you sad. Poor puddin. *Hugs you because I'm a hugger*
*Sniffle* I got you this started crying butter when you le died...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-25_21-5-52.png.3b312112daaeea7a0aa8f0a121487ae7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145460" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-25_21-5-52.png.3b312112daaeea7a0aa8f0a121487ae7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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MsPolite said:
@Redamancy so another elf... yuck. lol jk, so where is your character currently?
I wanted to make a villain/human, but I didn't know if we could have two of the same gender.

I don't know, actually. I just kinda existed. I'm not sure where everyone is, exactly, but if there's someplace I can be useful, I'm game.
i still need to catch up on a LOT, this thing is on miracle grow i swear! but i was wondering, for character design is it okay to have a complicated system for how they can do their magic/tech stuff as long as it is fully kept track of it myself, with (easy-ish) ways for the OPs to double check when he is out of fuel or mana or whatever? (i like to kind of keep a semi limited use vibe with this character) also is it okay that my character is a Created/Construct of somewhat mysterious (but marked down deep in backstory) origins, not a natural being? i am currently trying to polish up all the parts about him (and to learn BBcode to make it look nice), would you like the super rough version published for now or just when it is done? also i am hoping to draw my own art of him in his default form eventually, so do i Need a portrait for right now? P.S. sorry if i am posting this in the wrong area, MsPolite only just invited me yesterday and i was busy all morning so im not as far as i thought i would be.

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