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Futuristic Splicers - I Am Legion - OOC Thread

Garrett.Hawke Garrett.Hawke I’ve given you plenty of chances to jump in, so if you don’t start to do something in the IC thread soon, I’ll withdraw my offer to join the game.
Sherwood Sherwood is it possible for Jin to go out another airlock...go out and over to the airlock that she is trying to leave and be there when and if it opens to catch her by surprise? Also if it is possible, how long would it take to get there?
First off, I'm going to try New Player version 2.0 and see if it works out. I'm in the process of chatting with Kingsregimen Kingsregimen to see about having him join in. Hopefully this will work out better than my last attempt.
Sherwood Sherwood is it possible for Jin to go out another airlock...go out and over to the airlock that she is trying to leave and be there when and if it opens to catch her by surprise? Also if it is possible, how long would it take to get there?
There is another airlock that you can try for that the Chief headed off to on this level. In order to go out, you'll need to use your bio-comm to radio in your intention of exiting the ship. It will take you a relatively short amount of time to go out and around, but it wouldn't be long.
First off, I'm going to try New Player version 2.0 and see if it works out. I'm in the process of chatting with Kingsregimen Kingsregimen to see about having him join in. Hopefully this will work out better than my last attempt.

There is another airlock that you can try for that the Chief headed off to on this level. In order to go out, you'll need to use your bio-comm to radio in your intention of exiting the ship. It will take you a relatively short amount of time to go out and around, but it wouldn't be long.
Yes, hello, I hope to join you all soon! Nice to meet you all! :)
Also sorry if there was a misunderstanding, I'm a she!
I was curious as I looked through a bit of the conversation here, do you have a set date/time when you do these sessions?
Ah, if I may? According to Kingsregimen's profile, she is female. (Hello, Kingsregimen Kingsregimen and welcome!). =)

Have you played Palladium games before? =)
Yes, hello! Thank you— nope, sadly, I've played other TTRPG, but I'm very curious about learning this one. Seemed interesting :3
Are all of you veterans to this system?
Yes, hello, I hope to join you all soon! Nice to meet you all! :)
Also sorry if there was a misunderstanding, I'm a she!
I was curious as I looked through a bit of the conversation here, do you have a set date/time when you do these sessions?

Yes, hello! Thank you— nope, sadly, I've played other TTRPG, but I'm very curious about learning this one. Seemed interesting :3
Are all of you veterans to this system?
No offense to you and your gender; it is kinda hard to tell over the internet. lol

There is no set time for us to be online together. Only Psychie and I live in the same city, with Purr being somewhere in Florida and I'm not sure where Eonivar lives. We post here and there, so sometimes it will take a little while to get a response depending on the schedule of everyone.

To my best information, this is the first Splicers game any of us have ever been in, but we are all experienced in the Palladium System.
Yes, hello, I hope to join you all soon! Nice to meet you all! :)
Also sorry if there was a misunderstanding, I'm a she!
Speaking only for myself, there is no such misunderstanding, fellow gamer - you took the time to fill out your RP Nation "About" section; all I had to do was take the moment to look at what you entered to learn what you want everyone else to know. =)

To my best information, this is the first Splicers game any of us have ever been in, but we are all experienced in the Palladium System.
This holds true for me. Kingsregimen Kingsregimen Sherwood, Psychie, and I are long-time friends and gamers here on RP Nation. Having gamed together in mostly-Palladium games, we have a strong sense of each other as well as the gaming system, so if you see the three of us chatting along, that's probably why. You, of course, are always welcome to chime in!

I see that you've done a lot of 1x1 gaming? That's something I haven't done - I'm into Dice games (something I see you've also enjoyed). What tabletop dice-related games do you enjoy and are familiar with? =)
Yes, hello, I hope to join you all soon! Nice to meet you all! :)
Also sorry if there was a misunderstanding, I'm a she!
I was curious as I looked through a bit of the conversation here, do you have a set date/time when you do these sessions?

Yes, hello! Thank you— nope, sadly, I've played other TTRPG, but I'm very curious about learning this one. Seemed interesting :3
Are all of you veterans to this system?
Welcome to the party, Kingsregimen Kingsregimen ! I'm Psychie, or the Psycholicious one (if you ask Purr. lol), or just Psy if you'd like. This is my first Splicers game, and so far, I'm having a lot of fun with it. If there is anything we can do to aid you in picking out and creating a character, just ask!
It is well earned. That is a handy plan! Quick question: Do you want to delay long enough to let Jin and the Chief to get into the airlock from the other side, or just go for it now?
It is well earned. That is a handy plan! Quick question: Do you want to delay long enough to let Jin and the Chief to get into the airlock from the other side, or just go for it now?
If delaying seems feasible, Chaska would love to wait for Chief Rybeck and Jin to get into position! But if Paseo suddenly takes away that option (say, by rearing back to decapitate our guy), then the choice is taken out of his hands and Chaska has to fire and hope for the best. It all depends on Paseo, really; at this stage in the situation, her actions dictate Chaska's.
If delaying seems feasible, Chaska would love to wait for Chief Rybeck and Jin to get into position! But if Paseo suddenly takes away that option (say, by rearing back to decapitate our guy), then the choice is taken out of his hands and Chaska has to fire and hope for the best. It all depends on Paseo, really; at this stage in the situation, her actions dictate Chaska's.
Understood. I'll post IC shortly.
Using her Public Speaking skill, she will try to get her to continue her ranting.
Psychie Psychie Nice move, Psychie!

Don't forget Toni has a 24 Mental Affinity that might also add to drawing attention. Maybe ask Sherwood if you can roll that too?
Just like clockwork, Chaska's blast of Stick-um hits Paseo in her upper body, goo-ing up her face and causing her to stumble back and bump up against the wall.
So the Stick-Um is in her face. And if any of it touches the wall, she might get stuck to that too (Splicers Main, page 100). Yes?

your surprise action was firing off the Stick-um goo into the face of Maria. It is not horribly sticky, but it was enough of a distraction to let the hostage escape her grip.
So she's blind until she gets it off, right? (Splicers main, page 100, Option 3 for Chemical Sprayer)

Looks like I don't need to. I was able to distract her enough to buy everyone time to get into position. Sweet!
Yahoo! =)
So the Stick-Um is in her face. And if any of it touches the wall, she might get stuck to that too (Splicers Main, page 100). Yes?

So she's blind until she gets it off, right? (Splicers main, page 100, Option 3 for Chemical Sprayer)

Yahoo! =)
Yes, most of her upper body was hit by the Stick-Um. Right now, it is more likely that Chief Rybeck and Jin will be stuck to her as they try to pin her down.

She is wearing her Host Armor, so the goo is covering her helmet, but yes, it will blind her for a while until such time as she can clean her visor.
Yes, most of her upper body was hit by the Stick-Um. Right now, it is more likely that Chief Rybeck and Jin will be stuck to her as they try to pin her down.

She is wearing her Host Armor, so the goo is covering her helmet, but yes, it will blind her for a while until such time as she can clean her visor.
Or, if they're wise and recognize what Stick-Um can do, they'll spin her around face-first and jam her face into the wall! See how she likes that! =)

In fact, they'd better do it before it's Chaska's next turn or.... SSSSSHHHHMOOK she goes into da wall! =)

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