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Fandom Star Wars Altaverse (OOC)


The Magnificent Manbeard
This is the Out-Of-Character chat lounge for writers participating in my Star Wars alternate universe, henceforth dubbed the Altaverse. The initial RP forming this new canon is Spark of Rebellion, but may spawn off other RPs set in the same universe down the road. It is a melded continuity featuring events, characters, and places from two prominent eras -- The Old Republic (KOTOR/SWTOR) and the Galactic Civil War between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire. In this merged reality, Satele Shan existed at the same time as Yoda and Mace Windu, and they sat on the Jedi Council together.

For more info on the story, here is the initial recruitment thread where it started: Star Wars: Spark of Rebellion
Here is the Character Database for the Altaverse: Star Wars Altaverse (Character Database)
And the IC: Star Wars Altaverse: Spark of Rebellion (IC)

EDIT: I have abandoned the use of Satele and the Shan line for my own use, and now Ahsoka Tano will fill that role within the narrative.
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Rule of Two doesn't exist in this reality. The Sith Order exists within the Galactic Empire as a secret society, ruled over by the Dark Council. Imperials know it exists, but the identities of the Councilmembers are concealed. Darth Vader is the Head of the Dark Council, which consists of seven Darths total. The other six Darths report to Vader, who in turn reports to Grand Moff Tarkin and Emperor Palpatine. Palpatine's identity as Darth Sidious is still kept a secret from the general public, a truth only the highest echelons are privy to.

There also exists the Imperial Inquisition, which is led by Grand Inquisitor Darth Angral, who occupies one of the seven chairs on the Dark Council. The Inquisitors under Angral's charge are tasked with hunting Jedi and any Force-sensitives that are discovered throughout the galaxy and either killing them or delivering them to the Sith Academy on Korriban if they can be turned. The Academy was headed by another Councilor, Darth Baras.

Within the Academy was a group of advanced students called Starkillers, which included the young Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa.
No, they would not let a droid on the Council as he cannot wield the Force. They would see him as a mere tool.
The members of the Dark Council are all exceptionally skilled in wielding the Dark Side of the Force.
They might have him lead squads of other droids, but they would never put a droid in command of living soldiers.
Though not sure how a droid with aspirations to sit on the Dark Council would find himself among rebels.
I mean in the story. If "Darth" Droid is off with the Imperials, it would equate to him being "offscreen" in the RP during the rebel-focused story sequences.
So, cool characters, but there is no way Yoda would deliberately train a student in the Dark Side. Also, since the Empire is not involved directly in the story until the arrival of Inquisitor Malgus, Darth Droid would have no reason to be in the story at first. Also, I want to avoid him clashing with other characters during battles, because if two different writers have their characters fight each other, it often causes tensions and tantrums about people being unfair. Thus, I'd rather only have characters fight other characters they control, such as NPCs and enemies.

For instance, let's say we have a battle scene. I say there are two dozen Stormtroopers, and each person takes control of a few of the troopers to write out battle scenes.
And Yang, please share the cringy cs :D. Also, I was going to use this as a secret plot twist, but I realized some people might be making plans for different characters, so I just wanted to throw this out there now. I do have plans for Satele and the Shan bloodline, and at some point I plan to bring in her son, Theron Shan. In this version, I will be playing him as a Force-sensitive and former Jedi Knight who fought during the Clone Wars. Early in the conflict, he was expelled from the Jedi Order after he discovered an ancient holocron that belonged to his ancestor, Darth Revan. The holocron contained teachings on balancing both the Light and Dark Side of the Force, and the Council deemed him lost when he refused to give up his studies into his ancestor.

While he was no longer a Jedi, his skills would still be of use to the Republic, so he joined the Strategic Information Service. Throughout the rest of the Clone Wars, he participated in a number of cover operations, becoming a renown SIS Agent. When Order 66 commenced and the Republic transitioned into the Galactic Empire, the SIS was rebranded as the Strategic Security Agency, one of several agencies under the umbrella of Imperial Intelligence. While Theron, his team and their leader, Director Marcus Trant were all against the reorganization of the Republic as a growing dictatorship, they opted to maintain loyalty to Palpatine as a cover and helped plant seeds of rebellion early on.

Over the next ten years, the SSA compiled secret caches of data on potential rebel hotspots, concealing key pieces of information from their superiors. The Imperial Security Bureau was charged with rooting out disloyalty within the Empire and directly handled matters of rebel activity, treason, and internal affairs, but they depended on information from the SSA for a majority of their operations. This allowed Trant and Theron to manipulate which missions were successful, and often used stealth and trickery to fake the deaths of suspected rebel sympathizers and ferry them to distant worlds in the Outer Rim.

About four years ago, Agent Alexsandr Kallus of the ISB became suspicious of Trant and Theron and launched an internal investigation into the SSA. This ultimately led the SSA to destroy any leftover traces of their data caches and defect from the Empire, fleeing into the Outer Rim, where they established Echo Base on the icy planet Hoth. Within the base, Theron began training Force-sensitives to balance all sides of the Force, following his ancestor Revan's beliefs that hiding from emotions only makes them easier to take control in moments of weakness. This was the foundation of the Revanite Order, and the Revanites within were essentially Grey Jedi. Theron felt this new Order would be a better fit to fight the Sith as the taint of the Dark Side would not be so compelling to the Revanites as they already had an intimate knowledge of it and had learned to control their emotions instead of hiding them away and then being overcome by them like so many fallen Jedi.

So, when we enter into open rebellion with our characters, we have the Revanite Order and military forces from Echo Base on Hoth; we will have Jedi General Rahm Kota and his militia; we'll have the support of House Organa on Alderaan, House Mothma on Chandrila, and House Bel Iblis on Corellia; we'll have mercenary forces hired, including the Zann Consortium and the Protectors, a group of Mandalorian warriors led by Fenn Rau who defected from the Empire.
Oh, and one last group: See, my character (which I will make soon) leads a rebel group on Rakata Prime as well, with a decently large fleet of hijacked ships

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