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Futuristic Splicers - I Am Legion - OOC Thread

No offense to you and your gender; it is kinda hard to tell over the internet. lol

There is no set time for us to be online together. Only Psychie and I live in the same city, with Purr being somewhere in Florida and I'm not sure where Eonivar lives. We post here and there, so sometimes it will take a little while to get a response depending on the schedule of everyone.

To my best information, this is the first Splicers game any of us have ever been in, but we are all experienced in the Palladium System.
No worries!! :3

That's nice to know but ah, explains why are timezones are so different! I'm from Europe!

Mhmmm I hope I'll learn the system fast enough, I don't want to hold you all back when I join :')
Speaking only for myself, there is no such misunderstanding, fellow gamer - you took the time to fill out your RP Nation "About" section; all I had to do was take the moment to look at what you entered to learn what you want everyone else to know. =)

This holds true for me. Kingsregimen Kingsregimen Sherwood, Psychie, and I are long-time friends and gamers here on RP Nation. Having gamed together in mostly-Palladium games, we have a strong sense of each other as well as the gaming system, so if you see the three of us chatting along, that's probably why. You, of course, are always welcome to chime in!

I see that you've done a lot of 1x1 gaming? That's something I haven't done - I'm into Dice games (something I see you've also enjoyed). What tabletop dice-related games do you enjoy and are familiar with? =)
Aw thank you, that's sweet of you ♡

It's nice to see old time friends still playing and having fun tbh, how many have you played so far? Am curious
I've also felt that I've made stronger connections with some of my friends while playing TTRPGs
And thank you, I'll try and chime in sometimes :3

As for what I mostly play, it's DnD 5e edition. However we are testing out different systems as over time we grew a bit less satisfied with some of the mechanics. Currently, with how much we played we have a lot of homebrew mechanics in our games! The one's were testing out is a new system that will come out, DC20 beta version, only first two levels are out but the system is very engaging, ths action economy makes you feel like you can do things throughout the whole round.
We're also looking forward to the upcoming Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere. Since a lot of us read his books, we are ver excited to see how they'll turn the world into a game :3
Welcome to the party, Kingsregimen Kingsregimen ! I'm Psychie, or the Psycholicious one (if you ask Purr. lol), or just Psy if you'd like. This is my first Splicers game, and so far, I'm having a lot of fun with it. If there is anything we can do to aid you in picking out and creating a character, just ask!
Nice to meet you as well Psychie, you can call me Aya!
I've talked a bit with Sherwood Sherwood and I think I'll be playing a Dreadguard, however I wanna know if there's something you might need for me to fill in? So I know which skills to pick or what build to go for! I'll probably start asking a lot of question the more I go on, so bare with me 🙏
I'm also curious about all of your characters too :3
Greetings Kingsregimen Kingsregimen I am Eonivar, I have been playing TTRPGs for a very long time and I love to write. And to answer Sherwood Sherwood 's question, I am from the wastelands of Ohio.
Nice to meet you too :3
Ahhh you're all veterans, I hope I'll learn the ropes fast!
May I know how you met the rest? Just curious!
Aw thank you, that's sweet of you ♡
You're welcome! =)

It's nice to see old time friends still playing and having fun tbh, how many have you played so far?
I don't know the exact number, but over 10 years worth here on RP Nation. =)

As for what I mostly play, it's DnD 5e edition.
I've played it once - I think it is a terrific system for folks new to role-playing. =)

Nice to meet you as well Psychie, you can call me Aya!
Is this the name you prefer everyone call you or just Psychie?

Ahhh you're all veterans, I hope I'll learn the ropes fast!
Please take any time burden off of your shoulders. There was a time when none of us knew gaming rules; it took each of us however long it took to learn them. You are not holding us back by learning at your own pace - in fact, that's what I would prefer you do - learn at a pace that bring you satisfaction, not stress. =)

May I know how you met the rest? Just curious!
Sherwood and I know each other in Real Life. We were a trio, the third being Killfire (now departed). It is thanks to Killfire that Sherwood and I are here on RP Nation, because Sherwood already knew about this place and invited my lady Kaerri and I here. Psychie is Sherwood's buddy in Real Life. Eon is just plain good people - I've met my share from Ohio and Eon is the kind worth keeping around. =)
May I know how you met the rest? Just curious!
I met these wonderful folks in a game that is still running on this very site... Exalted Into the Ruins and these folks keep creating games that tempt me to play more RPs. This is a good and fun crew.
Eon is just plain good people - I've met my share from Ohio and Eon is the kind worth keeping around. =)

I'm just waiting for Eonivar Eonivar to post what Jin is doing.
Don't worry I will be posting here soon
Ah, a fellow Dreadlord! Cool. What would you like to bring into the game? There are many concepts you could go with, like a powerful hand to hand attacker, or a missile-bearing artillery support unit. Either way, having a secondary weapon would be advisable, in case you run out of ammo or need to be able to reach out and touch someone.
Ok everyone! You have finally hit fifth level! <Insert fireworks here> Since you are all back at the Kraken, you can now spend the Bio-E points from fourth level along with rolling for fifth. In addition to that, everyone gets an extra 40 Bio-E - except for possibly Psychie Psychie . At this point, you have the option to take the extra Bio-E, or get the upgrade to the Dreadnought amor. That is up to you to decide if you want to do so.

Purr Purr , I have rolled your level 5 Hit Points, and you get +2, and an additional +9 Bio-E for leveling up.
It will take some time to edit my character sheet, so let me get some rolls in now.

