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Id assume it applies to mental maturity on some level. Given they are androids and don't physically age. That's my two cents on how to handle it tho
I would assume that as well. My android is going to certainly behave and act like an adult. But I was just going to have them be built a few years ago.
i made it so my android's age is both chronological and mental (she's around 21 mentally and has existed for 21 years), but that's just a coincidence. she'd probably mature over time due to life experience but not really age in a physiological way the same way humans do. she is generally quite childish right now
Slowly but surely I'm putting my CS together.
Same. Backstory took all weekend, but it finally came together. I hope to have this submitted sometime tomorrow.
If anyone wants to talk character relationships, feel free to DM me.
I did my sheet all on mobile. So please forgive the lack of polish or any mistakes made.
As far as I can tell, only one character has actually been approved and SillyString SillyString hasn't even logged in since Sunday.

Anyway, I'll post mine later today. It's at the proofreading stage, so I just need to sit down and give it a careful final read-through. I chose to slow down and take my time with it, so I hope the extra time in the oven paid off. I really like the cast so far and wanna see this go the distance.
Tbh I usually give it a good two weeks. Shit happens, and I'm not in any sort of rush
^ Never know what's going on for somebody. Could just be super busy. Give them time.
To be clear, I didn't post that to make accusations of ghosting. Questions were being asked and I merely wanted to clarify that those questions are (probably) falling on deaf ears, as the GM hasn't been around to see them. (Which is also why I've held my char sheet. If the GM isn't around to see it, I might as well keep pecking away at it. There's no rush to go public.)

I'm still willing to wait and I hope this project proceeds and succeeds, but if they are just "busy," I hope communication is more consistent in the future. And if the reason for the silence is something more serious or dire, I truly hope they are okay.
i think expecting strict regularity when no such pre-requisite has been established is a bit too much, considering this is a hobbyist website and all of us are fundamentally strangers. it's fair to consider factors like absences when asking questions and communicating with the gm, but saying "sus" and jumping to conclusions about ghosting is a bit inappropriate.
i think expecting strict regularity when no such pre-requisite has been established is a bit too much, considering this is a hobbyist website and all of us are fundamentally strangers. it's fair to consider factors like absences when asking questions and communicating with the gm, but saying "sus" and jumping to conclusions about ghosting is a bit inappropriate.

A pre-requisite has been established. This RP's own rules say one post per week, minimum. This may be a hobby, but it is not a solo hobby; other people's time and energy are mixed up in it, too, and I don't think communication is too much to ask for. The rules --which we all agreed to-- tell us what to expect and what is expected of us. If someone is busy, they are expected to say so, if at all possible. Short of a loss of life, limb, or internet access, I don't think that's too much to ask for. That is the basic level of courtesy expected when one human agrees to "do a long-term thing" with another.

That being said, we don't know what's going on. (I can't stress that enough.) Maybe SillyString SillyString truly is facing a crisis of "life, limb, or internet acccess," which is why I send up my prayers and best regards and don't flippantly accuse anyone of ghosting. And if they're not, I try to keep the channels open, so they know we're still here for them. IMO, a lot of ghosting is just people getting cold feet or folding under writer's block or whatever and too afraid to speak up. If that is the case, we can help.

But, let's be honest with ourselves, ghosting happens so damn often on this site, I don't think anyone's wrong for feeling suspicious and getting those old "here we go again" vibes. No, it's not right and saying it out loud is a little inappropriate, but that's where we are now as a community. This site is infested with ghosts and saying "maybe they're just busy" is only enabling it, imo. Very few people are actually too busy to drop by and say "sorry guys, I'm busy." But, again: we don't know.

In my opinion, the best course of action is to stay active. If you're working on a character sheet, pop into ooc every couple of days to say something, let others know you're alive and well and still interested. Ask a question, make a silly comment, drop a like on someone else's post. That's how we keep up the momentum, show we still care, and possibly gradute from strangers to... umm... well, still strangers, but at least strangers who show some respect and courtesy to one another, faults and all.
A pre-requisite has been established. This RP's own rules say one post per week, minimum. This may be a hobby, but it is not a solo hobby; other people's time and energy are mixed up in it, too, and I don't think communication is too much to ask for. The rules --which we all agreed to-- tell us what to expect and what is expected of us. If someone is busy, they are expected to say so, if at all possible. Short of a loss of life, limb, or internet access, I don't think that's too much to ask for. That is the basic level of courtesy expected when one human agrees to "do a long-term thing" with another.

That being said, we don't know what's going on. (I can't stress that enough.) Maybe SillyString SillyString truly is facing a crisis of "life, limb, or internet acccess," which is why I send up my prayers and best regards and don't flippantly accuse anyone of ghosting. And if they're not, I try to keep the channels open, so they know we're still here for them. IMO, a lot of ghosting is just people getting cold feet or folding under writer's block or whatever and too afraid to speak up. If that is the case, we can help.

But, let's be honest with ourselves, ghosting happens so damn often on this site, I don't think anyone's wrong for feeling suspicious and getting those old "here we go again" vibes. No, it's not right and saying it out loud is a little inappropriate, but that's where we are now as a community. This site is infested with ghosts and saying "maybe they're just busy" is only enabling it, imo. Very few people are actually too busy to drop by and say "sorry guys, I'm busy." But, again: we don't know.

In my opinion, the best course of action is to stay active. If you're working on a character sheet, pop into ooc every couple of days to say something, let others know you're alive and well and still interested. Ask a question, make a silly comment, drop a like on someone else's post. That's how we keep up the momentum, show we still care, and possibly gradute from strangers to... umm... well, still strangers, but at least strangers who show some respect and courtesy to one another, faults and all.
i wasn't accusing u nor was i saying u did anything wrong. personally i disagree on how this should be approached: it is weird to me to publicly discuss possible circumstances about someone's absence as if they wouldn't be able to possibly see it. maybe this is my autism or my confrontational nature, but imo trying to speak to the person directly (not necessarily in dms. i think doing it publicly is absolutely fine) and explicitly setting boundaries is good.

it just personally bothers me a little bit that we're just brazenly discussing this and the possibility of ghosting before straight up tagging the person and going "hey, where are you? i'm sorry if you're going through something, or having an emergency, we are worried about your extended absence. if this is not an emergency and you're just busy, could you please check in and say so directly instead of leaving us in the dark? thanks"

again this my personal preference and i'm uncomfortable with tagging people or posting in their threads while pretending we're not directly talking to them.

i sincerely apologize if i offended you, or phrased myself in an accusatory way. that was not my intention, but i understand it could come off as such. i also understand i may be wrong and projecting my personal feelings and preferences on the situation. sorry.

i just feel like if you don't want to enable ghosting behavior, you should start so by holding people accountable, and that means directly confronting them (this does not always mean accusing them of anything btw, but it does mean involving them into the conversation).

as for your last point, i completely agree, and i just want to express that in my opinion direct communication and boundary setting is the first step towards respect and courtesy. that is all.

i again apologize if i offended you or came off as aggressive in any way.
Yeah y'all give valid points. But like yeah the requirement was a week to post or let them know before hand so that's why I said Sunday it's just opinions lol.

Im not mean so fr i hope they all good too So i guess we just wait and see.
Hello, everyone! I'm so sorry that I disappeared without warning. I have indeed been busy and a couple of things have come up very randomly. I am very much okay, though. I'll try my best to keep the RP up and running but I can't make promises.

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