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Futuristic Splicers - I Am Legion - OOC Thread

Sherwood Sherwood Question; is there an appropriate skill or something we can roll to determine how the fire started? What sort of fire it is beyond a forest fire? That kind of thing.
Sherwood Sherwood Question; is there an appropriate skill or something we can roll to determine how the fire started? What sort of fire it is beyond a forest fire? That kind of thing.
You can give a perception roll a try, but from this distance you’ll have negative modifiers. If you get closer you can try another roll.
Purr Purr do you want to have me do a perception roll for you? You’ll have a smaller negative since your character has been looking over the fire for longer.
Purr Purr do you want to have me do a perception roll for you? You’ll have a smaller negative since your character has been looking over the fire for longer.
Sherwood Sherwood Yes, please! One for Chaska and one for Woodstock if he's eligible.

Karen says, "So long as we are not in the flames for too long, I can handle the extremes of temperature. I just can't linger there for too long before getting burned."
Are the flames Mega-damage? Most wood and foliage burn easily.

EDIT: I thought I sent this message, but no, here it is, days after I wrote it without Posting reply. Whoops!
Sherwood Sherwood Yes, please! One for Chaska and one for Woodstock if he's eligible.


Are the flames Mega-damage? Most wood and foliage burn easily.

EDIT: I thought I sent this message, but no, here it is, days after I wrote it without Posting reply. Whoops!
Between your roll and that of Psychie Psychie , neither one you are certain as to the origin of the fire, but there are a few things you can tell. First, this was not a stray lightning strike. The weather is clear and there is no signs of storm activity. Next, the fire seems to have spread far too fast for the dampness of the foliage. Also, there are spots in the flames with much darker smoke, suggesting something chemical burning. Between all of this, neither one of you feel that this is in any way natural and that it was most likely caused by an intense firefight.

The flames are probably not MDC but they are enough to toast your biscuits good if you don’t have heat resistance. If I am not mistaken, Chaska does have that bio-mod in his armor, but I don’t believe that Woodstock does, so he’ll have to fly over it or around the flames. Chaska does have the six mile range with his bio-coms so it won’t be any trouble to have him a distance out from you.
The flames are probably not MDC but they are enough to toast your biscuits good if you don’t have heat resistance.
Sherwood Sherwood O.K.. Help, please. I'm trying to make sense of this and failing (I should also add that I am not mentally at my best right now and that may play a part of this).

If the fire is not Mega-damage, then it's S.D.C.. S.D.C. can in no way harm M.D. objects (i.e. Seimbeida's example of fully automatic S.D.C. weapons riddling a tank and doing hundreds of S.D.C. and still "NO" damage to the tank).

How then are these S.D.C. flames any danger to our M.D.-encased team of Splicers?

Put another way, am I missing some important piece of data here? Have you changed the way S.D.C./M.D.C. works and I missed the post somewhere? Heh! =)
If you don’t have the Resistant to Heat bio-mod, you’ll cook even with the MDC nature of your armor. It won’t be damaged, but the SDC tissues of your own body will. It’s like being a baked potato wrapped in aluminum foil in the oven. The foil is not harmed, but the spud still cooks in the heat.

Does that help explain my line of thought better?
Sure. It's your game and I don't agree with the call one bit, but I'll respect you and your game and go with it. Thanks for explaining.
I’ve had one hell of a crappy day so far and it has triggered a nasty headache. I hope to be able to post soon, but my head is just not in the game right now. Sorry about promising to post earlier.
I’ve had one hell of a crappy day so far and it has triggered a nasty headache. I hope to be able to post soon, but my head is just not in the game right now. Sorry about promising to post earlier.
Baaarf! Sherwood Sherwood Die, headache, die!
Some Joe Satriani for our Sherwood to raise his spirits? I hear Sherwoods like this song! Iz troo! =)

"The Mystical Potato Head Groove Thing"
Sherwood Sherwood I have to get this out of my system and express this. No harm is meant! =)
Chaska is moving before Toni completes this statement. He has confidence that the fire-resistant WyldKat will get him through get another terribly-hazardous challenge like this forest fire.

