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Futuristic Splicers - I Am Legion - OOC Thread

The place is a small settlement called Haven and at one time was home to nearly eight hundred people. You are not familiar enough with the level of casualties they have had to estimate their current number.

Haven is both above ground and below the surface, and there were plans to add a librarian to the population. Now with Saint Karen going there, the question comes up of does House Artemis double down and continue to expand it or play it safe and perform an evacuation to a new location.
Psychie Psychie I would type more, but I am out of brainpower. I threw it all into the Exalted post. I know you're itching for a new post of mine - sorry for the wait, Psychie! This one is next! =)
Posted! (Thank you to the makers of the medicine that allowed me to do this today!)
Looking off in the not too distant landscape you can see a large plume of black smoke rising up into the sky.
Sherwood Sherwood O.K., I have a question. In Real Life, black smoke indicates synthetic things are burning like cars, houses. and the like. White or gray smoke indicates natural things like trees, brush, and so forth are in the process of being burned.

So if Chaska is seeing black smoke, could he use his navigation skill to see if what is burning is the town of Haven?
Sherwood Sherwood O.K., I have a question. In Real Life, black smoke indicates synthetic things are burning like cars, houses. and the like. White or gray smoke indicates natural things like trees, brush, and so forth are in the process of being burned.

So if Chaska is seeing black smoke, could he use his navigation skill to see if what is burning is the town of Haven?
From the distance, you estimate that the source of the fire is closer than Haven is.

Also, since I am not as familiar with fire as some, I am going to say that the smoke is lighter in color, indicating that it is more natural in nature. That was my own ignorance and I’ll change the IC post accordingly.
From the distance, you estimate that the source of the fire is closer than Haven is.

Also, since I am not as familiar with fire as some, I am going to say that the smoke is lighter in color, indicating that it is more natural in nature. That was my own ignorance and I’ll change the IC post accordingly.
Thank you! I know that from experience, but not everyone has had those experiences. =)
Thanks guys. I just didn’t want anyone to go into the next few posts expecting something different because of a mistake on my part in the details.
Thanks guys. I just didn’t want anyone to go into the next few posts expecting something different because of a mistake on my part in the details.
Details matter! 8D
Edit: I think I made it with that roll! Didn’t need the Action Point, but if I hadn’t declared it before you know I world have rolled crappy.
Your sacrifice of an Action Point seems to appease the Algorithm Gods this time but be wary! For next time you might not be so lucky!

Hwa hwa hwa (or enter equally-ridiculous villainous left her here)! =)
Yeah I am ok, just had a tough anxiety filled week. I am recovering ok though. I will reply here (and everywhere else) tonight and tomorrow.
Yeah I am ok, just had a tough anxiety filled week. I am recovering ok though. I will reply here (and everywhere else) tonight and tomorrow.
Eonivar Eonivar Feel better soon, Eon! I hope the rest of your weekend is very quiet if you get my meaning. =)
A question for you, Sherwood Sherwood . If I were to use one of my Mig bio-explosives in the freshly dug tunnel, would it be able to collapse the tunnel to slow down the advance of whatever it is down the sewer pipe?
A question for you, Sherwood Sherwood . If I were to use one of my Mig bio-explosives in the freshly dug tunnel, would it be able to collapse the tunnel to slow down the advance of whatever it is down the sewer pipe?
If 1 doesn't do it, remember, we have 6 more Chigs from our latest haul. =)
You are fairly confident that dropping it down the hole as you go up would probably do the trick.

BTW, this is post number 50,000!
You are fairly confident that dropping it down the hole as you go up would probably do the trick.

BTW, this is post number 50,000!
Woo! Go Sherwood! Welcome to the 50K Club!

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