Steampunk/ Sky pirates [Inactive]

A female entered through one of the doors of the ship, it closing behind her. She looked down upon the female, her eyes clicking as the gears within them shifted and dilated. She cracked her fingers, her right arm being completely made from auto-mail. She wore a white sleeveless shirt, and long brown trousers, her hair pulled back into a long pony tail, and resting upon her head was a pair of wielding goggles. She looked towards the younger man and her facial expression seemed to lighten up. "I was curious as of why we had stopped. I now understand that we've picked up another person. Shall I let the chef know that we are feeding another person sir?"
She jumped, hearing the voice. "Oh hi! I was just about to tell goggles here how amazing his ship was. Whats your name?"
The female did a slight bow to the female, a sly grin coming across her face. "The name is Maxwell Cinis, but you may call me Maxi My Lady, and yours?" Maxwell reached her hand out her auto-mailed hand to the female, as a request to shake it as in good manners that her father did teach her.
She firmly shook her hand. "Theres no need for formalities my friend. The names Alexandria, but everyone just calls me Alex." She smiled at her, hoping to receive one in return.
Maxwell grinned even wider this time and leaned back popping her back. When she stood up straight her clockwerk eyes were clicking again as the gears re-dilated. "So Miss Alex, will you be staying for dinner this evening?"
"Its definitely a possibility. I had promised a couple of girls that I would give 'em a hand in escaping the feds, but perhaps an arrangement could be made."
"Wonderful. I will let the cook know right away. If you need me I will be in my quarters within the engine room. I trust the young Lord will keep you entertained until dinner." Maxwell let out a soft chuckle and lowered her head a bit as a bow and backed out of the room leaving the young lord with his guest.
She turned the boy. "Young Lord?" She asked with a smile, hopefully hiding the twinge of fear she felt, Lords were usually associated with the government and the government didn't like her.
"You don't need to call me that, just call me Four Eyes." He held out his hand. "Oh and the two people you wanted to bring they could probably fit aboard, The Barrel of Gun Powder always has room for more guests."
"I don-...Oh!. Don't worry i'm not part of the government or anything like that." Four Eyes said laughing, "I'm actually a pirate, why do you think i have so much fire power on this thing?"
" All in due time maybe, but for now how bout you go get the two people at the bar and bring them aboard? I will go attend to other things." He said as he walked upstairs.
"Sure." she walked back to the bar and back to the two girls. "Hi again! It seems we might have a slight change in plans."
"Oh? What's up?"

Skie would be sitting at the bar, waiting patiently with a glass in her hand.
"Remember that guy I was talking to earlier? He has a big ship on which I am now employed, I think. Anyways he has offered to take you guys with us."
"How big of a ship? Big enough to store my little dragonfly on it, or at least tow it like a kite?"
"Alright, then I'm one hundred and ten percent fine with that. How about you, Bird-girl?"

Skie would turn to Raven.
"Umm.. yeah sounds great" Raven slowly replied. "When do we start or leave" Raven added running her hand through her long blue hair.
Four Eyes was in his small room cleaning the levers by his chair and making sure it worked, lowering himself into the machine gun and pulling himself back up multiple times. After that Four Eyes went back on deck and to the steering wheel making sure the engine was going fine and ready to take off at any moment.
"Great, Ill go get my machine!"

She would hop off the stool and walk out the door. After a moment, a quiet rumbling would start up.
"I'm net exactly an expert with technology and all that crap, but if you ever need a fighter, I'm ya girl" Raven said observing the boy handling the steering wheel. "Oh and I don't think I ever caught your name, I'm Raven Romeo" she said to the boy

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