The flight over the battlefield is quick and you don't see any signs of pursuit coming after you. Karen has a death grip on Toni as she is carried along, her face buried in the other woman's neck to keep from looking around to see how high up she is.
What in the world? O.K.. I have to clear something up.

Chaska flew through the burning forest. The party, except for Woodstock whom he asked to recon from above, followed Chaska:

We’ll fly low to avoid detection, and I promise not to drop you. Chaska, take point. Jin, watch our six. I’ll carry Karen, and Axel, stick close to us.

"Woo'stock! Check-sky? See Haven?" Chaska asks his battle-birb to fly above the flames and see what the rest of them cannot.

Jin engages her flight and hovers low following the team, her blurred stealth field covered form stopping occasionally to look around before continuing on.
"But who cares, Purr? We're below Haven; that's all that matters."

Nonsense. Details matter. If during the next scene we find out that the Machine followed us down here, and then we find out why - that the Machine saw us flying over the battlefield - the first thing I'm going to say is, "we never flew over the battlefield. Unless I missed something, only Woodstock did that."

There. It's out of my system. Thank you for listening, fellow gamers. Game on!

Just a heads-up. In my next post, I'm going to have Chaska show that he is closing and securing that hidden door the Saint found behind us. I hope everyone's having a good day!

Honor and fun,
Purr =)
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I was trying to advance to what I could see as the next scene, and I skipped forward a bit more than I should have. I apologize for that. In the future, I will endeavor to not railroad your characters like this again.
Sherwood Sherwood Oh, I don't mind being railroaded or fast-forwarded, Sherwood; that's not my issue at all.

My issue is - I said my character was doing one thing (leading the party through the burning forest and avoiding flying above the battleground).

You wrote we were doing another (flying above the battleground where Machines for miles around might see us).

That disconnection tells me there's something wrong in our communication here. That's what I'm eager to fix and put us back on track. =)
Oh and if you see me doing this in one of my games, please feel free to bring it to my attention too! =)
I misunderstood, and I will do my best to not make the same mistake again. If this were over the tabletop, I'm sure that there would be less issues like this. One of the side effects of a Play-By-Post game that I need to keep in mind.
What can I do on my end to help?
By listening and replying, you've already done much! Thanks, you!

My only recommendation - and I do mean this only as a recommendation - is to learn to be a careful reader. =)

Let's roleplay a little? Imagine there is a plate of good food in front of you. You are very hungry. The food looks and smells delicious.

You know someone else made this food for you, and with the hopes that you will enjoy it.

So be truthful here. Knowing this, do you now scarf the food down, gorging yourself as quickly as you can? Or do you eat a reasonable pace, enjoying the taste of every bite, appreciating both the care and the good intentions that your meal represents?

Reading carefully is the same thing. It is a combination of observation and appreciation.

Your words are precious to me, Bud! Just like Psychie's and Eon's and everyone else we roleplay with!

When I read your words carefully, I tend to understand deeply. And not only the meaning, but the intention behind your words. Plus, I hardly ever have to read your posts twice to remember their meaning.

There have been times recently where there have been miscommunications that I think reading carefully would have prevented. This takes practice and I wish you luck!

Honor and fun,
Purr =)
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I guess what I am asking about now is do I need to change my post or are we just rolling with what is there?
I guess what I am asking about now is do I need to change my post or are we just rolling with what is there?
Sherwood Sherwood Oh. I can see two fair options:

1. If our flying over the battlefield is of no consequence whatsoever (a thing, of course, only you can decide), I recommend we roll with what we have. If it doesn't affect the game/story, then no foul, no problem!

2. If it is of consequence, please change the post.

Psychie and Eon may or may not have something else to say though or a third option.
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Just so long as everyone tries to be more attentive to what is posted and doesn’t just ignore what’s there, I am fine with moving forward as is and not redoing the existing post.

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