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Fandom Star Wars: Dawn of Shadows {ooc}

I have an Ewok written in Rorin's backstory, so we could slide him in as a previous/current ally to Rorin if you want :) since Rorin has had exposure with them. Could/could've been a crew mate/travelling buddy on his ship. Just an idea.

A possible alternative is maybe your Ewok can be a mentor or guardian to Rorin's Padawan if I have Rorin die in the Vexalar arc. If he somehow survives, then my first proposal could definitely work.

But there's certainly other options that we could work out outside of those ideas for Tagri
Ok cool! As said in Dms as well on this last night. But cool! Posted for Tagri TinTem in the IC for his debut and using this as a guide to start out. But can and will edit/delete if it doesn't match what you have in mind for the Arc with his presence onboard the ship. Thought hed perhaps be aboard as a shipmate and sworn hand given perhaps that history from Rorin's history in CS and interweaving Tagri into such a role. Then perhaps going from there with Tagri's role and parts he could play going forward.
Minor update- Completed the remaining WIP section of Djat's CS. A small history has been expanded upon to some degree regarding his late master and their own late master, who was the original source who discovered him on Florrum and championed his cause to be accepted into the order for training.

In short got a bolt of inspo energy and with some star wars lore watching and reading went off on some lore writing of my own for those characters.
Nice! I’ll look over it
Also, I have some Jedi Knights and Masters that can be assigned to padawans as well if a player wants that
So I hadn’t realized that this started until two days ago, since I guess I missed my mention. Anyways I’ve posted as Heljan.
Apologies for the delayed but still double post. Honestly I tried to avoid that as much as possible. But now with the news of approval I'll get a post out before tomorrow night with Djat Mulinn to add to the Padawan group and quest scene going on. Or if need be to avoid a double in IC I'll edit it into Qinn's post pending timing related stuff.
Luelle Luelle thankyou for the warm welcome. Do you have any ideas where you'd like to stick my Jedi narratively speaking? Ive been thinking, and a young Jedi who has the combat capabilities of a master but still has a lot of room to grow on everything else is the route I'd like to take. (I think... That's just Anakin... But less whiney lol)

So am I one of Roran's padawans or am I on the planet with the Neomisians? As soon as I know that I can churn out my character's history!

Is coruscant a place in this canon/at this point in the timeline? I was thing a mega city like that for his origin
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Luelle Luelle thankyou for the warm welcome. Do you have any ideas where you'd like to stick my Jedi narratively speaking? Ive been thinking, and a young Jedi who has the combat capabilities of a master but still has a lot of room to grow on everything else is the route I'd like to take. (I think... That's just Anakin... But less whiney lol)

So am I one of Roran's padawans or am I on the planet with the Neomisians? As soon as I know that I can churn out my character's history!

Is coruscant a place in this canon/at this point in the timeline? I was thing a mega city like that for his origin
Just a random notice here; but pic wise your OC gives off Dathomirian Zabrak/Human vibes. Interesting ancestry pairings if so imo. 👍🏻
Luelle Luelle thankyou for the warm welcome. Do you have any ideas where you'd like to stick my Jedi narratively speaking? Ive been thinking, and a young Jedi who has the combat capabilities of a master but still has a lot of room to grow on everything else is the route I'd like to take. (I think... That's just Anakin... But less whiney lol)

So am I one of Roran's padawans or am I on the planet with the Neomisians? As soon as I know that I can churn out my character's history!

Is coruscant a place in this canon/at this point in the timeline? I was thing a mega city like that for his origin
Well, you have a couple of options: you can have him be one of the padawan who crashed with Rorin on Vexalar for the survival arc (which now seems to be an in-progress rescue mission)

or you can have him on Neomisia training under another one of my masters. At the top of my head, we have Rorin, Valeda, Shin Quon, Edina, Brando, and Damon Alviran

Coruscant is apart of the Old Galaxy that was mostly destroyed during the Black Storm, but he can still be from there before the destruction.

can I join?
Yes, we’re still accepting at this time
Well, you have a couple of options: you can have him be one of the padawan who crashed with Rorin on Vexalar for the survival arc (which now seems to be an in-progress rescue mission)

or you can have him on Neomisia training under another one of my masters. At the top of my head, we have Rorin, Valeda, Shin Quon, Edina, Brando, and Damon Alviran

Coruscant is apart of the Old Galaxy that was mostly destroyed during the Black Storm, but he can still be from there before the destruction.

Yes, we’re still accepting at this time
I believe my character is ready for review. I am not partial to either setting to start, so whichever has less players may be best? To balance out the group. My writing skills are a bit rusty, if you need clarification on anything in my character please let me know
Hesssyk isn't on Vexalor so I may have him go to coruscant or Nar Shaddaa and do some work for the republic.

Kargh is on the sith planet. if nobody is on that planet I'll probably come up with a plan for him before friday.
Just a random notice here; but pic wise your OC gives off Dathomirian Zabrak/Human vibes. Interesting ancestry pairings if so imo. 👍🏻
Thankyou to you and ThAtGuY101 ThAtGuY101 for the recommendations on character races. The race is honestly inconsequential to me as his backstory isn't tied to a home planet on that level, so it was nice to be given some options!

If either of you (or anyone) has a suggestion as to which makes more sense given my character's backstory let me know!
Well, you have a couple of options: you can have him be one of the padawan who crashed with Rorin on Vexalar for the survival arc (which now seems to be an in-progress rescue mission)

or you can have him on Neomisia training under another one of my masters. At the top of my head, we have Rorin, Valeda, Shin Quon, Edina, Brando, and Damon Alviran

Coruscant is apart of the Old Galaxy that was mostly destroyed during the Black Storm, but he can still be from there before the destruction.

Yes, we’re still accepting at this time
RIght now, if he goes to Neomisia he'll enter the side of his Jedi training he's been ignoring: meditation, fine tuning his telekinesis, focus, patience, all the things Jedi are actually known for. Horu definitely hasn't learned the Jedi mind trick yet.

Vexelar is where he'd hope to go. The question is what his masters would have decided for him. Let him go to the dangerous planet so he can continue to be reckless and blow off some steam fighting stuff (possibly learning a valuable lesson in the process)

After all the little shithead combat prodigy would be useful if the group really do run into an oh shit moment (which it sounds like they have). So the Knights might begrudgingly give him what he wants.

Lord knows he won't shut up about it if they don't.

What say you DM?
Hesssyk isn't on Vexalor so I may have him go to coruscant or Nar Shaddaa and do some work for the republic.

Kargh is on the sith planet. if nobody is on that planet I'll probably come up with a plan for him before friday.
I believe coruscant no longer exists. DM mentioned that regarding my backstory
I’m afraid I might need to shelf this RP for another time.

I have final projects and unexpected renovations coming up, and for that it’s probably best for me to scale down to one roleplay (which I’m already in 3)

I might can try to keep this going, but I don’t want you guys to continue having week long slowdowns if I struggle to juggle this with my irl responsibilities

If my free time opens up, I will tag you guys when/if I relaunch the idea

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