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Fantasy ┌ spellsword ┘OOC


Sir Les Paul

The Duke of Chords and Apostle of Ghan
The official OOC and landing zone for spellsword. This page / first post is likely to be given an overhaul eventually to act as a vibe check of sorts. For now, use it as you would any OOC page.

Discord OOC link can is here.

If you look at the Lore and immediately think "oh wow, that's a bit much"—I know. It's absolutely not necessary for anyone to read all of that. The only key point to really be aware of is that roughly twenty-two years before the beginning of the game, there was a huge war that put some stress on the city and that six years after it ended, the Dungeon emerged in a violent earthquake, basically causing two huge back-to-back changes to the immediate setting within two decades of each other. Similarly for Magic, the mechanics are pretty straight forward, but I don't expect anyone to memorize every type; it's just a means to make traditional classes somewhat work in the setting.
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Excited to make a sheet for this -- kind of considering a shaman demi-human, but I'm not completely settled yet.

1- a question
The otter-like demi-humans are local-- are there any other more centralized demi-human groups in the city? Either by species, or in a wider enclave sense.
A character like I've described probably isn't from there, but they might have moved into the city due to an outside connection. I'd also ask if there's a specific kind of themeing in the demi-human animal types in the wider area around Ardynport (in more remote locations especially)

2.- I guess another question, but for the other players
what are the rest of you thinkin' about 👀
Well, I'm currently on a work trip, so it might actually be a week or two before I get back, but I really like this. So I might attempt to make a CS on my phone. As for what I'm thinking, either a demi-human or a vampire, if those exist here.
There is no huge rush. I generally gun for longer games with a comfortable pace; and, with that, I think comfortable game prep is preferable, within reason.

That said, my weekend will consist if 12 hours of driving through the mountains and next week will see me have sporadic work hours due to work interviews and visiting family. I will likely be able to respond, but not as regularly as normal, and of course at the end of that week is another twelve hour drive back.

Unless one of you is a miracle worker, I doubt we'll have sheets up for a hot minute. Lol

If anything, it looks like this game will end up divided into two groups of four, so essentially double my original expectation. I'm fine with that. If you know my other projects, I regularly run large groups. I will go ahead and tentatively expand recruitment from 4 - 5 to 7 - 10 players.

What I will try to do is make the discord a bit lively with some questions and prompts to perhaps spark some creativity, at least, to tide you guys over until my full return.
Well, I'm currently on a work trip, so it might actually be a week or two before I get back, but I really like this. So I might attempt to make a CS on my phone. As for what I'm thinking, either a demi-human or a vampire, if those exist here.

I realize I did not respond to your last part.

Idk if you read the lore, but there are Demi humans of all sorts. I hadn't considered vampires. I'm a little bit iffy on my vampires in fantasy, so maybe perhaps try to pitch me one?

Or show me the anime and/or tabletop game you wanna rip one from.
I read all of your first post in the lore, but nothing past that. I was planning on reading more tonight.

As for the vampire, it's just an OC I have that I adapt to be a vampire I'm whatever medium she is used in. But if you're not big on them, I might just end up playing a demi-human. Specifically a kitsune girl.

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