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Fandom Star Wars: Dedication [OOC]

Would be a good quest to send the apprentices on. Multiple.

As their may be other business there too.
Kaid and Kaproxa are gonna bond over torture sessions.

That's hardcore sith shit right there.
The Elder The Elder
Keep in mind you got two blades so would need two Crystal's. And I'm not too keen on wanting folk to stack lightsaber crystal effects.

Of the two I'd reccomend the ghostfire.

And sith sword would be easier to get than a cortosis one. Especially given his background. Though he does already have two blades already. Is he wanting a backup or like a third main?
Naw that was before the finished product. At first I was gonna gone home a sith sword but then I thought I was gonna he too much like HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest character
Just hope they remeber that killing me means no one gets it ;)
There are worse things than death. At which point the beans will already have been spilled and we would just be having fun at the expense of a hapless entrepreneur.

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