Hit points: 2
Additional Bio-E: 30
Arms (2) – 3D6x10+30 M.D.C. = 150
Hands (2) – 2D6x10+20 M.D.C., = 60
Sentinel Eels (2) – 70 M.D.C. each
Sentinel Shell – 3D6x10+150 M.D.C. = 260
Legs (2) – 3D8x10+25 M.D.C. each = 155
Feet (2) – 2D6x10+30 M.D.C. each = 100
Elbow Bone Blades (2) – 2D4x10+18 M.D.C. each. = 68
Harbinger Cannon – 4D4x10+20 M.D.C. = 70
Head – 2D6x10+20 M.D.C., = 70
Main Body – 6D6x10+180 M.D.C.,= 440
Munitions Reservoir – 6D6x10+250 M.D.C., = 440

This is all base level before I add in my other bio-upgrades.
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Ok everyone! You have finally hit fifth level! <Insert fireworks here> Since you are all back at the Kraken, you can now spend the Bio-E points from fourth level along with rolling for fifth. In addition to that, everyone gets an extra 40 Bio-E - except for possibly Psychie Psychie . At this point, you have the option to take the extra Bio-E, or get the upgrade to the Dreadnought amor. That is up to you to decide if you want to do so.

Purr Purr , I have rolled your level 5 Hit Points, and you get +2, and an additional +9 Bio-E for leveling up.
Whoa! That's terrific! Go us! =)

Per your instructions, I have not rolled BIO-E for 3rd and 4th levels? Please roll for me 2d8 each at your convenience?

Also, how much BIO-E does Woodstock gain for this adventure and those 3 levels, please? (I have to look out for da birb!)
Also at this level, Chaska receives (thanks to his martial arts dedication), Critical Strike on Natural 18, 19, or 20! Woohoo!
Whoa! That's terrific! Go us! =)

Per your instructions, I have not rolled BIO-E for 3rd and 4th levels? Please roll for me 2d8 each at your convenience?

Also, how much BIO-E does Woodstock gain for this adventure and those 3 levels, please? (I have to look out for da birb!)
Sorry that I forgot your other level ups. 9 and 15 for Chaska.

I am looking for the amount of Bio-E that Woodstock gets, but I haven't found it yet. I'll keep looking; I don't want to neglect your Birb. If I don't find anything, I'll come up with a value for your feathered friend.
Sorry that I forgot your other level ups. 9 and 15 for Chaska.

I am looking for the amount of Bio-E that Woodstock gets, but I haven't found it yet. I'll keep looking; I don't want to neglect your Birb. If I don't find anything, I'll come up with a value for your feathered friend.
Sherwood Sherwood Found it! Legion, page 37 (under Deliveryman). 1d6+2 per level! =)

Does Woodstock receive any bonus BIO-E for a mission well done?
Sherwood Sherwood The one question I cannot answer is... what is Woodstock's Perception modifier? He receives none from I.Q. of 9, but he's a super souped-up hunting bird with a part-alien brain for crying out loud. Why should he have the same Perception bonus as a hamster in a cage (meaning +0)?

I'll do some looking to see if there are some ways to spend BIO-E to improve it somehow.

EDIT: To be clear - this is a beef I have with the book, not you or your campaign. Your campaigns are fun and I enjoy being part of them! =)
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Sherwood Sherwood The one question I cannot answer is... what is Woodstock's Perception modifier? He receives none from I.Q. of 9, but he's a super souped-up hunting bird with a part-alien brain for crying out loud. Why should he have the same Perception bonus as a hamster in a cage (meaning +0)?

I'll do some looking to see if there are some ways to spend BIO-E to improve it somehow.

EDIT: To be clear - this is a beef I have with the book, not you or your campaign. Your campaigns are fun and I enjoy being part of them! =)
I concur that this is an issue that needs to be addressed. Using my SUPREME STORYTELLER POWER I will give Woodstock a +5 modifier for a standard Perception roll. Please note that on your character sheet for him so we don't forget about this.
I concur that this is an issue that needs to be addressed. Using my SUPREME STORYTELLER POWER I will give Woodstock a +5 modifier for a standard Perception roll. Please note that on your character sheet for him so we don't forget about this.
Thank you and done! =)

I still have one 5th level Skill and BIO-E powers to select for the WyldKat and Woodstock. I've added up Shao-lin, Zanji, and all the rest. Good stuff! =)
Also at this level, Chaska receives (thanks to his martial arts dedication), Critical Strike on Natural 18, 19, or 20! Woohoo!
You should look at the Opti-Upgrade bio-mod. It increases the Critical Strike range on one weapon by +1 per 20 points. You can buy it up to twice per weapon, and it is a nice damage adder.
Sherwood Sherwood So Jin is getting the Medical Doctor skill at level 5. In game I want to say that she had been studying for it for some time and took the exam before she went out on the last mission, so basically she finds out she passed her exam and is now an official MD. I am not sure if you want to do a scene where she is awarded this or not.

I will work on her upgrades and other things later this evening. I may give Jin antenna or a force field or another heat cannon or something...I have not decided yet

Also question to Sherwood Sherwood , what is the Chiefs PS in his Host Armor?
I considered that upgrade, but it’s rather expensive and my armor is to slow to be able to close in and do the HtH damage without spending more points to boost my speed.

I’m almost done typing up the changes to my suit for the dreadnought upgrade.

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