[Stars of Sinnoh] OOC Thread

Yup that's a thing.

I don't really expect everyone to reach at that level anytime soon though...

Pretty much one of the very few things that I'm pleased about in the new Pokemon.
cool, just an idea but you should have like some sort of trails that are different depending on the trainer.
Posted my reply! And for the next chapter, what were you thinking of doing?

Because for this chapter I still have a lot of plans.

1. Is actually introduce Eli once I actually finish him which I am doing right now, hoping my computer doesn't freeze again. Urrgh.

2. Meet (and possibly) catch Alexis's new pokemon

3. Visit that one lake with Mespirit with Alexis, Jacob and maybe her new friend??

4. Find a way to kick Jacob out because right now, I have no idea to give him a smooth exit
xD (a bit overprotective he is, so he won't leave Alexis by herself until he knows she's safe)

and question;; can I like, summarize Eli's backstory then go back and rewrite it later? Because I look back at it, saw what I lost and start groaning because I don't want to retype all that up again--
@juuchanisu Congrats. You found one of the chance missions. You'll find something quite interesting in Lake Valor. If you like, I'll pm you more of the details. I still haven't implemented most of the systems, yet, but missions are mostly complete.

There three different type of missions.

1.) Missions where it's obviously An action following with a reward.

2.) personal missions where the missions is more based off your character.

3.) chance missions. Missions that are completely unlisted, and with unexpected rewards. Most of the time awesome stuff like gemstones or shiny Pokemon, sometimes it's super random like a bike bell.

You got a chance mission.

Here's a little hint of what I did for the 2nd chapter.

Jubilife city is a city with many opportunities. Sort of like New York or LA. Your required actions is simply reaching Jubilife and getting a poketch, because a top trainer would simply die without one.

And you can always go with the "I'm a grown up now!" Excuse.

You know what really sucks? I know every single mission and rewards, that I find myself that i am at a handicap, and cannot go through all of them otherwise I'd be op af.
Haha, I'm sorry Nyu xD That really does suck--

erm erm, yeah I would love to know more about the chance mission!

Also, finished Eli's CS (with a summary of his history, will go back and edit that later when I have time)
I'm probably going straight to 202, stumble around, trying to figure out how to catch a Pokémon then head to the lake lol
@Infinities Lover you have been issued a small personal mission btw. It's pretty simple though. But you'll get a pretty cute reward. These are optional.


Let's just sit down and talk about Finnott. //shot

I'm sorry I died laughing when I read that
xD Let's see whether or not Finnott becomes canon :P haha
@Infinities Lover It's really simple. Video call your sister, using the public phones in the poke center, as you do not have a poketch with a video call app.

Reward: A deli bird will come by and give you a formal dress that suits your taste. It's a package from your sister. This style of dress is a requirement in order to participate in Pokemon contests.

Ohh and now I have a perfect idea how to do that!

Yessssss lol the ideas... xD
Hmm? Oh, hello. Sorry about the unfinished character, I'm just extremely tired right now. I'll get around to finishing him tomorrow evening.
So, quick question. Once the mission is complete, do you rp the reward coming, or does it just happen, like behind the scenes?
@Infinities Lover You shall rp it. And I have to formally recognize it and stuff. Like not that along ago, I had to formally recognize people into the league. As long as you know the reward, you will have to RP it.
Got it, got it.

Works out perfectly....You said Kasumi and Percivale shall meet outside the Pokémon center?
lol I know right?

That just makes everything easier with what I was going to have her do.
Guys, just wanted to announce that there will be a big-butted update coming up. It is suggested you bookmark the top post of the IC and OOC thread.

Just letting everyone know that I will be cleaning up the character sign up a bit. I kind of want it to be purely just character sheets from now on. This includes all of your approval messages.
Two questions,

So, our meeting will most likely happen tomorrow right?

and then,

Do you have any idea how you plan to do contests?
@Infinities Lover Yup. Tomorrow.

-busts out notes-

Ribbon Contest System

Using both the ideas of both the Contest Battles and Gym Battles.

You need a Contest Pass, formal wear (for you and your choice of Pokemon), and payment fee. There is also optional accessories to be worn that boost your appearance up. Beware though! Accessories are a make or break if you randomly add them together.

You will be judged in three areas.

Appeal Stage: Overall appearance. They will also ask you some random questions, like they are interviewing you. Use the standard 1d20 roll with additional appearance points.

Performance Stage: where you show off your Pokemon skills, such as Aipom doing a star tornado.

Battle Stage: make sure your showy. Or you can just grab your way there by rolling a 1d20 and additional power points.

The judges are determined by me. The prizes are organize by grand prize, 2nd place prize, 3rd prize, and recognition prize.

If you have five ribbons, you have the chance to participate in the Grand Festival, against the top coordinators. However, these ribbons act like tickets and are eventually a null.

This is the raw form of it. And yes, I will be implementing the dice function, to get more technical about it. I asked Cayo for advice on this one and he thought he would have used the dice system. So as you can see...

It brings some usefulness to accessories and poffins, and other goodies.
Alright, looking forward to it.

Ugh...dice system...I never understood it xD
Don't worry about it. I've used it before, and if you don't get it I'll teach you. I can safely say I have played Trpgs where it involved rolling d20s.

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